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RI needs law for emergency defense recruitment: Lawmaker

thejakartapost.com, Jakarta | National | Tue, October 13 2015, 4:35 PM


Loyalty to the state: Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu says the government aims to recruit 100 million personnel for Indonesia’s Defending the State program within the next 10 years. (tempo.co)
National News

A member of the House of Representatives Commission I overseeing defense and foreign affairs, TB Hasanuddin, has highlighted the fact that Indonesia does not have any regulation to force all Indonesian citizens to participate in the Defending the State program.

Therefore, he argued, the government needed to create a clear legal umbrella for executing the program, recently proposed by Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu.

“Without a Defending the State law and its related regulations, such as presidential regulations or decrees, it would be difficult for us to execute Defending the State policies and efforts,” Hasanuddin said as quoted bykompas.com. The lawmaker was speaking in an event in Jakarta on Monday.

Hasanuddin said Defending the State obligations were currently regulated only by the 1945 Constitution. Article 30 (1) of the Constitution says: “Every Indonesian citizen has a right and obligation to participate in state defense and security efforts.”

However, point 5 of the article stipulates that the obligation for Indonesian citizens to participate in state defense and security efforts must be regulated in a law.

“Article 9 [3] of Law No.3/2002 on state defense also stipulates that Indonesian citizens’ mandatory involvement in citizenship education, basic military training and provision of public services along with their respective professions must be regulated with a law. So, up till now, we still don’t have a law on the Defending the State program,” said Hasanuddin, an Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) politician.

Meanwhile, another Commission I member, Maj. Gen. (Ret) Supiadin Aries Saputra, said the government needed to establish a law as a legal umbrella of the Defending the State program.

For the time being, he said, the Constitution could be used as a legal basis for the recruitment of 100 million personnel for Ryamizard’s Defending the State program. (ebf) (++++)

- See more at: RI needs law for emergency defense recruitment: Lawmaker | The Jakarta Post


Special Representative of the President for the Middle East and the former Minister of State for Administrative Reform Lt. Gen. ( Ret ) Dr. TB Silalahi visited Headquarters Indobatt ( Indonesian Battalion ) Mechanised Battalion Task Force TNI contingent Garuda XXIII - I / UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon ) in southern Lebanon .


TNI featuring original art and culture of each country participant at the family day organized by UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon ) in Hangar UNIFIL Sector East , South Lebanon , on Wednesday ( 07/10/2015 ) .
3 key areas in Russia-Indonesia ties

Aleksandr Ilyutochkin ⋅ Russia ⋅ Politics


In September 2015, the Indonesian government said it would buy a squadron of Sukhoi Su-35 fighters to replace its outdated U.S.-made F-5 Tigers. Jakarta also plans to buy 5 Russian submarines.

Initially Indonesia looked at buying Kilo-class diesel electric submarines, but later chose the more advanced Amur-class submarine, which is the export version of the Lada-class.

Russia is ready to loan Indonesia $3 billion for these purchases.

According to industry analysts, Indonesia may also be looking to buy medium-range anti-aircraft missiles. The country already has a number of Sukhoi fighter jets, Mi-17 and Mi-35 helicopters, BMP-3 amphibious infantry fighting vehicles, one BTR-80 wheeled amphibious armored personnel carrier and Kalashnikov AK-101 and AK-102 rifles.

Nuclear energy

In June 2015, the countries signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the construction of large nuclear reactors and floating nuclear power stations.

In an interview with RBTH Indonesia, the country’s ambassador to Russia Djauhari Oratmangun said nuclear power plants could help meet Indonesia’s growing demand for electricity.


Russian Railways has a 50 percent stake in the Kalimantan Rail Company, which is building a 300 km-long railway line linking Central and East Kalimantan provinces.

By 2019, the company plans to finish around 190 km of the railway line and construct a seaport terminal in East Kalimantan for coal exports.

During his visit to Moscow in September 2015, the governor of East Kalimantan Awang Faroek Ishak said his province would also like to use the railway to export palm oil, timber and other resources. Passenger services are also under consideration.

Source: http://www.therussophile.org/3-key-a...sia-ties.html/

WTF, five russian subs, and Amur class at top of that :o:

our Navy will tilted the balance of power in ASEAN tremendously
WTF, five russian subs, and Amur class at top of that our Navy will tilted the balance of power in ASEAN tremendously

That's strategic decision. With korea, we pursue TOT to produce and maintain 209/chang bogo submarine ourselves in the future. And with the experience that we'll get, we can modified this sub and export the design to friendly countries just like our deal on LPD with korea. While with the russia or france, we pursue the latest technological advantage to strengthen our submarine forces and dominate the nearby surrounding region.
all that good news will be come true? :yahoo:
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all that good news will be come true? :yahoo:

We can have hope and give our support for TNI modernization. Government can try to do their best, but... we just can't tell what's gonna happen in the future...
Amen for that

1 Squa Su-35
5 Amur
Med-range AAM
Nuclear energy

That's really cute
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Amin for that

1 Squa Su-35
5 Amur
Med-range AAM
Nuclear energy

That's really cute
and I read in Formil that madoka said we will buy WS-1 artillery from PRC for Pasmar III

We can have hope and give our support for TNI modernization. Government can try to do their best, but... we just can't tell what's gonna happen in the future...

sure it's a lot of improvement in our military power, hopefully every military procurement planning always includes a large local content and connectivity between forces (TNI AD-TNI AL-TNI AU)
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Indonesia’s state owned Pindad to spend $365.65m for product expansion

.....It is also planning to develop a medium tank with Turkey’s FNSS Defense Systems. As part of the cooperation, Turkey will train the employees of Pindad to design and produce the tank. The first tank prototype will be produced in Turkey with the participation of Pindad engineers and the second prototype be produced in Indonesia.....

read more: Indonesia’s state-owned defence equipment maker Pindad to spend $365.65m on product expansion - DealStreetAsia

and I read in Formil that madoka said we will buy WS-1 artillery from PRC for Pasmar III

Nice upgrade for the Marines. But, better take the WS-2, that can fire up to 200km. Are we ready for going offensive?

Amen for that
1 Squa Su-35
5 Amur
Med-range AAM
Nuclear energy

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