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Indus script early form of Dravidian

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FaujiH - that is precisely what has been debunked with original research in the past 25 years. Before that everyone used believe the flawed science used by westerners with limited or errorneous knowledge of Sanskrit

Bhai sahib

Debunked for and by Indian upper castes. ha!

Look you are an intelligent Indian. Right?

Just imagine a fellow Indian who goes to sleep tonight as plain old Indian.

Then tomorrow morning he wakes up and shouts

"Yeaaah. I am going to be a Shudra, untouchable, filthy sob today".
"Yeaaah. my wife going to be a Shudra, untouchable, filthy dob today".
"Yeaaah. My mum dad are going to be a Shudra, untouchable, filthy sobs today".
"Yeaaah. My granny and granpa are going to be a Shudra, untouchable, filthy sobs today".

Now tell me if you have met an Indian who overnight went from regular joe citizen to a shudra / untouchable.

not happenin bro.

Not happenin at all.

millions became shudras under slavery and murder and rape by upper caste Hindus.

There is no other way on can turn into untouchable.

No other way.
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nice try , putting your words into my mouth ? IVC script is old Tamil not 500 yr old Malayalam or later developed Kannada etc , if you have a issue with me associating Dravid with Tamil take it up with Mahadevan :blah: unlike your Hindutva counterparts , I didn't coin or invent any new theory
Nice game beardwala....
Dravidian is a language classification.,it had nothing to do with race or ethnicity....You can cry all you want....
All South Indians: ofcourse Tamil, Malyalam, Kannada, Telugu (and Tulu?) are dravidian languages and the Mahadevan research does say that IVC looks like it. beyond that i am not sure what you are all arguing about?

All Pakistanis: Stop your gibberish. All Indians - Tamilian, Gujjus, Sardars, Bhias, Mallus....whatever linguistic staate they are from, fully understand the disgusting desperation of current day Pakistan which was started with great hopes but has unfortunately become a cesspool of terrorist morass. Why would any Indian want to be a Pakistani when many Pakistanis themselves don't want to be Pakistani? Why don't you discuss the language constructs of IVC that Mahadevan report deals with rather than who raped who? Come out of the gutter!
Bhai sahib

Debunked for and by Indian upper castes. ha!

Look you are an intelligent Indian. Right?

Just imagine a fellow Indian who goes to sleep tonight as plane old Indian.

Then tomorrow morning he wakes up and shouts

"Yeaaah. I am going to be a Shudra, untouchable, filthy sob today".
"Yeaaah. my wife going to be a Shudra, untouchable, filthy dob today".
"Yeaaah. My mum dad are going to be a Shudra, untouchable, filthy sobs today".
"Yeaaah. My granny and granpa are going to be a Shudra, untouchable, filthy sobs today".

Now tell me if you have met an Indian who overnight went from regular joe citizen to a shudra / untouchable.

not happenin bro.

Not happenin at all.

millions became shudras under slavery and murder and rape by upper caste Hindus.

There is no other way on can turn into untouchable.

No other way.

I am talking about IVc and you are talking about caste system. Even indulging you on that, nobody became untouchable through murder and rape - have you not read about ancient (but not oldest) systems of communal groupings by types of professions becoming the monster we call casteism at present? a subsection of brahmins (not all brahmins were or or priests) did use the groupings to their advantage for power grab and that is how untouchability started - NOT an origional religious construct but a social disease that became practice.

In Islam you have the same problems and in fact it is getting worse. Except you don't use word lower caste but simply call them sub-sects or at the extreme, things like 'ahmadis'. Most muslims of Pakistan deny ahmadis are muslims just like the old outcasts of Hinduism that you call untouchable.

Here is a question to ponder: In India untouchability is illegal. can Pakistan make the leap and make it illegal to castigate ahmadis?
Nice game beardwala....
Dravidian is a language classification.,it had nothing to do with race or ethnicity....You can cry all you want....

Lungiwala going is circles trying to catch the lungi tail ? the OP says IVC script is old Tamil = Dravidian so dont introduce unrelated stuff to suit your agenda .

Yes,That was meant for manlion..He is equating whole of South India with Tamils...They are lot of linguistic/ethnic groups apart from Tamils living here,for eg.Telegus,Kannada,Malayalis,Tulus,kodavas,badagas etc etc..Most importantly Its telegus who form majority among SI population..

so can you refute Malayalam ethnic /linguistic wise were not Ex Tamils ? if you can, than I withdraw my equation
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"I have not claimed to have deciphered the Indus script" - says all. Computational models have shown the language and scripts are closer to sanskrit. Short of further proofs/models, all the speculation is pure hot air (the guy who made the computational model is also a dravidian BTW). He is know for trying to prove tamil connection for a long time now...

you make a very vital point.

