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China, Indonesia defense ministers hold talks

English.news.cn | 2015-10-15 13:53:50 | Editor: Song Miou
BEIJING, Oct. 15 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Defense Minister Chang Wanquan and his Indonesian counterpart Ryamizard Ryacudu on Thursday held talks on military cooperation.

Chang said China was willing to work with Indonesia to implement the consensus reached by the leaders of two countries, to deepen the comprehensive strategic partnership.

The Chinese military is ready to work with Indonesian military to strengthen strategic communication, enhance maritime security cooperation, and advance multilateral coordination to contribute more to regional and global peace, stability and development, Chang said.

Ryamizard Ryacudu said he hoped the two sides will explore cooperative potential, and, together, handle the traditional and non-traditional security challenges, to maintain regional peace.

China, Indonesia defense ministers hold talks - Xinhua | English.news.cn

China, Indonesia pledge to enhance military cooperation
( Source: China Military Online ) 2015-October-15 09:04

General Fan Changlong, vice chairman of China's Central Military Commission (CMC), meets with Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu in Beijing on October 14 , pledging to strengthen military cooperation between the two countries.

BEIJING, Oct. 14 (ChinaMil) -- General Fan Changlong, vice chairman of China's Central Military Commission (CMC), met with Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu in Beijing on Wednesday afternoon, pledging to strengthen military cooperation between the two countries.

Fan said China attaches importance to Indonesia's role in regional and international affairs. China is willing to work with Indonesia to maintain China-ASEAN friendly cooperative ties and to promote regional peace and development.

Fan said he hoped the two militaries would maintain frequent high-level visits and strengthen cooperation in personnel training, joint exercises, maritime security and multilateral coordination.

Ryamizard Ryacudu said as bilateral ties have developed rapidly in recent years, Indonesia is ready to work with China to maintain regional peace.

China, Indonesia pledge to enhance military cooperation
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Drakon 220 isn't a midget submarine since its over 150 tons...

Midget Subs are no way inferior to normal subs (if you thought that way). Japan naval forces back in WW II were consisted of many Midget Subs and they are steamrolling the Asia with those. it is natural that we are interested in Croatian Drakon Subs to diversify our naval strategies.

Croatian shipyards will deliver you bigger and superior submarines than what Iran can produce.

precisely what i hope from Croatian military potential, my friend. i am hoping that Croatia would develop Submarine Tender as Midget Subs are formidable with a mothership as such. this joint development is reminding us of Sukarno and Josip Broz Tito friendship


and the gang of five

Le photos jadul:
TNI Military Festival at Mall in Surakarta | Photo | Tempo.co

Weapons, combat vehicles and military equipment are displayed in the Military Festival during the celebration of 69th anniversary of Indonesian Military (TNI) , at a mall in Surakarta, Central Java (10/15). Indonesian military held a anniversary celebration with all the equipment deployed in various cities of the largest in the history of Indonesia. Agoes Rudianto/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

Indonesia’s state-owned defence equipment maker Pindad to spend $365.65m on product expansion


Vincencia NLS
October 15, 2015:
Indonesian state owned military equipment producer PT Pindad is planning to spend around Rp 5 trillion ($367.65 million) to further develop its existing products as well as start new business lines in the next three years. The move has been undertaken in response to growing demand for its products from both the domestic market and abroad.

Pindad CEO Silmy Karim said the funds will come from internal cash flow as well as bank loans.

Pindad produces automatic rifles, pistols, grenade launchers, munitions and war vehicles. The Indonesian Military and National Police are its main buyers.

Silmy said the company projects sales of its machine gun, armored vehicles and other military hardware to increase by an average of 30 per cent per annum in the coming years. Pindad has recently cooperated with other countries to develop Indonesia’s weapon defense system, known as Alutsista.

It is also planning to develop a medium tank with Turkey’s FNSS Defense Systems. As part of the cooperation, Turkey will train the employees of Pindad to design and produce the tank. The first tank prototype will be produced in Turkey with the participation of Pindad engineers and the second prototype be produced in Indonesia.

Silmy said, the firm’s most recent contract was sealed in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in September when President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo visited Abu Dhabi.

Based on the contract, Pindad will transfer technologies to UAE defence logistics and support company Continental Aviation Services (CAS), with the goal of enabling the local manufacturer and marketing Indonesian products. The products include the SS2 assault rifle and ammunitions.

“The plan to build the SS2 weapon plant in UAE will commence in 2017,” Silmy said.

In a related development, Pindad and the state-owned defense electronics firm PT LEN Industri have just signed a memorandum of understanding to jointly develop communications system for military vehicles, including Pindad’s two main vehicle types: the 4×4 Komodo and 6×6 Anoa.

