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Inspired by Anna Hazare, Pakistani to fast against corruption

Both are stupid notions. Go for votes instead

Sometimes democracy is the reason for the backwardness of a nation, at least in Pakistan's case.

Since when did:

the voters vote honestly (i repeat HONESTLY) without being blackmailed by politicians or being forced by the politicians and/or their thugs.

the politicians and/or their thugs in Pakistan allow the voters to vote without blackmailing them.

the politicians work sincerely for the better of the common man and the nation.
Its us, we the common people who decides (and must do carefully), to whome we should send to Parliament..

Easier said than done.

How many honest chaps stand for elections?

And how many honest chaps have won the elections?

Has Manmohan Singh won any elections?
Easier said than done.

How many honest chaps stand for elections?

And how many honest chaps have won the elections?

Has Manmohan Singh won any elections?

Back in my state, people still vote on the basis of Caste and candidate having criminal background is prefered more then honest candidates.

They have nothing to do with corruption.
Back in my state, people still vote on the basis of Caste and candidate having criminal background is prefered more then honest candidates.

They have nothing to do with corruption.

We in Bihar ( i know it sounds funny ) have tried to break this formula...

It's obvious Anna Hazare is imitating and playing Shastri's card.

As for the guy inspired by him, either he missed a few days of Ramazan or is desperate to get himself or his kin into politics.
No one expects an immediate rectification. But like I mentioned in some other post,we (India and Pakistan) can no longer rely on a bottoms up approach. As individuals we may be promoting corruption at grass root levels, but these do not make up the billions of dollars from both countries stashed abroad every year. The protests are to shake up things from the top to the bottom. Even if a single change can be brought about it will be a victory. We cannot sit like a leaf in the wind saying nothing can change. People of both countries are tired of submitting to fate.

That still doesn't explain how fasting protests will rectify corruption problems.
That still doesn't explain how fasting protests will rectify corruption problems.
Like I said,in India it is for the anti-corruption Bill and is garnering mass support. In Pakistan, I'm not entirely sure.

It's obvious Anna Hazare is imitating and playing Shastri's card.

As for the guy inspired by him, either he missed a few days of Ramazan or is desperate to get himself or his kin into politics.

That is the beauty of this imitation ...People tend to believe him ..
Living in a 9*9 room in a temple with Rs. 60,000 in bank account and clean track record of social activism for decadeshas really taken a toll on peoples' mind..

---------- Post added at 01:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:33 PM ----------

That still doesn't explain how fasting protests will rectify corruption problems.

It wont. It will just force the government to pass a stronger anti-corruption bill which will help in rectifying the corruption problem..

It's obvious Anna Hazare is imitating and playing Shastri's card.

As for the guy inspired by him, either he missed a few days of Ramazan or is desperate to get himself or his kin into politics.

He is unmarried and has till now not tried to influence any favours for himself or his kith and kin.

In fact, when he left his profession, he sunk all his saving for improvement of his village Rallegan Siddhi.
Easier said than done.

How many honest chaps stand for elections?

And how many honest chaps have won the elections?

Has Manmohan Singh won any elections?

Yes its quite easy to say and exactly opposite to do it. But its the constitution (of which we dont have the complete knowlege) has given enough powers to its citizens. Tell me how many young meritorius students wants to be a politicians. Even forget that, how many of us do vote during election. Atleast I can say since completion of 18years of age, I have voted everytime (I had to travel 750 kms several times for voting). We are not serious about elections, forget the one who gets elected. How many times we have questioned election candidates about their byground, forget about what they have done their tenure of 5 years. How many of us gets influenced by others (by so called Prachar) instead of our own wisdom. Thing are not easy, but neither they are out of our grasp..
That still doesn't explain how fasting protests will rectify corruption problems.

Fasting itself will change nothing.

It is the symbolism which is exerting moral pressure.

It will force the politicians of all shades to re-consider their lacklustre approach to eradicating corruption.

A strong Lokpal bill will ensure that the corruption is reported and action taken.

Surely, it will check the rampant corruption that is rife.

The RTI Bill (Right to Information) is what has allowed the people to realise what is going on since none could hide behind the files. The Govt is so shaken that they have ensured that some agencies like the Central Bureau of Investigation is now being kept out of the RTI's ambit!!

Therefore, these Bills are working and it is preventing the Govt to hide behind Official Secrets Act.

After this Lokpal Bill, it will bring all these agencies under its ambit and there will be great transparency and the Govt and govt agencies less prone to undertake any hanky panky.
Yes its quite easy to say and exactly opposite to do it. But its the constitution (of which we dont have the complete knowlege) has given enough powers to its citizens. Tell me how many young meritorius students wants to be a politicians. Even forget that, how many of us do vote during election. Atleast I can say since completion of 18years of age, I have voted everytime (I had to travel 750 kms several times for voting). We are not serious about elections, forget the one who gets elected. How many times we have questioned election candidates about their byground, forget about what they have done their tenure of 5 years. How many of us gets influenced by others (by so called Prachar) instead of our own wisdom. Thing are not easy, but neither they are out of our grasp..

How many times have you found an honest candidate?

How many times have you seen your elected representative so that you can question him?

If you had to travel 750kms to vote, how did you know which candidate is worth your vote since I am sure you would not have known them personally or seen them in action. At best, it would be the Party that you are voting for, or what your family is discussing about them (prachar).
That is the beauty of this imitation ...People tend to believe him ..
Living in a 9*9 room in a temple with Rs. 60,000 in bank account and clean track record of social activism for decadeshas really taken a toll on peoples' mind..

Hardly, MM Singh was once lauded as the best thing to happen to India since "Tarka Daal"..... look where he stands now.
This has more to do with pictures beaming from Middle Eastern uprising, where the desired results were achieved by no peaceful
means and if protests in India remain non violent , then eventually they will just peter out.
How dare a Pakistani get inspired by an Indian...what a disgrace, we shall continue to sit idly by as our nation decays...it is still better than supporting an idea rooted in India right?...sigh...I will never understand why we, Pakistanis, are so willing to put someone down, who is atleast attempting to do something, simply because they consider it a sign of weakness to follow India.
It is the most obvious sign of the insecurity of a nation so lost and unable to find its place in the world when its citizens mock their own for wanting to do some good. As far as Anna Hazara is concerned, whether he does what he does for political gain or for honest good, he is part of a movement that will surely create something better for India and that is all that matters.
Maybe some day, we will see people in Pakistan do the same, but that doesnt matter because, apparently, moral decay is better than being inspired by an Indian, or an Israeli for that matter an American or anyone who dares challenge the wider muslim world over the last century.
He is unmarried and has till now not tried to influence any favours for himself or his kith and kin.

In fact, when he left his profession, he sunk all his saving for improvement of his village Rallegan Siddhi.

You misread me, that reference was to the person inspired by A H.
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