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Indradhanush 2015








lol i remember our basic F16s A/B had also beaten the EF2000s of RAF and KSA's AF in constant WVR engagements with 3;0 margin each. One was in 2008 red flag and other in latest exercises with saudis in Taif few years back.


RAF and EF 2000 has a poor standard it seems.

NATO countries aren't that good in WVR combat ...

in Anatolian eagle PAF scored against RAF typhoons with F16 block 15 in WVRAAM with Zero loss .

here was the original comment of the PAF pilot at that time
NATO pilots are not that proficient in close-in air-to-air combat. They are trained for BVR [Beyond Visual Range] engagements and their tactics are based on BVR engagements. These were close-in air combat exercises and we had the upper hand because close-in air combat is drilled into every PAF pilot and this is something we are very good at.
Red flag 2008.

I am not trolling its your here we are discussing Sukhoi 30MKI and your are discussing PAF fighter jets.
:rofl: awesome!
Take away the Trolling GET TO THE NITTY GRITTY.

Su30mki is a beast of a fighter
TVC and pesa radars with IRST give su30mki world class edge in combat and is not a circus trick.
The IAF is world class organisation capable of DACT with the best air forces in the world thousands of miles away.

All we hear is SU30MKI has big RCS so this that and the other.

The Truth is it is a beast of an opponent and in good hands will cause immense damage.

especially a fleet of 270 planes


Take away the Trolling GET TO THE NITTY GRITTY.

Su30mki is a beast of a fighter
TVC and pesa radars with IRST give su30mki world class edge in combat and is not a circus trick.
The IAF is world class organisation capable of DACT with the best air forces in the world thousands of miles away.

All we hear is SU30MKI has big RCS so this that and the other.

The Truth is it is a beast of an opponent and in good hands will cause immense damage.

especially a fleet of 270 planes


Off-course its Just Training Exercise Real Battle Situation have additional Factors & Situations
Yes in WVR Engagements Scoreline is 12-0 As Clearly Stated.Clearly MkI IRST & TVC given it a Good Advantage over Euro-fighter

Awesome Clicks Man :cheers::cheers:
lol i remember our basic F16s A/B had also beaten the EF2000s of RAF and KSA's AF in constant WVR engagements with 3;0 margin each. One was in 2008 red flag and other in latest exercises with saudis in Taif few years back.


RAF and EF 2000 has a poor standard it seems.

Red flag 2008.

:rofl: awesome!

Ahem...cough cough...you do know that EF 2000 today is a computer game? And, today, you really want to say EF Typhoon?
1) su 34 for is not a slugush,ys its having poor thrust weigt ratio.

I agree, still Rafale is much quicker.

3)world know much about EW suit of su34,but I am sure that it's not bad one.

I know that buddy, but SPECRTA is considered arguably the best in the world EW suit only next to F18 Growlers. It has significant advantages over Su34, I am pretty sure about that.

4)su 34 is also a fighter bomber capable of doing above mentioned tasks,also its having monstrous fuel capacity and rang,payaload capacity compared to rafale.But rafi costs 3 times more than that of su34.

Yeah cost is the issue. But it has a monster RCS, that makes su34 not suitable for SEAD & DEAD missions living our other fighters vulnarable.
5) agreed rafale have advantage, but su34 also not bad.its a fighter bomber capable of engaging aerial targets,capable of carrying almost all flanker compatible A to A missiles.

True that. Even I am a big fan of Su34, it can fight its way out of a battlezone for sure. But it wont be as potent as Rafale in dogfights. Rafale with lower RCS, SPECTRA, Mica & Meteor BVRAAM will able to shootdown & survive against anything that PLAAF fields.

6) simply not enough for China.if u want to target Chinese mainland, we need a fighter bomber capable enough to fly over tibeten plateau,and deliver ordinance and fly back safely to India .only su 34 is having that capability.For Pakistan and PAF our mig 29 and su30 is more 'than enough. We don't need rafale to tackle our western enemy.

I guess It can only be answered by IAF who chose Rafale as their MMRCA platform.
Im not surprised. As such the RAF has been lagging behind in its practices and the IAF is still by far one of the best airforces in terms of WVR skill due to it having a LOT of emphasis in training syllabus(the same goes for PAF).

However, I would wait for the RAF to respond(or not).
The French made such tall claims about the Eurofighter before it was clarified how the engagements were set up that gave the Rafale an inherent advantage.
Offcourse neither IAF or RAF will accept or deny what media is out with.
It was an exercise : opponents, scenario, positions, range predetermined.

RAF spokesman offered a polite rebuttal to the claims in the Indian press, saying:

"Our analysis does not match what has been reported, RAF pilots and the Typhoon performed well throughout the exercise, with and against the Indian Air Force."

Asked about the performance of IAF pilots in these Large Force Engagements, Group Captain Srivastav told NDTV his pilots performed "fairly well" though "quantifying [the results] is difficult".
Offcourse neither IAF or RAF will accept or deny what media is out with.
It was an exercise : opponents, scenario, positions, range predetermined.