It is very amusing to me to see a number of Pakistanis seeming to affect some sort of new find affinity with Tamils..I thing they have made following assumptive calculations.....

1. Tamilians must be really mad at India because of i) they are dravidians and want to separate ii) rest of India must be separate from Tamils because they didn't go invade Sri Lanka to save their Tamil brothers iii) they don't like Hindi imposition

2) They glibly extend the Mahadevan paper as evidence of ancestral migration of their Tamil bros from current day Pakistan to South India

3) voila! now they found a way to split up India...

may be the Pakistani participants can explain or correct this!

as I said it is very amusing
I am talking about IVc and you are talking about caste system. Even indulging you on that, nobody became untouchable through murder and rape - have you not read about ancient (but not oldest) systems of communal groupings by types of professions becoming the monster we call casteism at present? a subsection of brahmins (not all brahmins were or or priests) did use the groupings to their advantage for power grab and that is how untouchability started - NOT an origional religious construct but a social disease that became practice.

In Islam you have the same problems and in fact it is getting worse. Except you don't use word lower caste but simply call them sub-sects or at the extreme, things like 'ahmadis'. Most muslims of Pakistan deny ahmadis are muslims just like the old outcasts of Hinduism that you call untouchable.

Here is a question to ponder: In India untouchability is illegal. can Pakistan make the leap and make it illegal to castigate ahmadis?

Please do not confuse the issue of millions gotten turned into untouchables.
Your contention that it refers to location is subjective and open to debate, point is Aryan Brahmin Sankaracharya NEVER claimed himself to be a Dravida child, that merely another of your fabulous Hindutva concoction

You made a bogus claim the burden of proof is upon you .

LOL and you also believe your Hindu mythical comics -

another no brainer , comparing present Tamil with the 1st Sangam was in 10,000 BC , Tamil script had evolved ..from brahmi to grantha to its present form ..

That's why you can't differentiate between Tamil and Kannada. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
North Indians who have lost their culture due to 800 years of foreign culture and language imposition should bask in the culture of pristine untampered south and not try to destroy it out of jealosy

Please write that in Greek. o_Oo_O
Sree bhai

What do you mean by what you just wrote?

thank you.

You replied about the atrocities against lower caste.But even if there was severe human rights violation at that time they tolerated it they didnt protest against it or asked for separate nation for them
is the world coming to an end ? Malayalam etc acknowledge themselves as Dravidians lol,

The context of reference is race - i.e people and culture i.e Dravidian = Tamils , nothing to do with languages , you are confusing the two i.e language and racial group ......

Get a life idiot.Dravidians are a linguistic classification not a race.
Then again I am responding to a moron who cant differentiate Tamil and Kannada.
In reality it is Aryan Occupation that resulted in millions of natives turned into shudras and slaves.

Kind of like what Whites did to native Americans or Australian aborigines.

With one exception though.

Untouchability was enshrined in the religion of higher caste Hindus.

Jesus Christ didnt use weapons for his revolt against evils in the society.But his followers ,after 100 of years used.cruel methods for propogating Christianity including torturing of Galileo for spoke against religious superstitions.
Samething happens in these caste set up.Our ancestors created 4 caste systems according to ones behaviour not according to his/her hereditary or birth rights.Brahmin means a person who has noble ,pure behaviour nothing else.Same goes to others like Kshatriyas etc.But evils in our society twisted it and propogated as birth rights and heteditary.
Outsiders are nomads they didnt give us our civilization or caste.
Jesus Christ didnt use weapons for his revolt against evils in the society.But his followers ,after 100 of years used.cruel methods for propogating Christianity including torturing of Galileo for spoke against religious superstitions.
Samething happens in these caste set up.Our ancestors created 4 caste systems according to ones behaviour not according to his/her hereditary or birth rights.Brahmin means a person who has noble ,pure behaviour nothing else.Same goes to others like Kshatriyas etc.But evils in our society twisted it and propogated as birth rights and heteditary.
Outsiders are nomads they didnt give us our civilization or caste.

Prophet Jesus didn't preach love he preached jihad
Mathew 34 Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth.
I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

hence your argument quoting Jesus pbuh , to defend caste system holds no water, so only Brahmin is noble = Aryan ?
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Prophet Jesus didn't preach love he preached jihad
hence your argument quoting Jesus pbuh, to support caste system holds no water, so only Brahmin is noble = Aryan ?

@abjktu you should be watching this.

Hey @manlion I believe it won't be difficult for you to differentiate between Urdu and Arabic unlike you got confused between Tamil and Kannada. Hope you won't post Telugu or Malayalam or even Hindi news cuttings and then claim it as Tamil script. :rofl::rofl:
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