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I thought they were waiting for the Ktx but it looks like they will purchase 36 Rafales and add KTX stealth fighter in late 2020s and early 2030s
I thought they were waiting for the Ktx but it looks like they will purchase 36 Rafales and add KTX stealth fighter in late 2020s and early 2030s

Look like a discussion, marketing effort from Dassault. We dont know for sure about whether they will order or not. There is layers in our birrocrate as well, Defense Ministry cannot act alone if it is about big order.
Look like a discussion, marketing effort from Dassault. We dont know for sure about whether they will order or not. There is layers in our birrocrate as well, Defense Ministry cannot act alone if it is about big order.

I personally think they should go for it but it is not absolutely necessary since your current fighter squadron are almost on same parity with rafales hence why there can be time to wait for thr KTX stealth fighter but buying rafales for an extra addition won't be a bad idea either
People criticize Harimau being so tall, and because of that people thought that the specification's height is wrong (more than 2,456 m). Let's calculate the proportion of the specification
Screenshot_2021-02-13 Modern Medium Weight Tank - Wikipedia.png

Calculation 1
Harimau specs calc 1.jpg

Calculation 2
Harimau specs calc 2.jpg

After the calculations , it is concluded that only the Calculation 1 can be used, and the result that it is still fall WITHIN the specification.
People criticize Harimau being so tall, and because of that people thought that the specification's height is wrong (more than 2,456 m). Let's calculate the proportion of the specification
View attachment 715821
Calculation 1
View attachment 715822

Calculation 2
View attachment 715823

After the calculations , it is concluded that only the Calculation 1 can be used, and the result that it is still fall WITHIN the specification.

I'm still wondering why the angle of the upper front slope of Harimau is so shallow, can't they design it to be steeper..? I think it's also one of the reason why it looks too tall for it's size... compare it to the CV90120 (which has similar dimensions) below for example... the upper front slope angle is much steeper.



In my opinion there are also more negative traits to the shallow slope

1. It seems to obstruct / restrict the drivers view to the front, and every time the tank is even slightly in a nose-up position, it will completely block the front view (unless there are actually cameras in the lower part of the front hull)...
2. The lower part of the front hull is much more exposed, and it is also more straight / vertical so has less protection if it got hit (less deflection)...
3. it makes the tank looks fatter.. 😅

The only benefit I can think of the shallow slope is if we plan to turn it into an amphibious tank (like the PT-76), if that's the case then this hull design will be more seaworthy compared to a hull with a steep slope...
I'm still wondering why the angle of the upper front slope of Harimau is so shallow, can't they design it to be steeper..? I think it's also one of the reason why it looks too tall for it's size... compare it to the CV90120 (which has similar dimensions) below for example... the upper front slope angle is much steeper.

View attachment 715828

View attachment 715829

In my opinion there are also more negative traits to the shallow slope

1. It seems to obstruct / restrict the drivers view to the front, and every time the tank is even slightly in a nose-up position, it will completely block the front view (unless there are actually cameras in the lower part of the front hull)...
2. The lower part of the front hull is much more exposed, and it is also more straight / vertical so has less protection if it got hit (less deflection)...
3. it makes the tank looks fatter.. 😅

The only benefit I can think of the shallow slope is if we plan to turn it into an amphibious tank (like the PT-76), if that's the case then this hull design will be more seaworthy compared to a hull with a steep slope...

I remember I saw that the marines wanted it to be easily converted to amphibious variant (or so that the amphibious variant would be developed easily if ordered). So having shallow upper glacis is beneficial.

Also, the lead engineer of Harimau, Windu Paramarta, said that the high, steep lower glacis is designed for Indonesia needs (to be able to climb certain slope I believe). Windu himself is pretty fed up by those who critics Pindad of being not able to design (in fact it is designed for Indonesia's needs). The ones who criticize it is not even an engineer so why bother? Just give the trust to Pindad.

It did obstruct driver's view but it is also why it had front driving camera (you need to see the center of the lower glacis, those points are actually camera - but it seems that the prototypes doesn't actually have it).

