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Those plastick face guys will laugh very very hard while dancing K-POP dance , even from the start Indonesia move is very wrong to let PT DI handle KFX development project instead of consortium Indonesia technology development agency like BPPT LAPAN and LIPI.

Anyway, a good news

KPK Serahkan Tanah 53 Hektare Hasil Rampasan ke TNI AD
Senin, 27 Juli 2020 | 21:43 WIB


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Dokumentasi/Biro Humas KPK
Ketua KPK Firli Bahuri dan KSAD Jenderal TNI Andika Perkasa dalam acara serah terima aset di Markas Besar TNI AD, Senin (27/7/2020).

Penulis: Ardito Ramadhan
Editor: Kristian Erdianto

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) menyerahkan aset hasil rampasan berupa bidang tanah seluas 53 hektare atau 534.154 meter persegi kepada TNI Angkatan Darat (AD).

Ketua KPK Firli Bahuri mengatakan, penyerahan aset kepada TNI AD merupakan upaya memaksimalkan penggunaan aset negara.

Baca juga: Sepanjang 2019, KPK Selamatkan Potensi Kerugian Negara Rp 32,24 Triliun

“Serah terima aset ini juga merupakan bentuk dari akuntabilitas kami kepada publik bahwa barang yang KPK rampas, selalu kami serahkan ke negara untuk penggunaan yang lebih bermanfaat,” kata Firli dalam siaran pers, Senin (27/7/2020).

Aset senilai Rp 20,02 miliar tersebut merupakan hasil rampasan KPK dari mantan Kepala Korps Lalu Lintas (Kakorlantas) Polri Djoko Susilo yang kini berstatus terpidana dalam kasus korupsi simulator SIM.

Tanah tersebut secara administratif terletak di dua desa, yakni Desa Cirangkong, Kecamatan Cijambe, dan Desa Kumpay, Kecamatan Jalan Cagak, Kabupaten Subang, Provinsi Jawa Barat.

Baca juga: Ketua KPK Ingatkan Korupsi Penanganan Bencana Diancam Hukuman Mati

Adapun kegiatan serah terima aset tersebut dilakukan di Markas Besar TNI AD dan dihadiri oleh Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat Jenderal Andika Perkasa.

Andika mengatakan, lahan yang diserahkan KPK tersebut akan digunakan untuk Artileri Medan atau Artileri Pertahanan Udara. Sebab, kedua artileri itu membutuhkan lahan yang luas.

“Sarana yang ada saat ini belum memadai, maka kami sangat gembira bisa menerima aset ini dari KPK,” kata Andika.


The bolded parts, seems Army will adding new formation in Subang
Thats is why I also suggest that in the renegotiation, we should get 20 % TOT and some work share in subsystems that are part of development cost. IP rights IMO is only for the technology that Indonesian engineers contribute, this is why in the first team sent to Korea, there are lawyers as well.

But regarless we get IP rights or not on the design, we will likely to get the blue print. From that blue print we can use it for making our own jet fighter in the future as a base design. Just like how we can easily develop N 219 after manufacturing and developing C 212.

Export license IMO is not really necessary as long we can get TOT and workshare on critical subsystems that are being developed by Korea. We just have 20 % share, remember ???

If not 25 years from now, then it can be 30 years from now. If not 100 %, at least 60 %. As I said, step by step, and we cannot get anything if we dont take the first step.

Is there a source where I can see the job share of Indonesia (all companies) including product (or development) for KFX-IFX ? @Indos
Is there a source where I can see the job share of Indonesia (all companies) including product (or development) for KFX-IFX ? @Indos

Literally Indonesia contribution and work share is in design and manufacturing of the Airframe. Indonesian IFX will also be assembled in PTDI. By looking to BBTA3 video, Indonesia also contribute in wind tunnel testing. Sixth prototype will be assembled in PTDI and we have prepared 4 test pilots for flying test of that prototype. So Indonesia also contribute in flying test as well although all data of the first 5 prototype test will be shared to Indonesia Aerospace (PTDI) as well

We have similar stake with KAI which is 20 %, while the rest stake are for Korean government. Actually many subsystem will be just imported from US and other Western nations. So it is IMO why Korea doesnt include Indonesia in subsystem development like AESA radar and others in the 2015 work share deal.

But in 2015, suddenly, US parliament forbid about 4 critical technologies like AESA, IRST, and others. It make Korean start developing the systems by themselves. And look like the development cost of such system are taken from KFX/IFX development cost (my assumption), so I think it makes Indonesian feel betrayed and feel that Indonesian engineers should also be able to access the technology, at least 20 %, similar like our financial contribution, and get some work share as well on that 4 critical subsystems production (my assumption).


