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Indonesia Defence Forum

It's in the video. Surabaya will be the Central Fleet Command, Eastern Fleet Command will be in Papua (exact place to be decided)
Yup..Sorong, Manokwari or Fakfak..this is interesting as it's close with Darwin, Australia where US Marines place thousand troops there...
Yup..Sorong, Manokwari or Fakfak..this is interesting as it's close with Darwin, Australia where US Marines place thousand troops there...

If timor leste deal with the chinese inked, the chinese will have a base at timor leste... That something to be concern about also
Exercise Drive Military Vehicle




Indonesia counter-terrorism forces arrest suspects, thwart plan to bomb presidential palace, police say
By Indonesia correspondent Adam Harvey
Posted December 11, 2016 06:47:03

Police in Jakarta say they have foiled a plot by extremists to detonate a bomb today at the presidential palace.

Counter-terrorism police raided a house in the east Jakarta suburb of Bekasi and found a pressure cooker packed with three kilograms of high explosives.

They cleared the area and detonated the bomb at the scene.

Officers from the counter-terror squad Densus 88 arrested four people, including a woman who police say intended to detonate the bomb at a changing of the guard ceremony today at the palace.

The ceremony outside the palace gates is popular with tourists and locals.

Tight security at the palace would have stopped the woman from entering the grounds but there would have been little stopping her from detonating the device among the crowd watching the ceremony.

Police say the bomb would have had a blast radius of 300 metres.

This is the closest extremists have come to a terror attack in Indonesia's capital since January's bomb and gun assault at a Starbucks cafe and police post that killed four innocent people.

A police spokesman said officers were tailing the woman in Bekasi when she went to a local post office with a box containing her clothes as well as a suicide note.

Police tailed her and two men back to the Bekasi house and arrested them.

Another man connected to the plot was arrested in the city of Solo.

Police have linked the attackers to the Syria-based Indonesian extremist Bahrun Naim, who has been trying to inspire an attack in Indonesia for over a year.

Most of the attacks linked to Naim have failed, such as an assault on a police post in Solo in which the attacker blew himself up and injured a police officer.

Authorities in Indonesia have disrupted numerous plots this year against police and the Government.

The hardliners responsible for the plots are unhappy with the Government's crackdown on extremists.

The nation's most infamous terrorist, Santoso, was killed by police in a Sulawesi jungle in July after a long manhunt.

Last month a three-year-old girl was killed by an extremist who threw a Molotov cocktail into the grounds of a church in East Kalimantan.

Three other children were badly burned in the attack.


and Surabaya will be command fleet?
I, my self agree to set Surabaya as the command fleet, as Mr. Marsetio's plan.
I hope that these "idea" to set it as the central fleet base only temporary until we can built the "optimum number of fleet" be gained.
Indonesia counter-terrorism forces arrest suspects, thwart plan to bomb presidential palace, police say
By Indonesia correspondent Adam Harvey
Posted December 11, 2016 06:47:03

Police in Jakarta say they have foiled a plot by extremists to detonate a bomb today at the presidential palace.

Counter-terrorism police raided a house in the east Jakarta suburb of Bekasi and found a pressure cooker packed with three kilograms of high explosives.

They cleared the area and detonated the bomb at the scene.

Officers from the counter-terror squad Densus 88 arrested four people, including a woman who police say intended to detonate the bomb at a changing of the guard ceremony today at the palace.

The ceremony outside the palace gates is popular with tourists and locals.

Tight security at the palace would have stopped the woman from entering the grounds but there would have been little stopping her from detonating the device among the crowd watching the ceremony.

Police say the bomb would have had a blast radius of 300 metres.

This is the closest extremists have come to a terror attack in Indonesia's capital since January's bomb and gun assault at a Starbucks cafe and police post that killed four innocent people.

A police spokesman said officers were tailing the woman in Bekasi when she went to a local post office with a box containing her clothes as well as a suicide note.

Police tailed her and two men back to the Bekasi house and arrested them.

Another man connected to the plot was arrested in the city of Solo.

Police have linked the attackers to the Syria-based Indonesian extremist Bahrun Naim, who has been trying to inspire an attack in Indonesia for over a year.

Most of the attacks linked to Naim have failed, such as an assault on a police post in Solo in which the attacker blew himself up and injured a police officer.

Authorities in Indonesia have disrupted numerous plots this year against police and the Government.

The hardliners responsible for the plots are unhappy with the Government's crackdown on extremists.

The nation's most infamous terrorist, Santoso, was killed by police in a Sulawesi jungle in July after a long manhunt.

