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Lanud Iswahyudi Segera Jadi Home Base Sukhoi SU-35
Selasa 10 Juli 2018 - 20:59 WIB

Tim Dinas Aeronautika Markas Besar TNI AU, yang dipimpin Kolonel (Tek) Bambang Triono meninjau kesiapan Pangkalan Udara (Lanud) TNI AU Iswahjudi Madiun, Jawa Timur sebagai home base pesawat tempur Sukhoi SU-35. FOTO/Ist
Talking about international relationship, the latest big news is about 13 Thai soccer boys rescued from cave after 17 days trapped in there. Several countries sent help and the usual ones are always strong countries like UK and US. But I later found out from local Thai news that Laos, Myanmar, and Philippines sent help. Laos and Myanmar are poorer ASEAN countries and they help their ASEAN neighbour. Even Israel, small country and far away, sent help. Thai Navy SEAL got help from these countries. I doubt Laos and Myanmar have SAR agency. But we do. Laos and Myanmar don't have navy SEAL divers. We have. Where is Big Brother of ASEAN?

Talking about international relationship, the latest big news is about 13 Thai soccer boys rescued from cave after 17 days trapped in there. Several countries sent help and the usual ones are always strong countries like UK and US. But I later found out from local Thai news that Laos, Myanmar, and Philippines sent help. Laos and Myanmar are poorer ASEAN countries and they help their ASEAN neighbour. Even Israel, small country and far away, sent help. Thai Navy SEAL got help from these countries. I doubt Laos and Myanmar have SAR agency. But we do. Laos and Myanmar don't have navy SEAL divers. We have. Where is Big Brother of ASEAN?

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We got our share of accidents, yes accidents first in Toba lake, then in Makassar shore. We got our hands full

Talking about international relationship, the latest big news is about 13 Thai soccer boys rescued from cave after 17 days trapped in there. Several countries sent help and the usual ones are always strong countries like UK and US. But I later found out from local Thai news that Laos, Myanmar, and Philippines sent help. Laos and Myanmar are poorer ASEAN countries and they help their ASEAN neighbour. Even Israel, small country and far away, sent help. Thai Navy SEAL got help from these countries. I doubt Laos and Myanmar have SAR agency. But we do. Laos and Myanmar don't have navy SEAL divers. We have. Where is Big Brother of ASEAN?

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Dont Forget That about the same time our SAR and Naval/Marine resources are drawn to KM Sinar Bangun & KM Lestari accident bro. More casualties and victims we have.
Dont Forget That about the same time our SAR and Naval/Marine resources are drawn to KM Sinar Bangun & KM Lestari accident bro. More casualties and victims we have.

Really?? How many navy divers do we have? Are we in shortage navy divers because of two boat accidents? In that case, we don't have to send divers. Plan B was to evacuate the kids from the mountain top and our mountain SAR personnel is the most experienced in the region. Don't tell me we're running out SAR personnel because of 2 boats incident too.

I'm not talking about big contingent of personnel here. Laos only sent 2 personnel but that's understandable because they're small country. Kita kan bangsa yang besaaaaaaaar.

We've been talking about Australia. Forget about Australia. Australia will always be Australia. One day they say 'I love you', tomorrow they will say 'You're a jerk' using megaphone and all over social media.

Our relation with ASEAN should be beyond ministerial summits. Big brother should show compassion. No, KM Sinar Bangun & KM Lestari shouldn't an excuse. How many divers and mountain SAR personnels do we have? Anybody?

We got our share of accidents, yes accidents first in Toba lake, then in Makassar shore. We got our hands full

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Plan B was to drill the mountain and evacuate the kids from the mountain top. How about our land/mountain SAR personnel? They're not diving right?
Really?? How many navy divers do we have? Are we in shortage navy divers because of two boat accidents? In that case, we don't have to send divers. Plan B was to evacuate the kids from the mountain top and our mountain SAR personnel is the most experienced in the region. Don't tell me we're running out SAR personnel because of 2 boats incident too.

I'm not talking about big contingent of personnel here. Laos only sent 2 personnel but that's understandable because they're small country. Kita kan bangsa yang besaaaaaaaar.

We've been talking about Australia. Forget about Australia. Australia will always be Australia. One day they say 'I love you', tomorrow they will say 'You're a jerk' using megaphone and all over social media.

