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Indus script early form of Dravidian

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What is the similarity between Pakistanis and Tamils? Language? culture? genetics?

Our mindset is similar, maybe some ancient Pakistanis migrating to Tamil Nadu is the reason for that.
My reference was to civilization of monjodaro.

Pleasse do not joke by mentioning nomads.


Yes, by theory, they were horse riding nomads, initially.

Several of these uncivilized peoples have toppled civilized ones.
Genetic Study Reveals Origin of India's Caste System
By Tia Ghose, Staff Writer | August 08, 2013

The caste system in South Asia — which rigidly separates people into high, middle and lower classes — may have been firmly entrenched by about 2,000 years ago, a new genetic analysis suggests.

Researchers found that people from different genetic populations in India began mixing about 4,200 years ago, but the mingling stopped around 1,900 years ago, according to the analysis published today (Aug. 8) in the American Journal of Human Genetics.

Combining this new genetic information with ancient texts, the results suggest that class distinctions emerged 3,000 to 3,500 years ago, and caste divisions became strict roughly two millennia ago.

Though relationships between people of different social groups was once common, there was a "transformation where most groups now practice endogamy," or marry within their group, said study co-author Priya Moorjani, a geneticist at Harvard University.

Ancestral populations

Hindus in India have historically been born into one of four major castes, with myriad subdivisions within each caste. Even today, in some parts of the country, marriage outside of one's caste is forbidden and those in the outcast, or "untouchable" group are discriminated against and prohibited from participating in religious rituals. (The Indian government has outlawed certain types of discrimination against the lowest classes.)

But when and why this system evolved has always been a bit murky, said Michael Witzel, a South Asian studies researcher at Harvard University, who was not involved in the work.

Moorjani's past research revealed that all people in India trace their heritage to two genetic groups: An ancestral North Indian group originally from the Near East and the Caucasus region, and another South Indian group that was more closely related to people on the Andaman Islands.

Today, everyone in India has DNA from both groups. "It's just the proportion of ancestry that you have that varies across India," Moorjani told LiveScience.

To determine exactly when these ancient groups mixed, the team analyzed DNA from 371 people who were members of 73 groups throughout the subcontinent.

Aside from finding when the mixing started and stopped, the researchers also found the mixing was thorough, with even the most isolated tribes showing ancestry from both groups.

Period of transition

Researchers aren't sure which groups of ancient people lived in Indiaprior to 4,200 years ago, but Moorjani suspects the two groups lived side-by-side for centuries without intermarrying.

Archaeological evidence indicates that the groups began intermarrying during a time of great upheaval. The Indus Valley civilization, which spanned much of modern-day North India and Pakistan, was waning, and huge migrations were occurring across North India. [History's Most Overlooked Mysteries]

Ancient texts also reveal clues about the period.

The Rigveda, a nearly 3,500-year-old collection of hymns written in Sanskrit, a North Indian language, mentions chieftains with South Indian names.

"So there is some sort of mixture or intermarriage," Witzel told LiveScience.

Early on, there were distinct classes of people — the priests, the nobility and the common people — but no mention of segregation or occupational restrictions. By about 3,000 years ago, the texts mention a fourth, lowest class: the Sudras. But it wasn't until about 100 B.C. that a holy text called the Manusmruti explicitly forbade intermarriage across castes.

The study doesn't suggest that either the ancestral North or South Indian group formed the bulk of the upper or lower castes, Witzel said.

Rather, when caste divisions hardened, any type of intermarriage was sharply curtailed, leading to much less mixing overall.

I don't know what are you trying to prove with this article.
that's BS

Indus valley civilization could never be enslaved and made into shudras by the Hindu Brahmins and other high castes.

Dravadians were more like Australian aborignies living in Ganga valley
Unfortunately they didn't jhave a developed system and civilization and
thus easy pray for the invading Brahmins and other high castes. .

your assertions that Dravidians were more like Australian aborigines in untenable, to understand the sub continent history , one has to take into consideration Tamil literature , any perspective from Sanskrit or westerns sources is just speculative.
apart from script the seals of IVC provides evidence of Dravidian Tamil origins to IVC ,

Every Tom Dick and Harry was a nomad "initially"

What kind of logic are you using meray bhai?

that's BS

Indus valley civilization could never be enslaved and made into shudras by the Hindu Brahmins and other high castes.

Dravadians were more like Australian aborignies living in Ganga valley
Unfortunately they didn't jhave a developed system and civilization and
thus easy pray for the invading Brahmins and other high castes. .

1. You compared Dravidian populations with Australian aborigines who are peoples that separated from the Subcontinent 10s or thousands of years ago.

2. And many civilized peoples were prey to uncivilized nomadic populations, like the supposed early Aryan invaders to IVC. And they werent Brahmins when they were invading. Matter a fact, brahmins are themselves mixes of these peoples.
I think ancient Pakistani moved towards Tamilnadu along india coastal. Thats why our mind set is similar and different then North Indian hindu bhaiyas.

this is the worst insult you can heap on Tamilians.
Beta Panini was born in Khyber Pakhtunwa, Pakistan before likes of Maurya even came to existance. Ancient Pakistani from Multan also later on discovered zero. We gave your gond ancestors Rig Veda, from which you guys copied and produced your own literature. But original source remained from Pakistan.

huh? so your ancestors were from where...saudia arabia?
huh? so your ancestors were from where...saudia arabia?

If you said it to me in real life i would have beaten your gond a**. Pakstanis are living in Indus valley since thousands of years. Few have migrated to Tamil and other parts of India to civilize them and bring them out of jungles.
If you said it to me in real life i would have beaten your gond a**. Pakstanis are living in Indus valley since thousands of years. Few have migrated to Tamil and other parts of India to civilize them and bring them out of jungles.

you are a funny guy....naive but funny. instead wasting your precious and rare to the point of non existent intellect on such wishful thinking, just go read some comics. btw there are totally 4 pakistanis in TN, all four are in the jail. Like you they thought they were smart, bought a boat and some rations from Sri Lanka and came over to recreate a Mumbai like attack in the South. The Lankan navy spotted them and promptly informed Indian coastal service who organized the welcome event.

are you guys all this pathetic?
If you said it to me in real life i would have beaten your gond a**. Pakstanis are living in Indus valley since thousands of years. Few have migrated to Tamil and other parts of India to civilize them and bring them out of jungles.

Dravidian is just a very loose term coined by the Aryan Brahmin Sankaracharya in the 8th century from Dramila -Tamila. Many Pakistani also had Dravidian roots, which explains their natural aversion towards Indian Hindu Bhaiyas.. Dravidian is not uniquely India, the fact is that IVC is in Pakistan and it absurd for India to claim inheritance to achievements of IVC.
If you said it to me in real life i would have beaten your gond a**. Pakstanis are living in Indus valley since thousands of years. Few have migrated to Tamil and other parts of India to civilize them and bring them out of jungles.

Dravidian is just a very loose term coined by the Aryan Brahmin Sankaracharya in the 8th century from Dramila -Tamila. Many Pakistani also had Dravidian roots, which explains their natural aversion towards Indian Hindu Bhaiyas.. Dravidian is not uniquely India, the fact is that IVC is in Pakistan and it absurd for India to claim inheritance to achievements of IVC.

then you should have called yourself India and Indian! you think Mr.Jinnah cheated yall of your legacy?

may be that's why many Pakistanis in the restaurant business abroad call their restautants Indian restaurants
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