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Is there any thugs willing to collect "Security fees" from this Cilok guy?

Siapa Sangka Penjual Cilok Ini Ternyata Polisi Polda DIY
Ristu Hanafi - detikNews

Bripka Toni saat berjualan cilok. Foto: Ristu Hanafi/detikcom
Sleman - Sebuah gerobak kecil dengan payung warna-warni terparkir di pinggir jalan depan halaman kantor BRI KCP Jalan Raya Tajem Km 2, Maguwoharjo, Depok, Sleman. Gerobak itu bisa dijumpai sejak sore hari hingga malam.

Pemilik gerobak itu bernama Toni Purwanto (37). Dia memakai gerobak tersebut untuk berjualan cilok.


Anybody has any news about our M109 A4 arrival, regarding quantity and etc...

More M109, credit IMF per 9 Juli

Why a powerful Indonesia could influence Australia's future more than China
By Michael Walsh - Posted July 9th 2018

And there is somebody prominent in our country said Indonesia will break and cease to exist in 2030 .. Based on a novel he read.

JP is grossly biased indeed, it's more like Faux news special for Indonesia.

Whenever I read opinion pieces from JP I often wondered are their journalists and contributors really Indonesian living in Indonesia or they just a group of fakers with an agenda? Because they seem not knowing nor understand the people, culture, and the country they living in.

Hugh White has long been a very vocal supporter of deepening Australian-Indonesian cooperation.

He is one of the few Australian Academic Elites that fully supports strengthening and cooperation with Indonesia. He has even spoken approvingly of joining ASEAN with Indonesian support, even if that would force Australia to stop interfering in Indonesian affairs (the whole "ASEAN members will not interfere in the domestic affairs of other ASEAN members"). According to him, Australia has been too stuck in the past, and if they keep taking Indonesia for granted, one day will come when Indonesia will have the upper hand and give them the same treatment.

It is important to remember though, that even among experts in Australia, people like Hugh White are still rare. Most of them are neutral, feeling that although Indonesia is rising, Australia is simply too different from Indonesia (and our norms too... 'primitive') to ever form a relationship that goes beyond pragmatism and transactional diplomacy. Others (though also a minority) believe that Indonesian governance and politics is too unstable and low-quality to support economic development as predicted by financial analysts. i.e "Indonesia has the potential but it will be wasted, no need to worry"

Jakarta Post pushes a very liberal agenda. More exactly, a very western agenda.

With Globalism, it is becoming extremely difficult to isolate oneself from the cultures and ideals of other nations. As such, western liberal nations have always pushed for westernisation and liberalisation of potentially successful and influential nations, so that they can declare "See! Our Way is the Best! It is optimal, natural, and inevitable that any nation that succeeds follows our government system and our norms!" By creating problems abroad, they prevent problems at home.

Not to say that there is a global conspiracy, but simply pointing out that people who study in western nations are prone to being influenced by western ideology, and seek to convert their own nation to it because they sincerely believe that "Our nation isn't as successful as the west because our culture and beliefs hold us back! Because my countrymen think like primitives!"

That is why nations like Russia, China, Singapore, UAE, Turkey, and Iran that have managed to gain success without fully bowing to 'westernisation' are either ignored, sidelined, or demonised. Indonesia is just starting to enter their scopes, and it will only get worse in the future.

Personally, I don't believe that there is one global conspiracy that controls the world a-la Illuminati. I do believe that there are multiple conspiracies that vie for power and influence among themselves and while Indonesia has so far managed to remain independent and largely ignored, we must protect our culture, improve our governance, and increase our diplomatic and military spending (both of them are woefully underfunded) in order to safeguard our sovereignty in the future.

Future leaders and people of Indonesia must chart a course through this web of conflicting conspiracies so that Indonesia can emerge from it intact, improved, and stronger than ever.

EDIT: Jakarta POST, not Globe. Globe's alright
Last edited:
Visit of indonesia Armed forces chief to Singapore, following meeting of Moeldoko (Palace executive officer) with Singapore Defense Ministry


Jihandak unit Den Bravo, Paskhas

Perkuat Laut Nusantara, KSAL Resmikan Alutsista Terbaru Karya Anak Bangsa
Senin, 9 Juli 2018 12:27


KSAL Laksamana Siwi Sukma Adji berfoto bersama Komandan KRI Albakora Mayor Laut (P) Sony Sartantyo dan Direktur PT Caputra Mitra Sejati Kriss Pramono serta para anggota TNI AL di Dermaga Batavia Sunda Kelapa Marina, Jakarta Utara, Senin (9/7/2018).

