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Info about Air Defence System to counter mighty US Air Force


Sep 20, 2006
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United Arab Emirates
US is the only Super power right now in this world. US decides and destroys any country it wants in days from air and send it to the stone age. It seems no country in this world possess the technology to counter thier onslaught firmly and successfully, not even Russia, China, Japan Korea or any other hi-technology country.
Is any body there to explain:
If any country really has this capability?
Where the remaining world lacks to produce these hi-tech Air Defence capabilities?
Are countries like Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Indonesia working towards achieving these capabilities individually or jointly?
Finally is Pakistan working on such an important program to develop Air Defence Missiles (SAMs, AAM, Ship based SAMs etc.) and RADARs as it is the key for safety and security of any country in present world against any US aggression?
Is there any technology to counter US Stealth Fighter Jets.
Can Iran counter the US air attacks with whatever Air Defence Systems it received from Russia?
the f-117 was destroyed in the kosovo conflict (alongwith an f-15 perhaps) by the serbian air defences - - -the system used was the sa-6 gainful or the sa-11 gadfly (although the yanks claim that it was a "lucy hit" by the serb aa gunners)
Yes. Beating stealth technology is possible. If there can be a high quality radar some how above 6,000 to 7,000ft in the air than a f-117's and b-2 spirits can be detected because they are very slow and absorb radar rays to a limit. Also whenever the planes are deploying any sort of missile the stealth technology is only about 30% at work. And the Russians do have the technology to detect us stealth technology. I think they don't want to say it out loud becuase the us might counter their technology.:pakistan: :china:
the f-117 was destroyed in the kosovo conflict (alongwith an f-15 perhaps) by the serbian air defences - - -the system used was the sa-6 gainful or the sa-11 gadfly (although the yanks claim that it was a "lucy hit" by the serb aa gunners)

Yes, I also heard that it was a lucky hit by the Serbian AA Guns and not the missiles.

Yes. Beating stealth technology is possible. If there can be a high quality radar some how above 6,000 to 7,000ft in the air than a f-117's and b-2 spirits can be detected because they are very slow and absorb radar rays to a limit. Also whenever the planes are deploying any sort of missile the stealth technology is only about 30% at work. And the Russians do have the technology to detect us stealth technology. I think they don't want to say it out loud becuase the us might counter their technology.:pakistan: :china:

I think the real test of Russian Air Defence technology will be in Iran if it is attacked by US. I heard that Iran has been supplied with some of best Russian AD Systems.
I think the real test of Russian Air Defence technology will be in Iran if it is attacked by US. I heard that Iran has been supplied with some of best Russian AD Systems.

Yes its true. Iran has gotten some of the most advanced Air defence Systems from Russia and only time will tell on how they react against aerial attacks from US.
:pakistan: :china:
USA might not use aerial atack to take out Air defence systems. They might use cruise missiles which are much harder to take out than aircraft
********.com - Iran's forthcoming regimental air defence system, Tunguska-M1
US is the only Super power right now in this world. US decides and destroys any country it wants in days from air and send it to the stone age. It seems no country in this world possess the technology to counter thier onslaught firmly and successfully, not even Russia, China, Japan Korea or any other hi-technology country.
Is any body there to explain:
If any country really has this capability?
Where the remaining world lacks to produce these hi-tech Air Defence capabilities?
Are countries like Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Indonesia working towards achieving these capabilities individually or jointly?
Finally is Pakistan working on such an important program to develop Air Defence Missiles (SAMs, AAM, Ship based SAMs etc.) and RADARs as it is the key for safety and security of any country in present world against any US aggression?
Is there any technology to counter US Stealth Fighter Jets.

Not necessarily the US would not ever Stand Toe-to-Toe with Israel, Britain, or France they are technology advanced then the US the only execption I see is the F-22 and that is about it
Yes. Beating stealth technology is possible. If there can be a high quality radar some how above 6,000 to 7,000ft in the air than a f-117's and b-2 spirits can be detected because they are very slow and absorb radar rays to a limit. Also whenever the planes are deploying any sort of missile the stealth technology is only about 30% at work. And the Russians do have the technology to detect us stealth technology. I think they don't want to say it out loud becuase the us might counter their technology

Do you guys ever heard how Yogoslavia install microwaves on the ground, which emit extremely high radiations to counter US stealth bomber radar.
Using the standards of American AA capability, no not really. You can certainly spot them as the drop their payloads, and aircraft mounted IR catches them from about 7-8 miles away if they happen to be following behind. An oft suggested idea is not to look for the aircraft themselves, but rather the shadow they leave since they deflect or absorb most radiation from the meter to micrometer wavelengths. This technique would require multiple AWACS platforms, which of course would be the first thing to be hit in just about any scenario. Stealth aircraft absolutely destroy(12-1 kill ratio) conventional U.S aircraft and AA in
wargames against F-15E's and Patriot missile batteries, even if they have AWACS support and ground based radar. That said destroy is relative. So what if it takes 10 of your jets to take down an f-22 or a B-2. The B-2 has production costs of over 400 million US dollars a pop, and the F-22 costs around 130 million, plus 3-5 million worth of weapons systems and pilot. In large part, stealth aircraft are psychological weapons, and if you can take down a few, it lessen the "Holy F**king S*it, they are invincible" factor. To sum it all up, Iran would pretty much get hosed, but China or Russia could field enough aircraft and AA to take down most of the U.S's stealth aircraft. (There really aren't that many, only 21 B-2's in the world, < 50 F-117's and F-22's, although that is mostly because the F-117 is being retired, as it is spotable at extremely long wavelengths) But they wouldn't have much left over to deal with the Air Force's massive number of conventional aircraft.
Not necessarily the US would not ever Stand Toe-to-Toe with Israel, Britain, or France they are technology advanced then the US the only execption I see is the F-22 and that is about it

Iam sorry Israel and France are better then Americans in technology .i have a hard time believing only countries in the world that can out do Americans in any tech would be Germans or Japanese.
When you say Isreal and France are more technically advanced than the U.S, you have to consider it a matter of scale. Is the average Israeli plane better than the average U.S plane? Certainly, but Israel dose not have significant stealth aircraft technology, nor is it anywhere near the size of the U.S Air Force. Fore example consider Cope India. The IAF beat the U.S airforce in exercises 90% of the time. Why? Because they set up the exercise so that the U.S was always outnumbered 3 to 1. Israel is a state in which every fiber of it's being is devoted to survival. It has either been under attack by its neighbors, or been attacking its neighbors since its inception. So, each and every plane has to have every little attachment and improvement that can be added to it. Still neither Israel or France have the budget or the manpower to field an Airforce with the capability of the U.S. At the far end of High Tech, the U.S will be the leader for the foreseeable future. You have a Cold War military industrial complex to thank for that, and India, Pakistan, and China keep sending many of their best and brightest to the U.S for education. On average, plenty of countries have better soldiers with better technology than the U.S, but it is the entire war machine that counts.
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