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Executions of Drug Offenders Affect Indonesia, Brazil Ties
Minggu, 1 Maret 2015 10:15 WIB | 727 Views
Pewarta: Fardah

Jakarta (Antara News)- The Brazilian government had withdrawn its ambassador to Indonesia after its citizen, Marco Archer Cardoso Mareira, 53, was executed on drug offences in January 2015.

As the Indonesian authorities are making preparations for the next batch of executions that also includes another Brazilian, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff took the further step of refusing to allow Indonesias ambassador designate Toto Riyanto to take part in a credentials ceremony on Feb. 20, prompting the Indonesian foreign ministry to recall him in protest.

"The manner in which the Foreign Minister of Brazil suddenly informed the postponement of the presentation of credentials by the Ambassador designate of Indonesia to Brazil, when the Ambassador designate was already at the palace, is unacceptable to Indonesia," the ministry stated in a statement on Feb. 21, 2015.

The ministry summoned the Brazilian Ambassador to Indonesia on the 20th February 2015, at 22.00 to convey the strongest possible terms of protest towards the unfriendly act of the Government of Brazil and presented a formal note of protest.

The Government of Indonesia has also recalled home to Jakarta the Ambassador designate of Indonesia to Brazil until a time has been determined by the Government of Brazil for the presentation of his credentials.

The Indonesian government believes that the Brazilian governments action is related to the plan to execute the death penalty granted to Rodrigo Gularte, a Brazilian national who was convicted in 2005 after being arrested for smuggling 6 kilograms of cocaine concealed inside his surfboard.

As a democratic sovereign state with its own sovereign, independent and impartial justice system, no foreign country nor party can and may interfere with the implementation of Indonesia�s prevailing laws within its jurisdiction, including in the enforcement of laws to address drug trafficking, the ministry said in the statement.

Following the incident, Vice-President M Jusuf Kalla said: "On the same evening after the refusal, the President ordered the recall (of the ambassador-designate). I communicated with the Foreign Affairs Minister to recall (him) immediately."

The vice president stated that Indonesia will go ahead with the implementation of the death penalty on major drug offenders, despite protests from other governments including of Australia and Brazil.

"We have reiterated many times that we have the sovereignty and will carry out the executions. Remember that the death penalty is based on a court verdict and not a presidential instruction," Kalla noted on Feb 23.

He understands the right of a country to lodge its protest against the execution of its citizen. Indonesia has also protested whenever its citizens were about to be executed in other countries, he added.

Indonesia was also re-evaluating the purchase of fighter jets and rocket launchers from Brazil because of the row.

"We are reconsidering our plan to purchase weapons (from Brazil)," Kalla told the press.

Commenting on Indonesias reactions, President Dilma Rousseff said its bilateral trade with Indonesia was insignificant as it was only US$4 billion, or less than 1 percent of its total external trade amounting to $454 billion last year.

Thus, Rousseff implied that the recall of Indonesian Ambassador designate Toto Royanto after being humiliated by the sudden postponement of his credential letter presentation on Feb. 20, by any means, did not bear significance for Brazil.

Upon the presss questions, the Indonesian foreign ministrys spokesman Arrmanatha Nasir said: "I cannot comment on what Brazil (President Rousseff) has said, but the important thing is that we refer to a country that shares bilateral relations with us as an important and friendly state."

Despite the ambassadorial post in Brazil is vacant, Indonesian Deputy Foreign Minister Abdurrachman Fachir said the mission representative of the Indonesian Embassy in Brasilia is functioning normally.

"In terms of service, everything is working in normal condition, such as the issuance of visas and so on. The mission representative is still operating as we have a charge d affaires in Brazil," he explained.

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo called Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi and Ambassador Toto Riyanto to report about the Brazil incident at the Merdeka State Palace on Feb. 24.

Jokowi insisted that the death penalty is in accordance with the law in Indonesia as it is a sovereign state, and the legal process regarding drug convicts on death row had been regulated.

The foreign ministrys Director General of America and Europe Dian Triansah Djani said what Brazil did was not diplomatic by any means and, in fact, it was disappointment with regard to the respectful relationship between the two countries.

"Of course, we are offended. I have informed him (the Brazilian ambassador to Indonesia) that their act was unacceptable and did not meet diplomatic principles. We have made note of what Brazil has done," Djani said.

