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Indonesia Defence Forum

This launch actually of reminds of an article I read earlier this year... so I got looking for it, here it is :

Indonesia-Cina Kerja Sama Pengembangan Teknologi Roket

Reporter: Zacharias Wuragil
Editor: Zacharias Wuragil
Minggu, 23 Februari 2020 08:41 WIB

  • Sejumlah truk peluncur roket mengikuti parade di Lapangan Tiananmen, Beijing, Cina (1/10). Parade tersebut dalam rangka peringatan 60 tahun berdirinya Republik Rakyat Cina. Foto:  REUTERS/David Gray
Sejumlah truk peluncur roket mengikuti parade di Lapangan Tiananmen, Beijing, Cina (1/10). Parade tersebut dalam rangka peringatan 60 tahun berdirinya Republik Rakyat Cina. Foto: REUTERS/David Gray

TEMPO.CO, Bogor - Indonesia menjalin kerja sama dengan Cina dalam pengembangan teknologi roket. Sebuah kesepakatan sudah terjalin dan diteken pada akhir tahun lalu.
Kepala Pusat Teknologi Roket di Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (Lapan), Sutrisno, mengungkapnya pada Jumat 21 Februari 2020. Saat itu Sutrisno baru saja menerima kunjungan Menteri Ristek Bambang Brodjonegoro dan jajaran pimpinan Lapan di kantornya di Rumpin, Kabupaten Bogor.
Sutrisno menerangkan, pemerintah Cina sempat menawarkan kerja sama teknologi lain, tapi akhirnya setuju pengembangan bersama roket sonda bertingkat selama lima tahun ke depan. “Jadi ini bukan beli lisensi ya, tapi joint development lewat kerja sama antar negara,” katanya.
Peluncuran roket Cina, Long March-5 Y2, di Wenchang, Hainan, Cina, 2 Juli 2017. (REUTERS)

Menurut Sutrisno, kerja sama akan sangat bermanfaat bagi peneliti roket Indonesia yang disebutnya masih mengembangkan teknologi asal 1960-an. Indonesia sangat membutuhkan kerja sama dengan negara lain untuk pengembangan roket.
Sebagai ilustrasi, dia membandingkan, kemampuan roket diameter 450 mm milik Lapan yang masih berdaya jangkau kurang dari 100 kilometer. Sementara Cina janji memiliki roket dua tingkat dengan diameter yang sama dan mampu terbang sampai 200 kilometer ke batas atmosfer.
Menristek Bambang Brodjonegoro saat berkunjung dan melihat roket RX 450 di Pusat Teknologi Roket, Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional, di Rumpin, Kabupaten Bogor, Jumat 21 Februari 2020. TEMPO/WURAGIL.
“Yang roket Cina itu untuk meng-improve roket 450 kita...dan akan ada pengalaman dan hal baru. serta memantapkan apa yang sudah kita lakukan selama ini,” kata Sutrisno.
Roket berdaya jangkau 200 kilometer disebutnya bisa digunakan sebagai roket sonda untuk mempelajari karakter di lapisan atmosfer. Harapannya kemampuan nanti bisa dikembangkan untuk roket sonda 300 kilometer dan seterusnya hingga bisa membuat roket peluncur satelit sesuai roadmap teknologi roket yang sudah dibuat tiga tahun lalu untuk 25 tahun ke depan.

No english version of this article unfortunately, but summary of points as below :

Indonesia - China to cooperate in rocket technology development.
- The agreement for this cooperation has been signed late last year (2019)
- The cooperation is to jointly develop a multi-stage sounding rocket for the next 5 years
- This is a joint development, and not to purchase license of an existing rocket
- Indonesian rocket engineers are still working with old 60's rocket tech and thus requires cooperation with foreign countries to advance rocket development
- RX-450 range is still less than 100 km, while a similar sized 2-stage Chinese sounding rocket can reach 200 km. (*Not sure why they are comparing a single stage rocket to 2 stage rocket, even though it might be of similar size)
- We will study the Chinese rocket to improve our own RX-450 rocket, gain new knowledge, and to strengthen what we have been doing so far.
- The plan is to continue developing our sounding rockets to 200 km, 300 km, and all the way to orbit till we can build our own satellite launcher rocket within the next 25 years as per rocket development roadmap.

Personal rant : 25 years to develop a small orbital rocket is waaaay to long! Hell, even small private rocket companies can build small orbital class rockets using 3D printing tech these days... also private rocket companies are popping everywhere like mushrooms in a rainy season nowadays... in 25 years, small orbital rockets will probably be built for fun by amateur rocket clubs or as undergrad college student projects...

It is good if China will help, it will improve the relationship between two nations as I also would like to see. Despite so, China has also promised with TOT of C-705 missile during SBY administration and we know it is just an empty promise.

We will see wheter the cooperation could really happen........
Drone Enrol Pilot

Bandung – PT. Enrol Sistem Indonesia adalah sebuah perusahaan startup binaan kemenristek/BRIN pada tahun 2017, melalui program Inkubasi Bisnis Teknologi (IBT) yang sekarang sudah menjadi Pra Startup mendapatkan funding untuk mengembangkan sistem autopilot untuk target drone pada awalnya, ini adalah sistem autopilot yang sudah dikembangkan dan digunakan di drone.