KEPALA Staf Angkatan Laut (KSAL) Laksamana TNI Siwi Sukma Adji memimpin upacara serah terima, peresmian, dan pengukuhan kapal patroli berjenis PC-40 KRI Albakora-867 di Dermaga Batavia Sunda Kelapa, Marina, Jakarta Utara, Senin (9/7/2018).

Alutsista baru milik TNI AL ini merupakan salah satu kapal perang karya anak bangsa yang diproduksi oleh PT Caputra Mitra Sejati Banten.

Kapal patroli cepat PC-40 ini memiliki spesifikasi panjang 45,5 meter, lebar 7,9 meter dan bobot 220 ton. Sedangkan kecepatan maksimalnya mencapai 25,6 knot, kecepatan jelajah 18 knot dan kecepatan ekonomis 15 Knot.

Dengan jumlah ABK 36 personel, kapal ini juga dilengkapi oleh dua unit radar tipe JRC JMR-9225-6XN dan JRC JMA-9123-6XA. Selain itu, kapal patroli PC-40 memiliki ketahanan dalam berlayar selama enam hari.

Pemberian nama Albakora diambil dari nama jenis ikan, yakni Tuna Putih yang memiliki karakteristik kecepatan dan ketahanan dalam berenang. Tentunya, sebagai kapal patroli PC-40 mampu bermanuver dengan cepat. Rencananya, KRI Albakora-867 akan memperkuat Komando Armada II.

KSAL Laksamana Sisi Sukma Adji juga melantik dan mengukuhkan Komandan KRI Albakora, Mayor Laut (P) Sony Sartantyo. Ia merupakan lulusan Akademi Angkatan Laut (AAL) ke-51 tahun 2005. Sebelumnya, ia mengemban tugas sebagai Pelaksana KRI Aajk-653 Satuan Kapal Cepat (Satkat) Koarmada II.

"Kapal patroli PC-40 ini akan masuk ke Lantamal 10 Jayapura Aku Armada 3 menggantikan kapal-kapal yang sudah tua dan kapal-kapal yang terbuat dari fiber kapal ini akan didistribusikan ke Lantamal 10 untuk memperkuat jajaran dalam rangka memperkuat penegakan kedaulatan dan hukum di laut," ujar KSAL Laksamana Siwi Sukma Adji kepada Warta Kota, Senin (9/7/2018).

Keberhasilan membangun kapal cepat PC-40 ini merupakan wujud peran TNI Angkatan Laut dalam memberdayakan kemampuan industri dalam negeri guna mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap produk luar negeri.

"Kapal ini dibangun oleh PT caputra Mitra Sejati selama lebih kurang 17 bulan dan ini merupakan produksi murni dalam negeri ini merupakan kebanggaan kita bersama bahwa TNI AL harus bangga dan percaya pada produk buatan dalam negeri untuk melaksanakan tugas penegakan kedaulatan dan hukum di laut," tutur KSAL Laksamana Siwi Sukma Adji.

Hal ini juga merupakan salah satu solusi konkret bagi Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan (KKIP) dalam mengurangi ketergantungan dari negara lain terkait dengan pengadaan alutsista TNI Angkatan Laut di masa mendatang. (M15)

Artikel ini telah tayang di Wartakotalive dengan judul Perkuat Laut Nusantara, KSAL Resmikan Alutsista Terbaru Karya Anak Bangsa, http://wartakota.tribunnews.com/201...-resmikan-alutsista-terbaru-karya-anak-bangsa.
Penulis: Hamdi Putra
Editor: Fred Mahatma TIS
Luhut Rapat soal Penguatan Industri Senjata RI, Ini Hasilnya
Trio Hamdani - detikFinance

Pameran produk Pindad/Foto: Grandyos Zafna
Jakarta - Menteri Koordinator (Menko) Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan mengadakan rapat produksi senjata dalam negeri. Rapat ini dihadiri Direktur Utama (Dirut) PT Pindad (Persero) Abraham Mose, Deputi bidang Infrastruktur Kemenko Kemaritiman Ridwan Djamaluddin, dan Direktur Utama (Dirut) PT Pindad (Persero) Abraham Mose.

