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Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey Potential Recognized for Indonesia Support
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Many countries continue to take interest in the Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey for its role as a valuable asset needed to serve and support multiple mission capabilities. For the sprawling islands of Indonesia, it could connect teams and support long-range missions. News outlet The Drive notes that the aircraft “…is particularly well suited for Indonesia, a country that is made up of a whopping 17,000 individual islands spanning thousands of miles. The ability for the V-22 to carry significant loads at turboprop speeds, while still being able to land and take off near vertically will drastically improve the logistics capabilities of the Indonesian military.”

The tiltrotor’s unique configuration combines the vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) and hover capabilities of a helicopter with the speed and range of turbo-prop aircraft while in airplane mode, enabling the military to rapidly reach isolated areas at twice the speed and range of helicopters. “While the country does have a number of turboprop transports and helicopters of various types on hand, none of them have the Osprey's unique remote island-hopping over long-distance capabilities.”

The combination of speed, range, and versatility make the Osprey a force multiplier. “For missions like search and rescue and some long-range assaults, it is truly a magical machine.” With a global fleet that has 500,000 fleet flight hours, the Bell Boeing V-22 provides unique tilotor capabilities to support worldwide military missions.
Cleaning up this thread, please stick to the topic.

including my post pics about SUKHOI's simulator? hmmn
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Any one knows where skatek 044 is? Madiun or makassar?
Makassar, I wonder are those simulators can be set to simulating SU-35? I havent seen the latest cockpit upgrade of our Sukhoi yet but I hear its "like" SU-35.
including my post pics about SUKHOI's simulator? hmmn
Kena grebek salpol PP ya bosqu :lol:
@Whizzack Dont worry bro, I will keep posting in here inshaAllah, but more likely in specific thread that I have made and Economic thread.


we ordered 5 force shield systems. distributed to
kodam bukit barisan, 3 systems, delivered
kostrad, 1 system, delivered
kodam jaya 1 system, not delivered yet

This is informative. But is it wise to tell it in international community like this? Well, we can always say that we have Force Shield, but her position should be secret, isn't it?
This is informative. But is it wise to tell it in international community like this? Well, we can always say that we have Force Shield, but her position should be secret, isn't it?
There is nothing that would stop international community from scrutinizing our procurement from foreign sources what have been said/written could be always easily seen in the SIPRI and what not sources .
The only thing that could be held close to our chest was the thing produced by our self !!
Always remember that brother .... :closed:

All new Frankenthal class ...

yep, im glad they execute the contract, after months no news about it

Abeking and Rasmussen to build minehunter pair for Indonesia
By Baird Maritime - February 6, 2019

Image: Abeking and Rasmussen
Image: Abeking and Rasmussen

German shipbuilder Abeking and Rasmussen has signed a contract with the Indonesian Ministry of Defence for the design and construction of two mine countermeasures vessels (MCMVs).
The new vessels will be modified versions of the Frankenthal-class minesweepers currently serving with the navies of Germany, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates.
Each MCMV will have a length of 62 metres and the ability to launch and recover one rigid hull inflatable boat (RHIB) as well as minehunting unmanned vehicles




29/11/2020 12:25 PM

Indonesia membeli dua unit kapal MCMV (Mine Counter-Measure Vessel) Type MHV-60 dari salah satu perusahaan Jerman Abeking & Rasmussen. Kontrak pembelian kapal dengan perusahaan yang berlokasi di Lemwerder, Bremen, Jerman ini telah ditandatangani Kementerian Pertahanan RI sejak tahun lalu. Pembelian kapal ini dimaksudkan untuk memperkuat Alutsista TNI.

Pada Kamis, 26 November 2020, batu tonggak persiapan pembuatan kapal telah dimulai. Hal tersebut ditandai dengan pemeriksaan dan pemotongan awal baja bahan baku kapal
(Milestone of Starting of Steel Cutting) yang berlangsung di Galangan kapal milik Abeking & Rasmussen. Setidaknya ada sekitar satu ton bahan pelat yang diperiksa dan dipotong pada kegiatan ini.
Karena kebijakan partial lockdown yang diterapkan di Jerman, kegiatan pada Kamis tersebut hanya dilaksanakan secara terbatas antara wakil Abeking & Remussen dan Satgas MCMV sebagai wakil Kemenhan RI.

Usai pemeriksaan dan pemotongan baja, Tim Satgas MCMV yang dipimpin Kolonel Laut (P) Bambang Kuncoro, S.T., M.Si. bersama dengan pihak Abekin & Remussen menandatangani
sertifikat Protocol of Achieved Milestone dan Certificate of Starting of Steel Cutting. Selain Satgas MCMV, acara ini juga dihadiri oleh Mr. Ilia Ivenitski selaku Senior Project Manager, Mr. Thomas Horn selaku Production Manager, dan Mr. Nils Olschner selaku Sales Director Spesial Ship. Di samping itu, juga hadir dari pihak Badan Klasifikasi DNV-GL yang diwakili oleh Mr. Marco Lochner selaku Project Manager Field NAVY - Submarines & Surface Vessel, Newbuilding Team North dan Mr. Henning Lanz Dipl. selaku Principal Surveyor, Region West Europe - Area Germany Newbuilding.