Indonesias firm stance has been hailed by legislators and legal experts at home.

According to the University of Indonesias International Law Expert Hikmahanto Juwana, it is better to leave the post of ambassador to Brazil vacant until they apologize, considering that Brazilian President Dilma Rousseffs action has offended Indonesias dignity as a sovereign state and nation.

"The Brazilian government will jeopardize its bilateral relations with Indonesia only because of an extreme reaction to the execution of its citizen, who was involved in drug dealing activities," said Hikmahanto Juwana.

He believed that President Dilma Rousseff has obviously mixed her personal feeling with her capacity as a president.

Indonesias second largest Muslim organization Muhammadiyah has hailed the Indonesian Foreign Ministrys stance.

"I think it (Indonesias attitude) is appropriate, formal and firm as it concerns the dignity of the Indonesian people," Din Syamsuddin, the general chairman of Muhammadiyah, said.

"The cynical act of expelling (the ambassador) is not good and unjustified," Din Syamsuddin said.

Din said that Muhammadiyah and the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) had issued an edict that narcotics is haram (not allowed by Islam) because it is against the teaching of religion and the legal regulations of the state.

"Narcotics addiction has killed not only one or two persons but killed 50 addicts per day. So the death punishment is in line with the law in force," he said.

The House of Representatives (DPR) has also supported the governments decision to recall Indonesian ambassador designate to Brazil Toto Riyanto.

"The government is right to make this decision, so it is worth supporting. Commission I of the House of Representatives supports the Indonesian governments firm action," Tantowi Yahya, deputy chairman of Commission I of the House of Representatives (DPR), which deals with foreign affairs matters, among others, said.

According to Yahya, no country can dictate another countrys legal system, and as a sovereign state, Brazil should understand and accept this.

This unfriendly move by the Brazilian government will hamper bilateral relations between the nations in various fields.

In addition to the Super Tucano aircraft that Indonesia ordered from Brazil to watch over its coastlines, it also ordered for a Multi-Launcher Rocket System from the country.

"We will hold a dialogue with the Ministry of Defense to evaluate this cooperation, if Brazil does not change its stance," he affirmed.

Moreover, Yahya pointed out that as one of the largest meat producers in the world, Brazil is currently trying to supply the commodity to Indonesia.

"Brazil needs Indonesia in these two sectors (defense and meat)," he observed.

Taking a firm stance against drug dealers in January, the government of President Joko Widodo in January 2015 executed six convicted drug dealers on death row.

Besides one of its own citizens, the convicts were from Malawi, Nigeria, Vietnam, Brazil, and the Netherlands. The executions prompted Brazil and the Netherlands to recall their ambassadors in protest.

The government will soon execute 11 other convicts sentenced to death, including nine drug convicts, two of whom are Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran from Australia, and Rodrigo Gularte, 42, of Brazil. ***2***

Executions of Drug Offenders Affect Indonesia, Brazil Ties - ANTARA News
santai aja, dah males ribut

Indonesia Preparing To Evacuate Citizens From Yemen
Minggu, 1 Maret 2015 10:12 WIB | 660 Views
Pewarta: Fardah

Jakarta (Antara News) - Following an escalation in violence in Yemens northern regions, Indonesia has decided to keep its embassy in Sanaa open, but is preparing to evacuate its citizens from the Arab country.

However, the embassies of many Western countries have been shut down in Yemen.

Some 4,159 Indonesian citizens currently live in Yemen, of which 1,488 are migrant workers and the remainder are students.

The tense political situation in Yemen escalated after the Yemeni President and Prime Minister resigned on January 22 and rebel leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi took over as the new leader of the country.

The Indonesian government has also issued a travel advisory for Indonesians planning to visit Yemen, considering the worsening security situation in that country.

"We urge Indonesian citizens, who plan to go to Yemen, to postpone their travel," the Spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Arrmanatha Nasir, stated at a press briefing on February 18.

Indonesias Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi has also set up a task force to handle the repatriation of Indonesians from Yemen.

"We particularly urge vulnerable citizens, such as pregnant women, infants, and the sick to cooperate with our repatriation process," the task forces Head Gatot Abdullah Mansyur remarked recently.

Some Indonesians will be evacuated from Sanaa to Jakarta by air, but others might have to take land and sea routes, as many Indonesians in Yemen reside outside Sanaa and near the sea and areas bordering Saudi Arabia.