Teknologi open source yang sudah didesain sendiri, kemudian diproduksi sendiri di bandung, dan sistem autopilot sudah didesain sedemikian rupa serta membuat software berikut dengan misinya.
Drone ini kecepatannya mencapai 250km/jam, sistem autopilotnya sudah menggunakan enrol pilot, rencananya akan dipasangkan amunisi sekitar 800gr, berat maks 2,8kg-3kg, digunakan untuk kamikaze artinya untuk bunuh diri, kita menentukan wipe pointnya dan dilengkapi dengan kamera dan dimasukkan target yang ingin dihancurkan dan terbang secara berkelompok.
Drone enrol pilot dapat menerbangkan banyak drone sekaligus, dan sudah diuji coba lebih dari 5 drone dan tidak terbatas. Ada juga drone yang lebih besar, sistem juga menggunakan enrol pilot, fungsinya untuk cargo, dia bisa membawa kiriman-kiriman kecil misalnya dari toko online, kedepannya akan dikembangkan sampai 25kg.

Kemungkinan tahun depan juga akan mengembangkan artificial inteligen (AI) untuk sistem trackingnya, log in target.
Kedepannya drone-drone ini akan mengintegrasikan dengan sistem yang ada didarat juga untuk BMS (BATLE MANAGEMENT SISTEM) yaitu sebuah sistem yang modern dalam pertemuran yang modern, bisa memonitor pergerakannya berikut dengan targetnya, kemudian misinya berdasarkan algoritma artificial inteligen.

Drone Sistem Autopilot untuk Pertahanan dan Keamanan

Screenshot_2020-12-03 Drone Sistem Autopilot untuk Pertahanan dan Keamanan - YouTube(1).png

Screenshot_2020-12-03 Drone Sistem Autopilot untuk Pertahanan dan Keamanan - YouTube(2).png
Screenshot_2020-12-03 Drone Sistem Autopilot untuk Pertahanan dan Keamanan - YouTube(3).png

Screenshot_2020-12-03 Drone Sistem Autopilot untuk Pertahanan dan Keamanan - YouTube(5).png

Screenshot_2020-12-03 Drone Sistem Autopilot untuk Pertahanan dan Keamanan - YouTube(4).png
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Aamiiin...! 🙏🙏

Really hoping this isn't something that was "lost in translation" causing all kinds of misunderstandings and wishful thinking... :laughcry:Let's see what Alman has to tweet tomorrow morning... :laugh:

Btw... below is the original French article, unfortunately it's behind a paywall...
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Aamiiin...! 🙏🙏

Really hoping this isn't something that was "lost in translation" causing all kinds of misunderstandings and wishful thinking... :laughcry:Let's see what Alman has to tweet tomorrow morning... :laugh:

Btw... below is the original French article, unfortunately it's behind a paywall...

Can you post the article in here ...? I cannot access the whole article. I believe it is just France media sensation.
Austria is responding to about a pasible sale of their typhoon...well...
Can you post the article in here ...? I cannot access the whole article. I believe it is just France media sensation.

Sorry bro, don't have access to it too... don't understand French either.. 😅

Austria is responding to about a pasible sale of their typhoon...well...

And what did they say...? anything new...?
Korea DX 2020

Screenshot_2020-12-04 깜짝 놀란 K-방산의 위엄 DX KOREA 대신 다녀왔습니다 마린온, KFX, 수리온, 에어택시 구경하고 가실게요(1).png

Screenshot_2020-12-04 깜짝 놀란 K-방산의 위엄 DX KOREA 대신 다녀왔습니다 마린온, KFX, 수리온, 에어택시 구경하고 가실게요(3).png

Screenshot_2020-12-04 깜짝 놀란 K-방산의 위엄 DX KOREA 대신 다녀왔습니다 마린온, KFX, 수리온, 에어택시 구경하고 가실게요.png

Indonesia wants to board the Rafale (Dassault Aviation)
By Michel Cabirol | 12/03/2020, 13:37
Will the Rafale fly in the Indonesian sky?
Will the Rafale fly in the Indonesian sky? (Credits: Dassault Aviation) Indonesia wants to quickly finalize an agreement on the purchase of 48 Rafale. Paris and Djakarta also intend to sign a defense cooperation agreement.
Article updated at 8:40 p.m. with the declaration of Florence Parly

Negotiations between France and Indonesia are progressing very well on the sale of 48 Rafale to the Indonesian Air Force, according to several corroborating sources. This is a little less the case on the naval file (Scorpene submarines and Gowind corvettes) where the Indonesians are considering different options. During a visit to the Hôtel de Brienne on October 21, Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto once again confirmed his keen interest in the Dassault Aviation fighter plane. And the Indonesians would like to go very quickly and would even like an agreement before the end of the year, while the French negotiators would like to take a little time to complete an agreement in a meticulous manner, we explained to La Tribune.

"The order has not yet been completely signed. (...) If this order materializes, this is good news for the 500 French companies, which work for the Rafale program. It is very well advanced", Armed Minister Florence Parly confirmed on BFM TV, citing an order for 36 Rafale for Indonesia.

