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Indus script early form of Dravidian

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this should be easy for you guys to understand, come on! Sri Lanka, like Pakistan, and Bangladesh is just another little splinter out of India = Bharat. A bunch Odysha people went and came to be called Sinhala; a bunch of Bengalis came to be called Bangladeshis; a bunch of Punjabis and Sindhis became Pakistanis.

What is different about Pakistan is that in addition to the converted Punjabis and Sindhis, due to several invasions from the west and central asia, the population is a lot more mixed up in terms of heritage, than that of BD or SL

So did Shudras and untouchables.

They too came out of Bharat.

In fact the whole world and universe came out of Bharat if you listen to eminent historian, anthropologist, sociologist, chemist, biologist, engineer and doctor all in one called P.N.Ox nay PN Oke

nothing can beat that cousin marriage thing.

You guys are result of centuries of caste inbreeding (everyone look same and retarded), gotra system it self is flawed and not really for avoiding cousin marriages. Because hindus still marry cousins with gotra system. Muslims on the other hand are much more diverse and look different from each other. :enjoy:
First rule for being Pakistani is to not call our self Hindu.

Hindu is derogatory word used by foreigners thats why we call our self Indus people.

oh come on, don't be such a jealous hypocrite! most Pakistani's forefathers were converts from Hindu...granted somewhere in recent past they adopted stuff that came from arabia but even you know that while you can change your religion, you cannot change your dna!
You guys are result of centuries of caste inbreeding (everyone look same and retarded), gotra system it self is flawed and not really for avoiding cousin marriages. Because hindus still marry cousins with gotra system. Muslims on the other hand are much more diverse and look different from each other. :enjoy:
Yes keep telling yourself that and massage your bruised ego.
You guys are result of centuries of caste inbreeding (everyone look same and retarded), gotra system it self is flawed and not really for avoiding cousin marriages. Because hindus still marry cousins with gotra system. Muslims on the other hand are much more diverse. :enjoy:

tut tut! such ignorance! you have no clue what you are talking about. Hindus do NOT marry with cousins and that is one of the results of gothra system. But I cannot expect you to comprehend these things since such concepts do not exist in the religion your people converted to
oh come on, don't be such a jealous hypocrite! most Pakistani's forefathers were converts from Hindu...granted somewhere in recent past they adopted stuff that came from arabia but even you know that while you can change your religion, you cannot change your dna!

Last time i checked Indians are crying because they are not Pakistanis. Indic admitted his male ancestors were from Pakistan, go figure :lol:
Last time i checked Indians are crying because they are not Pakistanis. Indic admitted his male ancestors were from Pakistan, go figure :lol:

When did I say ,natta? dimag de natta kaas le tu.
Yes keep telling yourself that and massage your bruised ego.

The only way you guys look similar to each other is result of inbreeding. Scientifically there is no other explanation. :D
Last time i checked Indians are crying because they are not Pakistanis. Indic admitted his male ancestors were from Pakistan, go figure :lol:
had that been the case .. we wouldn't have Pakistanis claiming to be Indians in US. Right now believe it or not Being Pakistani is more a pain than anything else.
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