Some contribution from Lockheed Martin.

In addition, the United States has granted approvals to support Lockheed Martin's transfer to South Korea of 21 technology suites to support the KFX. These suites include flight control technologies, avionics, system integration, materials, and unspecified weaponry.


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In making the prototype of the multi-fighter aircraft, according to Head of the Ministry of Defense's Research and Development Agency Anne Kusmayati, PTDI will make wings, boosters at the bottom of the wing and tail.

Work on KF-X / IF-X fighter jets will be centered in Sacheon, South Gyeongsang Province, South Korea, the city which is the headquarters and main factory of Korea Aerospace Industries.

A total of 200 Indonesian engineers have gradually departed for Sacheon for one or two years. At first they will design the aircraft design. The engineers will also participate in designing all aircraft components.

Of the total workers of the two countries involved in the making of KF-X / IF-X, 30 percent are more from Indonesia and the majority of the rest are from South Korea. This is also the reason for making aircraft centered on Sacheon, not in Indonesia.

The proportion of more than 30 percent of Indonesian engineers involved in working on the KF-X / IF-X actually increased from the original amount of 20 percent. The addition of Indonesian workers occurred as time went by cultivation.

"It signifies that Indonesian engineers count on Korea. There is even a work package whose technology is only owned by Indonesians. He is a doctor from ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology), the only one who has inlight design capabilities. So Korea does not take Indonesia lightly, "Anne said.



From what I read there is effort to use Indonesian made cockpit from Infoglobal and IFF from PT LEN Industry. I also read from PTDI official that Indonesia can freely upgrade IFX by themselves, so in other mean Indonesia will have full access on the aircraft system, including software.
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Yonarmed 1 Kostrad Gelar Latihan Menembak Senjata Tercanggih Roket Astros II MK 6
27 July, 2020


Jakarta. Prajurit Yonarmed 1 Kostrad melaksanakan latihan menembak senjata berat (Latbakjatrat) menggunakan Alutsista kebanggaan mereka Roket Astros II MK 6 yang dilaksanakan di Puslatpur Marinir Situbondo (PLP Marinir). Minggu (26/7/2020).

Latihan menembak senjata berat ini merupakan salah satu rangkaian latihan yang dilaksanakan secara terus menerus untuk mengasah kemampuan dan keterampilan para prajurit Yonarmed 1 Kostrad dalam mengoperasionalkan Alutsista Astros II MK 6.

Roket Astros II Mk 6 merupakan salah satu Alutsista tercanggih yang ada di dunia. Alutsista yang berasal dari Negara Brazil dilengkapi dengan sistem komputerisasi yang sangat canggih, sistem koreksi manual serta pengolah data tembak secara manual.

Roket Astros II Mk 6 memiliki berbagai varian munisi seperti SS-09, SS-30, SS-40, SS-60 dan SS-80. Dimana setiap varian munisi ini memiliki jarak jangkau yang berbeda, jarak jangkauan terjauh Roket Astros II MK 6 ini adalah 89 Km dengan menggunakan jenis munisi SS-80 yang dapat menghancurkan sasaran berupa area.

Untuk mengimbangi kecanggihan teknologi dari Alutsista Roket Astros II Mk 6 ini, maka prajurit Yonarmed 1 Kostrad terus melaksanakan latihan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam mengoperasionalkan Alutsista Roket Astros II MK 6.

Pelaksanaan kegiatan berjalan dengan lancar dengan dihadiri langsung oleh Perwira tinggi TNI AD Brigjen TNI Rosdianto, S.Sos., M.Tr.(Han) selaku Wadan Pussen Armed dan Brigjen TNI Tjaturputra Gunadi G., S.Sos., M.M., M.Tr.(Han)., selaku Kepala Staf Divisi Infanteri 2 Kostrad, Brigjen TNI Julius Jolly Suawa, S.I.P., M.I.Pol selaku Dirsen Pussen Armed, Danmen Armed 1/PY, Asisten operasi Divisi Infanteri 2 Kostrad, Danden Hub Divisi Infanteri 2 Kostrad, Danden Pal Divisi Infanteri 2 Kostrad.

Kegitan dimulai di pantai Bandongan dengan menembakkan munisi SS-30 jarak sasaran 15 Km selanjutnya Roket Astros II MK 6 bersama dengan rombongan bergeser menuju PLP Marinir untuk melaksanakan penembakan dengan menggunkan munisi SS-09 dengan jarak sasaran mencapai 7 km.