Specifications of the required communications system were not revealed but are likely to be based on existing LEN designs for land vehicles that feature technologies related to Voice-over IP (VoIP) and digital signal processing.

Currently, LEN has an order, to develop 700 units of communication equipment for the Indonesian army.

LEN Industri, established in 1965, produces defense electric products, railway signals, traction, navigation and telecom equipment, solar cells and others.

Indonesia’s state-owned defence equipment maker Pindad to spend $365.65m on product expansion - DealStreetAsia

Wednesday, 14 October, 2015 | 11:30 WIB
Minister Nasir Agrees State Defense Program for Students

Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Mohamad Nasir. Image: TEMPO/Imam Sukamto
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Minister of Technology Research and Higher Education, Muhammad Nasir, agreed to the Defense Minister’s opinion on the state defense program.

Nasir claimed that he had spoke directly to the Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu, requesting national insights and state defense program to be designated to Indonesian students.

“It is in line with our vision,” said Minister Nasir on Tuesday, October 13.

Nasir said that Indonesian students need state defense insights to face the millenium development goals in 2030. He believes that state defense can help develop and improve students’ nationalist trait. “We need to endorse this,” said Nasir.

He added that developed nations such as Singapore, Japan, South Korea, and United States have also given state defense program to their younger generation. “We are trying to do the same," he said.

Minister Nasir Agrees State Defense Program for Students | National | Tempo.Co :: Indonesian News Portal

Defense program marches on amid public concern

Nani Afrida, Ina Parlina and Haeril Halim, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | National | Thu, October 15 2015, 5:11 PM

National News
Despite public criticism, the government of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has insisted on moving forward with its national service program.

Jokowi is scheduled to attend the opening of the first phase of the program on Oct. 19, which will involve 4,500 personnel from 45 regencies in Indonesia.

“We have prepared the curriculum, so that all participants will get the same training in each province,” said Defense Ministry director of state defense Commodore M Faizal.

It is reported that the Defense Ministry plans to train 100 million civilians in a state defense program within a decade.

The program aims to inspire nationalism and is in line with Article 30 of the Constitution, which stipulates that Indonesians have a right and duty to defend their country.

Faizal said that the training would be held at each regiment military area (Rindam) or military battalion headquarters in every province.

Although the Indonesian Military (TNI) will train the participants, the government has said it will not be military training. The participants will attend classes on several subjects including national concepts, nationalism and discipline.

Adults aged under 50 years are obliged to join the program, as long as they are strong and healthy. After the training, the participants will be listed as cadres in the National Political Unity Office (Kesbangpol).

Coordinating Political, Legal and Security Affairs Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan voiced support for the program, saying that it aimed at instilling “discipline in our children so that they have a [strong] mental state; just like [Jokowi’s concept of] mental revolution”.

According to Luhut, the move also aimed to raise awareness about security threats such as narcotics and terrorism.

“It won’t be like [compulsory military service],” Luhut said on Monday. “Of course, [the instructors] will be a combination of the military, the police and other elements.”

TNI chief Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo said the military was ready to take part in the initiative. “We are ready and we will gladly carry it out,” he said on Monday.

Human rights watchdog Setara Institute said on Wednesday that members of the public should reject the government’s plan because not only would the program waste tax payers’ money, but it also would not make any contribution to the current situation in Indonesia, which was no longer under military rule.

Setara chairman Hendardi said the government’s claim that the program would improve the loyalty of citizens to the state was irrational and irrelevant.

“Financially, the state budget cannot afford to pay for the program. Also, national defense education is not a project attributed to one particular ministry but is an education-based strategy integrated into our national education system that seeks to create strong citizens who love their country,” Hendardi told The Jakarta Post on Wednesday.

Hendardi said that if the government claimed that the current national education system had failed to produce loyal citizens with strong national pride then it should fix the country’s education system instead of requiring civilians to serve in such a quasi-military program.

- See more at: Defense program marches on amid public concern | The Jakarta Post
Honestly everyone thinks like that.
No offense for Pakistan.


Empat unit pesawat Super Tucano EMB-314 berada di landasan parkir Bandara Juwata, Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara, Kamis (15/10/2015). Pesawat dari Skadron Udara 021 Malang tersebut dikerahkan untuk menjaga dan mengamankan kedaulatan NKRI di wilayah perbatasan Ambalat, Kalimantan Utara.
No diplomacy needed to sink illegal fishing boats: Observer
Kamis, 15 Oktober 2015 20:55 WIB | 549 Views

Photo document of fish thieves ship belonging to fishermen from Thailand detonated Indonesian security forces in the Strait of Dempo, Keulauan Riau, February 9, 2015. (ANTARA/Joko Sulistyo)

Kupang (ANTARA News) - The government does not need to conduct diplomacy to sink foreign boats caught illegally poaching fish in the countrys waters, stated an international law professor from the Nusa Cendana University in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara.

