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Indonesia Defence Forum

There is already an agreement with China on building 100 % C-705 in Indonesia, but there is some time frame dispute that should be solved first. China wants to give full TOT in 2017, but for Indonesia's part, as we also have done some research and testing in our indigenous missile before, we want it now, not in 2017. I don't know about the progress though, but I believe as we have used C-705 on our new ship now, it means that there should have already been confirmation about TOT transfer from China part in my opinion.
Do you have any idea How many Frigates and Corvettes Indonesia want to have by 2025 because every second day there is news that Indonesia is placing more ships on its Naval bases and you have lot of sea to cover so you need lot more bigger ships like Frigates and Corvettes
Do you have any idea How many Frigates and Corvettes Indonesia want to have by 2025 because every second day there is news that Indonesia is placing more ships on its Naval bases and you have lot of sea to cover so you need lot more bigger ships like Frigates and Corvettes

Just before financial crisis, there has already a plan to make 20 national frigates (made in Indonesia), and I think it is still in the mind of our military leaders, as we can see that the license in building Sigma class is around that number, as Madokaft has already explained in a previous post. I believe small ship with missile like KCR 40 and KCR 60 will be produced quite large as well. We need to add our shipbuilding companies infrastructure first, like PT PAL if we really want to do it faster.

Based on a plan until 2024, we need 16 KCR 40 and 16 KCR 60
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Just before financial crisis, there has already a plan to make 20 national frigates (made in Indonesia), and I think it is still in the mind of our military leaders, as we can see that the license in building Sigma class is around that number, as Madokaft has already explained in a previous post. I believe small ship with missile like KCR 40 and KCR 60 will be produced quite large as well. We need to add our shipbuilding companies infrastructure first, like PT PAL if we really want to do it faster.
Based on a plan until 2024, we need 16 KCR 40 and 16 KCR 60

Looking at the production capacity, 16 KCR 40 and 16 KCR 60 by 2024 is achievable numbers plus half dozen of PKR.
But i hope our Navy and the next government still committed to build our submarine forces with more procurement program.
With the current procurement program, we will have 4 to 5 submarines in our navy arsenal by 2020, new purchases can add the number up to 8 or 10 by 2024 (although 12 is the ideal numbers). But still we need more than just 209 or Chang Bogo class submarine to give deterrence effect.
Looking at the production capacity, 16 KCR 40 and 16 KCR 60 by 2024 is achievable numbers plus half dozen of PKR.
But i hope our Navy and the next government still committed to build our submarine forces with more procurement program.
With the current procurement program, we will have 4 to 5 submarines in our navy arsenal by 2020, new purchases can add the number up to 8 or 10 by 2024 (although 12 is the ideal numbers). But still we need more than just 209 or Chang Bogo class submarine to give deterrence effect.
Indonesia should have at least 16 Submarines in its Naval Arsenal
Bonus from Penerbad, thanks to @gombaljaya

Indonesian Navy equips missile craft with AK-630 CIWS


The Indonesian Navy (Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut) has equipped two of its KCR-40-class anti-ship missile craft with AK-630 close in weapon systems (CIWS).

KRI Clurit and KRI Kujang have each been mounted with the six-barrelled, water-cooled system that can fire between 1,500 to 5,000 rds/min. The weapons complement a Vektor 20 mm and two 12.7 mm machine guns on each of the vessels.

A spokesperson from state-owned shipbuilder PT Palindo Marine Industry (PT PAL) told IHS Jane's that the CIWS are currently being integrated with the vessels' search radars and will undergo further testing before being certified as fully operational. The systems will specifically be tested in their ability to detect and lock onto simulated attacks by aircraft, small boats and projectiles such as sea-skimming missiles.

Depending on TNI-AL's assessment of how well the CIWS performs on Clurit and Kujang , the AK-630 may be mounted on the rest of the TNI-AL's KCR-40-class missile craft. IHS Jane's reported in January 2012 that the TNI-AL is expected to receive a total of nine KCR-40 ships from PT PAL by 2014.

The 250-tonne ships are powered by three MAN V12 engines and feature hulls built of aluminium and high-tensile steel. The KCR-40 class can reach a top speed of 30 kt.

The company told IHS Jane's that besides the CIWS, Clurit and Kujang were also recently fitted with two transversely mounted launchers for the C-705 anti-ship missiles jointly produced by PT Pindad and China Aerospace Science & Industry Corporation. No details were given on when the weapons would be operational.

