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Why Southeast Asia Should Welcome AUKUS Australia models independence in standing up to China.

I was just correcting your statement that they were only using 50% enriched uranium which is untrue for the anglo nuke subs... also Australia is a party and strong supporter of NPT.. at least was.. Them acquiring nuke subs running with weapons grade HEU is a violation of NPT and makes Australia looks like hypocrite... this also weakens the overall NPT regime as it seems that some "privileged" members can easily flaunt the rules where others may be severely punished for such violations... Other interested states can use this Australian example as a precedent to demand the same treatment... So yeah.. a lot of people does care..
US nuclear submarines are designed to bring death and destruction. The best way to keep it most survivable against enemy submarines is long dive. High enriched fuel is the best fuel.
of course I am not naive. Australia intent is clear. But if you blame them then plz blame the chinese too. They are the one that bring us into that mess.
Why not shout at uncle Kim in NK?
But hey I guess you won’t because he threatens US, SK and JP.
Singapore doesnt have any territorial in SCS

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You are right.
Many ASEAN nations do not share the same enthusiasm as some as they do not have any dispute in the SCS. To invoke the name ASEAN.

Even Indonesia issue is only Natuna Island and apart from fishery rights where it clash with Vietnamese, Thai & Chinese fishing vessels, there is no other dispute.
You are right.
Many ASEAN nations do not share the same enthusiasm as some as they do not have any dispute in the SCS. To invoke the name ASEAN.

Even Indonesia issue is only Natuna Island and apart from fishery rights where it clash with Vietnamese, Thai & Chinese fishing vessels, there is no other dispute.
Because they are weaklings and cowards.
Vietnam is the only country that has guts and stands up to China.
Nuclear attack submarines are NO different from conventional attack submarine.

Operating inside China backyards give it NO advantages as China is more than capable to detecting them, leave alone eliminating them using just land based ASROC. We will not discussed this.

But there are consequences as

1. it uses weapon grade nuclear fuel which violates NPT.

2. In event of a conflict between China and USA, is RAN obliged to surrender the command of these SSN to USN under the AUKUS pact. In other words RAN has no right to its own SSN.
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US nuclear submarines are designed to bring death and destruction. The best way to keep it most survivable against enemy submarines is long dive. High enriched fuel is the best fuel.
of course I am not naive. Australia intent is clear. But if you blame them then plz blame the chinese too. They are the one that bring us into that mess.
Why not shout at uncle Kim in NK?
But hey I guess you won’t because he threatens US, SK and JP.

NK is already heavily sanctioned, demonized, punished due to, among others, their nuclear program... and is already internationally branded as an evil and pariah state.. So what's the point of shouting that out again...? on the other hand, the US and Australia were always the loudest ones to demand others to "uphold the established international norms and order" of which the NPT is one those.. so we are certainly holding Australia (and the US) at a much higher standard compared to states like NK.. this NPT violation only proves their hypocrisy again..
:sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

That is all brave talk and horseshit.

Stands up to China???

Recent event tells us Vietnam leadership is treading its fine line very cautiously in order not to anger Beijing.

The wonderful news is Vietnamese President is still able to communicate directly by phone to Chinese President Xi unlike leaders of many states.

ASEAN is today more interested in concluding the Code of Conduct Sea than all the horseshit raised by some Viets in here.
NK is already heavily sanctioned, demonized, punished due to, among others, their nuclear program... and is already internationally branded as an evil and pariah state.. So what's the point of shouting that out again...? on the other hand, the US and Australia were always the loudest ones to demand others to "uphold the established international norms and order" of which the NPT is one those.. so we are certainly holding Australia (and the US) at a much higher standard compared to states like NK.. this NPT violation only proves their hypocrisy again..
have you ever been to Australia?
Chinese are considered as yellow hooligan like the Japanese some time ago.
Understandable the Aussie want to have means to fight.
Look at us Vietnam
We are weak, hence we are not even allowed to fish nor drill in our waters.
Chinese laugh at us.
In this regard I have full support for Australia and Japan military buildup.
It won't work, the US has been trying to create a grand Asian NATO against China since Obama's "pivot to Asia" in 2012, it has been 9 years now since that pivot began and it failed, the countries in the SCS are still as neutral as ever.

It is for this reason that Aukus was created, the US gave up on the idea of creating a grand Asian alliance against China so they decided to make do with what they already have.
have you ever been to Australia?
Chinese are considered as yellow hooligan like the Japanese some time ago.
Understandable the Aussie want to have means to fight.
Look at us Vietnam
We are weak, hence we are not even allowed to fish nor drill in our waters.
Chinese laugh at us.
In this regard I have full support for Australia and Japan military buildup.

On the South China Sea issue, China also has territorial disputes with Malaysia, the Philippines and Brunei. Why does China allow fishing vessels from other countries to fish in the South China Sea, only intercepting Vietnamese fishing vessels?
On the South China Sea issue, China also has territorial disputes with Malaysia, the Philippines and Brunei. Why does China allow fishing vessels from other countries to fish in the South China Sea, only intercepting Vietnamese fishing vessels?
Answer me: Why you claim the south sea as yours in the first place? Who gives you the right to do that? Who gives you the right to resort to violence?
Is it ok for you if we claim the North Sea?
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