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Indonesia’s Industrial Export Ambitions

Second NC212i plane for Thailand Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperative


Indonesia, Singapore sign deal on solar PV, energy storage


A worker cleans solar panels that generate electricity for a gas refueling station in the Teras area of the Central Java’s Boyolali regency on Oct. 26, 2022.(Antara/Aloysuis Jarot Nugroho)

Deni Ghifari (The Jakarta Post)
PREMIUM Jakarta ● Fri, March 17, 2023

The Indonesian government has signed an agreement with Singapore on the manufacture of photovoltaic (PV) panels and battery energy storage systems (BESS) involving PT Adaro Clean Energy Indonesia, PT Medco Power Indonesia, PT Energi Baru TBS and other foreign and national companies.

The deal was inked on Thursday by Coordinating Maritime Affairs and Investment Minister Luhut Pandjaitan and Singapore’s Coordinating National Security Minister Teo Chee Hean at the Singapore-Indonesia Leaders’ Retreat, held in Singapore.

“Under this memorandum of understanding [MoU], Indonesia and Singapore will establish a cooperative institutional framework to facilitate investments in the development of renewable energy manufacturing industries in Indonesia and cross-border electricity trading projects between Indonesia and Singapore,” reads the press statement released by Luhut’s office on Thursday.


ASEAN's Largest Train Factory in Banyuwangi Begins Operations​

News from Amaluddin • 1 hour ago

Banyuwangi: The largest railway factory in Southeast Asia, PT Steadler INKA Indonesia (SII), in Banyuwangi began operations. Along with the inauguration of the factory, passenger trains and electric rail (KRL) procurement contracts were also signed between PT INKA (Persero), PT KAI (Persero) and PT KCI or KAI Commuter with a total investment of around Rp. 9 trillion (581 million USD)

To meet the needs of manpower, INKA's workshop in Banyuwangi collaborates with the Job Training Center (BLK) in Banyuwangi. The workshop was inaugurated by the Deputy Minister of BUMN II, Kartika Wiryoadmojo, accompanied by the Banyuwangi Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda), Thursday, March 9, 2023.

Also present were the Director General of Railways of the Ministry of Transportation, Mohammad Rizal Wasal, the Director General of Metal, Machinery, Electronics of the Ministry of Industry, Taufiq Bawazier, the President Director of PT INKA (Persero) Eko Purwanto, the President Director of PT KAI (Persero) Didik Hartantyo, and the President Director of KAI Commuter Suryawan Putra.

PT INKA's workshop in Banyuwangi will make a car body from the procurement contract. Gradually, a 4-kilometer test track and other facilities will be built. The facility is used to test completed wagons or locomotives.

Deputy Minister Kartika Wiryoadmojo said the largest railway factory in Southeast Asia was built to increase the production of export-quality railways. The presence of the workshop will automatically encourage job creation.

"PT. INKA itself has exported to various countries such as Bangladesh, the Philippines, Singapore, India, New Zealand, to Australia," said the man who is familiarly called Tiko.

He said the reason for choosing Banyuwangi as a location was because it was strategic. It is not too far from the port and station, making it easier to mobilize products.

"In addition, Banyuwangi is also known to strongly support the development of the business world to create jobs," he said.

Meanwhile, the President Director of PT INKA, Eko Purwanto, added a train procurement contract with PT. KAI includes the procurement of 16 trainsets, 1 set consisting of 12 carriages, 612 SS New Generation Train Units for the 2023-2026 replacement program, and 10 luxury train cars.

"For KRL, the procurement is worth IDR 3.4 trillion, while for replacement trains and luxury trains it is IDR 5.5 trillion and IDR 150 billion, respectively," said Eko.

Banyuwangi Deputy Regent Sugirah hopes that the INKA workshop in Banyuwangi will create jobs and drive the local economy.

"I, along with the Regent of Ipuk, hope that this workshop will have an impact on driving the regional economy. Creating jobs and becoming a catalyst for public transportation is not only Banyuwangi, but also nationally related to massive and capable public transportation," said Sugirah.


