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Indonesia to deploy four Apache helicopters on Natuna Islands, begins pilot training
Ridzwan Rahmat, Singapore - IHS Jane's Navy International


Jakarta will deploy half its incoming fleet of Boeing AH-64E Apache attack helicopters on the Natuna Islands. The matter was revealed by Indonesian Army (TNI-AD) Chief of Staff General Budiman during his visit to an army base in Semarang, Central Java on 27 March.

Indonesia is currently awaiting the delivery of eight Apache attack helicopters purchased from the US in 2013 for USD500 million. Though the aircraft are scheduled to arrive in 2017, Gen Budiman indicated that TNI-AD has already begun pilot training.

With half the Apache fleet to be deployed on the Natuna Islands, the remaining four aircraft will be stationed at an undisclosed location in Jakarta.

The Natuna Islands sit on Indonesia's maritime borders with Brunei, Malaysia, and Vietnam at the southern tip of the South China Sea. Although Indonesia is not among the states disputing ownership of South China Sea islands, Beijing's 'nine-dotted-line' claim overlaps with Jakarta's push for its exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in the Natuna Islands region.

IHS Jane's reported on 28 February 2014 that the Indonesian Navy (TNI-AL) will deploy additional assets in waters off the Natuna Islands in Riau province as a pre-emptive measure against instability in the South China Sea.

Indonesia to deploy four Apache helicopters on Natuna Islands, begins pilot training - IHS Jane's 360
nice choppers. the PLA will get their surprise, should they try to invade the island. :-)
UNIFIL Promotion - Gadir & the Indonesians
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TNI Akan Beli 4-6 Radar Udara Baru


Sesuai permintaan TNI AU, Kementerian Pertahanan akan membeli 4-6 radar GCI (photo : Lockheed Martin)

TEMPO.CO , Jakarta: Kementerian Pertahanan berencana akan membeli sejumlah radar udara militer untuk menambah alat utama sistem persenjataan yang sudah dimiliki Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) Angkatan Udara saat ini. "Iya kami berencana beli 'ground control interceptor radar'," kata Kepala Badan Perencanaan Pertahanan Kementerian Pertahanan, Laksamana Muda Rachmad Lubis, kepada wartawan di kantor Kementerian Pertahanan, jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Jakarta, Rabu, 2 April 2014.

Rachmad bersama beberapa pejabat yaitu Asisten Perencanaan Panglima TNI, Asisten Perencanaan Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat, Asisten Perencanaan Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut, Asisten Perencanaan Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara, dan Asisten Perencanaan Kapolri membahas penyusunan rencana induk pembelian alat utama sistem persenjataan TNI dan Polri untuk tahun 2015-2029. Turut hadir, pada direktur utama perusahaan alat utama sisten persenjataan (alutsista) dalam negeri seperti PT Pindad, PT Dirgantara Indonesia, PT PAL, PT LEN, dan lainnya.

Sesuai permintaan Angkatan Udara, Kementerian Pertahanan akan membeli empat sampai enam buah radar udara. Namun, Rachmad masih merahasiakan betul detail radar tersebut seperti harga dan spesifikasi kemampuan. "Kapan belinya pun juga masih dalam proses panjang," kata Rachmad.

Rachmad berharap kehadiran radar-radar baru tersebut bisa meningkatkan pemantauan wilayah udara nasional. Menurut dia, saat ini kemampuan pemantauan radar udara sudah cukup baik. Sebab, TNI Angkatan Udara telah berkoordinasi dengan radar udara sipil dari beberapa bandar udara. "Tetapi akan lebih baik kalau radarnya ditambah," kata dia.

Saat disinggung soal produsen radar tersebut, Rachmad belum mau menjawab. Menurut dia, TNI AU sebagai pihak pemohon penambahan radar tak menunjuk produsen tertentu. "Yang penting, mereka sudah sampaikan kemampuan jangkauan radarnya," kata dia.

Namun, berdasar Undang-Undang nomor 16 tahun 2012 tentang Industri Strategis, harus ada perusahaan dalam negeri yang dilibatkan dalam pembuatan alutsista yang hendak dibeli. Tapi, untuk radar berkualitas tinggi, produsen industri pertahanan lokal belum bisa berbuat banyak. Walhasil. hampir bisa dipastikan radar baru untuk TNI AU bakal dipesan dari produsen luar negeri.

