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Insulting the President/PM not allowed!

If Indians were so "oversensitive" , They shouldn`t have elected a terrorist as their PM in the first place ....

And Now they want everyone to respect a Hindu extremist involved in murder of thousands of innocent Muslims .....

The titles of "Butcher of Gujarat" , "Biggest terrorist of India" , "Biggest terrorist in Indian politics" etc. were given to Narendra Modi by Indians themselves , not Pakistanis ....

First You should Drag the likes of Nitish Kumar and Mamata Banerjee to your courts for "insulting" Narendra Modi by calling him terrorist/butcher etc. ... , before crying and whining about it on international Fora ...
Butcher of gujrat ..:-)
just wait ..:pakistan:
That is the most retarded thing i have ever heard. Its not india that labeled pakistan the epi-center of terrioism, but it was NATO and the US which has. the rest of the world agree's, even the unrest in china your all whether ally, wreaks of Pakistani input. (terror attack leaves dozens killed after bombs thrown into busy market)


haan and US is your abba whom all bullshits are real right ? yes we have seen in Iraq WMD and rest of so many examples ....

and we know which WORLD agree with US tooo....
see what world is saying forget india ..
and these are not blog or amatures they are world known thnk tank
is youtube is wokring ipak wil give many more link by word famous institution if not person who said the same

Ex-Pakistani Ambassador: My Country Supports Terrorism - Bloomberg View

Terrorist Sponsors: Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, China | Cato Institute
pakistan’s guilt is nearly as great as Saudi Arabia’s. Without the active support of the government in Islamabad, it is doubtful whether the Taliban could ever have come to power in Afghanistan. Pakistani authorities helped fund the militia and equip it with military hardware during the mid-1990s when the Taliban was merely one of several competing factions in Afghanistan’s civil war. Only when the United States exerted enormous diplomatic pressure after the Sept. 11 attacks did Islamabad begin to sever its political and financial ties with the Taliban. Even now it is not certain that key members of Pakistan’s intelligence service have repudiated their Taliban clients.
Afghanistan is not the only place where Pakistani leaders have flirted with terrorist clients. Pakistan has also assisted rebel forces in Kashmir even though those groups have committed terrorist acts against civilians. And it should be noted that a disproportionate number of the extremist madrasas schools funded by the Saudis operate in Pakistan.

Terror Group Recruits From Pakistan’s “Best and Brightest” | A Perfect Terrorist | FRONTLINE | PBS

no one else?

This is just a blame game.. why not start it from the rise of Taliban when Soviet forces left Afghanistan after the US funded Jihad ended? Who supported them? yes Pakistan was compelled to fight a proxy war for USA because of it's own vested interest as well.. but the real string puller was USA..

haan and US is your abba whom all bullshits are real right ? yes we have seen in Iraq WMD and rest of so many examples ....

and we know which WORLD agree with US tooo....

the last person i would believe in the world is the voice of an american, but at the same time, one it comes to choose form the lesser of the two devils, i would choose them over you pakistanis. You guys are just pure evil, by the way your reputation is not something to be very proud of on the world stage. People around the world can give a 2 hoots about what pakistan has to say and neither can i.
This is just a blame game.. why not start it from the rise of Taliban when Soviet forces left Afghanistan after the US funded Jihad ended? Who supported them? yes Pakistan was compelled to fight a proxy war for USA because of it's own vested interest as well.. but the real string puller was USA..

dear ..
i can accept your point.. USA may playing games..
just asked yourself... no india .. USA..
who allowed to pull USA in your own country?
who allowed muhahidin as state apparatus against india ?
who did kargil when we came for peace ?
The United Nations declared Jama'at-ud-Da'wah a terrorist organization in December 2008 and Hafiz Saeed a terrorist as its leader. still he roam freely?
you dont trust USA .. but then UN too ? UN declared terrorist urges PM of PAk that too openly
Modi’s swearing-in: Hafiz Saeed urges PM to review decision – The Express Tribune

