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Indonesia Defence Forum

Maybe we should be more active in real politics, many bad policy taken because of multinational companies bribery, if we can change it... if taken successfully, this effort can potentially save money in hundreds trillion Rupiah..so we can realize @Zarvan noble dream in the real world and starts deploying hundreds jet fighters ..:D
Mr you can make fun but reality is if any thing happens the way you are going even in next 10 to 20 years you can't defend yourself an air force with size of Singapore Air Force can wipe your Navy and Air Force out with in no time and also of Malaysia
Mr you can make fun but reality is if any thing happens the way you are going even in next 10 to 20 years you can't defend yourself an air force with size of Singapore Air Force can wipe your Navy and Air Force out with in no time and also of Malaysia

yeah as if we don't have any anti air defense system at all :lol:
Mr you can make fun but reality is if any thing happens the way you are going even in next 10 to 20 years you can't defend yourself an air force with size of Singapore Air Force can wipe your Navy and Air Force out with in no time and also of Malaysia

I don't make fun of it, I really mean it, I just try to make it doesn't seems quite seriously. If we just comment here, we will not achieve anything. I am trying to do it in my real life.
yeah as if we don't have any anti air defense system at all :lol:
Mr o really I didn't knew that you just opened my eyes Mr we have that too India also have that Singapore also have that China also have that still we all have hundred of fighter Jets and are developing and buying more and more
Mr you can make fun but reality is if any thing happens the way you are going even in next 10 to 20 years you can't defend yourself an air force with size of Singapore Air Force can wipe your Navy and Air Force out with in no time and also of Malaysia

Singapore is not threat for us, just burn few hectares of our forest is enough to cripple Its Air space....:lol:
Singapore is not threat for us, just burn few hectares of our forest is enough to cripple Its Air space....:lol:
Mr it was an example still be prepared Mr and you have nothing as such to counter their Air Force and their Air Force is enough to destroy all three of your Forces
RI prepares military protocols for disaster relief
Fadli, The Jakarta Post, Batam | World | Sun, March 30 2014, 5:35 PM

World News


Indonesian soldiers forcibly evacuate an elderly woman who refused to leave her house in Ngerangkah, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, despite the latest eruptions from Mount Merapi.

Indonesia was preparing a standard operating procedures (SOP) draft for disaster relief activities carried out by the military that would be proposed to become the SOP for ASEAN militaries in carrying out disaster relief activities, a senior minister said on Saturday afternoon.

Coordinating Political, Legal and Security Minister Djoko Suyanto said the SOP draft was near completion and was being field tested at the 2014 Multilateral Naval Exercise Komodo (MNEK) currently underway in the waters of the Anambas Islands, Batam and Natuna in Riau Islands province.

“After being evaluated, the Indonesian Navy will submit the SOP draft to the Indonesian Military [TNI] chief because it will also involve the Indonesian Army and Air Force,” Djoko said after officially opening the exercise at the Swiss Bel Harbour Bay hotel.

“The TNI chief will then submit the SOP draft to the defense minister to be discussed at the ASEAN Defense Minister Meeting [ADMM].”

He said it would be good for ASEAN to have such a protocol both internally and multinationally.

Djoko said the multilateral naval exercise gave Indonesia the opportunity to interact with various navies from around the world, with the main objective of improving humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.

“Many countries are interested in taking part, including Russia and the United States. They are interested because it is not really a political or security-related event,” he said.

“All efforts are channeled through humanitarian assistance. If we keep fostering such humanitarian operations, then we can have more cooperation in the future.”

Also attending the opening ceremony were Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro, National Police chief Gen. Sutarman, US Ambassador to Indonesia Robert O'Blake, Indian Ambassador Gurjit Singh, Vietnamese Ambassador Nguyen Xuan Thuy and naval chiefs from Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia.

Indonesian Navy chief of staff Adm. Marsetio said that the exercise was a non-war exercise initiated by Indonesia for the first time.

“Participants have come not only from ASEAN member countries but other countries are here also,” he said.

Marsetio said that 40 warships will set sail to three destinations in Jemaja, Anambas and Natun, where there will be a simulation of a natural disaster and an oil spill from off-shore rigs.

Some 28 warships with almost 4,500 personnel from 17 countries will take part in the exercise.

The participants are 10 ASEAN member countries and their partners, China, Japan, India, New Zealand, Russia, South Korea and the US.