Last month a three-year-old girl was killed by an extremist who threw a Molotov cocktail into the grounds of a church in East Kalimantan.

Three other children were badly burned in the attack.


I hope the goverment and the politician at Senayan can use these kind of threat to ratifye and implement the more clear and strict law in prevening the same future threat.
A brief Profile of Frans Kaisiepo (368) (the Sigmas)


Indonesia warship KRI Frans Kaisiepo under UN flag at Antalya, Turkey (March, 2011)
KRI Frans Kaisiepo (368) is the fourth ship of the SIGMA (Ship Integrated Geometrical Modulary Approach) class corvette that was built at Schelde shipyard, Netherlands. The ship was named after Frans Kaisiepo, the National Hero of Indonesia who came from Papua.


In 2002 Indonesia has opted to build warships domestically in conjunction with the procurement of four corvettes. the Sigmas 9113 was chosen over the Italian Commandante-slass and were in fact according to the original plan, two is supposed to be built in the Netherlands and the other two at PT PAL but for some reason the program was postponed/cancelled.


To carry out the former ambition, in 2010 the Goverment decided to revive the old plan. One key programme is the SIGMA-PKR 10514, a much-delayed initiative formerly known as the Korvet Nasional (National Corvette) programme, with shared module work project between DAMEN and PT.PAL


During these six years, the Navy has successfully deployed six warships in the mission of the Maritime Task Force (MTF) / United Interim Force in Lebanon, four being the SIGMA's and the other two were F-2000 corvettes. with the following cycle :
KRI Diponegoro-365 in 2009 (April 2013 re-tasked)
KRI Frans Kaisiepo-368 in 2010 (April, 2014 re-tasked)
KRI Sultan Iskandar Muda-367 in 2011 (October 2014 - Nov 2015 re-tasked)
KRI Sultan Hasanuddin 366 in 2012


MTF ( Maritime Task Force ) has a fundamental duty to assist the Lebanese Navy in securing waters and prevent the smuggling of illegal weapons and ammunition entering into the territorial waters of Lebanon. The mission is still ongoing with (F-2000-class corvette) KRI Bung Tomo which is succeeded by KRI John Lie after 10 months on duty since Nov 2015


#367 MTFEX -UNREP/RASEX-2011, Beirut

photo by Bryan Aitkehead, The Peace-Keepers
India, Indonesia Express Common Interest in Maritime Security
By The Wire Staff on 12/12/2016

Prime Minister Narendra Modi shakes hands with Indonesian President Joko Widodo during a joint press statement at Hyderabad House in New Delhi on Monday.
Credit: PTI/Subhav Shukla

New Delhi: After talks between Indonesian President Joko Widodo and Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday, both the Asian democracies expressed common interest in maritime security and primacy of the UN Convention on Law of the Seas (UNCLOS) to resolve maritime disputes. “Illegal fishing” is also an “emerging threat” in the region, the countries noted.

This is Widodo’s first visit to India after he took office.

India and Indonesia released two statements after the talks on Monday. Recognising the preeminence of the maritime domain in the relationship, both countries released a separate statement only dealing with maritime cooperation in addition to a joint statement – a crucial moment in bilateral relations for both countries who are like bookends on both sides of the Indo-Pacific region.

“Both leaders affirmed their deep respect for each other’s contribution to promoting peace, stability and development in the Indian and Pacific Oceans and beyond,” it said.

They also acknowledged that two Asian giants “share common interests in ensuring maritime security and the safety of sea lines of communication”.

In a nod towards Indonesia’s national priority, the statement on maritime cooperation talks of the need to stop illegal fishing. The statement on maritime cooperation said:

Both Leaders affirmed the need to combat, prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unregulated, and unreported (IUU) fishing. Both Leaders recognized transnational organized fisheries crime as one of the emerging crimes, which has become an ever-growing threat to the world.”

Indonesia has had a strained relationship with China over the issue of alleged illegal fishing by Chinese boats in waters near the gas-rich Natuna islands. In August, Indonesia had sunk over 60 foreign boats, which included some Chinese vessels. Earlier this year, there had been some exchange of words with Beijing over two separate incidents: the detention of a Chinese vessel and a collision involving a Chinese coast guard ship.

Indonesia is not one of the parties involved in the South China Sea dispute, but it has been increasingly taking tougher stance on its maritime dispute with China.

On South China Sea issue, Indonesia has remained ‘neutral’ within ASEAN, with members divided on how to deal with China’s aggressive claims on Spratlys and Paracel islands.