Selain itu, ada Direktur Operasi II PT Len Industri (Persero) Adi Sufiadi Yusuf, Asrenum Panglima TNI Laksda TNI Agung Prasetiawan, dan perwakilan dari Korps Komando Pasukan Khusus (Kopassus). Lantas, apa hasil rapat tersebut?

Baca juga: Ini Kendaraan Anti Ranjau Made in Bandung

"Jadi Pak Menko (Menko Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan) maunya kan dikurangin impor, jadi kemampuan dalam negeri lah yang ditambah. Kalau Pindad itu apa, saya bilang kan kita harus mandiri di propelan, kemudian mandiri di munisi," kata Dirut PT Pindad (Persero) Abraham Mose usai rapat di Kantor Kementerian Koordinator Kemaritiman, Jakarta, Selasa (10/7/2018).

Abraham mengatakan saat ini Pindad masih terkendala kapasitas produksi yang belum memadai.

"Untuk mandiri di munisi berarti kita harus nambah kapasitas munisi kita. Nambah kapasitas munisi apa yang diperlukan? duit saya bilang, investasi. Nah beliau minta segera Pindad memberikan proposal untuk pembangunan penambahan munisi, kemudian memberikan proposal untuk pembangunan propelan. Dua itu kalau dari Pindad," lanjutnya.

Baca juga: Kementerian PUPR Beli Lagi 10 Ekskavator Pindad Tahun Ini

Menurut Abraham, Luhut meminta Pindad dalam waktu 2 minggu menyiapkan proposal untuk investasi propelan dan munisi.

"Minta 2 minggu, beliau minta segera Pindad memberikan proposal untuk pembangunan penambahan (produksi) munisi, kemudian memberikan proposal untuk pembangunan propelan," ujarnya.

"Tadi belum sampai bicara kekurangan dana, tapi buat lah proposal untuk kapasitas misalnya 200 juta butir per tahun untuk munisi, dan propelan bisa sampai 600 atau 800 ton," sambung Abraham.

Dia menambahkan produksi munisi Pindad belum mampu memenuhi kebutuhan yang diperlukan.

"Kalau kita sekarang (produksi) munisi kan sekitar 197 juta butir per tahun, sampai akhir 2019 kita sekitar 300 juta butir per tahun. Tapi kebutuhan itu kan lebih besar dari itu, sehingga Pak Menko minta ya coba dibanyakin lagi," terang Abraham.

Hugh White has long been a very vocal supporter of deepening Australian-Indonesian cooperation.

He is one of the few Australian Academic Elites that fully supports strengthening and cooperation with Indonesia. He has even spoken approvingly of joining ASEAN with Indonesian support, even if that would force Australia to stop interfering in Indonesian affairs (the whole "ASEAN members will not interfere in the domestic affairs of other ASEAN members"). According to him, Australia has been too stuck in the past, and if they keep taking Indonesia for granted, one day will come when Indonesia will have the upper hand and give them the same treatment.

Something that always baffles me about some Australian politician & some in their military establishment is their "invaded by Indonesia anxiety" attitude. Whether such attitude were aimed to seek increase defense budget (such is the case for Singapore), or they actually delusional enough to believe Indonesia will invade such freaking & worthless large barren desert (Australian outback) is something beyond me :wacko:. However as long such attitude remain persist in Australia strategic thinking, I don't see any "deepening of relation" within any foreseeable future. :no:

It is important to remember though, that even among experts in Australia, people like Hugh White are still rare. Most of them are neutral, feeling that although Indonesia is rising, Australia is simply too different from Indonesia (and our norms too... 'primitive') to ever form a relationship that goes beyond pragmatism and transactional diplomacy. Others (though also a minority) believe that Indonesian governance and politics is too unstable and low-quality to support economic development as predicted by financial analysts. i.e "Indonesia has the potential but it will be wasted, no need to worry"

Got to admit there is a truth there :( Not saying I like it, but I personally believe the same thing :agree:

Jakarta Globe pushes a very liberal agenda. More exactly, a very western agenda.