- so, its 36 rafales for us? 🙏
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Korea DX 2020

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Indonesia wants to board the Rafale (Dassault Aviation)
By Michel Cabirol | 12/03/2020, 13:37
Will the Rafale fly in the Indonesian sky?
Will the Rafale fly in the Indonesian sky? (Credits: Dassault Aviation) Indonesia wants to quickly finalize an agreement on the purchase of 48 Rafale. Paris and Djakarta also intend to sign a defense cooperation agreement.
Article updated at 8:40 p.m. with the declaration of Florence Parly

Negotiations between France and Indonesia are progressing very well on the sale of 48 Rafale to the Indonesian Air Force, according to several corroborating sources. This is a little less the case on the naval file (Scorpene submarines and Gowind corvettes) where the Indonesians are considering different options. During a visit to the Hôtel de Brienne on October 21, Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto once again confirmed his keen interest in the Dassault Aviation fighter plane. And the Indonesians would like to go very quickly and would even like an agreement before the end of the year, while the French negotiators would like to take a little time to complete an agreement in a meticulous manner, we explained to La Tribune.

- so, its 36 rafales for us? 🙏

What is the consideration? It is very expensive fighter plane.
Indonesia in talks with Naval Group for variant of Riachuelo-class submarine
by Ridzwan Rahmat

Officials from Indonesia’s defence ministry are in discussions with a consortium led by French shipbuilder Naval Group for a possible order of the Riachuelo (Modified Scorpene)-class submarine, separate industry sources close to the talks have confirmed with Janes .

Brazil’s first Riachuelo-class submarine, seen here prior to its launch in 2018. Indonesia is studying a variant of the class for its naval requirements.  (Naval Group)

Brazil’s first Riachuelo-class submarine, seen here prior to its launch in 2018. Indonesia is studying a variant of the class for its naval requirements. (Naval Group)
The discussion is the latest development in what has been a series of sporadic talks between Indonesian defence planners and Naval Group since 2016, when Jakarta first indicated its interest in the Scorpene 1000 vessel type for its naval requirements.

Due diligence specifically for the Riachuelo class began after a variant of the submarine type was suggested by Naval Group as being suitable for Indonesia’s requirements, said one of the industry sources.

Besides technical discussions, the talks with Naval Group and its consortium also touched upon financing options and opportunities for technology transfer agreements between French and Indonesian defence companies, the source added.

The Riachuelo class is a 1,800-tonne submarine type, four of which were ordered for the Brazilian Navy in 2009. The first-of-class was launched by Naval Group in December 2018, while the final boat is scheduled to enter the water in 2022.

The submarine has an overall length of 75 m, an overall beam of 6.2 m, and can accommodate a crew of 31, including six officers. It is capable of deploying F21 heavyweight torpedoes and MBDA Exocet SM39 Block 2 Mod 2 missiles via 533 mm tubes, and is capable of diving up to 350 m.https://www.janes.com/defence-news/...roup-for-variant-of-riachuelo-class-submarine

Could it be..?
I guess frenchie have a higher stance for our defense procurement right now
Indonesia wants to board the Rafale (Dassault Aviation)
By Michel Cabirol | 12/03/2020, 13:37
Will the Rafale fly in the Indonesian sky?
Will the Rafale fly in the Indonesian sky? (Credits: Dassault Aviation) Indonesia wants to quickly finalize an agreement on the purchase of 48 Rafale. Paris and Djakarta also intend to sign a defense cooperation agreement.
Article updated at 8:40 p.m. with the declaration of Florence Parly

- so, its 36 rafales for us? 🙏

Down from 48 to 36...? Maybe necessary to make room for the 15 ex Austrian Typhoons..?

They say it on "taraf pembahasan teknis"

Then again... it's also very highly likely that nothing will come out of these talks in the end... 😅 😅
but a guy can dream...

What is the consideration? It is very expensive fighter plane.
Other than the usual technical considerations, perhaps it is also to reduce the risk of being too dependent on the US...? As acquiring the Su-35s seems unlikely now due to CAATSA... Right or wrong, multi-sourcing our main weaponry seems to be the rule of the game now since the last embargo...

Indonesia in talks with Naval Group for variant of Riachuelo-class submarine
by Ridzwan Rahmat

Officials from Indonesia’s defence ministry are in discussions with a consortium led by French shipbuilder Naval Group for a possible order of the Riachuelo (Modified Scorpene)-class submarine, separate industry sources close to the talks have confirmed with Janes .

Brazil’s first Riachuelo-class submarine, seen here prior to its launch in 2018. Indonesia is studying a variant of the class for its naval requirements.  (Naval Group)

Brazil’s first Riachuelo-class submarine, seen here prior to its launch in 2018. Indonesia is studying a variant of the class for its naval requirements. (Naval Group)

Could it be..?

I wonder what's the difference between this type and the type in use by the Malaysian and Indian Navies... But according to the previous article, the negotiations for the Subs and Frigates is not as advanced as the negotiations for Rafale yet.. so probably will still take some time...
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