Para prajurit Yonarmed 1 Kostrad yang diKomandoi oleh Komandan Batalyon Letkol Arm Lukas Meinardo Sormin, S.I.P., M.i.Pol. melasanakan latihan Latbakjatrat kali ini dengan sukses dan aman. Para pengawas mengungkapkan sangat bangga TNI AD memiliki Alutsista yang canggih dan mampu bersaing dengan alutsista yang dimiliki oleh negara-negara besar. (Penkostrad).

In all fairness, SU35 is not a bad plane. It has good flight characteristic and is very maneuverable. The thing is i dont feel that it would give much deterrence to any nation in the region. Espescially not for china who has been operating it for more than 2 years now. They would have already found out it weakness and would already have found ways to counter it effectively in an aerial battles. Hence the need to procure a fighter which they are not familliar of. In essence the possible purchase of the eurofighter typhoon and/or the Rafale is exactly to mitigate this possibility as no country in the region has operate these jets yet. Its very hard to justify the purchase of SU35 at times when we know exactly that the possible enemy has already known its weaknesses and not to mention it will only be able to be linked with our existing flanker only. Modern battle is all about datalinking with other units and i am not only talking about air assets, but also land and sea assets to form a unified battlespace. Everyone needs to face the reality that most of our modern equipment in the army and navy is western Nato standard equipment and almost all can and will be linked in the future using Link16. How are we going to link the flanker with our navy and army assets if the only way of communication that they can use among each other is only via UHF/VHF radio that is very prone to electronic jamming. Modern datalink capabilities provide a more convinient way of communication among every assets using a more secured line of communication and more resistant to jamming. Battle space awareness via datalink is the future and we really need to start adjusting our three services assets towards supporting it.
Told ya~, anything is possible in his leadership ngl

India Tawarkan Ekspor Rudal Jelajah Brahmos ke Prabowo
Menhan Prabowo bertemu Menhan India Rajnath Singh membahas kerja sama pertahanan.

Selasa , 28 Jul 2020, 05:56 WIB

Menhan India Rajnath Singh bertemu Menhan RI Prabowo Subianto.
Rep: Erik PP Red: Erik Purnama Putra
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NEW DELHI -- India dan Indonesia sepakat untuk memperluas kerja sama di bidang pertahanan. termasuk industri dan berbagi teknologi. Kemungkinan perluasan hubungan di bidang pertahanan dan militer selanjutnya dibahas selama pembicaraan antara Menteri Pertahanan (Menhan) India Rajnath Singh dan Menhan RI Letnan Jenderal (Purn) Prabowo Subianto.

Mencerminkan pentingnya Indonesia terkait dengan hubungan strategisnya dengan India, Prabowo tiba di India pada Ahad (26/7), untuk mengadakan pembicaraan dengan pejabat militer, terlepas dari pandemi Covid-19 yang melanda negara tersebut.

Sumber-sumber mengatakan, masalah kemungkinan ekspor rudal jelajah Brahmos ke Indonesia oleh India dan langkah lebih memperdalam kerja sama keamanan maritim yang menonjol dalam pembicaraan kedua negara.

“Kedua menteri sepakat untuk lebih meningkatkan kerja sama pertahanan bilateral di bidang yang disepakati bersama. Potensi bidang kerja sama di bidang industri pertahanan dan teknologi pertahanan juga diidentifikasi oleh kedua negara," kata Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemenhan) dalam sebuah pernyataan, dikutip dari The Print, Senin (27/8).

Dalam pernyataan tersebut, baik Singh dan Subianto berkomitmen untuk lebih memperkuat kerja sama bilateral dan membawa ikatan pertahanan ke "tingkat pengiriman berikutnya."

"Pertemuan berakhir dengan catatan positif dengan komitmen untuk lebih memperkuat dan memperluas ruang lingkup kerja sama bilateral antara kedua negara," kata Kemenhan tanpa memberikan rincian.

India dan Indonesia memiliki kerja sama yang kuat di bidang pertahanan dan keamanan.
Kedua negara menandatangani perjanjian kerja sama pertahanan baru pada 2018 selama kunjungan Perdana Menteri Narendra Modi ke Indonesia. Pakta tersebut bertujuan untuk mencerminkan peningkatan hubungan antara kedua negara untuk kemitraan strategis yang komprehensif.