During the opening ceremony, navy personnel from both Russia and the US were seen mingling with those from other countries, while there were no apparent tensions related to the Crimean issue.

Exercise training director Commodore Amrullah Octavian told The Jakarta Post that while both countries did differ on the Crimean issue, the differences were set aside during the Komodo exercise.

“There is no American resistance with regard to Russia’s participation in the exercise because the exercise was planned a year-and-a-half ago while the Crimean issue emerged only last month,” he said.

The Indonesian Navy Information Office asked journalists covering the exercise not to interview participants and ask questions unrelated to the exercise. Journalists were only allowed to interview officers from the Indonesian Navy.

Separately, the United States Embassy in Jakarta expressed its concern over Russia’s participation in the exercise.

"The US congratulates Indonesia on hosting its largest-ever multinational naval exercise with 12 participating nations and 6 observers. Exercise Komodo marks an important effort to coordinate multilateral disaster response capabilities in the world's most disaster-prone region,” US Embassy press attaché Troy Pederson said Saturday in an email sent to the Post.

“The US appreciated Foreign Minister Natalegawa's public comments in support of Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty and its vote in favor of the UNGA resolution condemning Russia's actions in Ukraine.

“Since the United States has suspended routine military activities with Russia, we expressed our concerns about Russia's military participation in exercise Komodo.

“Indonesia explained this is a strictly humanitarian exercise. We also note that a lower level Russian commander led Russia's participation than the three star who was expected." (nvn)

RI prepares military protocols for disaster relief | The Jakarta Post
Mr o really I didn't knew that you just opened my eyes Mr we have that too India also have that Singapore also have that China also have that still we all have hundred of fighter Jets and are developing and buying more and more

Anti-air defense works for defense. As for Singapore, the attacker in your scenario, has indeed an anti-air defense, but as an attacker, they rely on their strenght to take an offensive, that means they rely not on their anti-air defense.

look I appreciate your concern, but it seems to us, your concern is now like cheapening us. Moreover, you have been asking this multiple times. Your repeating question sounds like asking "When is Pakistani economy gonna hit at least 300 billion to counter India? with that economy of yours, you wouldn't be able to withstand a long massive war, even with India. India has almost 2 trillion you know and their economy growth is faster than Pakistan's." That question shows our concern about Pakistan, but what happens when we ask that too many times? Now is the time for you to think that analogy.
Anti-air defense works for defense. As for Singapore, the attacker in your scenario, has indeed an anti-air defense, but as an attacker, they rely on their strenght to take an offensive, that means they rely not on their anti-air defense.

look I appreciate your concern, but it seems to us, your concern is now like cheapening us. Moreover, you have been asking this multiple times. Your repeating question sounds like asking "When is Pakistani economy gonna hit at least 300 billion to counter India? with that economy of yours, you wouldn't be able to withstand a long massive war, even with India. India has almost 2 trillion you know and their economy growth is faster than Pakistan's." That question shows our concern about Pakistan, but what happens when we ask that too many times? Now is the time for you to think that analogy.
Mr because I am concerned you two countries specially Indonesia despite being better economy than ours and also of Malaysia you haven't worked on your Forces specially Air Force learn from Ukraine if you are not strong how much peace you have in the region all of a sudden the most powerful in your area or even from outside your area can decide to attack you and you would have nothing to do only see your self destroyed
Mr because I am concerned you two countries specially Indonesia despite being better economy than ours and also of Malaysia you haven't worked on your Forces specially Air Force learn from Ukraine if you are not strong how much peace you have in the region all of a sudden the most powerful in your area or even from outside your area can decide to attack you and you would have nothing to do only see your self destroyed

We may not possess the most sophisticated tools around but we are not that weak of a nation. You are very wrong to assume the attacker will have it easy subduing us just because their tools are better.
Throughout history, we've successfully kicked the invaders out of our land even when their weapons are far more superior than ours.

But.. I hope this will put you at ease.

A fresh news. Indonesian Air Force is expecting 4.5 gen jets. The candidates are in blue.

The news (Sorry, can't find the English version) :

TNI AU tunggu pesawat tempur generasi 4,5
31 Maret 2014

Yogyakarta (ANTARA News) - Peremajaan dan modernisasi arsenal perang TNI AU terus dilakukan, di antaranya pesawat tempur pengganti F-5E/F Tiger II yang sekarang tergabung di Skuadron Udara 14, yang berasal dari generasi 4,5 atau 4,5++.