Our relation with ASEAN should be beyond ministerial summits. Big brother should show compassion. No, KM Sinar Bangun & KM Lestari shouldn't an excuse. How many divers and mountain SAR personnels do we have? Anybody?

Plan B was to drill the mountain and evacuate the kids from the mountain top. How about our land/mountain SAR personnel? They're not diving right?
we have plenty of SAR personnel but not many qualified diver, cave diving especially stay underwater for hours really different thing. And that is not an excuse, we are talking priority here. And we dont need to play 'Big Brother' shit since none of our ASEAN fellow seeing us as Big Brother anymore. this is not 1980's era.
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we have plenty of SAR personnel but not many qualified diver, cave diving especially stay underwater for hours really different thing. And that is not an excuse, we are talking priority here. And we dont need to play 'Big Brother' shit since none of our ASEAN fellow seeing us as Big Brother anymore. this is not 1980's era.
There is no such thing as ASEAN brotherhood. This is not EU

Pindad Medium Tank (Kaplan MT) had successfully undergone mine blast test with a 10 Kg TNT blast under its track. 8 Kg TNT blast below the hull to be tested on Saturday.

Masuk Tahap Pengujian, Tank Medium Pindad Diledakkan TNT 10 Kg

Arif Budianto
Kamis 12 Juli 2018 - 14:04 WIB


Setelah menyelesaikan proses pembuatan prototype, PT Pindad mulai melakukan uji ledak ranjau terhadap tank medium di Lapangan Tembak Pussenarmed, Batujajar. Foto/SINDOnews/Arif Budianto

BANDUNG - Setelah menyelesaikan proses pembuatan prototype, PT Pindad mulai melakukan uji ledak atas kemampuan tank medium mine blast test atau uji ledak ranjau terhadap tank medium dilakukan di Lapangan Tembak Pussenarmed, Batujajar, Kamis (12/7/2018).

Tank medium pengembangan bersama Pindad dan FNSS Turki itu mulai memasuki tahap pengujian dengan mengacu pada standar internasional. Setelah dilakukan peledakan, tidak ada kerusakan fisik atas badan tank.

Direktur Utama PT Pindad, Abraham Mose mengatakan uji ledak ranjau ini merupakan yang pertama di Indonesia yang dilakukan terhadap produk tank medium. Besaran ranjau yang diledakkan adalah sebesar 8 Kg TNT di bawah hull dan 10 Kg TNT di track.

“Tujuannya untuk verifikasi desain sesuai level proteksi ranjau yang ditetapkan TNI AD dan menguji kemampuan kendaraan dalam melindungi awak kendaraan dari ancaman ranjau. Sehingga awak di dalamnya tidak mengalami luka atau cidera fatal yang menyebabkan kematian,” jelas dia.


Untuk mensimulasikan awak kendaraan, dipasang manekin khusus (crush test dummy) yang dilengkapi sensor untuk mengukur daya rusak akibat ledakan. Nantinya, besaran cedera terhadap personel di dalamnya dapat diketahui dan diukur sesuai standar.

Tank medium merupakan program pemerintah yang termasuk pada 7 pengembangan strategis Kementerian Pertahanan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan BUMNIS agar dapat bersaing dengan industri pertahanan luar negeri. Kehadiran Tank medium merupakan bukti kemampuan industri pertahanan dalam negeri menghasilkan produk inovatif berteknologi tinggi dalam mendukung kemandirian alutsista menjaga kedaulatan NKRI.


Pindad Ledakkan Satu Unit Medium Tank

Kamis, 12 Juli 2018 | 15:59 WIB


BANDUNG, KOMPAS.com - PT Pindad bersama FNSS Turki melakukan tes uji ledak ranjau (mine blasting test) terhadap satu unit prototipe medium tank seri turret 105 mm di areal Pusdikpassus, Batujajar, Kabupaten Bandung Barat (KBB), Kamis (12/7/2018).

Dari pantauan Kompas.com, uji ledak dilakukan dengan cara menaruh bahan peledak berupa TNT seberat 10 kilogram pada track.

Tujuannya untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kekuatan struktur medium tank dalam menahan ledakan dari bawah.

Setelah diledakkan, terlihat konstruksi medium tank yang masih kokoh berdiri di atas lubang bekas ledakan hanya mengalami kerusakan di bagian roda (boogey wheel) dan rantai yang putus.