"Tapi, kami minta PT LEN (sebagai perwakilan BUMN) dan PT CMI (sebagai perwakilan swasta) harus berkoordinasi untuk proses belajar dan alih teknologi," kata Rachmad.

TNI Akan Beli Radar Udara Baru | -nasional- | Tempo.co

TNI Will Buy 4-6 New Radar


Upon request the Air Force , the Defense Ministry will buy 4-6 GCI radar ( photo: Lockheed Martin )

TEMPO.CO , Jakarta : The Ministry of Defense plans to purchase a number of airborne radar to augment military main weaponry system that is already owned by the Indonesian military ( TNI ) Air Force today .

" Yes we are planning to buy ' ground control interceptor radar ' , " said the head of the Defense Planning Ministry of Defence, Rear Admiral Rachmad Lubis , told reporters at the Ministry of Defence , the road Medan Merdeka Barat , Jakarta , Wednesday, April 2, 2014 .Rachmad with some officials that the TNI Commander Planning Assistant , Planning Assistant Chief of Staff of the Army , Assistant Chief of Naval Staff Planning , Planning Assistant Chief of Staff of the Air Force , and Assistant Chief of Police Planning discuss master planning the purchase of the main tools of weapons systems the military and police for 2015 -2029 . Also present , the company's president weapons systems of the main tools ( defense equipment ) in the country such as PT Pindad , PT Indonesian Aerospace , PT PAL , PT LEN , and others .

Upon request the Air Force , the Defense Ministry will buy four to six pieces of airborne radar . However , Rachmad still keeping the radar well as price details and specifications capabilities . "When the purchase was also still in the long process , " said Rachmad .Rachmad expect the presence of these new radars to improve the monitoring of the national airspace . According to him , the current airborne radar monitoring capability is good enough . Therefore , the Air Force has coordinated with civilian air radar of some airports . " But it would be better if his radar plus , " he said .When mentioned about the radar manufacturer , Rachmad not want to answer . According to him , the Air Force as a radar addition the applicant did not designate a specific manufacturer . "Importantly , they have to convey the ability of radar range , " he said .However , based on Law No. 16 of 2012 on Strategic Industries , there must be a domestic corporation engaged in the manufacture of defense equipment to be purchased . But , for radar high-quality , local defense industry manufacturers have not been able to do much .

As a result . almost certainly a new radar for the Air Force will be ordered from overseas manufacturers ." But , we ask PT LEN ( as representatives of state-owned enterprises ) and PT CMI ( as representatives of the private sector) must coordinate to the process of learning and transfer of technology , " said Rachmad .

Indonesia Beefs Up Air Force in South China Sea

Indonesia is deploying Su-27s, Su-30s, and AH-64E Apache helicopters to a South China Sea air base.


Indonesia is beefing up its air presence along the South China Sea, a military officer announced late last month.

According to IHS Jane’s, Lieutenant Colonel Andri Gandy, the commander of Ranai airbase on the Riau Islands, which borders the South China Sea, said Indonesia was upgrading the airbase so that it could accommodate Sukhoi Su-27 and Su-30 fighter aircraft. Separately, Indonesian Army (TNI-AD) Chief of Staff General Budiman said that four Boeing AH-64E Apache attack helicopters would be deployed to Ranai airbase.

Lt. Col Gandy said that the TNI had already installed runway lights, taxiway lights and integrated radar at the airbase. He added that there were plans to extend the length of the runway in order to accommodate the Su-27 and Su-30s.

The announcement comes at a time when Indonesia has been raising concerns about China’s territorial designs on the Natuna Sea off the coast of the Riau Islands. As The Diplomat previously reported, last month Commodore Fahru Zaini, a senior Indonesian defense official, told reporters: “China has claimed Natuna waters as their territorial waters. This arbitrary claim is related to the dispute over Spratly and Paracel Islands between China and the Philippines. This dispute will have a large impact on the security of Natuna waters.”

Although there have long been suspicions that China’s nine-dashed line overlapped with Indonesia’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) off the Riau Islands, Indonesia has refused to officially acknowledge the dispute exists. Zaini’s comments seemed to depart from this position.

