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Indonesian Strategic Industries

State owned company

Defence Minister Interest on E-Tactical Motorcycle made by PT LEN Industry


The E-Tactical electric trail bike developed by PT Len Industri (Persero) began to be exhibited at the 2021 Indonesia Electric Motor Show (IEMS).

Unlike other electric dirt bikes currently available, the E-Tactical will target the military. The off-road motorbike can be used as an operational motorbike and even a special operation vehicle.

Dendy Ariadiputra, public relations officer for PT Len Industri (Persero) said that recently the Minister of Defense (Menhan) Prabowo Subianto, had seen firsthand and was interested in E-Tactical.

Dendy said, Prabowo conveyed this interest when he visited the head office of PT Len Industri in the context of a direct review of one of the Defense Industry SOEs (Indhan) in Bandung (1/11/21).

"Yesterday he said this, because there is no sound, so this will be called the Silent Team, he said that I heard," said Dendy who was met by Kompas.com, at Puspitek, Serpong, Friday (27/11/2021).

Harry Hindarsyah, Marketing of PT Len Industri said, currently E-Tactical is still in prototype form. However, in the near future the plan will begin mass production.

If it goes according to plan, he said that his party is ready to produce enough E-Tactical units to meet military demands.

Harry said that production would start at the earliest after the second month of 2022, looking at the policy later. Production will be carried out at Len's factory in Subang.

“Len has a factory in Subang, his name is Len Technopark, maybe there will be. There is also production in Bandung," said Harry.

Bobby Rasyidin, PT LEN Industry CEO talk about the making of SOE defense holding in Q 4 2021.

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Good information (Sorry, only Indonesian, Malaysian, Brunei and some Singaporean who can understand)

State owned University (ITB)

Locally built weapon locating radar prototype


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State owned university (ITS)

Mini LNG carrier vessel design.

state owned company

The making of KCR 60 meter by PT PAL Indonesia ( fifth vessels)

State owned company (Biofarma) and start up company (Nusantics)

Bio Farma X Nusantics Launches Limited Bio Saliva, Covid-19 PCR Detection Test With Gargle Method
Saturday, 3 July 2021


Gargle-PCR has a sensitivity up to 95%, it can be used as an alternative to the gold standard Nasopharyngeal-Oropharyngeal Swab using a PCR Kit. Biosaliva has also received a distribution permit from the Ministry of Health on April 1, 2021 with the RI Ministry of Health Number AKD 10302120673.

(Bandung 3/7) Bio Farma and Nusantics launched the latest innovation, Bio Saliva, a test tool to detect Covid-19 using the gargling method. This method is much more convenient for detecting the Covid-19 virus in the body of patients with or without symptoms.

Bio Saliva is a complement to the previous product, namely mBioCov19 which was also developed by Nusantics. The product development process involved more than 400 samples of positive Covid-19 patients, both outpatients, as well as inpatients and validation research for 7 months. The validation test has been completed colaborate with the Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Diponegoro National Hospital (RSND) and Kariadi Doctor Hospital (RSDK). Biosaliva has received a distribution permit from the Ministry of Health on April 1, 2021 with the RI Ministry of Health Number AKD 10302120673

The Association of Clinical Pathology Specialists has held a national seminar discussing the function of this Bio Saliva PCR gargle product in early May 2021, which was attended online by thousands of doctors and health workers. Nusantics and Bio Farma have carried out various developments based on input from various parties, especially from specialist doctors and health workers.

Compared to test equipment Bio Saliva has many advantages. The samples used in the product development process are all from Indonesian patients, which is compatible with the Indonesian population. Bio Saliva can detect up to a CT number of 40 and has excellent performance for CT <35 with a sensitivity of up to 93.57%. This of course makes Gargle-PCR an alternative to the gold standard Nasopharyngeal-Oropharyngeal Swab using a PCR Kit which has a sensitivity of up to 95%.

This product answers the challenges of clinical laboratories for testing needs suitable with conditions in Indonesia, which are generally far from health facilities. with a convenient and accurate sampling method, hoped that Gargle-PCR can contribute to increasing the national tracing capacity, especially for children and the elderly who need more convenience in sampling.

Besides of convenient collection method, in the future taking the sampling process can be carried out in non-medical areas, under the supervision of health workers, so that it can be reduced crowds, and avoiding contact and can the collection of very large sample carried out with no many additional medical personnel. Bio Saliva is suitable for routine screening of factory/industrial areas, office buildings, settlements and schools for monitoring and early detection needs.

