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Indus script early form of Dravidian

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i see lots of laulwa happening in this thread....
Urdu is muslim language, anyone who deny this is wannabe Pakistani :bunny:

Speaking Urdu gives a Mughalia feeling to Pakistanis deep inside instead of speaking Punjabi which gives you paindu feeling to Pakistanis, that's why you guys so desperate in copycating Ganga Muslim culture. :rolleyes::rolleyes::lol::lol:
India - Indian is a misnomer and a british hangover, it didn't exist before the British colonisation, under Mughal rule it was ہندوستان .

Most of them have Pakistani Urdu names e.g Bismillah, Shalimar, Daa'wat, Mehren etc and advertise as serving Indian / Pakistani cuisine . And for God sake , stop hijacking 'curry' which is Tamil in origin, who have the rights to extend it ownership to their Pakistani "Dravidian' cousins .

half knowledge is worse than no knowledge; but half baked people believing they know is the worst. You are a prime example of that. I will explain.
Curry does NOT mean sauce in Tamil. Btw it is NOT Tamil but Thamizh.

As to the rest of what you wrote, the stupidity of Pakistani education shows! I don't blame you, you are a victim of Pakistan education
Speaking Urdu gives a Mughalia feeling to Pakistanis deep inside instead of speaking Punjabi which gives you paindu feeling to Pakistan, that's why you guys so desperate in copycating Ganga Muslim culture. :rolleyes::rolleyes::lol::lol:

Ganga muslim? I already explained how hindi was born, do not want to go in to details again and again ;) Urdu come naturally to us because of its islamic origin, thats why you will not find any hindu speaking urdu properly :D
theres no evidence to support your hindutva theory or mythological - vedic culture, read the article before commenting, saves my time

there is pretty strong evidence of Vedic people moving east ward; numerous scriptual and geological evidence of River Saraswathi which dried up. Donno why you don't want to learn adn accept truth about ancestors!
Ganga muslim? I already explained how hindi was born, do not want to go in to details again and again ;) Urdu come naturally to us because of its islamic origin, thats why you will not find any hindu speaking urdu properly :D

Hindi was born out of Khariboli, the language of Hindu jaats of Western UP, they still speak the purest rustic form of Khariboli. Urdu is not original as you guys says 'Urdu freely takes words from any language'. ;)

BTW answer honestly don't you guys get a sense of Mughalia feeling by copycating the Ganga muslim culture. :lol::lol:
there is pretty strong evidence of Vedic people moving east ward; numerous scriptual and geological evidence of River Saraswathi which dried up. Donno why you don't want to learn adn accept truth about ancestors!

There is no solution of Hinduphobia. This clown @manlion is too obsessed with Tamils, although he couldn't recognize the difference between Kannada and Tamils but still obsessed. :lol:
Hindi was born out of Khariboli, the language of Hindu jaats of Western UP, they still speak the purest rustic form of Khariboli. Urdu is not original as you guys says 'Urdu freely takes words from any language'. ;)

BTW answer honestly don't you guys a sense of Mughalia feeling by copycating the Ganga muslim culture. :lol::lol:

Original jaats were themselves not native to UP even if they look like like you guys now days :D I saw video of biharis speaking urdu in Bengali section thread. Yep you guys indeed speak pure urdu :lol:

You are Pakistani but behaving like hindu.
Original jaats were themselves not native to UP even if they look like like you guys now days :D I saw video of biharis speaking urdu in Bengali section thread. Yep you guys indeed speak pure urdu :lol:

You are Pakistani but behaving like hindu.

How do you know, natta? Dimag de natta kas le tu.
if Sinhalas of Lanka are Indians brothers - due to the Aryan hoax why not Dravidian Pakistan and Tamils ?

this should be easy for you guys to understand, come on! Sri Lanka, like Pakistan, and Bangladesh is just another little splinter out of India = Bharat. A bunch Odysha people went and came to be called Sinhala; a bunch of Bengalis came to be called Bangladeshis; a bunch of Punjabis and Sindhis became Pakistanis.

What is different about Pakistan is that in addition to the converted Punjabis and Sindhis, due to several invasions from the west and central asia, the population is a lot more mixed up in terms of heritage, than that of BD or SL
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