Sementara bagian body tank tidak mengalami banyak perubahan (deformasi).

“Secara kasat mata dapat dikatakan berhasil. Tujuan tes ini untuk memastikan tidak terjadi kerusakan terhadap struktur kendaraan tempur," kata Direktur Teknologi dan Pengembangan PT Pindad Ade Bagja saat ditemui seusai mine blasting test, Kamis siang.

"Komponen yang copot akibat ledakan dapat diperbaiki seperti track yang patah dan boogey wheel yang rusak,” tambahnya.

Ade menuturkan, medium tank merupakan hasil rancangan Pindad bersama FNSS Turki. Medium tank ini masih akan diteliti untuk mengetahui tingkat cedera terhadap pengemudi dan operator turret pasca diledakkan.

“Kita ingin melihat apakah penumpang aman dan selamat. Di dalam tank kita taruh manekin (crush dummy) dengan berbagai sensor untuk mengetahui kalau ada cedera fatal atau tidak sebagai efek dari blasting," ungkapnya.

"Fatal atau tidak besaran kuantitafnya dapat dilihat beberapa hari ke depan,” jelasnya.

Blasting test medium tank, sambung Ade, sengaja dilakukan.

Tujuannya untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman yang lebih dalam dan komprehensif tentang perancangan maupun pengujian perlindungan kendaraan tempur terhadap ledakan ranjau sesuai standar internasional STANAG 4569.

“Uji ledak kedua dengan TNT 8 kilogram di bawah hull akan dilakukan Sabtu mendatang,” tandasnya.

Di tempat yang sama, Dirut PT Pindad Abraham Mose mengaku puas dengan hasil tes uji ledak yang telah dilakukan.

“Hasilnya sangat menggembirakan karena tank ini sudah mengalami perbaikan-perbaikan dari uji coba ledak pertama dan kedua di Turki. Setelah blasting test kita ada uji lintas,” tandasnya.

Hal serupa disampaikan Dirjen Potensi Pertahanan (Pothan) Kementerian Pertahanan RI Bondan Tiara. Ia berharap, medium tank segera diproduksi massal oleh PT Pindad dan FNSS Turki.

“Kita senang, hasilnya sangat baik. Kita berharap uji tes berikutnya dapat hasil yang lebih baik lagi,” tuturnya.

Tank Medium Pindad memiliki bobot tempur 32 ton, daya engine 711 HP dilengkapi transmisi otomatis, kecepatan maksimal 70 km/jam.

Medium tank ini dapat menampung 3 orang kru yang terdiri dari komandan, penembak, dan pengemudi, serta memiliki senjata utama turret kaliber 105 mm yang memiliki daya hancur besar.

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Talking about international relationship, the latest big news is about 13 Thai soccer boys rescued from cave after 17 days trapped in there. Several countries sent help and the usual ones are always strong countries like UK and US. But I later found out from local Thai news that Laos, Myanmar, and Philippines sent help. Laos and Myanmar are poorer ASEAN countries and they help their ASEAN neighbour. Even Israel, small country and far away, sent help. Thai Navy SEAL got help from these countries. I doubt Laos and Myanmar have SAR agency. But we do. Laos and Myanmar don't have navy SEAL divers. We have. Where is Big Brother of ASEAN?

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Halah, yg kayak beginian aja kok pake dibikin ribut toh?!
Kita gak ikut terlibat secara langsung itu bukan berarti kita bersikap masa bodoh atau gak nawarin bantuan sama sekali.
Even though we are facing two tragic incidents at the same time that caused of nearly 200 peoples died, but we are not that blind and deaf to what is happening in Thailand. As a neighbors, of course we also give an offers for support and assistance as best as we can through diplomatic way, even before you ranting here we've done it first.! But the decisions however are on their government's hand. You can not just jumped in as like as you want without any request from Thailand side, there's still a diplomatic norms and ethics that you must to obey..
Sama hal nya dgn Malaysia & Singapore, coba kamu lihat ada gak bendera mereka terpampang disitu sebagai negara yg ikut berkontribusi?? Klo pun gak ada, lantas apa kamu pikir mereka itu cuek atau pura2 bego?? Karena mereka juga dalam posisi menunggu request dari pihak Thailand. We are all on standby mode as a backup!

Jadi gak usahlah pake acara heboh segala macem dimari dan menganggap seolah-olah cuma kamu disini yg peduli.!
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