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INS Vikramaditya Aircraft Carrier


Jul 6, 2009
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INS Vikramaditya (formerly Admiral Gorshkov), is name of aircraft carrier which will join Indian Navy in late 2012 or 2013.


Displacement :

38,000 tons standard
45,000-45,500 tons full load

Dimensions :

257.0 meters long waterline
283.1 meters long overall
32.7 meters waterline beam
53.0 meters flight deck width
9.5 meters draught standard
12.0 meters draught mean full load

Diesel fueled 4 shaft geared steam turbines with 8 boilers, 140,000 hp


32 knots (59 km/h)


22000 kilometers at 18 knots (33 km/h)


8 CADS-N-1 Kashtan CIWS guns


Phased array and/or planar radar

Aircraft carried:

16-24 Mikoyan MiG-29K fighters, 4-16 Ka-28 ASW and Ka-31 AEW helicopters. ALH Dhruv may be used

Aircraft launching :

14.3 degree ski-jump, STOBAR (Short Take-Off But Arrested Recovery) with 3 arresting gear


Admiral Gorshkov aircraft carrier (Baku) was named after great Soviet Admiral Sergey Georgiyevich Gorshkov February 26, 1910 – May 13, 1988).

India named the ship after legendary Indian emperor Vikramaditya who ruled in Ujjain from 102 BCE to 15 CE. The word itself means “Of valour equal to the Sun”. The title Vikramaditya has been assumed by many kings in Indian history presumably out of respect. Chandragupta II (380–415 CE,) and Samrat Hem Chandra Vikramaditya ‘Hemu’ (1501–5 November 1556)


Admiral Gorshkov (Baku) was originally a Kiev class aircraft carrier whose construction started in December 1978 and entered service in 1987 . It was decommissioned by Russian navy due to financial difficulties and a fire accident in 1991. Kiev class was originally designed as a combination of a cruiser and an aircraft carrier. Space on it’s foredeck was taken up by missile launchers and it’s airwing consisted of only VTOL aircraft and helicopters. A total of 4 such ships were built which included Kiev (1975–1993), Minsk (1978–1993) Novorossiysk (1982–1993). First two were sold to China where they ended up for recreational use while the 3rd was scrapped by South Korea

India showed interest in purchase of this ship as she looked forward to retire her two long serving aircraft carriers, INS Vikrant and INS Virat . India and Russia had originally signed a deal worth $ 1.8 billion in January 2004. The refit and upgradation cost $ 800 million while the ship itself was free. $ 1 billion was for the accompanying weapon systems consisting of 12 Mig-29K , 4 Mig-29KUB twin seater trainers and Kamov Ka-31 Helix reconnaissance and anti-submarine helicopters, torpedo tubes and missile systems. Modifying the ship to carry Mig-29K fighters involved a lot of work which took much more time and money than what was expected. According to contract, the ship was to be delivered by August 2008, but after many delays, tentative date for it’s induction in Indian Navy is late 2012 or 2013. The cost of refit has gone up to $ 2.35 billion which is almost 3 times the original amount. This had put a strain on otherwise cordial Indo Russian relations, but things seem much better.

The ship will go for final sea-trials in June 2012 followed by it’s expected induction into Indian Navy in December. 15 Mig-29Ks have already been inducted in Indian Navy while a follow on order worth $ 1.5 billion for 29 more aircraft has been placed.






From Gorshkov to Vikramaditya


Admiral Gorshkov 'Baku'
I think Russia might going to sell INAF some more carriers in near future as well.
I heard some time ago from some member that Russians might going to sell some more of the same class as they are looking to induct new N-Powered ones.
nice information about Vikramaditya.

i am surprised to see that it has got 8 CIWS

8 CADS-N-1 Kashtan CIWS guns

most of the carriers got not more than 4 CIWS. any specifi reason for 8 no or is it just extra precausion?
it wil strengthen india/s eye in bay of bengal against china..
I heard some time ago from some member that Russians might going to sell some more of the same class as they are looking to induct new N-Powered ones.

No, you heard wrong, IN has no plan to buy AC from abroad.
nice information about Vikramaditya.

i am surprised to see that it has got 8 CIWS

8 CADS-N-1 Kashtan CIWS guns

most of the carriers got not more than 4 CIWS. any specifi reason for 8 no or is it just extra precausion?
well it cant have the same number of ships protecting it like the USN has for its carriers so i guessing this is a way of jacking up the defences.
well it cant have the same number of ships protecting it like the USN has for its carriers so i guessing this is a way of jacking up the defences.

Yes it's a reflection of the ship's past where USSR took a different approach to protecting ACC- USSR wanted the ACC to be able to protect itself to the highest degree possible, the US ACC rely on the CBG all most entirely for protection. Even still IN CBG will be pretty potent- 1/2 destroyers (P-15A) 2/3 Frigates (Shivlaik/Talwar), 1/2 SSKs, 1/2 Corvettes (P-28) and 1/2 fleet replenishment tankers. This is a force no one is going to want to mess with.
whether vikramaditya will have this techniques or systems.................

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^^ of course it won't not only is this only in very early stages of development but it is initially designed for ground vehicles not 44,000 ton ACCs!!

+I have got a friend at BAE who up and till recently worked in India (not giving specifics) and he told me he has heard the IA is aggressively targeting such systems for FMBT, FICV and (if it comes around) Arjun Mk.3!
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