Di antara kontestan yang telah masuk ke dalam daftar pasti pengajuan adalah Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker E (Rusia), JAS-39 Gripen (Swedia), Dassault F1 Rafale (France), dan Boeing-McDonnel Douglas F/A-18E/F Super Hornet (US). Pengadaan arsenal baru TNI AU itu sesuai Perencanaan Strategis Pertahanan Indonesia Tahap III.

"Kami masih menunggu evaluasi dari Kementerian Pertahanan dan Markas Besar TNI. Jika ditanya, kami menginginkan generasi 4,5," kata Kepala Dinas Penerangan TNI AU, Marsekal Pertama TNI Hadi Tjahjanto, di Yogyakarta, Minggu.

F-5E/F Tiger II didatangkan langsung dari pabriknya di Amerika Serikat pada awal dasawarsa '80-an, dengan skema pembelianforeign military sales.

TNI AU saat itu adalah pengguna perdana Tiger IIdi ASEAN dengan kekuatan satu skuadron udara penuh (16 unit).

Angkatan Udara Kerajaan Thailand menjadi negara kedua, yang malah membeli lebih banyak lagi Tiger II itu, dan mengembangkan kemampuan pesawat tempur kelas interseptor itu.

TNI AU sebetulnya bukan tidak mengembangkan kemampuan dan usia pakai F-5EF Tiger II itu, karena sempat ada Program MACAN yang diluncurkan pada akhir dasawarsa '90-an.

Selain Thailand, Angkatan Udara Iran secara sempurna bisa mengembangkan Tiger II mereka.

Dassault F1 Rafale merupakan pesawat terbang tempur bermesin ganda dengan rancangan unik di dunia, berkelas multi peran --Prancis menyebut ini sebagai omnirole capability-- termasukreconnaissance dan surveillance hingga kemampuan meluncurkan bom nuklir.

Dikembangkan dalam hanya tiga varian (B,C, dan M), komonalitas dan kompatibilitas serta kemudahan perawatan plus pengoperasian menjadi nilai tambah pesawat tempur bersayap delta dengan sayap kanard di depan bawah kokpit.

Sistem avionika dan penginderaan serta persenjataannya memakai teknologi kelas paling canggih di kelasnya, di antaranya integrasi sistem dengan pusat pengendali dan sesama penempur di udara.

Adapun JAS-39 Gripen bersayap delta buatan SAAB Swedia, diketahui memiliki kemampuan tempur multiguna-interseptor berkecepatan di atas 2 Mach, dengan teknologi terkini dan menjadi salah satu arsenal andalan NATO.

JAS-39 Gripen merupakan penyempurnaan JAS-35 Vigen dan JAS-37-Drakken, dan bisa menjadi pamungkas dalam superioritas udara dari Swedia yang dikenal dengan produk-produk berkualitas tinggi itu.

Angkatan Udara Kerajaan Thailand menjadi pengguna perdana JAS-39 Gripen ini di ASEAN, sementara di dunia telah dipergunakan Angkatan Udara Kerajaan Swedia, Angkatan Udara Afrika Selatan, dan Angkatan Udara Hungaria.

Sementara Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet adalah pesawat tempur bermesin ganda yang didedikasikan untuk bertempur secara multiperan.

Dia juga dipergunakan di Angkatan Udara Singapura, yang diimbuhi teknologi lebih canggih ketimbang versi ekspor lain dari pabrikannya.

Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker E buatan Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Production Association adalah pengembangan dari Su-27 Flanker yang ditingkatkan manuverabilitasnya dari kokpit berkursi tunggalnya dan bermesin jauh lebih kuat dari pendahulunya.

Pertama kali mengudara pada 1988, Angkatan Udara Rusia memakai Su-35 Flanker E (semula dikenal sebagai Su-27M) tim aerobatik mereka, Vityyasii Ruskiyii (Ksatria Rusia), menggantikan MiG-29.

TNI AU sudah sangat akrab dengan sistem Su-27 Flanker ini karena telah memiliki satu skuadron udara berisikan mereka, yaitu Skuadron Udara 11, yang berpangkalan di Pangkalan Udara Utama Hasanuddin, Makasssar.