Mutation Variant Detection
In the midst of the many variants of the Covid-19 mutation and the high number of spreads, Farma answered the need for comfortable and accurate test equipment. The use of Bio Saliva, together with m-BioCov-19 can detect mutations B 117 (Alpha), B 1,351 (Beta), P.1 (Gamma), B 1,617.2 (Delta), B 1,617.1 (Kappa), B 1,525 (Eta), B 1,526 (Iota), B 1,466.2 (Indonesian variant), B 1.427/29 (Epsilon), and C.37 (Lambda). Until now, there are no Covid-19 test equipment products in Indonesia that can detect 10 (ten) variants of the Covid-19 mutation.

“We have tested it with bioinformatics alignment on tens of thousands of Whole Genome Sequencing data of these variants. The ability of mBioCoV19 to detect all circulating variants is due to consideration of the target genes used in the PCR kit design since last year. Where the E, M, S, and N genes have high mutation rates, we chose the target gene helicase (nsp-13) and RdRp (nsp-12) which are highly conserved (or more resistant to mutations) and sensitive," said Revata. Utama, CTO Nusantics.

Limited launch for improvements
This is the first time Indonesia has built a diagnostic industry. Although we are 2-3 decades behind compared to developed countries, Bio Farma has managed to record important achievements during the pandemic.
Of course, it needed some additions to make the Bio Saliva test equipment will be more perfect,we must encourage the acceleration of product improvement. Input from various parties at this limited release stage is very helpful. We must not be left behind,” said Director of Bio Farma Honesti Basyir

Bio Farma is currently conducting post market testing of BioSaliva in 3 (three) laboratories, in line with the limited release, which was appointed by the Directorate of Supervision of Medical Devices and Household Health Supplies, Ministry of Health, RI, among others; Microbiology Lab, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Advanced Biomedical Lab, Faculty of Medicine, University of Padjadjaran and Clinical Microbiology Lab, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Honesti emphasized support for the next month from various parties is very important for product improvement which is expected to be useful for increasing national tracing capacity.

To facilitate public access to this convenient test method, starting July 3, 2021, checking using Bio Saliva can be carried out at the GSI Kuningan and Cilandak laboratories (limited releases). Access to this test method will then be expanded to more clinical laboratories throughout Indonesia that are Bio Farma's partners.

Private sector (public company)

Kalbe Launches the First Ever Saliva-Based COVID-19 Test Kit which is the Brainchild of Indonesia’s Own Researchers
Kalbe Launches the First Ever Saliva-Based COVID-19 Test Kit which is the Brainchild of Indonesia’s Own Researchers

Press Release No. 014/KFCP-DIR/PR/III/21

Jakarta, 19 March 2021- PT Kalbe Farma Tbk (Kalbe) today launches its state-of-the-art, saliva-based Covid-19 diagnostic test kit, the first ever of its kind that has been successfully developed by the nation’s home-grown researchers. This diagnostic test kit that uses saliva to test for Covid-19 employs the Reverse Transcription Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification (RT LAMP) method to specifically detect the nucleic acid that constitutes the genetic material of the SARS CoV-2 virus that causes Covid-19. As with Polymerase Chain Reaction Rapid Test (RT–PCR) and Molecular Rapid Test (TCM), RT LAMP is a molecular test that falls into the Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) category that has been approved by the Ministry of Health as stated on page 8 of the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number HK. 01.07/ MENKES/ 446/2021. As a molecular test, the accuracy of this RT LAMP method is far higher than laboratory-based antigen tests (frequently referred to as rapid tests) that detect protein fragments specific to the corona virus.

“Kalbe through its business unit, starting from the research and development unit, the production unit up to its service unit always makes effort to support the government in realizing the independence and competitiveness of the domestic healthcare industry,” says Irawati Setiady, President Commissioner of PT Kalbe Farma Tbk. “This saliva-based RT LAMP is a very useful tool for accelerating measures to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic as it can help the government reach out to people living in areas with no or minimal COVID-19 testing facilities and dramatically increase the availability and accessibility of testing for the general population,” adds Irawati.