With Globalism, it is becoming extremely difficult to isolate oneself from the cultures and ideals of other nations. As such, western liberal nations have always pushed for westernisation and liberalisation of potentially successful and influential nations, so that they can declare "See! Our Way is the Best! It is optimal, natural, and inevitable that any nation that succeeds follows our government system and our norms!" By creating problems abroad, they prevent problems at home.

I've never read Jakarta Globe, however it's should be noted that there is fundamental difference between Libertarian vs Liberal, in which the former putting more value in personal freedom & responsibility (Free Market), while the latter is more about surrendering personal freedom & responsibility to the nanny state (Socialism). The main reason for the western nation economic growth & prosperity post WW2 was their adoption of Free Market and encouraging the concept of personal responsibility toward their population. However in the past decade I saw more western nations (USA, EU, Australia) has been sliding more toward socialism (with communism lurking just around the corner).

Not to say that there is a global conspiracy, but simply pointing out that people who study in western nations are prone to being influenced by western ideology, and seek to convert their own nation to it because they sincerely believe that "Our nation isn't as successful as the west because our culture and beliefs hold us back! Because my countrymen think like primitives!"

That is why nations like Russia, China, Singapore, UAE, Turkey, and Iran that have managed to gain success without fully bowing to 'westernisation' are either ignored, sidelined, or demonised. Indonesia is just starting to enter their scopes, and it will only get worse in the future.

Yeach I also notice such tendency, and I believe it's strongly related to demographic (generational). Most of those Indonesia students came from generation whose never thought (let alone embracing) the very core of "Indonesia way of life" which is centered around Pancasila, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, and actualize in Wawasan Nusantara.
If you notice in many international internet forum, most Indonesia posters simply lack the mindset & knowledge to present / articulate all those aspects I had mention above.
Indonesia commissions seventh PC-40-class patrol vessel

Key Points

  • The Indonesian Navy has commissioned its seventh PC-40-class patrol boat
  • The vessel will bolster security in the Gulf of Youtefa, and along Indonesia’s maritime border with Papua New Guinea
The Indonesian Navy (Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut: TNI-AL) has commissioned its seventh PC-40-class patrol vessel.

The ship, which has been named KRI Albakora (867) was received, and inducted into the service’s Armada III on 9 July. It will be based at the TNI-AL’s naval base at Jayapura, on the island of New Guinea.

Albakora was built by Indonesian shipbuilder PT Caputra Mitra Sejati, and launched in March 2018.

Want to read more? For analysis on this article and access to all our insight content, please enquire about our subscription options at ihs.com/contact

To read the full article, Client Login
(125 of 345 words)

Something that always baffles me about some Australian politician & some in their military establishment is their "invaded by Indonesia anxiety" attitude. Whether such attitude were aimed to seek increase defense budget (such is the case for Singapore), or they actually delusional enough to believe Indonesia will invade such freaking & worthless large barren desert (Australian outback) is something beyond me :wacko:. However as long such attitude remain persist in Australia strategic thinking, I don't see any "deepening of relation" within any foreseeable future. :no:

It's not actually that. Australia is in a tough spot. They are an export-oriented economy, a weird thing for a developed nation (usually services oriented). As such, due to how Indonesia sits on basically 90% of their maritime trade rout to Asia and beyond... we don't need to invade them to mess them up. Hell, if Indonesia falls apart, and those trade routes become as infested with pirates as Somalian waters in 2010, Australia is already f*cked.

Furthermore, Australia's labour costs are astronomically high, Australian workers (be it unskilled, skilled, or professional) are among the best paid. As such, the only reason why most companies put up with their labour laws is because their labour is among the best. So they have among the best service and the best high-tech manufacturing capacity.

If Indonesia succeeds, we can outperform them in the export market and in the services market... Australia will decline (you can argue it is already happening). Indonesia can also exert its influence over Oceania, something we are already increasingly doing in order to combat OPM propaganda, and Australia fears that will erode its traditional influence there. For example, the provinces bordering Indonesian West Papua in PNG are increasingly relying on Indonesian companies, taking Indonesian loans, and studying in Indonesian schools compared to Australia.