Editor: Aditia Maruli

TNI AU tunggu pesawat tempur generasi 4,5 - ANTARA News
PT Len to develop new CMS for Indonesian warships
Ridzwan Rahmat, Singapore - IHS Jane's Navy International

The Indonesian government has asked state-owned electronics company PT Len to develop a suite of next-generation combat management systems (CMS) for Indonesian Navy (TNI-AL) warships.

Indonesian Deputy Defence Minister Sjafrie Sjamsuddin revealed the plan during a visit to a PT Pindad facility in Bandung, West Java, on 26 March.

The minister was visiting the facility to survey progress in the AMX-13 light tank retrofit programme. PT Pindad, another state-owned defence enterprise, was awarded a contract in 2011 to upgrade the Indonesian Army's (TNI-AD's) light tanks.

"We have been evaluating the role of PT Len in the development of a CMS," said the minister.

more at
PT Len to develop new CMS for Indonesian warships - IHS Jane's 360
Yup, I think Dahlan can win Democrat convention, he will become democrat presidential candidate. By the way, our friend @al-Hasani is banned for the first time.... :lol: I hope it is not permanent ...:D

A Bangladeshi low IQ individual was testing my nerves repeatedly. Nice to see you as an PDF Think Thank Analyst. Hope everything is well.;)

Keep the news coming.
A Bangladeshi low IQ individual was testing my nerves repeatedly. Nice to see you as an PDF Think Thank Analyst. Hope everything is well.;)

Keep the news coming.

Good to see you back,

Yup, I also fought him in the same thread where you get banned from...I think you should leave him away. I am here to test my self in debating and conversing with some knowledgeable people around PDF and always leave the non-knowledgeable and hard stones ones in never-ending debate. Leaving them can improve our emotional strength though ...:D

Oya, I hope you see my post when I debated with Hazlan Haider, (Islam History thread/ first page in my posting blog), maybe you can get something form it.

Yup, I get a good rank now... :partay: but there are so many good poster as well, including you. Yeah, everything is well, but this year can be quite challenging in term of my business, fortunately I like big challenge...... :partay:, and I hope ALLAH helps me.

I also hope you can complete your study as soon as possible .....:cheers:
Indonesia to station Su-27, Su-30s on South China Sea islands


The Indonesian Air Force (Tentera Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Udara, TNI-AU) is planning to upgrade its airbase at Ranai on Riau Island so it can be used by Sukhoi Su-27 and Su-30 fighter aircraft, the base's commander said on 27 March.

Lieutenant Colonel Andri Gandy also revealed that upgrade work had recently been completed at the airbase, including the installation of runway lights, taxiway lights and integrated radar. The TNI-AU also plans to extend the length of the runway, which is currently 2.5 km long.

The new facilities will include hangars on the western part of the airbase and are being installed with the long-term goal of permanently deploying a squadron of Sukhoi fighter aircraft on the Natuna Islands.

The TNI-AU operates a mix of Su-27SK and Su-30MKs, with additional orders expected. The aircraft would join four Boeing AH-64E Apache attack helicopters - a deployment that was separately announced on the same day by Indonesian Army (TNI-AD) Chief of Staff General Budiman.

Fajru Zaini, Indonesia's deputy coordinating minister for politics, law and peace, described the prospective Sukhoi deployment to Natuna as being a part of Jakarta's aim to develop a 'Minimum Essential Force (MEF)'. The concept, introduced by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in 2005, aims to establish the nature and minimum scale of military capabilities that Indonesia should seek to deploy in response to a strategic threat.

On 28 February IHS Jane's reported on Indonesian Armed Forces plans to expand its presence in the area as a counter to instability in the South China Sea. The Natuna Islands, with a total land area of 2,631 km 2 , sit on Indonesia's maritime borders with Brunei, Malaysia, and Vietnam at the southern tip of the South China Sea.

Although Indonesia is not involved in the ongoing territorial disputes in the South China Sea over the Paracel and Spratly islands, Beijing's declared 'nine-dashed-line' overlaps with Jakarta's claim to an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in the Natuna Islands region. The Natuna Sea has one of the world's largest gas fields, containing an estimated 46 trillion ft 3 (1.3 trillion m 3 ) of natural gas and condensates. The nine-dashed line is a demarcation used by China to define its claims to parts of the South China Sea.

Indonesia to station Su-27, Su-30s on South China Sea islands - IHS Jane's 360

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