The India-Indonesian bilateral document implicitly refers to the South China Sea with its mention of UNCLOS, but with no direct mention of the maritime dispute. According to the statement on maritime cooperation:

Both leaders committed to maintaining a maritime legal order based on the principles of international law, as reflected notably in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)

"Both leaders recognized that India and Indonesia share common interests in ensuring maritime security and the safety of sea lines of communication. Both leaders recognized the importance of freedom of navigation and overflight on the high seas, unimpeded lawful commerce, as well as resolving maritime disputes by peaceful means, in accordance with universally recognised principles of international law including the UNCLOS.”

The joint statement includes a more explicit reference, which also indirectly refers to the tribunal order.

Regarding the South China Sea, the two sides stressed the importance of resolving disputes by peaceful means, in accordance with universally recognized principles of international law including the UNCLOS.”

There is no direct mention of the arbitral tribunal order, but that is not surprising as both India and Indonesia have use rather placatory language to respond to the July judgement. India took note of the judgement, but didn’t ask for its implementation. Indonesia didn’t even refer to the order and only said that all parties should respect UNCLOS.

However, Indian officials pointed out that the Natuna islands is the only black spot in an “excellent relationship” between the Widodo administration and Beijing. In fact, Widodo has already visited China thrice since he took office in October 2014.

“They (Indonesia) have been trying to change the views of the South China Sea issue, and generally the situation in the region, but he (Widodo) is not a China-baiter,” said a senior official.

At the same time, Widodo has doubled down on the need to strengthen Indonesia’s defence forces, which is also in line with India also projecting its interests in Asia-Pacific in the shadows of a looming China.

Modi said that both them had agreed to “prioritize defence and security cooperation”.

In early part of 2017, defence ministers and officials will convene as per institutionalised mechanisms to review and upgrade the current defence cooperation agreement which expires this month.

This will be upgraded to a more “substantive” defence cooperation pact. “The new agreement will cover everything from joint exercises including among special forces, joint production and sale of equipment and technology,” said an official.

Further, officials noted that in addition to army and navy staff talks, both sides agreed to start air force staff talks.

The first six months of the new year will also see the assembling of the Joint Ministerial Commission, Biennial Trade Ministers Forum and the Energy Forum.

Economic relations

For the Indonesians, the main purpose of the India trip has been to improve the economic aspect of the relationship.

In his press statement, Widodo, who is also accompanied by a 22-member strong business delegation, stressed solely on improving investment and trade with India.

“In today’s meeting, we thoroughly discussed our efforts to increase economic cooperation. Indonesia wishes to increase trade. Indonesia also wishes to diversify its export products to India,” he said. Speaking to Indian companies, Widodo called for “increased investment cooperation in pharmaceuticals, information technology and automotive”.

India is already a major investor in Indonesia, with investments worth around $15 billion. “But much of it is routed through Singapore that it doesn’t show up as being from Indian sources. Bilateral trade – if you take out Singapore which is an entry point – is the biggest in ASEAN,” said a senior Indian official.

An Indonesia-India CEO’s forum was held on Monday, with the report slated to be handed over to Widodo on the last day of his India sojourn.

In toto, three agreements were signed, which included two Memorandums of Understanding on cooperation in youth affairs and sports, and trade standardisation. The third document signed in front of the two leaders was the statement on maritime cooperation.

Sources asserted that the theme of the visit was to take stock and propel the relationship forward, rather than sign more agreements.

“Over the last ten years, there have been many visits and many agreements signed. Now we want to take stock and see what we want to do incrementally there instead of doing more and more agreements,” said an official

With Indonesia and India both buffeted by radical forces, officials said that both leaders talked about the importance of democracy and pluralism “emanating from their common heritage of Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam”.

“In a region torn by radicalism and extremism, both countries recognised the important role that they can play in this regard,” said sources.

The joint statement notes that both leaders “condemned terrorism in all its forms and manifestations in the strongest terms, emphasising “zero tolerance for acts of terror”.

“They noted with great concern the growing menace of terrorism and violent extremism and its universal reach. They called upon all countries to implement the UNSC Resolution 1267 and other relevant resolutions designating terrorist entities. They also called upon all countries to work towards eliminating terrorist safe havens and infrastructure, in disrupting terrorist networks and financing channels, and stopping cross-border terrorism. They underlined the need for all countries to deal with trans-national terrorism emanating from their territory by effective criminal justice response. In that regard, the two Leaders called for enhanced cooperation including through greater exchange of information and intelligence between the two sides.”

This paragraph will certainly bring India and Indonesia on the same page, with New Delhi satisfied to have made a subtle reference to Islamabad with the mention of “trans-national terrorism” and implementation of the UNSC Resolution 1267.

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