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Indradhanush 2015

These Exercises mean nothing and no-one will reveal their true capability on the other opponent for some exercise basically these things are rigged form both sides.
Just like the NKVD your posts are forgotten history
And A newbie on PDF State that:omghaha: Grow up First

PS: Regrading My Contribution to Technical threads.See if they Lack Rational & Factual Arguments
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I wish the media wouldn't headline a piece like this. There are some quotes attributed to Group Captain Srivastav which are unexceptional & very general in nature but the rest of the story seems to be from a lot of information fed by "sources". Looks stupid & unprofessional. How someone performs in a particular exercise under certain conditions may not necessarily be reflective of how they fare in realistic scenario. I'm not sure how many confrontations in real life will take place within visual range, most of the new aircrafts are designed to never allow such a situation to develop. That would certainly be true of the typhoon .

In any case, a story sourced from a single side does not necessarily reflect reality as perceived by the other side. Best to avoid this kind of chest thumping.
@Irfan Baloch @waz

Please do clean upp the thread. Lots of troll posts already been posted by fellow members.

@Irfan Baloch @waz

Please do clean upp the thread. Lots of troll posts already been posted by fellow members.

@waz @Irfan Baloch @Chak Bamu

this @al_asad_al_mulk guy has been derailing so many threads since yesterday through posting mostly off topic content. Please take some action.
If true, this is a shame for British Air force, and its co-called Typhoon jets. British Royal Airforce pilots are a farce.
If it can beat the Typhoon, then India shouldn't buy the Rafale since its similar.
rafale is for major focus on ground operations,and su 30 is for air superiority with limited ground operations
yes, per the Indian source Su-30 mki is much superior to British Eurofighter Typhoon..12-0 shoot down record.......then the French Rafale with a hefty price tag, is a complete idiotic waste.
Its Training Exercise Which Is Bold Part High-lightened here.Nevertheless If Not Superior But A good Match That's Recognized By RAF Pilots As Well.
Flanker Is Superb Machine But It Has Shady Operational Availability. So IAF Wants Rafale as Suitable Options For Different Categories Like SEAD,DEAD, A2G And CAS
rafale is for major focus on ground operations,and su 30 is for air superiority with limited ground operations

If that is the logic, we should just have the Su 30's escort jaguars or maybe buy the Su 34.
I wish the media wouldn't headline a piece like this. There are some quotes attributed to Group Captain Srivastav which are unexceptional & very general in nature but the rest of the story seems to be from a lot of information fed by "sources". Looks stupid & unprofessional. How someone performs in a particular exercise under certain conditions may not necessarily be reflective of how they fare in realistic scenario. I'm not sure how many confrontations in real life will take place within visual range, most of the new aircrafts are designed to never allow such a situation to develop. That would certainly be true of the typhoon .

In any case, a story sourced from a single side does not necessarily reflect reality as perceived by the other side. Best to avoid this kind of chest thumping.

I don't mind a little bit of this stuff dude. They've been b*ching about IAF capabilities in their media too. I think it's about time if it's Indian then automatic incompetence should stop. Especially in pansy countries like Briatian

'British Typhoons whacked India's Sukhois in joint exercises' | TwoCircles.net
If that is the logic, we should just have the Su 30's escort jaguars or maybe buy the Su 34.

Rafale has many advantages over Jaguar & Sukhoi34.
1) Speed over Jaguar is one big advantage.
2) lower RCS & IR signature level than both Jaguar & Sukhoi 34
3) Weapons & EW suits: SPECTRA, MICA, Optronique Secteur Frontal (OSF), MBDA Meteor has significant advantages over anything that Sukhoi 34 will field.
4) Highly tuned to carry out SEAD, DEAD strikes alone without any escort.
5) Damn good dogfighter.
6) More advance than any 4+ gen fighter fielded by our neighbours.
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