"The law has been clear. No diplomacy or permit is needed (to sink the boats) because they have deliberately and intentionally entered our territory to fish illegally. They know they are breaking the law, but they continue to do it," Dr D.W. Thadeus informed ANTARA News here on Thursday.

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries plans to sink 16 foreign boats, which were caught fishing illegally in the countrys waters, next week.

Thadeus affirmed that the ministrys plan must be supported by the concerned agencies, including the navy and marine police, as the boats had trespassed into the Indonesian territory and had also conducted illegal fishing and harmed the marine ecosystem of the country.

In view of this, the marine affairs and fisheries ministrys plan must be carried out as quickly as possible, he emphasized.

He believed that the action would slowly deter foreign fishermen from conducting illegal fishing in the countrys waters.

He said the step was an act of statehood, and as a developing country, Indonesia must defend itself from thefts of its natural resources by foreign fishermen.

"The government must also raise the illegal fishing issue in the international forum," he added.

(Reporting by Kornelis Kaha/Uu.H-YH/INE/KR-BSR/F001)

No diplomacy needed to sink illegal fishing boats: Observer - ANTARA News
Indonesia reiterates urgency to conduct South China Sea patrols
Jumat, 16 Oktober 2015 19:00 WIB | 88 Views

China's military when holding exercises in the South China Sea some time ago.(DTN News)

Beijing (ANTARA News) - Indonesia has highlighted the urgent need to conduct joint military patrols by the ASEAN countries and China to overcome the tensions in the South China Sea.

"We will explain to the United States about the purpose of conducting joint sea patrols in South China Sea by the ASEAN countries and China," Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu stated here on Friday.

Ryamizard noted that the United States should not be alarmed about the Indonesian proposal to conduct joint sea patrols in the South China Sea.

The minister pointed out that the operation can be a positive effort to overcome the tensions in the South China Sea that involve several ASEAN countries and China.

According to Ryamizard, Indonesia is committed to maintaining peace and stability in South China Sea.

"Thus, we proposed to conduct joint patrols by the related parties in the South China Sea region, such as the ASEAN countries and China to maintain peace and stability in the region," the minister said.

He added that the countries need to intensely communicate to tackle the challenges posed by the South China Sea issue.

"Indonesia is committed to supporting all parties that prioritize peace and stability in the South China Sea. If the sea lanes are secure, then the trade route will also be safe, which could improve economic development and regional prosperity," Ryamizard pointed out.

The minister is scheduled to visit Beijing in China on October 13-18, 2015.

Additionally, Chinese Defense Minister Chang Wanquan noted that the regional security situation, particularly in the South China Sea, has reached a crucial stage and must be solved.

"The arrival of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region, particularly its maneuvers in the South China Sea, have raised tensions," Chang affirmed.

He affirmed that the political situation in each country of the region also affects the security situation in the waters.

"I agree that other threats, such as terrorism, drug trafficking, and natural disasters have also become security threats in the region that need further settlement," Chang pointed out.

The Chinese defense minister pointed out that Indonesia is an influential state and has an important role in the ASEAN. Thus, China supports Indonesia to hold a dialogue between China and the ASEAN countries as well as to conduct joint patrols to promote peace in the South China Sea.

Previously, tensions between the ASEAN countries and China had escalated due to the Chinese government establishing military posts in the South China Sea.

The United States government and Southeast Asian countries have warned Beijing to stop their military activities in the region. Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Brunei Darussalam have territorial disputes with China.

The United States government is disappointed with China as its military had driven away some jet fighters of the United States that were flying over the South China Sea, which is considered as an international airspace.(*)

Indonesia reiterates urgency to conduct South China Sea patrols - ANTARA News
October 16, 2015
Indonesia-Russian talks, Amur submarines, fighters & reactors

KRI Nanggala (402) is the second of Indonesia's current Cakra class submarines.
Just about the boppyist Submarine Youtube Submarine Matters has ever run (this just happens to be the Bananarama version and aren't they nice :) The Youtube shows the many phases of Improved Chang Bogo construction in South Korea - with 3 Improved Chang Bogo (Type 209s) being built for the Indonesian Navy. One Chang Bogo was to be built in Yogyakarta - but just building one there wouldn't justify the high production line costs. Notable parts of the Youtube include at:
1 minute - operation of a UUV including mine detection, 1min 20 secs - installing lead-acid batteries into a sub, 2m 30s - installing a Permasyn Motor, 4m 15s - some automatic welding equipment then inspecting weld work, 5m 15s - Indonesia's KRI Cakra (401), 6m 20s - installing diesel engines

An Improved Kilo (Project 636) at top of diagram. Then two Amurs - the 1650 ton (surfaced) 1650 then the smaller 950 (theoretically squeezing in 10 VLS).