RAF spokesman offered a polite rebuttal to the claims in the Indian press, saying:

"Our analysis does not match what has been reported, RAF pilots and the Typhoon performed well throughout the exercise, with and against the Indian Air Force."

Asked about the performance of IAF pilots in these Large Force Engagements, Group Captain Srivastav told NDTV his pilots performed "fairly well" though "quantifying [the results] is difficult".

So RAF has gently rebutted this claim??
rafale is for major focus on ground operations,and su 30 is for air superiority with limited ground operations

Isn't Su-30 a multi-role aircraft? Just like you see the F-15 which emphasis on the air superiority is now able to do air to ground combat operations.

The IAF have taken the unusual step of publicly proclaiming their win


Friday 07 August 2015

India’s top guns have claimed they humiliated the cream of the RAF during a two-week exercise which offered British pilots a rare chance to go up against some of the latest Russian-designed fighter jets.

Operation Indradhanush saw the Indian Air Force (IAF) bring four of its fleet of Russian-designed SU-30MKI Flanker fighter aircraft to RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire to face off against the RAF’s Typhoon FGR4 fighter.

The exercise was relished by British pilots as an opportunity to train alongside Russian-designed aircraft, amid increasing tensions in the Baltic – where the RAF has deployed fighters following the conflict in Ukraine – and more frequent interceptions of Russian bombers off the British coastline.

However, to the dismay of RAF officers, their Indian counterparts have reportedly taken the unusual step of publicly claiming to have come away from the exercise with a resounding 12-0 victory against their UK opponents.

In an interview with Indian television, IAF Group Captain Ashu Srivastav claimed victory over the British aircraft during close-range dogfights – prompting an RAF source to label his claim “comical”.

Group Captain Srivastav said the performance of his pilots was “exceptional”, while other reports in the Indian media said that IAF aircraft were able to defeat the more advanced RAF Typhoon aircraft not only in one-on-one combat, but also in situations where one IAF pilot was pitted against two Typhoons.

Responding to the Indian claims, the RAF source they were clearly designed for the “domestic audience”. He told The Independent: “There must have been some clouded recollection on the flights back to India, as the headlines of the Indian press bear no relation to the results of the tactical scenarios completed on the exercise in any shape or form.”


The RAF source also stressed that the Typhoons had effectively been fighting “with one arm behind their backs” as they did not make full use of their more advanced weapons systems.

Tony Osborne, the London bureau chief of Aviation Week, also suggested caution when dealing with the Indian claims. “These cricket-style scores claimed by the IAF look impressive but should be treated with caution and certainly not as a realistic gauge of combat capability,” he said.

“We have to view these scores through the haze of pilot bravado, national pride and also some political correctness. Nonetheless, the Su-30MKI is one of the aircraft that the Typhoon was designed to tackle and defeat, and no doubt in the right hands would present a potent challenge. Today [though] the aim would be to engage aircraft like the Su-30MKI from long-range before the two could come together in a dogfight.”

Even the Indian pilot admitted the SU-30s were “less successful” in the longer-range combat exercises.

Aviation experts also pointed to an exercise in 2011 when RAF fighters decimated the ranks of the visiting IAF pilots, prompting the then Air Chief Marshal of the RAF, Stephen Dalton, to comment: “Well, they lost.”

A spokesperson for the RAF said of this summer’s exercises: “Our analysis does not match what has been reported, RAF pilots and the Typhoon performed well throughout the exercise with and against the Indian Air Force. Both [forces] learnt a great deal from the exercise and the RAF look forward to the next opportunity to train alongside the IAF.”

The RAF has seven frontline Typhoon squadrons equipped but it has recently been reported that the RAF’s fast jet fleet, which is set to shrink to its smallest size in history by the end of the decade, is stretched to the limit while carrying out operations in the Middle East and the Baltic.

This week, Ministry of Defence officials granted another reprieve to ageing Tornado strike jets because of a shortage of aircraft needed to bomb Isis targets.

Typhoon FGR4: Britain’s best
Armament rating 8.0/10

Manoeuvrability 9.7/10

Max Rate of Climb 65k ft/min

Service Ceiling 65k ft

Max Speed 2.35 Mach

Fuel Economy 0.68 km/l

Unit Cost $125m

Probability of winning cannon dogfight 66%

Sukhoi su-30Mk1: Russia's best
Armament rating 8.5/10

Manoeuvrability 7.8/10

Max Rate of Climb 60k ft/min

Service Ceiling 56k ft

Max Speed 1.90 Mach

Fuel Economy 0.58 km/l

Unit Cost $47m

Probability of winning cannon dogfight 34%

Source: aviatia.net

Indian Air Force 'beats RAF 12-0 in training exercise' – using Russian-designed jets - Home News - UK - The Independent

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