Indonesian Navy equips missile craft with AK-630 CIWS - IHS Jane's 360
Cheer up guys, have a great weekend :)

Indonesian police woman On & Off duty

2nd Inspector Vifa Fibriana, Kasubnit Reg.Ident (Head of Regist. & Identification Sub-unit) Satlantas (Traffic Police) Surabaya



Off-Duty Selfie photo

2nd Inspector (Now 1st Inspector) Natasya Yudasoka

Off-Duty pose

Indonesian Police Woman in Weekend's Special Edition :)



Indonesian Police National Traffic Management (NTMC) unit members
Brigadier Avy Olivia, Brigadier Eka Frestya and 1st Inspector Eny Regama

From NTMC locker, Inspector Eny Regama ready for night shift duty
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Indonesian Navy equips missile craft with AK-630 CIWS

СМИ: ВМС Индонезии оснастили два своих ракетных катера российскими комплексами АК-630

16 мая, 15:03 UTC+4

Малокалиберные зенитно-артиллерийские комплексы АК-630 предназначены для обороны корабля на ближнем рубеже


30-мм шестиствольная автоматическая установка АК-630

МОСКВА, 16 мая. (АРМС-ТАСС). ВМС Индонезии оснастили два ракетных катера российскими малокалиберными зенитно-артиллерийскими комплексами (МЗАК) АК-630, предназначенными для обороны корабля на ближнем рубеже. Об этом сообщило издание "IHS Джейнс" (IHS Jane's).

Российский МЗАК АК-630 установлен на катерах "Клурит" (Clurit) и "Куджан" (Kukang). В состав их вооружения входят противокорабельные ракеты (ПКР), автоматические орудия GI-2 калибра 20 мм, произведенные южноафриканской компанией "Денел лэнд системз" (Denel Land Systems) и крупнокалиберные пулеметы калибра 12,7 мм.

Представитель государственной индонезийской судостроительной компании "PT Палиндо мэрин индастри" (PT Palindo Marine Industry, PT PAL) сообщил, что в настоящее время происходит интеграция установок АК-630 с поисковыми РЛС кораблей. Он также добавил, что перед вводом в эксплуатацию будут проведены соответствующие испытания этой техники. В частности, системы будут обнаруживать цели и участвовать в отражении имитируемых атак авиации, небольших лодок и ракетных боеприпасов.

По итогам этих испытаний АК-630 на "Клурите" и "Куджане" ВМС Индонезии примут решение о размещении российских МЗАК на других ракетных катерах типа KCR-40. Ожидается, что к концу текущего года военно-морским силам страны будет передано девять таких кораблей.

Ракетный катер KCR-40 водоизмещением 250 т оснащен тремя 12-цилиндровыми дизельными двигателями производства компании "Ман" (MAN). Его корпус собран из алюминия и стали повышенной прочности. Максимальная скорость корабля достигает 30 узлов (56 км/ч).

Катера "Клурит" и "Куджан" также оснащены пусковыми установками (ПУ) ПКР C-705, которые совместно производятся индонезийской компанией "PT Пиндад" (PT Pindad) и китайской CASIС (China Aerospace Science & Industry Corporation). Точные сроки ввода катеров в эксплуатацию представителями Индонезии не указываются.

ИТАР-ТАСС: Международная панорама - СМИ: ВМС Индонезии оснастили два своих ракетных катера российскими комплексами АК-630


Pháo tự động AK-630


Hình ảnh hai tàu tên lửa KRI Kujang 642 và KRI Clurit 641 được Indonesia lắp đặt các ụ pháo AK-630 ở phía trước phần thượng tầng trước khi thử nghiệm.
There is already an agreement with China on building 100 % C-705 in Indonesia, but there is some time frame dispute that should be solved first. China wants to give full TOT in 2017, but for Indonesia's part, as we also have done some research and testing in our indigenous missile before, we want it now, not in 2017. I don't know about the progress though, but I believe as we have used C-705 on our new ship now, it means that there should have already been confirmation about TOT transfer from China part in my opinion.
Did Indonesia have the plan to buy the land attacking version of C-705?
Did Indonesia have the plan to buy the land attacking version of C-705?

with the recent tension in South China Sea, Indonesia will pursuing more platform aggressively than the missile system. We need more presence in Open Seas
Did Indonesia have the plan to buy the land attacking version of C-705?

The first reason of why we buy C-705 is because we want to produce it with full of TOT, and China has agreed on that. For your information, we have already had a plan to make a missile factory in Java near the ocean, so we can test fire the missile easily. Just like now we have already made the C-705 launcher (PT Pindad) which has been confirmed by Jane latest report.

I believe our defense leader tries to focus on China previous promise first in giving C-705 anti ship missile technology. If China did it 100 %, as previous promise, so I believe the next acquisition is of course is its land attack version. You know that we have new regulation that push our government to prioritize any military acquisition that has TOT benefit behind the deal. So, we, of course prefer China than Russia or India in missile acquisition if China can give better TOT than them.

Producing good and accurate missile is our big dream, that's why we do research on that and has also tested our land attack missile several years ago, and keep doing research until now.

We thank our big brother, China, if this agreement can really be realized in 100 % scale (it means there will be another project in 2017, which is developing new missile variant jointly with China) :tup:

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