Percayalah kawan yang desain itu sudah ahlinya dan memang sudah memenuhi permintaan user... Bukan bocah fansboy militer yang baru main 1 game tank tapi ngritik sana sini. Apalagi mereka itu memang dasarnya engineer dan sudah berkutat dengan dunia kemiliteran yang sebenarnya, jadi jangan sekali kali merendahkan dan menganggap bodoh engineer kita.
This is the kind of mentality why the armed forces are always mediocre. You have the police to do that. Having an army that look inwards almost at the whole time in it's history and we saw the results now.
Police cant do nothing and military personal wont fight with their best when national welfare is not met. Not to mention National political stability. The reason they were inward looking was because the threat more like to come from within at that time. The last two decade they were starting to look outward as the internal threat become less. So its not mentality but more of threat/risk calculation.

Defence need to be build with good continueity, good staging and have sustainability in the process. And it wont happen without good economic growth and political stability.

The threat calculation is count toward external and internal. Both need different approach, Border road construction, good and connected road infratructure can help movement and logistics of the army. That road can also push economic growth is one of the good example of how one project can benefit both.

Do we need more military budget with current condition? Yes! Do we need to cutdown economic development budget, social welfare budget to be transfered to military budget? No!
Police cant do nothing and military personal wont fight with their best when national welfare is not met. Not to mention National political stability. The reason they were inward looking was because the threat more like to come from within at that time. The last two decade they were starting to look outward as the internal threat become less. So its not mentality but more of threat/risk calculation.

Defence need to be build with good continueity, good staging and have sustainability in the process. And it wont happen without good economic growth and political stability.

The threat calculation is count toward external and internal. Both need different approach, Border road construction, good and connected road infratructure can help movement and logistics of the army. That road can also push economic growth is one of the good example of how one project can benefit both.

Do we need more military budget with current condition? Yes! Do we need to cutdown economic development budget, social welfare budget to be transfered to military budget? No!
Who says police can't do nothing? It's a lack of political will we're talking here, there should be a clear divide of "tupoksi" here, police for internal matter, Armed forces for external threat, that's how advanced nation do it. You can't expect a service to excel doing both thing at once. 75 fuc***g years of having the Armed forces focuses on internal threats, nurturing suspicions on Indonesian citizens themselves and we can see the results now. This is just one example of taxpayers money well spent.

And I have no shortage of lists.

75 years of poking on internal matters and there's no questions on why we still have no AWACS, AAW frigate, aerial tankers. I mean why would you need those when your defence white book clearly stated that the government is more afraid on internal dissent than let's say an ill intentioned armed forces near you.

Here's a very good article by a Pakistani scientist on why armies should only focuses on war.
Do we need more military budget with current condition? Yes! Do we need to cutdown economic development budget, social welfare budget to be transfered to military budget? No!
Am not asking you to transfer all the money to the military, there's a reason why with a $10B military budget we're still behind some countries with less budget in a peer military capabilities. A lack of threat perception.





Operasi Garda Samudra 21

Operasi yang bersandi Garda Samudra 21 merupakan operasi gabungan dalam mengamankan Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesi (ALKI) II.

Pada hari rabu, 10 Februari 2021. Pesawat tempur Sukhoi 27/30 dari Skadron Udara 11 Wing Udara 5 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin melaksanakan patroli bersama dengan Unsur KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai 332 dari Komando Armada II Surabaya.

Operasi yang dilaksanakan ini merupakan bentuk interoperabilitas antara Unsur Tempur Sukhoi 27/30 dan Unsur KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai 332 dalam menjaga stabilitas keamanan dan penegakan hukum serta kedaulatan NKRI di wilayah ALKI II. Simulasi penembakan chaff oleh KRI GNR-332 dan simulasi Serangan Udara oleh pesawat Sukhoi 27/30 merupakan bentuk keseriusan ke dua satuan Tempur dalam meningkatkan kemampuan untuk menjalankan tugas sebagai Garda Terdepan dan Benteng Terakhir NKRI.

Sebagai Leader Bajra Flight (Unsur Sukhoi 27/30) adalah Letkol Pnb I Gusti Ngurah Sorga Laksana (Komandan Skadron Udara 11) sedangkan KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai dipimpin langsung oleh Komandan Kapal Kolonel Laut (P) Sumarji Bimo Aji. Ikut onboard dalam KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai, Komandan Gugus Tempur Laut KOARMADA II Laksamana Pertama TNI Rahmat Eko Rahardjo.
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Tingkatkan Profesionalime Prajurit, Yontankfib 1 Marinir Beri Pelajaran Alkom Tank BMP-3F


MEDIASUARAMOJOPAHIT – Prajurit Batalyon Tank Amfibi 1 Marinir (Yontankfib 1 Mar) menerima pelajaran Alat Komunikasi (Alkom) yang dimiliki Kendaraan Tempur (Ranpur) Tank BMP-3F bertempat di Garase Yontankfib 1 Kesatrian Marinir Hartono Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan, Senin (15/02/2021).