If all the facility is completed in PT INKA new factory, it will look like this inshaAllah

PT INKA train for Jakarta Commuter Line



Photo: Design of KRL produced locally by PT Industri Kereta Api (Persero). (Doc. Exceptional)
Flood of Orders from KAI, INKA Inaugurates New Factory in Banyuwangi

Anisa Indraini - detikFinance
Thursday, 09 Mar 2023 16:57 WIB


INKA factory in Banyuwangi (Photo: Anisa Indraini/detikcom)

Banyuwangi -

PT Industri Kereta Api / INKA (Persero) inaugurated a new factory in Banyuwangi, East Java. The presence of the new factory is to increase its production capacity which is currently only carried out in Madiun, East Java.

"With the operation of the Banyuwangi workshop, we will produce not only in Madiun, so some will be in Banyuwangi. We will start working here, from today onwards there will be production activities in Banyuwangi," said President Director of PT INKA (Persero) Eko Purwanto in the inauguration in Banyuwangi, East Java, Thursday (9/3/2023).

This is in line with the wholesale orders from PT KAI (Persero) and its subsidiary PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (KCI). Starting from the contract for the procurement of 16 new KRL trainsets to be fulfilled in 2025, 1 set consisting of 12 carriages, the contract for the procurement of 612 units of SS New Generation trains for the 2023-2026 Replacement program, and the contract for the procurement of 10 Luxury Train Cars of 26 seats for Argo Lawu Train, Argo Dwipangga Train, Taksaka Train and 1 Maintenance Reserve Car for 2023-2024.

Eko said that KCI's order for KRL could only be fulfilled in 2025 because several more preparations were needed, one of which was limited production sites. Not to mention that INKA also claimed to get orders from other countries.

"The challenge for KRL is that we from INKA have insufficient capacity for now because the main workshop is still in Madiun and some orders are quite massive this year so we need to increase that capacity, so we start operating workshops in Banyuwangi," he said.

The INKA factory in Banyuwangi is currently only completed for phase 1 of development, namely the construction of buildings and the installation of cranes. It has spent Rp 603 billion from the State Capital Participation (PMN).


INKA Factory in Banyuwangi Photo: Anisa Indraini/detikcom

The INKA factory in Banyuwangi will continue to be developed into phase 2 (2023-2025), namely in the form of building construction, machine installation (fabrication, finishing and final testing machines), construction of a 1 km test track, mosque construction, and construction of a stabling area with an investment need of IDR 331.5 billion. At this stage, the factory is targeted to produce 250 cars per year.

Then in phase 3 (2026 and above) the production target will be increased to 500 cars / year. Because at this stage it is planned that there has been an additional 3 km test track capacity, museum construction, guest house construction and management office construction with an investment value of IDR 3.01 trillion.

INKA's factory in Banyuwangi has an area of 83.5 hectares (Ha). Production facilities for trains with aluminum and stainless steel carbodies, as well as for high quality projects.

On the same occasion, Deputy Minister of SOEs Kartika Wirjoatmodjo hopes that the additional INKA factory in Banyuwangi can open new jobs, drive the local economy, and accelerate economic recovery in the local area.

"The location of Banyuwangi which is close to the port will also accelerate the logistics process of the workshop so that it will support the growth of the railway industry and together the growth of the agricultural industry, tourism, fisheries, MSMEs and others will be a driver of the national economy," said Tiko as he is familiarly called.

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KAI and INKA Subsidiary Sign a Contract for the Procurement of Train Carriage Components Worth IDR 800 Billion

Pribadi Wicaksono (Kontributor)
Rr. Ariyani Yakti Widyastuti
Kamis, 6 April 2023 16:22 WIB


TEMPO.CO, Yogyakarta - PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) or PT KAI signed a cooperation contract with a subsidiary of state-owned train manufacturer PT INKA, PT INKA Multi Solusi Trading (PT IMST) to procure a number of components for multi-year train cars.

"The signing of this contract is for the procurement of maintenance kit components for train bogies and INKA carriages on a multi-year basis from 2023 to 2026," said PT IMST Main Director Wai Wahdan after signing the contract, Thursday, April 6, 2023.

The signing of the contract worth around Rp. 800 billion was carried out at PT KAI Yogyakarta's Balai Yasa Office attended by a number of officials from two agencies. The train and carriage components included in the procurement contract are mainly for K1 and K3 passenger train types.

There are four stages of procurement that will be carried out throughout 2023-2026. The first stage in 2023, for example, will be procurement in the form of 1,032 Bogie General Kits, 1,032 Pen Brush Kits, 500 additional K5/TB 398 Bogie Kits and 51 Spring Signposts.

