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Indonesia Defence Forum

Btw, there's actually cheapest option to do this. So cheap that we even got paid doing it. Just call India to revisit our old deal for them to invest in Sabang. They would be more than happy to send their warships and U209 subs to do the job there:D.
:v malah nambah nabahin masalah.
With Britain’s new trade deals in Asia and Oceania, expect to see the Royal Navy in the South China Sea

The British Government is considering for the first time sending one of its two aircraft carriers to Asia in 2021, loaded with new American F-35B fighter jets.

Oh boi
It can be used for the defense and security purpose, though I am afraid most of important parts like motor engine, electronic circuit and camera still being imported


Anggota Komunitas Micro Drone Karawang mencoba micro drone rakitannya di Workshop Jangar Fpv, Tamelang, Karawang, Jawa Barat, Senin (5/10/2020). Micro drone di workshop tersebut dijual dengan harga Rp500 ribu-Rp2 juta per unit tergantung jenis komponen dan kamera serta dipesan dan dipasarkan ke berbagai wilayah di Indonesia hingga mancanegara. ANTARA FOTO/M Ibnu Chazar/aww.

Anggota Komunitas Micro Drone Karawang menyelesaikan perakitan micro drone di Workshop Jangar Fpv, Tamelang, Karawang, Jawa Barat, Senin (5/10/2020). Micro drone di workshop tersebut dijual dengan harga Rp500 ribu - Rp2 juta per unit tergantung jenis komponen dan kamera serta dipesan dan dipasarkan ke berbagai wilayah di Indonesia hingga mancanegara. ANTARA FOTO/M Ibnu Chazar/aww.
It can be used for the defense and security purpose, though I am afraid most of important parts like motor engine, electronic circuit and camera still being imported


Anggota Komunitas Micro Drone Karawang mencoba micro drone rakitannya di Workshop Jangar Fpv, Tamelang, Karawang, Jawa Barat, Senin (5/10/2020). Micro drone di workshop tersebut dijual dengan harga Rp500 ribu-Rp2 juta per unit tergantung jenis komponen dan kamera serta dipesan dan dipasarkan ke berbagai wilayah di Indonesia hingga mancanegara. ANTARA FOTO/M Ibnu Chazar/aww.

Anggota Komunitas Micro Drone Karawang menyelesaikan perakitan micro drone di Workshop Jangar Fpv, Tamelang, Karawang, Jawa Barat, Senin (5/10/2020). Micro drone di workshop tersebut dijual dengan harga Rp500 ribu - Rp2 juta per unit tergantung jenis komponen dan kamera serta dipesan dan dipasarkan ke berbagai wilayah di Indonesia hingga mancanegara. ANTARA FOTO/M Ibnu Chazar/aww.
In other words ....assembled in indonesia 😁
It was by intent to do so. Because these days such measure sometime needed to get your points across.

Well then, since I'm rather slow why don't you explain once again what your point was?

Millennials Suck! Was all I saw, with little establishing arguments or actual proof. Insulting for the sake of insulting.

Accusations without proof or foundation is not criticism. It is nothing more than dimwitted mockery. You don't sound or look wise, you just look like a bitter whiner.
Well then, since I'm rather slow why don't you explain once again what your point was?

Millennials Suck! Was all I saw, with little establishing arguments or actual proof. Insulting for the sake of insulting.

Accusations without proof or foundation is not criticism. It is nothing more than dimwitted mockery. You don't sound or look wise, you just look like a bitter whiner.

Would all of us could chill a bit here ?? Don't take his comment too seriously by no mean he was passing a judgment or ment to patronazing off . As an older generation my self i could share most of his sentiment . While on the other hand the new gen's haven't had the chance to prove them selves as yet ...
But what's most of us the older generation concerned off is ... Too individualistic , lean to more materialistic and lacks of close social connection between the younger generation . Hence the perception of narcisstic and egoistical tendencies among the youth . You've to understand .. most of the reformasi generation were coming from the rural area with the rural mindset to boot . Hence all of this internet things are come as a culture shock and take a while to adapt and lived . Not like the most of the younger gen who allready born and life in the zone . It's more of a different persfectives and outlook of live . So , If you deny such claims then by all means i'm more than happy to hear it . Like it or not we , the older reformasi generation soon are going to passing the mantle's of responsibility ... Are you guys are up for the task ??

