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Indonesian Strategic Industries

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Istanbul, 20 August 2021

IDEF 2021: Infoglobal showcases FMD-A13 and EFD-5.5
Marketing Infoglobal

Indonesia Ambassador for Turkey, Lalu Muhammad Iqbal visits Infoglobal - Indonesia Defence Industries booth at IDEF 2021

Indonesia Defence Industry Infoglobal exhibits its flagship avionics at International Defense Industry Fair (IDEF 2021) held in The Metropolitan City of Istanbul, Turkey. In the event held on 17-20 August 2021, Infoglobal showcases Flight Management Display A13 (FMD-A13), and Electronics Flight Display 5.5 (EFD-5.5).


Indonesia Consulate General in Istanbul, Imam As’ari visits Infoglobal - Indonesia Defence Industries booth

FMD-A13 is an avionics fully developed and manufactured by Infoglobal designed for Hercules C-130. This avionics serves as Flight Management System interface to entry flight and navigation data and designed with multiple interfaces that enables easy integration in civil or military aircraft.

Another avionics of Hercules C-130 that is shown by Infoglobal in the IDEF 2021 is EFD-5.5 that is designed as avionics for navigation display. This avionics is designed flagship with RDU Mode that is able to display Radar data besides EADI and EHSI.

Infoglobal together with Ministry of Defence Republic Indonesia participates to show products developed and manufactured by Indonesian talents to reinforce Indonesia defence technology and global supply equipment and security systems.

The Local Content of the solar panel industry is targeted to reach 90% by 2025

Tuesday, September 14 2021 / 12:36 WIB


ILLUSTRATION. The Ministry of Industry targets the TKDN of the solar panel industry to reach 90 percent by 2025.

KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA . The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) continues to support the realization of the national new and renewable energy mix (EBT), including related to the use of energy in power plants. One of the efforts made is by encouraging the development of the national solar panel industry through a roadmap that has been prepared until 2025.

"Surely this effort will have a multiplier effect on the Indonesian economy, both in terms of industrial capabilities and technology transfer, which is in line with the government's determination to encourage a green economy," said Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita in a press release on the Ministry of Industry website, Tuesday (14/9).

Agus explained, in order to support the development of the national solar panel industry, the Ministry of Industry has prepared a road map supported by various strategic policies.

The Head of the Standardization and Industrial Services Policy Agency (BSKJI) of the Ministry of Industry, Doddy Rahadi, said that the roadmap had started from the first phase of the 2016 – 2018 period, namely the fulfillment of the Domestic Content Level (TKDN) target of 40% which includes for the manufacture of wafers, solar cells , and solar modules. Currently, there are 10 solar module manufacturers in Indonesia.

In the period 2019 – 2020, the target TKDN value is increased to 76%, which is supported by the ingot factory. Then, in the 2020-2022 period, it is expected to achieve the target of TKDN of 85% with the presence of a solar grade silicon factory.

"The last stage in the period 2023 - 2025, achieving a minimum TKDN value of 90% with the presence of a metallurgical grade silicon factory," said Doddy.

Read also: PLN's TKDN realization reached 47.64% until July 2021

According to Doddy, the Ministry of Industry has also carried out a mapping to measure the ability of the electricity supporting industry. From the mapping results, it is known that the TKDN value of the solar panel industry is 40%-47%.

This figure is expected to continue to grow with the support of policies from all stakeholders to increase the capacity of the national solar panel industry to achieve the national renewable energy mix target of 23% by 2025.

In order to support the increase in the TKDN of the national solar panel industry, the Ministry of Industry has drafted the Minister of Industry Regulation Number 54 of 2012 concerning Guidelines for the Use of Domestic Products for Electricity Infrastructure Development.

Meanwhile, specifically for Solar Power Plants (PLTS), changes have been made as stated in the Regulation of the Minister of Industry Number 05 of 2017 concerning Amendments to the Regulation of the Minister of Industry Number 54/M-IND/PER/3/2012 concerning Guidelines for the Use of Domestic Products. For Electricity Infrastructure Development.

"The combined TKDN value for Solar Home Systems is 53.07% and for centralized or communal PLTS it is 43.85%," continued Doddy.

Doddy added, through the support of various policies issued and the efforts that have been made for the solar panel industry, the Ministry of Industry targets the TKDN value for PLTS to exceed the TKDN achievement target for power plants set by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM).

For information, solar energy in Indonesia currently has a potential of 532.6 GWp per year. However, until now, the installed national production capacity is only 515 MWp and the total capacity of PLTS in Indonesia is 25 MWp.

This shows that the absorption of the solar panel market is still very small from the national production capacity. It is hoped that the absorption can continue to increase to support the national NRE mix.

Based on the benchmark for NRE power plants according to the International Renewable Energy Agency in 2019, Indonesia is in the third position among Southeast Asian countries with a total installed NRE capacity of 9,861 MW.

"The data shows that the installed capacity and investment in NRE power plants are still low, but through various policies and efforts, these challenges can be overcome," said Doddy.

Doddy said, according to a study conducted by the Indonesian Employers' Association (APINDO) and the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) in 2020, the problem with investing in environmentally friendly technology today is that the cost is still very expensive and takes a long time, namely two to three years. .