Then in the second phase, 586 packages of General Bogie Kits were realized, 586 packages of Pen Brush Kits, 486 additional K5/TB 398 Bogie Kits and 30 Spring Signposts.

Furthermore, in the third phase, 1,026 tons of P24 GD Maintenance Kits were realized, and in the fourth or last stage, 1,080 tons of 50 tons of P24 GB Maintenance Kits were realized and 1,092 tons of 54 tons of P48 GD Maintenance Kits.

INKA export to New Zealand


INKA send train set to Sulawesi Island


The train set can be spotted during recent TV One interview with PT KAI (SOE train operator) in Sulawesi Island


AlhamduliLLAH, the contract is finally signed for new 6 NC212i planes.


Philippines (13/04), located at the Department of National Defense (DND) office, Quezon City, Philippines, PTDI and DND Philippines signed a contract to supply 6 (six) NC212i aircraft and their spare parts, which will then be operated by the Philippines Air Force .

Indonesian local private own companies who export a lot to other countries


Astra Autopart



PTDI Signs Contract to Procure 6 NC212i Aircraft for Philippine Air Force​


NC212i (Light Lift Fixed-Wing Aircraft) aircraft.

14 April 2023 11:30

PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) and the Philippine Department of National Defense signed a contract to procure 6 units of NC212i (Light Lift Fixed-Wing Aircraft) aircraft and spare parts. The aircraft procurement is intended for the Philippine Air Force.

The signing of the contract, which took place in the Philippines, is a follow-up to the determination of the winner of the tender (notice of award) by the Philippine Department of National Defense, which was announced on March 10, 2023.

The contract was signed by PTDI's Group Head of Commercial, Indar Atmoko, and witnessed by Engr. Samuel A Castro representing the Philippine Ministry of National Defense.

Deputy Chief of Representative in Manila, said the signing of the contract reflects the trust of the Philippine Government, especially the Philippine Department of National Defense, in Indonesian defense equipment products that have various advantages both in terms of technology and after-sales service.

In addition to winning the contract, PTDI has also obtained a Philippine Air Force NC212i maintenance contract purchased from PTDI in 2014.

The aircraft maintenance will be carried out at PT DI Bandung for 2 aircraft. The contract has been signed and a ferry flight is planned for the 4th week of April 2023.


The signing of a contract for the procurement of 6 units of NC212i aircraft between PTDI and DND Philippines in Quezon City, Philippines (13/4/2023). Photo: PT. AT

"This indicates that our products are quality-accepted by customers in support of their mission operations, in this case the Philippines Air Force," said Indar Atmoko.

According to Indar Atmoko, President Marcos Jr. when meeting with President Jokowi last year, conveyed his commitment to immediately complete the procurement process. Then on April 13, 2023, PTDI has fulfilled the invitation from DND to sign the contract."

"We would like to thank HRH our Ambassador in Manila and his staff, who continue to always provide advice to our team during activities in Manila. Hopefully our cooperation will continue to be established for future achievements so that our defense industry products are increasingly known and used by the world," he said.

Some of the Indonesian SOEs that successfully entered the Philippine market and won procurement projects in the public transportation, infrastructure and defense sectors include PT INKA, PT WIKA, PT Dirgantara Indonesia, PT LEN Railway Systems and PT PAL. (Indonesian Embassy in Manila)

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Biggest steel company in Indonesia is PT Krakatau Steel and the company also export lot of steel to many countries. The company is part of state-owned companies but some of their shares have already been traded in Jakarta Stock Exchange.


  • April 19, 2021

The Power Division, through the Turbine Component Factory in Cilegon, again exported power plant components.

This time, PT Barata Indonesia (Persero) exported Silo Combustion Chamber power plant components to Zhoushan, China.

The silo combustion chamber is for Zhejiang Petrochemical Co. Ltd which will be used in the Zhoushan GT 20 project.

For 2021, Barata Indonesia has bagged several power plant component projects. Previously, Barata Indonesia also participated in the "Smart Energy Center" power plant project owned by a South Korean company, SK Hynix located in Cheongju.

