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Indonesian president vows to outgun Australia

Australia might have higher living standards but Indonesia will be a more powerful country than Australia because of their large population size. Having more people means a large middle class and large taxable population, more talent, more human resources. Indonesia will be among the top 4 economies in 15-20 years time. This means they will have a larger military budget to buy weapons or build their own.

US is Australia's only ally that can make a big difference, the UK is nothing but a museum now. British power is very limited and they have very little power projection capabilities. The US is the western worlds only power that can compete with China, Indonesia and India.

Not true. Population does not = more powerful. It's kind of a dumb logic you are using there. Developed countries like Spain and South Korea have 3 times Australia's population yet Australia has a larger economy.

Being able to tax a population more because there is more people does not make your country rich. It's about the wealth the people in said country create via business, companies and investments.


The World Today - Analyst calls for radical rethink of Indonesia policy 22/05/2012

Bold Red: Nah, we actually never dream anything big like Pinoys do, nor do we openly make any hostilities with countries bigger than our country like China, we befriend China instead and talk reasonably, unlike you who like dreaming on taking on China head on. But one thing for sure, we are certainly at a far better position than the country you came from. Either Militarily or Economically.

Top 5 Largest Economies in Asia

It would be good if you actually say what that graph is showing and quote a source for it. All it looks like to me is a bunch of numbers and countries.
Defence white paper pivots over China threat. | The Australian

LABOR no longer views China as a military threat but has called on Beijing to be more transparent about its growing power, in a defence blueprint that highlights the importance of Indonesia and India as key allies.

The Gillard government's new defence white paper has backed away from the confrontational approach to China that dominated Kevin Rudd's 2009 document, but still maps out major purchases of defence equipment to prepare the Australian Defence Force to fight future wars in the region or further afield.

The immediate centrepiece of the new equipment will be 12 highly sophisticated, Growler electronic attack aircraft, able to paralyse an enemy's missile defences and communications.

The government has drawn a line under any further defence budget cuts and will provide a small increase for defence in next month's budget to cover the estimated $1.5 billion cost of the Growlers - heavily modified versions of the RAAF's 24 Super Hornet fighter bombers.

It has accelerated the process of selecting a design for the 12 promised future submarines to replace the Navy's six Collins-class boats.

The paper released yesterday by Julia Gillard and Defence Minister Stephen Smith stresses the importance of Australia's relations with both China and the US, but says the US will remain Australia's most important ally.

"The government does not approach China as an adversary," it says.

"Rather, its policy is aimed at encouraging China's peaceful rise and ensuring that strategic competition in the region does not lead to conflict."

It would be good if you actually say what that graph is showing and quote a source for it. All it looks like to me is a bunch of numbers and countries.

He is comparing GDP(PPP) which is pointless. GDP Nominal, Australian economy is twice as big as Indonesia's.
Not true. Population does not = more powerful. It's kind of a dumb logic you are using there. Developed countries like Spain and South Korea have 3 times Australia's population yet Australia has a larger economy.

Being able to tax a population more because there is more people does not make your country rich. It's about the wealth the people in said country create via business, companies and investments.

It would be good if you actually say what that graph is showing and quote a source for it. All it looks like to me is a bunch of numbers and countries.

Population size does matter. Why does Singapore have such high per capita but is not powerful in the world. Because they have high living standards but they don't have the fiscal revenues to compete with China. We have $2 trillion in fiscal revenues, that's bigger than the ENTIRE Australian economy. Yes, our government fiscal revenue ALONE is bigger than the Australian economy. Heck, its bigger than the Indian economy. Having large revenue means you can spend things on military without going into big deficits, basically spending big but still living within your means.
He is comparing GDP(PPP) which is pointless. GDP Nominal, Australian economy is twice as big as Indonesia's.

I thought Indians love to use GDP(PPP).:what: And you guys always like to use GDP(PPP) to exaggerate Chinese military spending.

GDP(PPP) is absolutely valid. You simply need much less money in Indonesia for same amount soldiers and weapons.

Population size does matter. Why does Singapore have such high per capita but is not powerful in the world. Because they have high living standards but they don't have the fiscal revenues to compete with China. We have $2 trillion in fiscal revenues, that's bigger than the ENTIRE Australian economy. Yes, our government fiscal revenue ALONE is bigger than the Australian economy. Heck, its bigger than the Indian economy. Having large revenue means you can spend things on military without going into big deficits, basically spending big but still living within your means.

The reason why population matters to you is because of the 1 billion people your nation has. Anyway, with Asia's economy rising fast, Australia is being left behind, and that is bad


The World Today - Analyst calls for radical rethink of Indonesia policy 22/05/2012

Bold Red: Nah, we actually never dream anything big like Pinoys do, nor do we openly make any hostilities with countries bigger than our country like China, we befriend China instead and talk reasonably, unlike you who like dreaming on taking on China head on. But one thing for sure, we are certainly at a far better position than the country you came from. Either Militarily or Economically.