However, as Evan A. Laksmana has pointed out, the Indonesian government quickly disavowed Zaini’s statement. For example, just days after Zaini spoke, Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa stated: “Firstly, there is no territorial dispute between Indonesia and China, especially about the Natunas. In fact, we are cooperating with China in possibly bringing about foreign direct investment plans in the Natunas. Second, we are not a claimant state in the South China Sea.”

Laksmana also points out that Indonesia has long planned to beef up its military forces in the Natuna region as one of its “flashpoint defense” areas. The Jane’s report said that Zaini described the Su-27 and Su-30s deployment as part of Indonesia’s Minimum Essential Force (MEF) concept, which Jane’s explained: “aims to establish the nature and minimum scale of military capabilities that Indonesia should seek to deploy in response to a strategic threat.”

According to Laksmana, the “The MEF was designed less for a China threat and more for an organizational and technological revamp (the TNI lost numerous men due to accidents and platform decay in the past decade).” However, Laksmana has argued that the military attention Indonesia has given the Natuna region is related to the uncertainty over China’s claim to it. As he wrote in The Diplomat in 2011, the uncertainty over China’s claims is the reason why “Indonesia held two of its largest-ever joint military exercises in the area. China’s claim is also likely behind Indonesia’s decision to forge strategic and security partnerships with Australia, India, and the United States in recent years.”

The importance of the Natuna region is both strategic and economic. With regards to the former, it is located at the southern tip of the crucial Malacca Strait, where much of Northeast Asia’s oil and natural gas imports travel through. Economically, the Natuna seas are believed to contain huge amounts of natural gas. According to the International Energy Administration, the East Natuna Block holds about 1.3 tcm of gas reserves, nearly half of all Indonesia’s proven natural gas reserves. The IEA also said this block is Indonesia’s largest undeveloped gas prospect.

Indonesia Beefs Up Air Force in South China Sea | The Diplomat
wow, although i am accept that

but that just made my mind clear indeed, your people is not worthy to be called as friend

@Chinese-Dragon @Genesis @cnleio
I need check ROC and Indonesia Navy first, warship numbers for each sides. I think Whatever Indonesia do in SCS, it's much far away from PRC. Now China can not do any respond to the South waters of SCS, China need deal with Vietnam and Philippines disputes first.

The world is not always the enemy,no permanent friends,only perpetual interests. Even TaiWan and PRC, they'r enemy and friend.
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We are not going to have any war with China for the next 10 years........Only fools who will believe it. But we will have insyaALLAH economic power that becomes top ten in the world in 2024, based on many international institution projection. Our KFX/IFX stealth fighter insyaALLAH will be ready also, thanks to ALLAH that Lockheed Martin is ready to help this project.

But, I hope Indonesia and China can be closed friend and solve this "nine dot issue" as soon as possible.
wow, although i am accept that

but that just made my mind clear indeed, your people is not worthy to be called as friend

@Chinese-Dragon @Genesis @cnleio

First of all, at worst we have a border dispute, and nothing else.

The fact Indonesia is what it is, is not our fault. You guys control your fate not us. Whatever you think was disrespect was the simple and naked truth. You can argue for Indonesia if you like, but facts are facts.

HOWEVER, the killing of Chinese did take place by Indonesia before, regardless of what anybody says, it happened, everybody knows. If there should be no friendship it should have been that and not because of a war of words.

If we were to declare war on Indonesia over your atrocities, the international community would be okay with it. But we didn't, instead we bring trade and peace.

If you want respect earn it, we are still not there yet, but we are getting there. Nobody gets it for free, not us, not you.

KRI Banjarmasin akan ikuti parade kapal perang Tiongkok


Kapal Perang KRI Banjarmasin bersandar di dermaga Kolinlamil, Tanjung Priok, Jakarta, Minggu (16/1). KRI Banjarmasin merupakan kapal ketiga jenis Landing Platform Deck (LPD) buatan putra-putri bangsa Indonesia di PT PAL Indonesia. (ANTARA/Widodo S. Jusuf)

Beijing (ANTARA News) - Kapal Perang Republik Indonesia (KRI) Banjarmasin akan mengikuti parade kapal perang internasional di Qingdao, Provinsi Shandong, Tiongkok, pada akhir April 2014.

Atase Pertahanan RI di Beijing Kolonel Samuel Kowaas, Senin mengemukakan KRI Banjarmasin-592 akan bertolak menuju Qingdao pada Senin dari Indonesia untuk mengikuti kegiatan "International Fleet Review" tersebut.

