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Info about Air Defence System to counter mighty US Air Force


As far as your original question is concerned---the answer is no----no other nation has the ability, equipment and technology to fight U S air strikes and U S air force as of today.

Remember the F 117 was on surgical strike mission. There was no all out war---otherwise all the radar sites would have been taken out.
Technology... something that everyone seems to be fixated on here is merely one aspect of the USAF that makes them superior. It is how they use it that really makes them stand out. The USAFs ability to network all their space, air, ground and sea assets and then process that information through a command and control center in real time is what makes them the deadliest force this world has ever seen.

So far, the Israelis are the only ones who have showed similar capabilities in the theater of war. The Bekaa Valley air operation is a very good example of this.

I can't think of a single nation in the world right now who has the ability to ward off an all out USAF attack. But at the same time, the USA can't just afford to attack anyone, there has to be ample incentive (strategic and financial) to carry out an operation of this sort.
US has one of the best technologies available in hand and they sure know how to use it. This makes them invincible. Dont believe anything will be available anytime soon to counter the USAF. They have the resources, they have the technology, by the time other nations will find a way to counter it, they will be all in an another lead. There is just no catching up.
US has one of the best technologies available in hand and they sure know how to use it. This makes them invincible. Dont believe anything will be available anytime soon to counter the USAF. They have the resources, they have the technology, by the time other nations will find a way to counter it, they will be all in an another lead. There is just no catching up.

No super power remains "super" for ever. :coffee:

No super power remains forever, but some remain longer than the others.

Apart from the technology, it is the mindset, training and approach that sets the american forces apart from their adversaries. If you decide to engage the american forces, don't forget about their free thinking and out of the box approach to any complex situation alongwith their technical superiority.

No super power remains forever, but some remain longer than the others.

Apart from the technology, it is the mindset, training and approach that sets the american forces apart from their adversaries. If you decide to engage the american forces, don't forget about their free thinking and out of the box approach to any complex situation alongwith their technical superiority.

I completely agree that given the resources and training by far US forces are the best and most able force on the face of the Earth. Yet all we have seen in past aggressions by US on others is that none of the Countries tried to counter American aggression, only tried to sit and waited to be destroyed by Complete technical superiority of US.

I maintain that if there will be will to Fight then it will become an all out war with US and will defenitely put their skills and technology to Test. Consider them as the best but donot get depressed.

Now you are talking about a different scenario. The reason the previous skirmishes were different was due to the fact that the opposition did not have the ability to launch any strike missions against the U S.

If, in case such a thing happens now, the air combat strategy would be different than the previous actions. The U S does not consider a given war scenario a stable platform but rather a very unstable-ever changing, fluid environment and makes changes and adjustments accordingly.

Any action taken against an enemy is first analyzed and reaction prepared based upon worst case scenarios. So, any air force, who wants to take the battle out of their boundaries and into foreign skies will be treated as such and preparations made based upon the threat scenario.

The only exception is russia--five to seven years down the road, they will start to be at their previous best and in the next ten to twelve years from now, will pose a major major threat, one more time.

Now, over the time, the russian air combat doctrine will also have changed drastically as compared to their communist past---as a matter of fact it has already changed. The russian pilots will be posing a much higher threat to their american counter parts with their new out of the box thinking and approach and having more control over their training and air to air combat engagement. Their rigid pre communist days training is a thing of the past now.

As a matter of fact that is going to be the biggest concern and threat to the USAF---a new breed of russian pilots---who are acting more like cowboys---more like their american counter parts, because of their new found wealth and freedom, high tech toys and a fresh belief in mother russia.
Is it some reason that we Pakistani feel that U.S will attack us? It is a wet dream set by the Indian media nothing more. Stop trying to act like that it is our responsibility to somehow be prepared for the U.S. attack. Pakistan is in no position to defend such attacks, however proper planning and tactics against any aggression is in place.
Is it some reason that we Pakistani feel that U.S will attack us? It is a wet dream set by the Indian media nothing more. Stop trying to act like that it is our responsibility to somehow be prepared for the U.S. attack. Pakistan is in no position to defend such attacks, however proper planning and tactics against any aggression is in place.

Correct that it is media propagada and nothing elese but, plan to defend against US is also a dream webby, Pakistan comes in no league to defend against US aggression, but it has the capacity to retaliate in Arabian Sea with all its weapons and Air Power to stop US carpeting our land with Air Assults.

MK sir, My comment on will to fight is for Pakistan to attack the force Build from US in Arabian sea if something like India Media people dream is to happen.

Responsive attack prior to US force Buildup from Oman and Pasific Ocean Fleet is the only way to make dents in US operations...

Furthermore, US is not so stupid to start a major war when it is still engaged in Afghanistan and Iraq.
1. US doesn't NEED war

2. Economy's crap. They're gonna make ME PAY $$ for BS they do with other countries, i'm not going to sit in my house and watch tv(public in America are angered so much about taxes already)

3. "IF" and "IF" US attacks anyone; all the nuclear powers will shutup or if they don't then our Earth would be a mushroom.

4. Europe is USA's brother. France, Britain--- think really... are they going to care if US attacks India? Pakistan? Russia? China? What do they have to loose? (ofcourse china's daddy in manufacturing but..)

5. If US "starts" to attack other countries.... Russia won't sleep. They're going to start forming alliances. And my best guess is... China and India & Russia vs USA.

Ofcourse "Pakistan" would then not exist if that happens.....

Ofcourse "Pakistan" would then not exist if that happens.....


U can bet ur a-hole it will exist (atleast on a basic level).......in the past u've tried ur best to destroy it and against all odds it has ''existed''......
PS U Indians dont have the nuts to stand up to the US:lol: unlike some nations........:pakistan::pakistan:
U can bet ur a-hole it will exist (atleast on a basic level).......in the past u've tried ur best to destroy it and against all odds it has ''existed''......
PS U Indians dont have the nuts to stand up to the US:lol: unlike some nations........:pakistan::pakistan:

Dude you're replying to a banned guy and that too for a two year old post!

the f-117 was destroyed in the kosovo conflict (alongwith an f-15 perhaps) by the serbian air defences - - -the system used was the sa-6 gainful or the sa-11 gadfly (although the yanks claim that it was a "lucy hit" by the serb aa gunners)

Lol at lucky hit- what were serb AA gunners shooting at?- Birds? and an unfortunate US f-117 went through it-

wtf------ i just replied to a 4 year old post :argh::argh:

Who bumped a 4 year old thread plz stand up :angry:

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