Top 5 Largest Economies in Asia

Even if your economy is rising, human rights and living standards are still not good. Anyway, Australia has NATO and US, how about Indonesia
I thought Indians love to use GDP(PPP).:what: And you guys always like to use GDP(PPP) to exaggerate Chinese military spending.

GDP(PPP) is absolutely valid. You simply need much less money in Indonesia for same amount soldiers and weapons.

Did you just say "You Indians". Stop generalizing.

It would be valid if Indonesia manufactured most of its weapons. Which is not the case.
Even if your economy is rising, human rights and living standards are still not good. Anyway, Australia has NATO and US, how about Indonesia

India's living standards is not even higher than South Korea, yet they have bigger military power. Having good track record in human rights and living standards doesn't relate to having big military. Don't mix things up and undermine other people's country that is still better than your country, just look over Philippines economy and especially military, since you are the one with conflict.
India's living standards is not even higher than South Korea, yet they have bigger military power. Having good track record in human rights and living standards doesn't relate to having big military. Don't mix things up and undermine other people's country that is still better than your country, just look over Philippines economy and especially military, since you are the one with conflict.

People need to reclaim the Australia land back to the original people. You can have 20 million people controlling that vast land, where India, Indonesia, and other countries are packed like sardines. Australian are racists ignorantbogan assholes.

Where is the human rights of the original people in Australia? Pretty sad, when white racist have the monopoly on the human right narrative.

India's living standards is not even higher than South Korea, yet they have bigger military power. Having good track record in human rights and living standards doesn't relate to having big military. Don't mix things up and undermine other people's country that is still better than your country, just look over Philippines economy and especially military, since you are the one with conflict.

People need to reclaim the Australia land back to the original people. You can have 20 million people controlling that vast land, where India, Indonesia, and other countries are packed like sardines. Australian are racists ignorantbogan assholes.

Where is the human rights of the original people in Australia? Pretty sad, when white racist have the monopoly on the human right narrative.
GDP(PPP) is absolutely valid. You simply need much less money in Indonesia for same amount soldiers and weapons.

Partially true, but remember that Indonesia still needs to import some of its weapons from other countries, that's why GDP (PPP) isn't fully valid.
People need to reclaim the Australia land back to the original people. You can have 20 million people controlling that vast land, where India, Indonesia, and other countries are packed like sardines. Australian are racists ignorantbogan assholes.

Where is the human rights of the original people in Australia? Pretty sad, when white racist have the monopoly on the human right narrative.

People need to reclaim the Australia land back to the original people. You can have 20 million people controlling that vast land, where India, Indonesia, and other countries are packed like sardines. Australian are racists ignorantbogan assholes.

Where is the human rights of the original people in Australia? Pretty sad, when white racist have the monopoly on the human right narrative.

Do not forget that there are approximately 900 million of them with the best weapons systems in the world. It is those who have the best guns, literally calls the shots.

If the rest 6.1 billion rise up and say enough is enough, can they win. No, not today.
People need to reclaim the Australia land back to the original people. You can have 20 million people controlling that vast land, where India, Indonesia, and other countries are packed like sardines. Australian are racists ignorantbogan assholes.

Where is the human rights of the original people in Australia? Pretty sad, when white racist have the monopoly on the human right narrative.

People like you should be interned in a mental facility :cuckoo: while the ones who are "packed like sardines" should try birth control instead of invasions :coffee:
The only racist loony toon is you,not the australians.
The reason why population matters to you is because of the 1 billion people your nation has. Anyway, with Asia's economy rising fast, Australia is being left behind, and that is bad

Even if your economy is rising, human rights and living standards are still not good. Anyway, Australia has NATO and US, how about Indonesia

It is like your home country had a better living standards and human rights compare to Indonesians:omghaha::cuckoo:. Why our president dont talk about Philipine, because your military country is so weak and doesnt need any attention from our high ranking officer, your military hardware is just a junk, your officer is incompetent and full of corrupt officer, your legislator is just big talk and never approve any arms deal your country desperately needed. Sokhol helos, what is Sokhol ROTF, and what the heck with maestrale programs u had cancel the deal right ya?:omghaha:, oh how about your jet fighter program wanna to wait for another twenty years are you?:omghaha:. Do you had a mirror in your home, just look at yourself and after you realise you are nothing but ashamed :omghaha:.

Oh my god the country full with bands of brigand and gunmen trying to talk about human rights and living standards with us, it is nuts:omghaha:

For your info Indonesia Australia relations is just like close friends, love and hate relations. We had our times together when Australian backed up our indepence movement against Netherland, we had rising tensions about several issues, we had mourn together about Bali's bombing, we are a close friend and will be forever.
Why compete wih Australia at all, the whole of northern territory is open to attack with limited defense. I remember last year some drunk was able to stumble into a small naval base and steal a bunch of small fire arms, just walked out of there.
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