Of the over 4,000 Indonesians living in Yemen, about 100 are in Sanaa, which is the city most affected by the political turmoil in the country. The ministry spokesperson, however, noted that conditions in Sanaa, the capital of Yemen, are tolerable, although not safe.

Registrations started on February 17 and the evacuation will be done in multiple stages. The main challenge in carrying out the evacuation plan lies in informing citizens, who have no access to the Indonesian embassy, and are difficult to reach.

So far, 70 Indonesians have registered themselves at the Indonesian Embassy seeking help through evacuation as Houthi rebels have taken control of a large area stretching from Saada in the north to the south of Sanaa.

According to Nasir, Indonesian citizens need to first get an exit permit for evacuation from the Yemeni Government.

"There are procedures to be followed. They will need an exit permit from the Yemeni Government. So far, some 20 of them have received the permits," Nasir added.

"According to reports from the Indonesian Embassy, regions that are located quite far from the capital city Sanaa are calmer," he pointed out.

While preparations for the evacuation are underway, the government has since then taken two major steps.

The first step is to set up several safe houses for its citizens, such as at Wisma Duta, the Indonesian Embassy office, and the Indonesian Students Unity (PPI) Secretariat building.

The embassy will arrange to pick up the registered citizens from their homes and bring them to the nearest safe house and then transfer them to Sanaa before repatriating them to Indonesia.

The second step is to look for safe routes through its Embassy to transport Indonesian citizens to a place from where they can be flown back home.

The Indonesian embassy in Sanaa has also urged Indonesian citizens living in the country to remain alert. It has also advised them to not get involved in any political activity in that country and stay away from political rallies and events.

In the meantime, a legislator had expressed concern over the security situation in Yemen and asked the government to immediately evacuate Indonesian citizens there.

"The political situation in Yemen is unstable and security conditions in the Middle Eastern country are deteriorating. In view of that, the Indonesian government has to ensure the security of our citizens in that country," the MP from House Commission, I Ahmad Zainuddin, said in a statement recently.

He said political conditions in Yemen have become uncertain and so before it is too late, the Indonesian government must take steps to ensure the safety of Indonesian citizens in that country.

Zainuddin of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) said a number of countries had already adopted anticipatory measures by closing their representative offices there.

"Before it is too late, the government must take steps to ensure the security of Indonesian citizens and if necessary evacuate them," he stated.

He added that the current situation in Yemen is not different from that in Syria, where Sunni and Shiite groups are fighting for power.

Al-Jazeera reported on Feb. 26 that after being deposed in a coup when Houthi rebels overran his presidential palace, Yemeni President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi is looking to resume his duties after escaping from house-arrest in Sanaa, to Aden, Hadramout, South Yemen.

Hadi has withdrawn his resignation and is summoning ministers to join him in Aden, dismissing the actions of the Houthi rebels as "null and illegitimate."

All parties in Yemen, including the separatist Houthi rebels, have been urged by the United Nations Security Council to resolve their differences through dialogue and reject violence.

In a statement, the 15-member body also asked them to refrain from provocation and all unilateral actions to undermine the political transition.

The members of the Security Council welcomed the news that the countrys "legitimate President" is no longer confined and called for the release of his Prime Minister and other individuals that have been arbitrarily detained.

"President Hadi has expressed his intention to engage in good faith in the U.N.-brokered negotiations. The parties were also asked to speed up these talks at a location, which will be determined by the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Yemen, Jamal Benomar," U.N. Radio reported on Feb. 26. ***2***

Indonesia Preparing To Evacuate Citizens From Yemen - ANTARA News
@Viet , what Vietnam topic you are talking about? I went checking to Vietnam military thread and I don't see any offense post made by Indonesian at least in the last two weeks.

Or, do you mean the sinking boat thread that keeps bumping up into the first page from time to time? .. That thread is not about Vietnam but about Indonesia... it's about our policy dealing with illegal poachers on our water wherever they're from.
The fact is we still find illegal Vietnamese boats in our territory. Now if they make a new thread for every single news about sinking newly found Viet boats then that would appear as deliberate hate attack on Vietnam, don't you think?

We just hate poachers, we don't hate Vietnam, never did, never do.. In fact it was us that sheltered your refugees even though we have no obligation to do so.

Galang Refugee Camp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


@NarThoD , biarin bro, asal nanggepinnya gk pake esmosi. :D


Kopassus welcomes 214 new members.