Meanwhile, based on data from the Indonesian Solar Module Manufacturers Association (APAMSI), there are currently 10 solar panel industry players in Indonesia with a total of 515 MWp. One of the solar panel industries with the highest production capacity is PT Len Industri with a capacity of 71 MWp.

"It is hoped that the use of solar panels both in the household and in the industrial sector can certainly continue to increase in the future. PT Len Industri of course must continue to innovate so that the level of use of solar panels can continue to increase, "added Doddy.

Next: Pros and cons of Rooftop Solar Power, this is a super complete explanation from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources

State Owned Company
BUMN means State Owned Company

The Defense BUMN Holding Formed by Erick Thohir is Near

The establishment of the BUMN holding in the defense sector is targeted to be completed before the end of 2021.


Rinaldi Mohammad Azka - Bisnis.com
06 October 2021 | 11:39 WIB

Bisnis.com , JAKARTA - The Ministry of SOEs is preparing the last holding to be formed this year, namely the defense BUMN holding. The holding will consist of 5 SOEs in the defense sub-cluster.

Special Staff to the Minister of SOEs Arya Sinulingga said that in the near future, the Ministry of SOEs would complete the holding of defense SOEs. This is part of efforts to strengthen SOEs in this field. "The closest [Holding BUMN] is defense. The media hasn't yet," he explained in a virtual press conference, Wednesday (6/10/2021).

Also read: Tourism BUMN Holding Formed, This is the Reason Garuda (GIAA) Hasn't Entered

He also explained that this year the Ministry of SOEs has completed many BUMN Holdings, namely ultra micro filled with BBRI, Pegadaian and PNM, then Tourism and Aviation, Food Holding, Holding Survey, Holding Pelindo, in the RNI holding process. Previously also Holding BUMN Insurance, Hospitals, and Pharmacies had also been formed.

In 2021, the government through the Ministry of SOEs has a target of forming a Defense Industry BUMN Holding. One of the goals is to combine the strengths of SOEs in the Defense Industry Sector to be more focused and collaborative to meet the needs of the National Defense and Security Guard.

Through the establishment of a holding, the Defense Industry will be under a new brand, namely Defend ID. With the new brand image, it is hoped that the Defense Industry will be able to demonstrate its capabilities in producing highly competitive products.

The BUMN Strategic Defense Industry consists of PT Dirgantara Indonesia, PT Pindad, PT Len Industri, PT Dahana and PT PAL Indonesia. Meanwhile, as the holding company is PT Len Industri.

PT Len Industri has also formed a Project Management Office (PMO) in 7 related fields in the 5 BUMNs. It is hoped that this Holding can be completed soon and the basis for a Government Regulation (PP) will soon be formed.

Read also: Ministry of SOEs will Form Holding to Manage Old PLTU Owned by PLN

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State owned company

PT Pindad sniper rifle, SPM 1

Gov Research Agency and State owned company

through OR PPT BRIN succeeded in developing small-scale turbines of 450 HP to 4MW back pressure type, development of design & engineering and manufacturing by
(PTIP) and PT Nusantara Turbine & Propulsion. Check out this thread in full

PT Nusantara Turbine & Propulsion is one of Indonesian Aerospace subsidiary companies.
Private sector

(The design is made by SOE shipyard, PT Dok Kodja Bahari)



Two new tank landing ships dock in Batam during the handover ceremony from the Defense Ministry to the Indonesian Navy, Oct. 26, 2021. (Photo courtesy of the Defense Ministry)

Indonesian Navy Welcomes Two Tank Landing Ships
OCTOBER 27, 2021

Jakarta. The Indonesian Navy has received two new tank landing ships built by a local defense consortium on the island of Batam.

Each ship is capable of carrying 367 personnel, 15 BMP-3F tanks, and a helicopter, according to the Defense Ministry.

It measures 117 meters in length, 16.4 meters in width, and 7.8 meters in height. Both have a maximum speed of 16 knots.

“We need a strong Navy to safeguard the national sovereignty,” Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto said during the handover ceremony in Batam on Tuesday.

The KRI Teluk Weda-526 is named after the Bay of Central Weda in North Maluku while the KRI Teluk Wondama-527 gets its name from the Bay of Wondama in Papua, next to the famous marine resort Raja Ampat.

Both ships are built by defense company Industri Pertahanan (Indhan) and shipbuilder Bandar Abadi who took 25 months to complete the construction, five months ahead of schedule.

The aerial view of two locally-made tank landing ships docking in Batam, Oct. 26, 2021. (Photo courtesy of the Defense Ministry)The aerial view of two locally-made tank landing ships docking in Batam, Oct. 26, 2021. (Photo courtesy of the Defense Ministry)

Last month, state-run shipbuilder PAL Indonesia won a license from UK-based defense company Babcock to manufacture two Arrowhead 140 (AH140) frigates for the Indonesian Navy.

The frigates will be built in Surabaya with specific design specifications to meet the requirements of the Navy.

