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Indonesia Defence Forum

for many things actually

at least they got sumthing for regular pipul in mechanized battalion, the SF can satisfied themselves with Javelin and Raider with NLAW.

is there any info about Army actually made repeat order for NLAW?
There was a recent report that Saab received an order from an unnamed customer. Don't know if it is Indonesia.

SAAB receives NLAW order

28th December 2016 - 9:30by The Shephard News Team


Saab will deliver the Next generation Light Anti-tank Weapon (NLAW) to an unnamed customer under an order announced on 22 December.

NLAW gives an individual soldier the ability to destroy heavily protected modern main battle tanks with a single shot. Immediately upon target detection, the soldier - without having to mount the system - can load the weapon and complete a lock-on before launch, attacking the tank from above.

Deliveries will take place during 2016 and 2017.

There was a recent report that Saab received an order from an unnamed customer. Don't know if it is Indonesia.

SAAB receives NLAW order

28th December 2016 - 9:30by The Shephard News Team


Saab will deliver the Next generation Light Anti-tank Weapon (NLAW) to an unnamed customer under an order announced on 22 December.

NLAW gives an individual soldier the ability to destroy heavily protected modern main battle tanks with a single shot. Immediately upon target detection, the soldier - without having to mount the system - can load the weapon and complete a lock-on before launch, attacking the tank from above.

Deliveries will take place during 2016 and 2017.


incidentally the news came after recent meeting between Indonesian MoD, SAAB rep. and Swedish Defense Minister in around that date......
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Indonesia Marine Use Amunition 100mm calibre from Belarusia ...


Komandan Batalyon Tank Amfibi-1 Mar Mayor Mar Ukik Ari Nursanto M.Tr.Hanla. selaku Perwira Pelaksana Latihan, menyaksikan kegiatan Uji fungsi amunisi Belarus BMP 3F caliber 100 mm di daerah latihan Marinir Karang Tekok Asembagus Situbondo Selasa,(20/12/2016).

Hadir dalam kegiatan Tersebut Asisten Logistik Korps Marinir Kolonel Mar Suherlan, Aslog Pasmar-1 Kolonel Mar Budiarso, Wadanmenkav-1 Mar Letkol Arif Handono, Kadislasbinsen Letkol Laut Ruli, Komandan Puslatpur Marinir Baluran Letkol Mar Arif Prasetyo, Dislitbangal Kolonel Laut Kasito, Kaarsenal Kolonel Laut Kawahab, Babek Mabesal Mayor Laut Agus Priyanto, Dissenlekal Mayor Laut Yusuf K., Perwira Logistik Mabes TNI Mayor Inf Jimmy Kharisma.

Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk melihat secara riil kualitas dari amunisi caliber 100 mm dari Belarusia sehingga nantinya dapat memperkuat kemampuan tembak BMP 3F dalam mendukung tugas operasi yang diberikan” Ujar Danyon Tankfib-1 Mar.


[Foto by Fida Perkasa]

Spesifikasi NC-212 MPA

Panjang: 15,2 m
Lebar (bentang sayap): 19 m
Tinggi: 6,3 m
Mesin: 2 Garret TPE-331-10R-512C Turboprop
Propeller: empat bilah baling-baling Dowty Rotol dengan diameter 2,75 meter
Kecepatan Max: 370 km/jam
Kecepatan Jelajah: 300 km/jam
Ketinggian Terbang: 7.925 m
Kecepatan Menanjak: 8,3 m/detik
Kapasitas Bahan Bakar: 1.600 kg
Berat Max: 2.820 kg

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