214 out of 251 participant has successfully passed the long and hard selection process ranging from physical tests, shooting, martial arts, and human relation.
Lt. Madsoni Masturi was the top of the class and has earned the Sangkur Perak/Silver Sangkur.

214 Prajurit terbaik lulus pendidikan Komando Kopassus | merdeka.com
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Tinggal di report aja, kan ada tombolnya di sebelah kiri, tuh post juga bakal ilang.

Yang paling ngeselin tuh sebenarnya si phukimak (musuh dalam selimut) :D

Repeated off topik poster juga bisa kena trit ban, adminnya kan pro kita, laporin aja :smokin:
Jadi sebenarnya cewek apa cowok sih...ha,ha. Itu foto pacarnya yah....? :azn:
pacar? udah sah sih wkwkwk, ini akun yg buat tuh yg di ava ai

Come on bro @Indos i see you and @Zarvan need some warmth :partay:

Bonus weekend

Brimob in 2003, fully equipped

TNI-AL (Indonesian Navy) Modernization Program Still Continues
Kompas cetak | 28 Februari 2015

(google translate to english from bahasa)


TNI-AL new Hydro-oceanographic ship (photo : Cabaude)

Navy defense equipment modernization program continues. The modernization of defense equipment to support the government's agenda Jokowi-JK making Indonesia the world maritime axis.

Admiral KASAL Supandi Ade said it was the welcoming ceremony with journalists at the Navy Headquarters in Jakarta, Friday (27/2). Ade said, he continued various programs initiated by Admiral (ret) Marsetio.


KRI Dewaruci Replacement ship design (image : OliverDesign)

"The submarine was able to lean on the submarine base in the Gulf of Palu, Central Sulawesi. Supplies tech support is being completed. Procurement of new vessels continued, from such as hydro-oceanographic ship to a replacement training ship KRI Dewaruci," said Ade.

Ade explained hydro oceanographic vessel made in France will sail to Indonesia in April 2015. The ship was scheduled to arrive in the country around June 2015.


TNI-AL new LST ship KRI Teluk Bintuni (photo : Saibumi)

Navy also rebuild the training ship KRI Dewaruci replacement of the same model. Masted ship along the 78-meter high screen type Brigantine, over a length of 20 meters from Dewaruci, built at a shipyard in Spain and expected to be completed in 2017.

While KRI Dewaruci will become a floating museum in honor of Indonesian maritime tradition. Other warships also built, such as KRI Teluk Bintuni to transport MBT Leopard in domestic shipyards.


TNI-AL Fast Missile Boat KCR-60 (photo : Joko Sulistyo)

Ade ask ranks of the Navy remains open to the media and continue to build public confidence in their professionalism. Navy ready to uphold the sovereignty of Indonesia in the oceans, including the handling of illegal fishing by foreign vessels.

PINDAD Expansion

State Owned Enterprise manufacturers combat vehicles, weapons, and ammunition based in Bandung, West Java, PT Pindad, focus on developing large-caliber ammunition. This program aims to reduce dependence on foreign countries in defense industry technology to face the increasingly fierce market competition.

"Large caliber ammunition such as 20 millimeters, 40 millimeters, 76 millimeters, 90 millimeters and 105 millimeters made in Turen, Malang, East Java. So far ammunition measuring 105 millimeters already certified the Ministry of Defence and the Army," said President Director of PT PINDAD Silmy Karim moment receiving Industry Minister Saleh Hussein and Minister of National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas Andrinof Chaniago in Bandung.

In addition to seeing a variety of large-caliber ammunition, Silmy also invited Saleh and Andrinof reviewing production of Badak combat vehicles and Anoa.

PINDAD get a capital injection of Rp 700 billion from the state budget in 2015, Saleh Hussein said PINDAD spirit must have the support of all parties. He urged all government agencies to prioritize domestic production.

Source on Bahasa : print.kompas.com/baca/2015/02/28-%281%29/Program-Modernisasi-TNI-AL-Berlanjut

Do you see Sidewinder there in our Hawk 100/200, actually those Hawk has similar radar capability with F-16 A/B, only 8 which is actually for training from 32 of these type of plane.
Well that is good thing but still
4.5 Generation fighter jets are needed but these trainers can provide Air Support to Army against enemy Army in war
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