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Indonesia Might Buy V-22s—The Reason Is China

Obviously, you are not well educated. Giving/selling/trading sovereignty territory is considered treason in any country. You will have death penalty for that in Indonesia.
In reality, no one give a damn about Indonesia in China. All Chinese can recall is 1998 Indonesia massacred Chinese ethic. The general option is China was not strong enough back then, if it happens again, it will bomb the shit of Indonesia back to tribe age like Libya.
What the heck does China's feeling got to do with anything?

Indonesia bought the ospreys because of what we're feeling from China's threat.
Not yet bro. No contract yet and Jokowi seems not happy with imported defense product during economic crisis. Just Yesterday he warned our Defense Minister not to do import in the meeting, instead he urge Defense Ministry and Police to buy weapons from our own defense industries. Our defense ministry office then confirm that the ministry hasnt yet decided to but V 22 helicopter and will prioritize our defense equipment.

I believe for the next 2 years there will be no imported defense equipment, except foreign design that will be built in Indonesia like Iver frigates and Changbogo submarines.

I dont get it,then why would the state department clear the sale if no request?
In 20 years Natuna will still be in Indonesian hands. Th most daunting challenge for Indonesia and Asean countries in 20 years time is the influx of boat people coming from china escaping bombed out radioactive chinese cities as a result of Pacific war 2.0.
That is very naive and backward comment

V22 is has range and speed, no other rotary wing has that kind of range, weight and speed
V-22 can hardly fly without crashing :lol:

In 20 years Natuna will still be in Indonesian hands. Th most daunting challenge for Indonesia and Asean countries in 20 years time is the influx of boat people coming from china escaping bombed out radioactive chinese cities as a result of Pacific war 2.0.
All we have to do is drop a nuke on Indonesian volcanos and Java will be wiped out completely.
Indonesia could only offer so much help for boat people coming from the north before they became a burden for the society and economy and the government is forced to send them to Australia which in turns handed them for new zealand. Where the locals will send them to the middle of pacific.
V-22 can hardly fly without crashing :lol:

All we have to do is drop a nuke on Indonesian volcanos and Java will be wiped out completely.
Dude, it's a hoax. and don't fall their anti China logic trap.
China need Indonesia, vice a versa.
On the other hand, US is pushing into their camp and manipulating Indonesia, brainwashing their people.
Some members with Indo flag, are either agents, or brainwashed.
Dude, it's a hoax. and don't fall their anti China logic trap.
China need Indonesia, vice a versa.
On the other hand, US is pushing into their camp and manipulating Indonesia, brainwashing their people.
Some members with Indo flag, are either agents, or brainwashed.
there are dudes here with Indonesian flag and somehow bad mouthing Indonesia and it's interest. you and your mods friends here never raise a voice. lmao
Dude, it's a hoax. and don't fall their anti China logic trap.
China need Indonesia, vice a versa.
On the other hand, US is pushing into their camp and manipulating Indonesia, brainwashing their people.
Some members with Indo flag, are either agents, or brainwashed.
Indonesia has poor relations with China. The only way China can win the hearts and minds of ASEAN is to conquer Vietnam and let other countries know they are next. Nothing wins hearts and minds of these "people" (using that term loosely) like conquest and subjugation.
Dude, it's a hoax. and don't fall their anti China logic trap.
China need Indonesia, vice a versa.
On the other hand, US is pushing into their camp and manipulating Indonesia, brainwashing their people.
Some members with Indo flag, are either agents, or brainwashed.
Then don't claim the area near our islands.

Seriously how simple is that!

Now instead Indonesia being your friendly neighbor you got a potential hostile enemy in control of 90% of your shipping lanes.
China should start another pacific war so that the US has the justification to blow up the entire PLA N. the US realize only war could stop china, so please do it. in the next 20 years or so the threat of chinese boat peoples sailing across SCS fleeing bombed out Chinese cities is an un-ignorable fact.
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