Speaking of PNG and Timor Leste, Australia cannot treat them badly or they will face falling approval at home. As such, PNG has been bailed out (they are practically a failed state kept alive by aid) 3 times since 1970, and Timor Leste has managed to push for favourable gas mining rights (because if not, Timor Leste will also collapse and become a failed state.. which Australia will need to bail out). Australia doesn't want Indonesia to balkanize and turn into 20 PNGs. Its a nightmare scenario even before you take into account a refugee crises larger than Europe's all aimed at Australia.

As such, Australia is in a balancing position. They don't Indonesia to fail... but don't want it to succeed.

Got to admit there is a truth there :( Not saying I like it, but I personally believe the same thing :agree:

I tend to believe that Indonesia is on a knife's edge, but yes, such a scenario is very much still possible.

I've never read Jakarta Globe, however it's should be noted that there is fundamental difference between Libertarian vs Liberal, in which the former putting more value in personal freedom & responsibility (Free Market), while the latter is more about surrendering personal freedom & responsibility to the nanny state (Socialism). The main reason for the western nation economic growth & prosperity post WW2 was their adoption of Free Market and encouraging the concept of personal responsibility toward their population. However in the past decade I saw more western nations (USA, EU, Australia) has been sliding more toward socialism (with communism lurking just around the corner).

POST, Jakarta POST. My bad.

While generally different, as far as Indonesia is concerned both Libertarianism and Liberalism is a death sentence. Liberalism would most importantly sideline religion and push for global cultural integration. While we do have problems with extremism, by and large it is culture and religion that keeps Indonesia peaceful and united. Losing that identity and the cultural norms that help Indonesia retain the social cohesion needed to function would pretty much mean the end of any chance of self improvement. You can see that in Australia, in the last 8 years, they've had 5 prime ministers. 5. They've been too busy fighting over Australian Identity Politics. No long-term planning has been carried out for nearly a decade, and yet despite the social disruption and economic stagnation, Australia survives through its HDI and the strength of its courts and institutions. i.e Australia has kept above water not because of its leadership, but because of its autopilot. Indonesia doesn't have that, we can't afford to go through a national identity crises, and that is exactly what liberalism will create.

Libertarianism OTOH, would privatise our BUMN (SOEs), force local farmers to compete with multination farming giants, and pull the plug on all remaining social support programs. Indonesia's economy might rise, but it won't be owned by Indonesians, and the grand majority of Indonesians are going to be dirt poor.

Yeach I also notice such tendency, and I believe it's strongly related to demographic (generational). Most of those Indonesia students came from generation whose never thought (let alone embracing) the very core of "Indonesia way of life" which is centered around Pancasila, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, and actualize in Wawasan Nusantara.
If you notice in many international internet forum, most Indonesia posters simply lack the mindset & knowledge to present / articulate all those aspects I had mention above.

Yeah, internet and instantaneous communications has made it easier for us to text with our internet crush in Germany than talk with our sister in the room next door. Hence why almost all government (Democratic or not) are slowly trying to decrease online freedoms. That's also why Indonesia has started intensifying citizenship classes and bela negara. There's so much contradicting propaganda jumping around in the internet the nation needs to combat them through multiple means and media. I really hope that the government would set up special academies to help teachers that teach PPkN and related subjects because they need to be on point.

If not, then the common Indonesian netizen is going to only see two extremes, the ultra-conservative voice calling for 'Kilafah & death to minorities' and the ultra-liberal calling for 'Atheism & LGBT supremacy'. We need the someone to provide a clear and strong voice for the majority in the middle.
It's not actually that. Australia is in a tough spot. They are an export-oriented economy, a weird thing for a developed nation (usually services oriented). As such, due to how Indonesia sits on basically 90% of their maritime trade rout to Asia and beyond... we don't need to invade them to mess them up. Hell, if Indonesia falls apart, and those trade routes become as infested with pirates as Somalian waters in 2010, Australia is already f*cked.

Furthermore, Australia's labour costs are astronomically high, Australian workers (be it unskilled, skilled, or professional) are among the best paid. As such, the only reason why most companies put up with their labour laws is because their labour is among the best. So they have among the best service and the best high-tech manufacturing capacity.