Kegiatan tersebut berguna untuk meningkatkan profesionalisme sebagai prajurit Yontankfib 1 Mar yang memiliki alat komunikasi (Alkom) di setiap Kendaraan Tempur (Ranpur), oleh sebab itu maka dilaksanakan pembelajaran dan pembekalan kepada prajurit muda agar dapat memahami dan mengerti tata cara pengoperasian Alkom di tiap-tiap Ranpur tersebut.

Para prajurit Yontankfib 1 Mar menerima pepajaran Alkom yang ada di Tank BMP-3F seperti radio R-173, R-173P dan R-174 yang mana semuanya adalah sarana kendali untuk komunikasi ketika pendaratan baik saat latihan ataupun penugasan yang melibatkan ranpur, kegiatan pembekalan ilmu Alkom ini didampingi oleh Letda Marinir M. Ridwan yang sehari-hari menjabat sebagai Danton Perbekalan dan Pemeliharaan (Bekhar) sekaligus Pjs. Pasilog Yontankfib 1 Mar.

“Pembekalan tentang Alkom Ranpur Tank BMP-3F ini merupakan salah satu program kerja satuan untuk meningkatkan SDM para prajurit Yontankfib 1 Mar yang nantunya akan bermuara pada kesuksesan tugas-tugas pokok satuan,” jelas Danyon Tankfib 1 Mar Letkol Marinir Imam Ghazali, M.Tr.Opsla.

“Tetap jalankan protokol kesehatan dalam kegiatan kali ini dan utamakan keselamatan baik personel dan material,” imbuh Letkol Marinir Imam Ghazali.(penpasmar1/yatno)

From here we know that the reason KFX/IFX uses Meteor as BVR is because US doesnt allow their AMRAM to be used in KFX/IFX planes. WVR missile will also use European ones. Korea is currently developing 400 mm class air to to ship missile for KFX/IFX using Ramjet technology. In the near future SK will also develop their own AA missile based on their air to ship missile development.


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Operasi Garda Samudra 21

Operasi yang bersandi Garda Samudra 21 merupakan operasi gabungan dalam mengamankan Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesi (ALKI) II.

Pada hari rabu, 10 Februari 2021. Pesawat tempur Sukhoi 27/30 dari Skadron Udara 11 Wing Udara 5 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin melaksanakan patroli bersama dengan Unsur KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai 332 dari Komando Armada II Surabaya.

Operasi yang dilaksanakan ini merupakan bentuk interoperabilitas antara Unsur Tempur Sukhoi 27/30 dan Unsur KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai 332 dalam menjaga stabilitas keamanan dan penegakan hukum serta kedaulatan NKRI di wilayah ALKI II. Simulasi penembakan chaff oleh KRI GNR-332 dan simulasi Serangan Udara oleh pesawat Sukhoi 27/30 merupakan bentuk keseriusan ke dua satuan Tempur dalam meningkatkan kemampuan untuk menjalankan tugas sebagai Garda Terdepan dan Benteng Terakhir NKRI.

Sebagai Leader Bajra Flight (Unsur Sukhoi 27/30) adalah Letkol Pnb I Gusti Ngurah Sorga Laksana (Komandan Skadron Udara 11) sedangkan KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai dipimpin langsung oleh Komandan Kapal Kolonel Laut (P) Sumarji Bimo Aji. Ikut onboard dalam KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai, Komandan Gugus Tempur Laut KOARMADA II Laksamana Pertama TNI Rahmat Eko Rahardjo.
If penerbal have own fighter bomber
From here we know that the reason KFX/IFX uses Meteor as BVR is because US doesnt allow their AMRAM to be used in KFX/IFX planes. WVR missile will also use European ones. Korea is currently developing 400 mm class air to to ship missile for KFX/IFX using Ramjet technology. In the near future SK will also develop their own AA missile based on their air to ship missile development.

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So this kfx weaponry likely will more compatible with incoming rafale
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