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Indonesia is the global leader in piracy


Jun 10, 2014
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Indonesia is the global leader in piracy
Pirates Take Over the Waters In Indonesia
Forbes Staff , Contributor

By Ikaika Ramones (FORBES INDONESIA)

“The World’s Most Dangerous was one headline used to describe Indonesia’s seas, which last year had the dubious distinction of overtaking Somalia and the Gulf of Aden as home to the most pirate attacks in the world. In 2012 there were a total of 297 pirate attacks worldwide, 81 of which occurred in Indonesia’s waters, against only 75 in Somalia and the Gulf (altogether they accounted for 53% of the world total), according to the Piracy Reporting Centre of the global monitoring body International Maritime Bureau.

These figures are made worse when put into context: Global piracy overall has actually been on the decline, down from 439 incidents in 2011, while Indonesia’s numbers have been rising since 2009, with the trend continuing into this year. Indonesia was the global leader in piracy with 25 incidents out of 66 worldwide in the first quarter of 2013, according to the Piracy Reporting Centre. Somalia and the Gulf? Only 6 cases. What’s behind the upsurge? The issues are complicated, says Eric Frécon, author of Chez les pirates d’Indonésie, a book on Indonesian piracy, and an assistant professor at the French Naval Academy. For one, he says, the pirates have shifted away from their traditional bases in the Malacca Strait between Indonesia and Malaysia. “Generally, pirates are either migrating to the south, toward more secretive places in the vicinity of Jambi province, or moving farther to the east, in the open seas and far from the coasts and patrols,” he says.

The move is driven by pragmatism, given increased naval activity in the Malacca Strait. As opposed to Somalia’s clear-cut coastline with its high visibility, Indonesia’s thousands of islands, coastal mangrove forests and shallow estuaries are perfect hideaways.

Military authorities that are supposed to root out the pirates have not kept up with the changes. “The [Indonesian] Navy focuses too much on the Malacca Strait and forgets the surrounding zones. The Malacca Strait is increasingly safe for international shipping,” he says. A few years ago the governments of Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore launched a well-publicized campaign pledging to cooperate on the piracy issue, including dramatic photos of large warships patrolling the Malacca Strait. Fr?con points out that real cooperation between navies has so far been problematic, thus impeding a “united front” against the pirates.

In addition, he notes that the warships in the publicity photos are too big to track the pirates back to their bases, usually hidden in mangroves. Those who could track at a local level, he notes, are generally ill-equipped to take on the pirates. Many local authorities in these coastal areas might not have much more than a few wooden boats with small outboard motors.

Instead of the Malacca Strait, the pirates have increasingly moved to isolated island groups close to international shipping lanes, such as the Anambas islands and Natuna islands, situated in the middle of the South China Sea.

Another base is emerging around the island of Batam and its nearby neighbor Belakang Island, which is close to Singapore and has become a center for low-cost manufacturing for exports via Singapore. Piracy is also changing as it moves from spontaneous attacks toward a more insidious and organized nature. Frécon comments on the existence of the “Godfathers” who manage the piracy. Some of these crime bosses are former pirates or have decided to add piracy to their other illegal activities, such as gambling, drugs and prostitution. “Recent hijackings would confirm that they … organize sea crimes, maybe in partnership with bigger syndicates,” says Frécon.

What has also happened, says Frécon, is that poor Indonesians are drawn to Batam in search of jobs . This trend has created a pool of disenfranchised who are choice targets for recruitment into piracy. Even local fishermen have become potential recruits. “The local fishing community suffered from overfishing and pollution along the coasts,” notes Frécon. The root of the problem is not social but economic, he notes, as more coherent and sustainable development in areas that are prone to pirate recruitment might go a long way toward alleviating the piracy problem.

A Brief History

Indonesia is no stranger to piracy. Throughout the archipelago’s history raiders on the sea have been a recurrent problem. Modern-day piracy comes in three forms: boarding parties that rob vessels, syndicates that steal entire ships and raiders who kidnap crew members for ransom.

Sea raiders have provided intelligence and tax tributes to sultans and have been conducting simple robberies of vessels in the Malacca Strait and other areas for centuries. However, when European colonizers arrived to exploit these littoral sultanates, traditional economic systems broke down, culminating in a spike in piracy that intensified in the 19th century. The Dutch and British also attempted to provide coastal communities with economic alternatives.

These colonial invaders encountered raiding parties across what is now modern-day Indonesia. The Bugis people of South Sulawesi were mentioned in European sailors’ accounts of pirates in Indonesian seas. Many speculate these attacks gave rise to the English word “bogeyman,” a nightmarish figure in Western culture. Even the traditional ships they used, phinisi, and their signature black sails became symbols of piracy in the Western world. –I.R.
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Wow... even our small fry pirates can become global LEADER. No wonder Indonesia can easily seize the top leadership position in ASEAN.
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We would expect that the country that aspires to be the leader of ASEAN would be able to manage their own back yard a little bit better.

As a certain Indonesian female said yesterday, "the truth must be told", but truth telling works both ways, so maybe that certain person should concentrate on fixing her own house before hate talking too much about others.

Try having more than 10k of islands & then try patrolling it. Also every Indonesians are introspective we look to ourselves first.
Strait of Malacca...It is narrow, contains thousands of islets, and is an outlet for many rivers, making it ideal for pirates to hide in to evade capture.

In the past, sea pirates from Java Island attacked Vietnam's fisher villages to, They were called "giặc Chà Và" in Vietnamese.

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In case we forget how big Indonesia's land and waters territory, plus the fact that Indonesia consist of around 17.000 islands with thousand of them uninhabited, then I'll provide the map. This visual will give much clearer angle to see why this particular region infested with pirates.

Even her too.

She gets out of control way too easily and starts to talk with hate about another country. I've seen it quite a few times. Using the issue of agent orange where there are millions of people still suffering just to get back at somebody did bother me a bit. No need for that. Like I said, the other Indonesian members are actually quite nice. No issues with any of them.
Did she purposefully use the issue to egg on the Vietnamese here? The issue with agent orange is probably because its technically the 40th anniversary of Vietnam war:

Yes, she did, that's what bothered me. Some issues you just don't use that way. Its ok to bring up agent orange of course, but not for that reason.

Also the issue is pretty much relatively unknown even here in Indonesia. I don't even know about "agent orange" until I google it off PDF.

Wow. I'm quite amazed about that.
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