Since 2007, if not earlier, the Indonesian Navy has considered buying between two and ten Russian Kilo submarines. Sometimes new Kilos are mentioned and sometimes used. However many times the Indonesian Navy wants Russian submarines the broader Indonesian Government (in which the Army is influential) presumably says no. It could also be that Western countries, including the US, dissuade Indonesia from getting too close to the Russians via submarine purchases. Submarines are high price items that would require substantial numbers of Russian naval and technical advisers in Indonesia.
Russia has supplied advanced Sukhoi fighter-bombers to Indonesia for years but only in small numbers.
Part of the reason for not buying Kilos has been inadequate aid or lack of easy credit terms from the Russian Government. Low oil prices (Russia's main trade revenue earner) has often made it difficult for Russia and Indonesia to conclude a deal.
However the increasingly militant foreign/defence policies of President Putin may possibly override such financial concerns. Russia may even offer as yet unbuilt and unsold Amur submarines instead of the 30 year old Kilo designs. Indonesia might take the risk of being the first customer for Amurs. Also Amurs may suffer from Russia not yet producing a mature AIP system - a system Indonesia might prefer in expensive new submarines.
Russia Beyond the Headlines (RBTH) October 15, 2015 reported increasing negotiations between Indonesia and Russia in mid October 2015 3 key areas in Russia-Indonesia ties | Russia Beyond The Headlines including:
In September 2015, the Indonesian government said itwould buya squadron of Sukhoi Su-35 fighters to replace its outdated US made F-5 Tigers. Jakarta alsoplans to buy5 Russian submarines.
Initially Indonesia looked at buying Kilo class diesel electric submarines, but later chose the more advanced Amur class submarine, which is the export version of the Lada class.
Russia is ready to loan Indonesia $3 billion for these purchases.
According to industry analysts, Indonesia may also be looking to buy medium-range anti-aircraft [surface to air (SAM)] missiles. The country already has a number of Sukhoi fighter jets [Su-27s and Su-30s], Mi-17 and Mi-35 helicopters, BMP-3 amphibious infantry fighting vehicles, one BTR-80 wheeled amphibious armored personnel carrier and Kalashnikov AK-101 and AK-102 rifles.
Nuclear energy
In June 2015, the countries signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the construction of large nuclear reactors and floating nuclear power stations.

In an interview withRBTH Indonesia, [Indonesia's] ambassador to Russia, Djauhari Oratmangun, said nuclear power plants could help meet Indonesia’s growing demand for electricity...."
Anonymous, over the last two days, has made some very interesting comments on these Indonesia-Russia negotiations:
"Indonesia's extravagant wish to buy 10 Russian Kilos was, as far as I can tell, driven by its Defence Minister [General (Ret.) Ryamizard Ryacudu] who seems to be a pretty hardcore Russophile. Cooler-headed Indonesian observers I talked with says that Indonesia may buy two Improved Kilo, but there is nothing concrete about that and it might be zero given the current Indonesian economic weakness.
The $3 billion in the RBTH article matches what Indonesian sources said, so that part seems correct.
Indonesian military officials and politicians, egged by Russia, have often stated that they are going to buy this or that from Russia without consideration on what they're going to use it for or how they are going to pay for it. There is a small but vocal Russophile faction, but most of the time the sane majority prevails and those statements were quietly ignored. However, once in a while they do throw a bone at the Russophiles to placate and retain their political support.
I rate the Su-35 procurement as likely, and the 5 Amur submarine procurement as unlikely. A half-half compromise of 8 Su-35 and 2 Amur is also possible. Militarily that is nuts, but hey, thats politics. Getting both is financially impossible and irresponsible. Even Russian credit doesn't stretch that far.
Russia also makes lots of noise about selling nuclear power plants to Indonesia. This is actually pretty plausible. Despite the Ring of Fire [earthquake-volcano zone] location, the physics of plate tectonics actually means that there are several geologically stable spots in Indonesia. Some of these spots are sufficiently inland or sheltered to be safe from tsunamis.
Whether Indonesia will build utility scale nuclear power plants and who gets the contract remains to be seen though. I am quite certain that Indonesia will build them eventually though. Indonesia will run out of natural gas within 20 years and of coal within 50 years and despite all the talk about renewables, the actual growth rate of renewable energy use in Indonesia is not enough.

However, in the near term, the only confirmed plan to build a nuclear reactor in Indonesia is the 30 MW experimental reactor in Serpong to replace the 30 year old experimental reactor of similar rating (used to make medical isotopes and breeding new rice variants, among other things, but not actually connected to the power grid) that is reaching its end of service life. Russia is likely to get this project, but this is still far far away from an actual nuclear power plant.
Russian media has this habit of talking big, but the actual realization is often much smaller and more uncertain than they make it to be."
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