Babcock said the Indonesian deal came two years since the AH140 design was first announced as the preferred bidder for the UK Type 31 frigate program with the contract confirmed in November of the same year.

According to the company, a key unique selling point of the ship is the predictive maintenance system – which identifies issues early, maximizing value for money for taxpayers.


KRI Teluk Weda 526


KRI Teluk Wondama 527

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Private Sector

Majority are made in Indonesia

State owned company

KRI Cakra 401 Submarine Passed Depth Test, Exceeding 85 Meters

NEWS - Ferry Sandi, CNBC Indonesia

15 October 2021 20:45

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - The Indonesian submarine KRI Cakra - 401 has completed the Nominal Diving Depth (NDD) program last weekend by the State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) in the shipping sector of PT PAL (Persero). This was done after the ship overhaul process at the PT PAL shipyard is completed.

Nominal Diving Depth or NDD is one of the depth tests in which a submarine is designed to dive according to what is stated in the submarine specifications.

NDD is a continuation of previous tests, including the Static Diving Test and Underwater Communication Function Test (PRE-SAT). The stages of SAT KRI Cakra 401 and KRI Alugoro 405 are not the same because one is a new ship building and the other is an existing ship overhaul .

"Since October 10, 2021, the KRI Cakra - 401 submarine has carried out the Nominal Diving Depth (NDD) in the waters of Panarukan Situbondo," PT PAL wrote on its official social media account.

This submarine made in Kiel, Germany managed to reach a depth of 85.7 meters by carrying out maximum speed, this is in accordance with NDD procedures on U 209 class submarines.

"A total of 40 crew members and 10 personnel from PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) and the Indonesian Ministry of Defense Task Force were also involved in carrying out the dive test," he wrote again.

The submarine KRI Cakra - 401 has successfully conducted a test dive. Not only has the maximum bearing and maximum depth been achieved, but the expected performance has been achieved so that on October 14, 2021, KRI Cakra-401 again arrived at PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) Submarine Facility Pier to continue the final completion of the Overhaul program.

KRI Cakra-401 has a length of 59.5 meters, a width of 6.3 meters with a draft of 5.4 meters. In addition, the ship can dive a maximum of 240 meters, and has a maximum capacity of 33 personnel. The ship also has a dive weight of 1,395 tons. This submarine is one generation with KRI Nanggala 402 which sank some time ago.

Private sector

(The design is made by SOE shipyard, PT Dok Kodja Bahari)


View attachment 788790
Two new tank landing ships dock in Batam during the handover ceremony from the Defense Ministry to the Indonesian Navy, Oct. 26, 2021. (Photo courtesy of the Defense Ministry)

Indonesian Navy Welcomes Two Tank Landing Ships
OCTOBER 27, 2021

Jakarta. The Indonesian Navy has received two new tank landing ships built by a local defense consortium on the island of Batam.

Each ship is capable of carrying 367 personnel, 15 BMP-3F tanks, and a helicopter, according to the Defense Ministry.

It measures 117 meters in length, 16.4 meters in width, and 7.8 meters in height. Both have a maximum speed of 16 knots.

“We need a strong Navy to safeguard the national sovereignty,” Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto said during the handover ceremony in Batam on Tuesday.

The KRI Teluk Weda-526 is named after the Bay of Central Weda in North Maluku while the KRI Teluk Wondama-527 gets its name from the Bay of Wondama in Papua, next to the famous marine resort Raja Ampat.

Both ships are built by defense company Industri Pertahanan (Indhan) and shipbuilder Bandar Abadi who took 25 months to complete the construction, five months ahead of schedule.

The aerial view of two locally-made tank landing ships docking in Batam, Oct. 26, 2021. (Photo courtesy of the Defense Ministry)The aerial view of two locally-made tank landing ships docking in Batam, Oct. 26, 2021. (Photo courtesy of the Defense Ministry)

Last month, state-run shipbuilder PAL Indonesia won a license from UK-based defense company Babcock to manufacture two Arrowhead 140 (AH140) frigates for the Indonesian Navy.

The frigates will be built in Surabaya with specific design specifications to meet the requirements of the Navy.

Babcock said the Indonesian deal came two years since the AH140 design was first announced as the preferred bidder for the UK Type 31 frigate program with the contract confirmed in November of the same year.

According to the company, a key unique selling point of the ship is the predictive maintenance system – which identifies issues early, maximizing value for money for taxpayers.


KRI Teluk Weda 526

View attachment 788994

KRI Teluk Wondama 527

View attachment 788995

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Indonesia is really making some good quality and advanced military equipment these days, happy to see it, keep it up.
Private sector

PT Ansa Solusitama Indonesia

Prototype Counter Sniper Censor



State owned company

PT LEN Industry Ground Controlled Intercepted (GCI) radar development (3D)



Currently, the Research and Development of GCI Radar Balitbang Kemhan continues to be developed by a domestic consortium consisting of PT Len Industri, PT LAPI ITB, PT Radar Telekomunikasi Indonesia (RTI) and PT Infoglobal Teknologi Semesta. Photo source: Defense Minister Prabowo's Documentation Team

Command, Control, Communication, Computer, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR)


Combat Management System

Private Own Company

Military Truck

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