Kegiatan Milestone of Starting of Steel Cutting ini dilaksanakan sebagai persiapan dan pendahuluan dari acara Seremonial Pemotongan Pertama Baja Kapal, First Steel Cutting Ceremony yang menurut rencana akan digelar pada Januari 2021 mendatang.

*Sumber : KBRI Berlin, c.q. Kantor Atase Pertahan



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Lapan recent rocket test. 2 December 2020. Alhamdulillah, the launch is seen as a success by that space agency.

This launch actually of reminds of an article I read earlier this year... so I got looking for it, here it is :

Indonesia-Cina Kerja Sama Pengembangan Teknologi Roket

Reporter: Zacharias Wuragil
Editor: Zacharias Wuragil
Minggu, 23 Februari 2020 08:41 WIB

  • Sejumlah truk peluncur roket mengikuti parade di Lapangan Tiananmen, Beijing, Cina (1/10). Parade tersebut dalam rangka peringatan 60 tahun berdirinya Republik Rakyat Cina. Foto:  REUTERS/David Gray
Sejumlah truk peluncur roket mengikuti parade di Lapangan Tiananmen, Beijing, Cina (1/10). Parade tersebut dalam rangka peringatan 60 tahun berdirinya Republik Rakyat Cina. Foto: REUTERS/David Gray

TEMPO.CO, Bogor - Indonesia menjalin kerja sama dengan Cina dalam pengembangan teknologi roket. Sebuah kesepakatan sudah terjalin dan diteken pada akhir tahun lalu.
Kepala Pusat Teknologi Roket di Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (Lapan), Sutrisno, mengungkapnya pada Jumat 21 Februari 2020. Saat itu Sutrisno baru saja menerima kunjungan Menteri Ristek Bambang Brodjonegoro dan jajaran pimpinan Lapan di kantornya di Rumpin, Kabupaten Bogor.
Sutrisno menerangkan, pemerintah Cina sempat menawarkan kerja sama teknologi lain, tapi akhirnya setuju pengembangan bersama roket sonda bertingkat selama lima tahun ke depan. “Jadi ini bukan beli lisensi ya, tapi joint development lewat kerja sama antar negara,” katanya.
Peluncuran roket Cina, Long March-5 Y2, di Wenchang, Hainan, Cina, 2 Juli 2017. (REUTERS)

Menurut Sutrisno, kerja sama akan sangat bermanfaat bagi peneliti roket Indonesia yang disebutnya masih mengembangkan teknologi asal 1960-an. Indonesia sangat membutuhkan kerja sama dengan negara lain untuk pengembangan roket.
Sebagai ilustrasi, dia membandingkan, kemampuan roket diameter 450 mm milik Lapan yang masih berdaya jangkau kurang dari 100 kilometer. Sementara Cina janji memiliki roket dua tingkat dengan diameter yang sama dan mampu terbang sampai 200 kilometer ke batas atmosfer.
Menristek Bambang Brodjonegoro saat berkunjung dan melihat roket RX 450 di Pusat Teknologi Roket, Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional, di Rumpin, Kabupaten Bogor, Jumat 21 Februari 2020. TEMPO/WURAGIL.
“Yang roket Cina itu untuk meng-improve roket 450 kita...dan akan ada pengalaman dan hal baru. serta memantapkan apa yang sudah kita lakukan selama ini,” kata Sutrisno.
Roket berdaya jangkau 200 kilometer disebutnya bisa digunakan sebagai roket sonda untuk mempelajari karakter di lapisan atmosfer. Harapannya kemampuan nanti bisa dikembangkan untuk roket sonda 300 kilometer dan seterusnya hingga bisa membuat roket peluncur satelit sesuai roadmap teknologi roket yang sudah dibuat tiga tahun lalu untuk 25 tahun ke depan.

No english version of this article unfortunately, but summary of points as below :

Indonesia - China to cooperate in rocket technology development.
- The agreement for this cooperation has been signed late last year (2019)
- The cooperation is to jointly develop a multi-stage sounding rocket for the next 5 years
- This is a joint development, and not to purchase license of an existing rocket
- Indonesian rocket engineers are still working with old 60's rocket tech and thus requires cooperation with foreign countries to advance rocket development
- RX-450 range is still less than 100 km, while a similar sized 2-stage Chinese sounding rocket can reach 200 km. (*Not sure why they are comparing a single stage rocket to 2 stage rocket, even though it might be of similar size)
- We will study the Chinese rocket to improve our own RX-450 rocket, gain new knowledge, and to strengthen what we have been doing so far.
- The plan is to continue developing our sounding rockets to 200 km, 300 km, and all the way to orbit till we can build our own satellite launcher rocket within the next 25 years as per rocket development roadmap.

Personal rant : 25 years to develop a small orbital rocket is waaaay to long! Hell, even small private rocket companies can build small orbital class rockets using 3D printing tech these days... also private rocket companies are popping everywhere like mushrooms in a rainy season nowadays... in 25 years, small orbital rockets will probably be built for fun by amateur rocket clubs or as undergrad college student projects...

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