USA is cuprit then pak is abetting by choice or by compulsion?
just ask yourself..
who got is on right path ? india or pak
whos people suffering more due to terror ?both but india its form outside (naxal in india is socil economical issue not terrorist issue to clear )
whos existence/Constitution / idea of country is in danger?
which people can make changes in polity/governace for good?
we did in our election for corruption free and economic and social growth agenda + other issue

so you tell me after all this what will be conclusion..
dont think as pakistani or muslim
think as citizen of world and common man
dear ..
i can accept your point.. USA may playing games..
just asked yourself... no india .. USA..
who allowed to pull USA in your own country?
who allowed muhahidin as state apparatus against india ?
who did kargil when we came for peace ?
The United Nations declared Jama'at-ud-Da'wah a terrorist organization in December 2008 and Hafiz Saeed a terrorist as its leader. still he roam freely?
you dont trust USA .. but then UN too ? UN declared terrorist urges PM of PAk that too openly
Modi’s swearing-in: Hafiz Saeed urges PM to review decision – The Express Tribune

USA is cuprit then pak is abetting by choice or by compulsion?
just ask yourself..
who got is on right path ? india or pak
whos people suffering more due to terror ?both but india its form outside (naxal in india is socil economical issue not terrorist issue to clear )
whos existence/Constitution / idea of country is in danger?
which people can make changes in polity/governace for good?
we did in our election for corruption free and economic and social growth agenda + other issue

so you tell me after all this what will be conclusion..
dont think as pakistani or muslim
think as citizen of world and common man

Unfortunately common sense does not prevail around these lunatics.
haan and US is your abba whom all bullshits are real right ? yes we have seen in Iraq WMD and rest of so many examples ....

and we know which WORLD agree with US tooo....
dear .. mind you tounge..
world known who get money from Them
who publish advertise that too did not accepted by major publication for money and contribution you made to tell the world
U.S. quietly releasing $1.6B in Pakistan assistance
see quitly word
you know na what happens in close doors .. quietly..
whom you pay money for what..quietly.
now you know who is ABBA OF WHOM

Aid to Pakistan by the Numbers | Center For Global Development


note : soory to be low standards.. but seems he undertand that langauge only
dear ..
i can accept your point.. USA may playing games..
just asked yourself... no india .. USA..
who allowed to pull USA in your own country?
who allowed muhahidin as state apparatus against india ?
who did kargil when we came for peace ?
The United Nations declared Jama'at-ud-Da'wah a terrorist organization in December 2008 and Hafiz Saeed a terrorist as its leader. still he roam freely?
you dont trust USA .. but then UN too ? UN declared terrorist urges PM of PAk that too openly
Modi’s swearing-in: Hafiz Saeed urges PM to review decision – The Express Tribune

USA is cuprit then pak is abetting by choice or by compulsion?
just ask yourself..
who got is on right path ? india or pak
whos people suffering more due to terror ?both but india its form outside (naxal in india is socil economical issue not terrorist issue to clear )
whos existence/Constitution / idea of country is in danger?
which people can make changes in polity/governace for good?
we did in our election for corruption free and economic and social growth agenda + other issue

so you tell me after all this what will be conclusion..
dont think as pakistani or muslim
think as citizen of world and common man

I am not proving Pakistan innocent here! as I said before, Pakistan did fight proxy war for USA due to it's own vested interests that after capturing Afghanistan Soviet would march towards Pakistan for warm waters!.. USA created Mujahideen, funded them and after winning the war left that Mujahideen and mess with Pakistan!.. Our leadership did make mistakes for not properly getting rid of this baggage or streamlined it in hope to get strategic depth in Afghanistan to have defence against Indian aggression. Rather my point is that when an unbiased historian or researcher quotes something, he should not do pick and chose, like you did.

Pakistan alone cannot be held responsible for creating Taliban.

About your other questions, these have been discussed at length and I don't need to reiterate whose existence is in danger, Hafiz Saeed or whatever.
Unfortunately common sense does not prevail around these lunatics.
some undertand logic .. common sense to give that to them
some latho ke booth
so give that as they understand that only .. but by process dont beomce booth by yourself..
sometime when you fight with devil you also become devil :-)
Please dont insult the President or the Prime Minister of Pakistan in your posts. I do understand that many of you are not happy with the actions of the President, but we will have to live with it. Because the majority elected the Pakistan People's Party, and the PPP has elected the President.