Don't be such a quick to reply me here ....

Action are do louder than word . As an Indonesian we are taught to honor the creed . And we hope all of you would be do what should be the best for the nation and the people alike .

It can be used for the defense and security purpose, though I am afraid most of important parts like motor engine, electronic circuit and camera still being imported


Anggota Komunitas Micro Drone Karawang mencoba micro drone rakitannya di Workshop Jangar Fpv, Tamelang, Karawang, Jawa Barat, Senin (5/10/2020). Micro drone di workshop tersebut dijual dengan harga Rp500 ribu-Rp2 juta per unit tergantung jenis komponen dan kamera serta dipesan dan dipasarkan ke berbagai wilayah di Indonesia hingga mancanegara. ANTARA FOTO/M Ibnu Chazar/aww.

Anggota Komunitas Micro Drone Karawang menyelesaikan perakitan micro drone di Workshop Jangar Fpv, Tamelang, Karawang, Jawa Barat, Senin (5/10/2020). Micro drone di workshop tersebut dijual dengan harga Rp500 ribu - Rp2 juta per unit tergantung jenis komponen dan kamera serta dipesan dan dipasarkan ke berbagai wilayah di Indonesia hingga mancanegara. ANTARA FOTO/M Ibnu Chazar/aww.
I think that these small quadcopter will be very useful in CQB and urban warfare.
Those drones also used in race and is very agile moving through obstacle.
De javu

Would all of us could chill a bit here ?? Don't take his comment too seriously by no mean he was passing a judgment or ment to patronazing off . As an older generation my self i could share most of his sentiment . While on the other hand the new gen's haven't had the chance to prove them selves as yet ...
But what's most of us the older generation concerned off is ... Too individualistic , lean to more materialistic and lacks of close social connection between the younger generation . Hence the perception of narcisstic and egoistical tendencies among the youth . You've to understand .. most of the reformasi generation were coming from the rural area with the rural mindset to boot . Hence all of this internet things are come as a culture shock and take a while to adapt and lived . Not like the most of the younger gen who allready born and life in the zone . It's more of a different persfectives and outlook of live . So , If you deny such claims then by all means i'm more than happy to hear it . Like it or not we , the older reformasi generation soon are going to passing the mantle's of responsibility ... Are you guys are up for the task ??

Don't be such a quick to reply me here ....

Action are do louder than word . As an Indonesian we are taught to honor the creed . And we hope all of you would be do what should be the best for the nation and the people alike .


At some point all of us will became the new boomer for younger generation.
Agree with this, eventhough it's easy in nowaday time to get informations, but disinformation is really the things that I concern in internet right now, especially no brainer conspiracy theories.
Not about conspiracies thing that very obviuous. But maybe some sourve said X is A but some other source with the many source and trutg said X is B. Some saintifc stuff also has diffrent answer....

You search and decided
Nehru also there is gubernur jakarta daan jahja
And loitering munitions.
These days warfare have a simple formula : just spam air assets lol
Turko-Azeri approves :turkey:
It can be used for the defense and security purpose, though I am afraid most of important parts like motor engine, electronic circuit and camera still being imported


Anggota Komunitas Micro Drone Karawang mencoba micro drone rakitannya di Workshop Jangar Fpv, Tamelang, Karawang, Jawa Barat, Senin (5/10/2020). Micro drone di workshop tersebut dijual dengan harga Rp500 ribu-Rp2 juta per unit tergantung jenis komponen dan kamera serta dipesan dan dipasarkan ke berbagai wilayah di Indonesia hingga mancanegara. ANTARA FOTO/M Ibnu Chazar/aww.

Anggota Komunitas Micro Drone Karawang menyelesaikan perakitan micro drone di Workshop Jangar Fpv, Tamelang, Karawang, Jawa Barat, Senin (5/10/2020). Micro drone di workshop tersebut dijual dengan harga Rp500 ribu - Rp2 juta per unit tergantung jenis komponen dan kamera serta dipesan dan dipasarkan ke berbagai wilayah di Indonesia hingga mancanegara. ANTARA FOTO/M Ibnu Chazar/aww.
Just remeber about isis drone in marawi, it is effectivley stall philipines army to assault the city
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