Wartawan Antara di Beijing melaporkan, KRI Banjarmasin yang dikomandani Letkol Laut (P) Jalesyamca Jayamahe juga dijadwalkan mengikuti "Multilateral Exercise in The Non Traditional Security Field" di lokasi yang sama.

Selain mengikuti dua kegiatan besar tersebut, kehadiran kapal jenis LPD buatan PT PAL itu, di Qingdao juga dalam rangka menjalankan kegiatan Kartika Jala Krida (KJK) 2014 yang diikuti taruna Akademi Angkatan Laut (AAL) tingkat II Angkatan 61 berjumlah 89 orang.

Lazimnya muhibah ke beberapa negara, para taruna AAL itu akan mempromosikan Indonesia melalui kirab budaya dan "drumband" dalam rangkaian kunjungannya di Qingdao, Tiongkok.

KRI Banjarmasin diawaki 132 personel serta 10 personel pengasuh taruna Akademi Angkatan Laut.

KRI Banjarmasin merupakan salah satu kapal yang dirancang sebagai kapal pendukung operasi amfibi, yang memiliki kemampuan mengangkut pasukan pendarat berikut kendaraan tempur beserta kelengkapannya.

Kapal tersebut juga mampu mengangkut lima helikopter (tiga unit di geladak heli, dua unit di hanggar).

Selain sebagai kapal tempur, kapal berteknologi desain semi-siluman ini juga berfungsi untuk mendukung operasi kemanusiaan serta penanggulangan bencana alam.

KRI Banjarmasin akan tampil dalam parade kapal perang di Qingdao bersama puluhan kapal perang lainnya dari sekitar 20 negara.

KRI Banjarmasin akan ikuti parade kapal perang Tiongkok - ANTARA News

KRI Banjarmasin will join the parade of Chinese warships


Beijing ( ANTARA News ) - Warships of the Republic of Indonesia ( KRI ) Videos will follow the parade of international warships in Qingdao , Shandong Province , China , in late April 2014 .

Defence Attaché Colonel Samuel Kowaas in Beijing on Monday expressed KRI Banjarmasin - 592 will leave for Qingdao on Monday from Indonesia to participate in the "International Fleet Review " is. Reuters reporters in Beijing reported , KRI Banjarmasin commanded Marine Lt. Col. ( P ) Jalesyamca Jayamahe also scheduled to follow " The Multilateral Exercise in Non- Traditional Security Field " at the same location . In addition to following these two major events , the presence of type LPD ship made by PT PAL was , in Qingdao, also in order to carry out activities of Kartika Jala Krida ( KJK ) in 2014 which followed the Naval Academy midshipmen ( AAL ) level II Force 61 totaling 89 people .

Normally goodwill to some countries , the cadets the AAL will promote Indonesian culture through carnival and " marching band " in a series of visits in Qingdao , China . KRI Banjarmasin manned by 132 personnel and 10 personnel of the Naval Academy midshipmen caregivers . KRI Banjarmasin is one ship that was designed as an amphibious support vessel operations , which have the ability to transport troops following combat vehicles landing along with the accessories .

The ship is also capable of transporting five helicopters ( three units on the heli deck , two units in the hangar ) . Aside from being a combat ship , ship -tech semi - stealth design also serves to support humanitarian operations and disaster mitigation . KRI Banjarmasin will appear in the parade of warships at Qingdao along with dozens of other ships from about 20 countries .
We are not going to have any war with China for the next 10 years........Only fools who will believe it. But we will have insyaALLAH economic power that becomes top ten in the world in 2024, based on many international institution projection. Our KFX/IFX stealth fighter insyaALLAH will be ready also, thanks to ALLAH that Lockheed Martin is ready to help this project.

But, I hope Indonesia and China can be closed friend and solve this "nine dot issue" as soon as possible.

my friend,

Indonesia as a sovereign entity, a sovereign nation must answer their call with dignity and timely precise answer with resolute strength

Right now they had crossed our Naval border with ill intent, and malice intention, what kind of answer you think deserve for them?

We can help them to get back their historic places as they want and they had claimed before, which is beneath the floor of South Chinese Sea together with their ancestor in shipwrecks.

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