No matter how good or bad the President is. Insulting the President will not be allowed, and we will start handing out bans if such continues.

Criticize.. discuss.. donot insult.

That is good. Make it applicable for all presidents and prime minister.
I am not proving Pakistan innocent here! as I said before, Pakistan did fight proxy war for USA due to it's own vested interests that after capturing Afghanistan Soviet would march towards Pakistan for warm waters!.. USA created Mujahideen, funded them and after winning the war left that Mujahideen and mess with Pakistan!.. Our leadership did make mistakes for not properly getting rid of this baggage or streamlined it in hope to get strategic depth in Afghanistan to have defence against Indian aggression. Rather my point is that when an unbiased historian or researcher quotes something, he should not do pick and chose, like you did.

Pakistan alone cannot be held responsible for creating Taliban.

About your other questions, these have been discussed at length and I don't need to reiterate whose existence is in danger, Hafiz Saeed or whatever.
i never choose or pick .. that not me..
i already mentioned in same post
USA is culprit then pak is abetting

so if you dont accept USA fine
i gave you UN account
but still PAK take no action on him ... now what excuse ?
i know its debated
my question is simple and answer is simple too if you want to give it
rest thanks for post

That is good. Make it applicable for all presidents and prime minister.
that the issue
some pak member calling indian PM as terrorist
i reqested MOD to be clear
whether its apllicable to ALL PM/PRESIDENT only PAK ones
see this
Whatever | Page 3151
post 47256
still no replay since yesterday repeated request
If Indians were so "oversensitive" , They shouldn`t have elected a terrorist as their PM in the first place ....

Which Country or International Organization has labelled Modi a terrorist. No one, not UN, neither US not even Pakistan. Heck only yesterday a resolution was tabled in your Punjab Assembly accusing Modi of supporting cross border terrorism against Pakistan that resolution was defeated in your own assembly :rofl:. As for 2002 riots his name has been cleared by Highest Level of Indian Judiciary of any wrong doings making any accusation against him for orchestrating riots as baseless. Now tell me on what basis are you calling him a terrorist???
Which Country or International Organization has labelled Modi a terrorist. No one, not UN, neither US not even Pakistan. Heck only yesterday a resolution was tabled in your Punjab Assembly accusing Modi of supporting cross border terrorism against Pakistan that resolution was defeated in your own assembly :rofl:. As for 2002 riots his name has been cleared by Highest Level of Indian Judiciary of any wrong doings making any accusation against him for orchestrating riots as baseless. Now tell me on what basis are you calling him a terrorist???
they dont care about our SC..
i gave them tones of logic,,links but no use..
even mod seems to have silent acceptance to call modi as PM of india as Terrorist..
strange people
dear .. mind you tounge..
world known who get money from Them
who publish advertise that too did not accepted by major publication for money and contribution you made to tell the world
U.S. quietly releasing $1.6B in Pakistan assistance
see quitly word
you know na what happens in close doors .. quietly..
whom you pay money for what..quietly.
now you know who is ABBA OF WHOM

Aid to Pakistan by the Numbers | Center For Global Development
View attachment 33009
View attachment 33010 View attachment 33011
note : soory to be low standards.. but seems he undertand that langauge only

The so called aid you are talking about is not for free! Pakistan is non-NATO ally in WoT and there is something called Coalition Support Fund.

There was NOT a single Pakistani involved in 9/11 attacks, even then Pakistan had to suffer more than any other country in this world just because of it's border with Afghanistan. Pakistan gave air bases, roads for NATO supply and harbors to be used! In return Pakistan got its more than 50000 civilians killed and trillions of dollars of finance loss... what we are getting in the name of so called aid is even less than peanuts compared with our disbursements on WoT.

This is what US claimed itself!..

US safer because of Pak support


So please refrain from propagating Pakistan as a beggar nation as we have given to the world more than we could and still paying!
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