Dalam pembicaraan Senin, Menhan Singh mengulangi sejarah panjang interaksi yang saling menguntungkan antara kedua negara dengan tradisi dialog politik yang erat, hubungan ekonomi dan perdagangan serta interaksi budaya dan orang ke orang. Para pejabat mengatakan, kedua belah pihak mengeksplorasi berbagai bidang untuk lebih memperluas kerja sama strategis termasuk di bidang industri pertahanan dan berbagi teknologi.

Sementara India Sentinels melaporkan, Prabowo melakukan kunjungan kerja ke Indonesia selama tiga hari, yaitu pada 26-28 Juli 2020. Pada Senin, Prabowo memulai agenda kunjungan dengan meletakkan karangan bunga di Peringatan Perang Nasional di ibu kota nasional India tersebut. Dia mendapat sambutan Penjaga Kehormatan di South Block Lawns, dan Menhan India Rajnath Singh menerima kedatangan Prabowo di kantornya di South Block. Kemudian, kedua menteri tersebut mengadakan pembicaraan bilateral secara tertutup untuk lebih memperkuat ikatan pertahanan India dan Indonesia.

Dalam pertemuan dengan Prabowo, Menhan India Rajnath Singh didampingi Kepala Staf Pertahanan dan Sekretaris Departemen Urusan Militer Jenderal Bipin Rawat, Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat (KSAD) Jenderal MM Naravane, Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (KSAL) Laksamana Karambir Singh, Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (KSAU) Marsekal RKS Bhadauria, dan Sekretaris Kemenhan Dr Ajay Kumar.

@Kansel maybe we can use this brahmos for coastal defence as the navy already has the Exocet and also Yakhont in their inventory for SSM?
@Kansel maybe we can use this brahmos for coastal defence as the navy already has the Exocet and also Yakhont in their inventory for SSM?
Nah, this one is for ship. By what i mean for ship you should know what ship we're going to equipped with. For coastal battery i think we're going for exocet one.
Nah, this one is for ship. By what i mean for ship you should know what ship we're going to equipped with. For coastal battery i think we're going for exocet one.
You mean the planned indonesian iver? Heard the rumours but i dont actually think that top navy brass is actually considering it. But ive never heard of any plan to use excocet as a coastal defence battery?
You mean the planned indonesian iver? Heard the rumours but i dont actually think that top navy brass is actually considering it. But ive never heard of any plan to use excocet as a coastal defence battery?
There's a plan to procure coastal battery (still dont know who's gonna be the user). For that rumours, yes indeed it's just a rumour we can just wait for the situation development then. I also dont support this idea because using 2-3 different VLS on ones ship isn't really effective
There's a plan to procure coastal battery (still dont know who's gonna be the user). For that rumours, yes indeed it's just a rumour we can just wait for the situation development then. I also dont support this idea because using 2-3 different VLS on ones ship isn't really effective
The development on the armaments for the iver is pretty quiet lately. Is the rumoured air defence missile for the frigate which will be consisting mainly MICA missile only already fixed? I hope theres plan to put CAMM-ER as well aside from the MICA considering MICA doesnt have much time left on its timeframe.
Can we really integrate russo-indo system in Brahmos with european NATO system in Iver?
That brahmos vls gonna take A LOT of space inside iver too.
If this plan come true, I hope we really got Poseidons so we can get full capability of brahmos.
Can we really integrate russo-indo system in Brahmos with european NATO system in Iver?
That brahmos vls gonna take A LOT of space inside iver too.
If this plan come true, I hope we really got Poseidons so we can get full capability of brahmos.
Since brahmos development based from P-800 Oniks (Yakhont) means the dimension between these 2 missiles is similar. and the only platform that already proved to carry similar missiles like this is Ahmad Yani class, if they're goin to put brahmos inti iver they need to modify it first.

The development on the armaments for the iver is pretty quiet lately. Is the rumoured air defence missile for the frigate which will be consisting mainly MICA missile only already fixed? I hope theres plan to put CAMM-ER as well aside from the MICA considering MICA doesnt have much time left on its timeframe.
Nothing new anymore, only this "rumour" i mention before
so what they gonna do ? put UKSK VLS on iver ? if they really wanted to have a vertical launched anti ship missile , exocet block 3 also had VL variants , tbh im not really buying into supersonic capability ads, they need to fly at high altitude to achieve that kind of speed , not in sea skimming altitude , thus resulting in easier early detection by surveillance radar compared to sea skimming missile which hugging the curvature of earth to prevent early detection, unless they put it in as coastal defence then im agree with that .

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