Some of the projects that are being and will be carried out by the Turbine Component Factory in Cilegon are:

– BQPS III Unit 20 Condenser (Bangladesh)

– Unique Condenser (Bangladesh)

– Hynix Icheon Condenser &; LPOC (South Korea)

– RDMP Balikpapan Condenser Unit 1-5 (Indonesia)


PT Barata Indonesia Exports Power Plant Turbine Components to Australia​

Tuesday, 30 July 2019 19:04


Turbine components of PT Barata Indonesia's products are exported to Australia.

SURYA.co.id | SURABAYA - State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) in the fabrication sector or components of machinery, PT Barata Indonesia (Persero) in Gresik, exports turbine components for power plants. The product is produced from the Turbine Component Factory - Power Plant Division - PT Barata Indonesia - Cilegon.

"The product exported this time is Low Pressure Inner Casing (LPIC) 1x1,105 MW to Australia," said Oksarlidady Arifin, President Director of Barata Indonesia, Tuesday (30/7/2019).

Later the components of this power plant made by the country's children will be used to upgrade the capacity of AGL Energy's power plant with a capacity of 2,210 MW (2x1,105 MW). This power plant accounts for about 30 percent of the supply of electricity needs in Victoria, Australia.

Barata Indonesia performs fabrication, machining to assembling turbines.

The export of power plant components by Barata Indonesia will continue to be increased as an effort to strengthen the company's position in the export sector, in addition to other export products such as Railway components (Bogie) which are currently routinely exported to Mexico & Canada.

"I hope this Turbine Component Factory can do the same and become one of the backbones of product exports carried out by Barata Indonesia," said Dady, Oksalidady Arifin's nickname.

In addition to exporting LPIC, Barata Indonesia also exports other power plant components, namely condensers to Russia. Barata Indonesia works on Condenser owned by Nizhnekamskneftekhim (member of TAIF Group). This project has also been carried out by Barata Indonesia since September last year.

Before exporting to Australia and Russia, Barata Indonesia has also exported Power Plant components, to various countries.

"Such as condenser & LP outer casing (Brazil, Argentina & Pakistan), blade ring components (Panama, Argentina, Brazil & Pakistan), inner casting (Bangladesh) and combustion chamber (Taiwan)," said Dedy.

ABC Pioneers First Local Battery Cell Manufacturer of Electric Vehicles

Kompas.com - 23/07/2022, 09:42 WIB


ABC battery cells(Kompas.com/Donny)

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Periklindo Electric Vehicle Show (PEVS) 2022 at JIEXpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, presents many electric vehicle supporters. Battery manufacturers are no exception, such as PT International Chemical Industry (Intercallin), a battery manufacturer ABC. ABC Battery Produced since 1959 and continues to exist until now. But, the product is only as a battery pack for the use of various electronic devices.

Also read: Ford Collaborates to Build Electric Car Battery Factory in Indonesia

PT Intercallin Marketing Director Hermawan Wijaya said, ABC took the decision to build a cell factory Lithium from 2019. Then, the purchase of machinery, construction of buildings, facilities, and infrastructure is carried out until finally it can be produced in early 2022.


ABC Lithium Battery for electric bike (Kompas.com/Donny)

"So, our first production is at the beginning of 2022. We make a cell product of type Lithium Ferro Phosphate which is cylindrical in shape. That's our first product," Hermawan told Kompas.com, Friday (22/7/2022). Lithium Ferro Phosphate (LFP) or LiFePO4 Proven to be the safest cathode material for lithium ion batteries. Such batteries have no risk of burning, no risk of exploding, and have the longest cycle life.

Also read: Charging Wuling Air EV Battery at Home Requires a Minimum Power of 2,200 W

Hermawan added, Battery cells Can be used for various needs, it can be renewable energy or electric vehicles.


ABC Lithium Battery for tricycle electric motor (Kompas.com/Donny)

"Electric vehicles also vary, such as bicycles, motorcycles, small electric cars, or three-wheeled motorcycles, and all kinds. In addition, it can also be for power storage or energy storage for backup purposes, "said Hermawan. According to him, with this cell, ABC can also help MSMEs or hobbies, or home industries that need battery packs. Those battery cell applications can be of all kinds.


Hermawan Wijaya, Marketing Director of PT Intercallin(Kompas.com/Donny)

"Or he is through a company packer who makes his own way, later we will supply the cell. Because, cell manufacturers do not exist in Indonesia. Currently, we are a pioneer industry for cells," he said.

PT Barata turbine component export to China

Barata export China.jpeg

PT Barata turbine component export to South Korea


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