If Indonesia succeeds, we can outperform them in the export market and in the services market... Australia will decline (you can argue it is already happening). Indonesia can also exert its influence over Oceania, something we are already increasingly doing in order to combat OPM propaganda, and Australia fears that will erode its traditional influence there. For example, the provinces bordering Indonesian West Papua in PNG are increasingly relying on Indonesian companies, taking Indonesian loans, and studying in Indonesian schools compared to Australia.

Speaking of PNG and Timor Leste, Australia cannot treat them badly or they will face falling approval at home. As such, PNG has been bailed out (they are practically a failed state kept alive by aid) 3 times since 1970, and Timor Leste has managed to push for favourable gas mining rights (because if not, Timor Leste will also collapse and become a failed state.. which Australia will need to bail out). Australia doesn't want Indonesia to balkanize and turn into 20 PNGs. Its a nightmare scenario even before you take into account a refugee crises larger than Europe's all aimed at Australia.

As such, Australia is in a balancing position. They don't Indonesia to fail... but don't want it to succeed.

I tend to believe that Indonesia is on a knife's edge, but yes, such a scenario is very much still possible.

POST, Jakarta POST. My bad.

While generally different, as far as Indonesia is concerned both Libertarianism and Liberalism is a death sentence. Liberalism would most importantly sideline religion and push for global cultural integration. While we do have problems with extremism, by and large it is culture and religion that keeps Indonesia peaceful and united. Losing that identity and the cultural norms that help Indonesia retain the social cohesion needed to function would pretty much mean the end of any chance of self improvement. You can see that in Australia, in the last 8 years, they've had 5 prime ministers. 5. They've been too busy fighting over Australian Identity Politics. No long-term planning has been carried out for nearly a decade, and yet despite the social disruption and economic stagnation, Australia survives through its HDI and the strength of its courts and institutions. i.e Australia has kept above water not because of its leadership, but because of its autopilot. Indonesia doesn't have that, we can't afford to go through a national identity crises, and that is exactly what liberalism will create.

Libertarianism OTOH, would privatise our BUMN (SOEs), force local farmers to compete with multination farming giants, and pull the plug on all remaining social support programs. Indonesia's economy might rise, but it won't be owned by Indonesians, and the grand majority of Indonesians are going to be dirt poor.

Yeah, internet and instantaneous communications has made it easier for us to text with our internet crush in Germany than talk with our sister in the room next door. Hence why almost all government (Democratic or not) are slowly trying to decrease online freedoms. That's also why Indonesia has started intensifying citizenship classes and bela negara. There's so much contradicting propaganda jumping around in the internet the nation needs to combat them through multiple means and media. I really hope that the government would set up special academies to help teachers that teach PPkN and related subjects because they need to be on point.

If not, then the common Indonesian netizen is going to only see two extremes, the ultra-conservative voice calling for 'Kilafah & death to minorities' and the ultra-liberal calling for 'Atheism & LGBT supremacy'. We need the someone to provide a clear and strong voice for the majority in the middle.

Oz need us more than us need them right now and in near future more than ever. My statement is not came from the arrogance but for the fact the recently change of geopolitical situation in and around Aspac. They can held numerous alliance pacts with US, singkies, Malays or whatsoever, but still the largest and the most powerful economy, and Nation prowess among their direct neighbor is Indonesia. Given the fact we are not yet linked with them enough in economic sphere although being direct neighbor is still a miss, we got more trade and FDI with our Asian cohots like Japan, South Korean, China, Malaysia, Singapore than Australia albeit Australia had economy power as one of G20 country member with GDP around 1.6 trillion US dollar and had massive liquidity at their Banks and account balance (well they had the best economy in the region). Is a testament on how Indonesia actually doesnt need Australia very much for our economy to get working, to be frank we can sever our relationship with them and we can get afloat without getting affected too much.

But on other hand major issues like US trade war and recent hardship in their exporting commodities economic actually need to be solved immediately. Indonesia is actually the most possible answer, as we can be their export market and gateway for their products to Asean and asian countries. Australia need to see us as equal partner not again take for granted neighbor as usual.
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