“This RT LAMP, which uses saliva samples to test for Covid-19, offers patients many advantages and conveniences. The saliva spit test is easy and practical to use. It does not involve any discomfort. It is highly accurate. It is fast and more economic. With all these advantages, we hope that we can use the saliva-based RT LAMP method to reach out to a greater number of people and a much broader segment of society so that the government’s tracing and testing program could be optimized,” says Sie Djohan, Director of PT Kalbe Farma Tbk. “The launch of the saliva-based COVID-19 diagnostic test is part of Kalbe’s commitment and effort to continuously support the government to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic,” says Sie Djohan.

“This innovative test may constitute a very good choice for Covid-19 testing due to its high accuracy with 94% sensitivity and 98% specificity. Moreover, saliva samples are collected by requesting the patient to spit into a container. This procedure is unimaginably far more comfortable and practical than the other COVID-19 tests currently available. The taking of saliva samples requires no special equipment. Nor does it induce vomiting or cause extreme discomfort to people with sensitive nasal blood vessels, thus making it very easy for children and people with hypersensitive noses to get tested. It will also become a preferred COVID-19 testing method for those who are going to fast during the upcoming Holy Month of Ramadhan,” says Stem Cell and Cancer Institute’s In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) Division Research Manager Akterono, D Budiyati.

Sie Djohan goes on saying that this saliva-based COVID-19 diagnostic testing kit is an innovative breakthrough developed by a home-grown team from Kalbe’s own research and development center – the Stem Cell and Cancer Institute (SCI) – through a series of testing processes that were conducted in compliance with required procedures. The testing kit has received official approval for distribution from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia through the issuance of Distribution Permit Number AKD 20303120508. Produced by PT Kalgen DNA, the testing kit will be marketed under the brand name “ELVA DIAGNOSTIC SARS CoV-2 Saliva Nucleic Acid Test Kit” by PT Enseval Medika Prima.

“Saliva-based RT LAMP service can be accessed at the Kalgen Innolab Clinical Laboratory (Kalbe Farma Laboratory) under the brand name “InnoLAMP”. The clinical laboratory serves the general public. It also receives referrals from the healthcare facilities that have entered into a contract with it, especially in Jakarta and the Greater Jakarta area (Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi). Kalgen Innolab is the main clinical laboratory that provides COVID-19 test services (PCR and antigen rapid tests). Kalgen Innolab is part of the Ministry of Health’s network and is one of the partners of the Provincial Health Department of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta and has a comprehensive portfolio for COVID-19 tests. Kalgen Innolab is the first private clinical laboratory that administers PCR COVID-19 rapid tests. From April 2020 to present, the clinical lab has tested almost 180,000 samples. InnoLAMP complements the series of COVID-19-related tests administered by Kalgen Innolab, including PCR and antigen rapid tests, SARS-COV-2 antibody (serology) tests, IL-6, D-Dimer, PT, PTT, etc.,” says Kalgen Innolab Director Henry Sukardi.

Furthermore, Henry also says that for health facilities, this method provides an additional advantage in terms of sample management. For the taking of samples, only sterile containers are needed and no medical personnel with special swab training are required. The risk of transmission at the time of sampling is minimized as the patient is requested to spit into a container and the saliva remains stable at room temperature. The work of examining saliva in the laboratory involves the use of a molecular method with simpler equipment and practical, applicative techniques, thus resulting in faster processing time and eventually providing a more economical solution.

Henry adds that saliva-based RT LAMP marks the most recent development in COVID-19 testing in line with the regulations of the Ministry of Health. However, the use of the testing results as a mandatory document for travelling will have to be coordinated with the relevant authority.

“Kalbe hopes that this new breakthrough in the way people get tested for COVID-19 a will open up a greater opportunity and a better access for people from different walks of life, ages and geographical regions to get screened and tested for the SARS CoV-2 virus. This would hopefully enable Indonesia to have a greater ability to reduce the rate of COVID-19-related spread, incidences and deaths," concludes Sie Djohan.

State owned company, PT Pindad and state owned university (Institute Technology Bandung/ITB)

Mine Blast test for Anoa 2 APC

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PT Rekayasa Engineering

Company Profile

Private sector

PT Polytron ( electronics company ) makes EV bike

Polytron Evo
200 km range

PT Polytron is big electronics company in Indonesia and has exported their products to more than 40 countries.
State owned company

Pindad Armo V4


Pindad SS2 V5 A1

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It looks decent. Would love to see the specs and videos on it

Next year Indodefense event we will likely see that, could be reviewed by Jane Defense reporter as Jane Defense will likely be invited like in previous years, before we have Pandemic that cancelled 2020 event.

Clearer look


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