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Infiltration bid foiled, five militants killed in J&K

They dont look Kashmiri.

That pic is from yesterday's encounter and they all were not Kashmiris. One among them is Asadullah, commander of HM of the district and a Pashto speaking guy.
May they rest in peace and find solace in death.

What's the need to publicize pictures of their dead bodies? To many they maybe terrorists. To me they remain misguided souls whose personal circumstances are being exploited by somebody.

whatever they are - if you dont kill them they'll kill you and probably more brutally and publish a video of it if its convenient. No honour or code for these rats.
Great Going Indian Army. Latest equipment with electronic surveillance system with Laser dazzler will be a game changer. We must equip army with best in world equipments and training. Further we should be proactive. We should not wait till terrorists to come close and possibly cross border. We should finish them in their own territory in preemptive strike.
That pic is from yesterday's encounter and they all were not Kashmiris. One among them is Asadullah, commander of HM of the district and a Pashto speaking guy.
Thats worrying, looks like Pakistan is infiltrating their terrorists from the AFg Pak border too.
Thats worrying, looks like Pakistan is infiltrating their terrorists from the AFg Pak border too.

well that Asadullah guy was active in Kashmir for last 7 years so I don't think what you say is true.
well that Asadullah guy was active in Kashmir for last 7 years so I don't think what you say is true.

The dead terrorists look like the ones from the afg pak sector. They dont look kashmiri nor punjabi.
The dead terrorists look like the ones from the afg pak sector. They dont look kashmiri nor punjabi.

does it really matter?? As long as they are dead. They were active in Kashmir for last 7 years and had done lots of terror activities including attack during Amarnath Yatra in past.
PS: Bro Just remember one thing, 'No' one can win against Indian army in Kashmir. Be them from Af-Pak or Punjab. In past militants from Af-Pak also came to Kashmir in great numbers and still come in small numbers but It doesn't matter to Rashtriya Rifles because they are killing machines.
does it really matter?? As long as they are dead. They were active in Kashmir for last 7 years and had done lots of terror activities including attack during Amarnath Yatra in past.
PS: Bro Just remember one thing, 'No' one can win against Indian army in Kashmir. Be them from Af-Pak or Punjab. In past militants from Af-Pak also came to Kashmir in great numbers and still come in small numbers but It doesn't matter to Rashtriya Rifles because they are killing machines.

I not worried about IA cleaning the scum, they'll kill even a 100, 000 off them and their lives are not worth sh! t, the worrying part is afg pak based groups are not homogeneous and are made of numerous nationalities and are in huge numbers, they are like roaches and keep coming.
they don't look Kashmir's ? hell i could not even make out where the face was from that pic :lol:

I not worried about IA cleaning the scum, they'll kill even a 100, 000 off them and their lives are not worth sh! t, the worrying part is afg pak based groups are not homogeneous and are made of numerous nationalities and are in huge numbers, they are like roaches and keep coming.

Those roaches are being killed in large numbers in Syria ....
they don't look Kashmir's ? hell i could not even make out where the face was from that pic :lol:

Those roaches are being killed in large numbers in Syria ....

malnourished,, lice infested long hair and beard, outfit like its not been washed for years and shoes, they look the part. These pigs will stink up the valley. I especially liked the glee and the exitement the kashmiri demonstrate on witnessing the dead scum.
I not worried about IA cleaning the scum, they'll kill even a 100, 000 off them and their lives are not worth sh! t, the worrying part is afg pak based groups are not homogeneous and are made of numerous nationalities and are in huge numbers, they are like roaches and keep coming.

well true but remember one thing, condition in Afganistan is favour them be it the region(majorty are locals) or the new govt but here in Kashmir things are exactly opposite. They have no Idea about the local region here and secondly Our forces are proven and among best experienced for counter-insurgency. Thirdly we are gonna make LOC such a place that they won't even able to cross let alone wage war in Kashmir. Even if some are able to cross, they'll be hunted down easily.
PS: now Rashtiya Rifles strength is about 80000, which was just 5000-10000 during 90s. And then Kashmiri Police had no role in C-Terrorism
well true but remember one thing, condition in Afganistan is favour them be it the region(majorty are locals) or the new govt but here in Kashmir things are exactly opposite. They have no Idea about the local region here and secondly Our forces are proven and among best experienced for counter-insurgency. Thirdly we are gonna make LOC such a place that they won't even able to cross let alone wage war in Kashmir. Even if some are able to cross, they'll be hunted down easily.
PS: now Rashtiya Rifles strength is about 80000, which was just 5000-10000 during 90s. And then Kashmiri Police had no role in C-Terrorism
Bro, there's more to it then just killing the scumwe have to continously deploy considerable forces and resources throughout - that means strain on our forces, money spent, occasional loss of our bravehearts (one of their life is worthy then 10, 000 of these scum - this is a low intensity prolonged war which will keep our resources tied forever. Resources that we could have used elsewhere - this is a method of keeping our forces embroiled and not do anything which is more fruitful. This is the long term problem and a worrying factor.
Bro, there's more to it then just killing the scumwe have to continously deploy considerable forces and resources throughout - that means strain on our forces, money spent, occasional loss of our bravehearts (one of their life is worthy then 10, 000 of these scum - this is a low intensity prolonged war which will keep our resources tied forever. Resources that we could have used elsewhere - this is a method of keeping our forces embroiled and not do anything which is more fruitful. This is the long term problem and a worrying factor.

Absolutely right. Can't agree more. But anyway with neighbour in the west, its gonna take some time till we go on some conclusion and till then we have no option but to keep dispatching militants to hell. But I am happy that Kashmiri Police is taking part in almost every operation now and coming out with success. Indian army has trained them well.
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