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Indonesia Defence Forum

@Viet : Dont play with number here, I also dont believe with that figure, but the point of this hard punishment is that any thieve should get punished, no matter how much actually we lost because of that act.

Just move your boat from our water. Case closed. If we apply shariah Islam, your country men hand will be cut off then, try to do that near Aceh region some time if you really want to test hard core Muslim approach .......... :D
@Viet : Dont play with number here, I also dont believe with that figure, but the point of this hard punishment is that any thieve should get punished, no matter how much actually we lost because of that act.

Just move your boat from our water. Case closed. If we apply shariah Islam, your country men hand will be cut off then, try to do that near Aceh region some time if you really want to test hard core Muslim approach .......... :D
Don´t get me wrong, I don´t support illegal fishing. I just question the number your government claims, the losses through illegal fishing and the punishment your country imposes on.

illegal fishing is not a new phenomene, not just in indonesia but entire Asean. I question your actions. indonesia fishermen don´t do illegal fishing in other country waters, including ours? indonesia pirates are infamous, aren´t they?

shariah Islam? cutting off their hands? do you want to threaten us? ha ha ha too weak. I recall after our victory over the muslims in champa in the 15 century, we beheaded 30,000 captured soldiers (60,000 cham soldiers already had not survived during the great battle), castrating the young, destroyed their temples (we built ours on their ruins) and enslaved the entire populace. that is the price they paid for their aggression against vietnam.

That was our hardcore approach. vietnamese style.
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Don´t get me wrong, I don´t support illegal fishing. I just question the number your government claims, the losses through illegal fishing and the punishment your country imposes on.

illegal fishing is not a new phenomene, not just in indonesia but entire Asean. I question your actions. indonesia fishermen don´t do illegal fishing in other country waters, including ours? indonesia pirates are infamous, aren´t they?

shariah Islam? cutting off their hands? too weak. I recall after our victory over the muslims in champa in the 14 century, we beheaded 30,000 captured soldiers (60,000 cham soldiers already had not survived during the great battle), castrating the young, destroyed their temples (we built ours on their ruins) and enslaved the entire populace. that is the price they paid for their aggression against vietnam.

Well, if you ask my opinion, with vast area that our police and navy need to cover, it is easier to protect our economic interest within our own sea by using fear trough hard punishment. And we are not a representative of Indonesian government here, trying to find the data consume our time. Why dont you try to find the data by yourselves and protest our government action formally by going to our embassy at German. It is not the place for that. Or go to specific thread discussing this matter, and dont discuss here which is a thread related to our military matter.

You seem very nationalistic person viet, so what are you doing exactly there at German ? Why dont you come to your own country and contribute some thing big there...?

Yeah, you bring that old memory back to our mind. It will be good for your country then, so is it the way you want to contribute to your nation by saying though words like that ?. Your present here seems to me to be against your country own interest.........
Don´t get me wrong, I don´t support illegal fishing. I just question the number your government claims, the losses through illegal fishing and the punishment your country imposes on.

Since we both (Indonesia and vietnam) don't support illegal fishing, there shouldn't any complication between our country when Indonesia enforce its law. The potential-loss data itself provided by National Audit Board and used by our marine and fisheries minister to ask for support from our President to implement various policy toward IUU fishing problems such as "sink the boat" and fishing moratorium for foreign vessels, so there is no reason, atleast for me for not believing it.

illegal fishing is not a new phenomene, not just in indonesia but entire Asean. I question your actions. indonesia fishermen don´t do illegal fishing in other country waters, including ours? indonesia pirates are infamous, aren´t they?

Illegal fishing and the pirates problem are not a new phenomenon in ASEAN, yes, in fact this is getting worse from time to time. So the goverment will try new agressive approach toward this matters. We will see in the near future how this is gonna work for the betterment of Indonesia.

Of course, Vietnam goverment is free to try the same approach toward illegal fishing problem within vietnamese territorial water, there will be no objection from Indonesia.
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Well, if you ask my opinion, with vast area that our police and navy need to cover, it is easier to protect our economic interest within our own sea by using fear trough hard punishment. .
that is not disputed. I never say I support illegal fishing. actually no government in the world can control all of fishing vessels. that is impossible. of course, vietnam government never supports illegal fishing.
And we are not a representative of Indonesian government here, trying to find the data consume our time. Why dont you try to find the data by yourselves .
I should google? what a logic. it is your government, yes, your president that claims the losses through illegal fishing.
is it too much demanding that you can back up what you say with data?
and protest our government action formally by going to our embassy at German. It is not the place for that. Or go to specific thread discussing this matter, and dont discuss here which is a thread related to our military matter
you forget it is indonesian members that post such news repeately on this forum. I guess you want to provoke us or am I wrong?
You seem very nationalistic person viet, so what are you doing exactly there at German ? Why dont you come to your own country and contribute some thing big there...? .
where I live matters? how about my profession or religion? does it matter?
Yeah, you bring that old memory back to our mind. It will be good for your country then, so is it the way you want to contribute to your nation by saying though words like that ?. Your present here seems to me to be against your country own interest.........
why? I remember it is you that brought islamic law into the discussion.
last but not least, here is a voice in thailand I want to post:

Indonesia is wrong | Bangkok Post: opinion
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last but not least, here is a voice in thailand I want to post:
Indonesia is wrong | Bangkok Post: opinion

That's just one opinion and clearly not represent the majority opinion of thailand goverment and its people, just scroll down a bit to the comment section, and you will see abundant support and respect for Indonesian Goverment to implement and exercise its right to protect its national interest.

And here's the official answer from Indonesian Goverment for that article. Once again, if you visit the page, scroll down to the comment section to see how common thai people feel toward Indonesian new policy.
Within our rights | Bangkok Post: opinion

you forget it is indonesian members that post such news repeately on this forum. I guess you want to provoke us or am I wrong?

last but not least, here is a voice in thailand I want to post:

Indonesia is wrong | Bangkok Post: opinion

Ok, Viet, Calm Down. Go to the specific thread to express your resentment over our members provocation about this issue, but not here. BTW, Christian Amanpour has already voiced your points during the interview with our President boldly at CNN. So, just relax. The messages has already been conveyed by the right person.

As a TT, it is easier to me to make your post disappear when you talk off topic post like that. Dont waste your time here, just go to the specific thread and discuss there.
@Indos @pr1v4t33r stop arguing with him. Let him with all his chauvinism while we're keep developing and stronger.

That Viet guy keep mocking and provoking other country which is definetly better and much developed than them.

Vietnamese style? Barbaric style?
A Vietnamese woman was executed by firing squad in Indonesia on drug charges on Sunday despite efforts by Vietnam to seek commutation for her.

The Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said yesterday that high-ranking Vietnamese leaders had asked Indonesia to consider clemency for Tran Thi Bich Hanh, 37, whose execution was carried out by shooting.

Hanh and five others were executed by firing squad the same day for drug trafficking after their petitions for a pardon were rejected in December 2014.

“Vietnam has been consistent in strictly punishing acts of transporting and trading in drugs and has always cooperated with other countries in preventing and combating drug-related crimes,” Le Hai Binh, the Vietnamese ministry’s spokesman, said.

Since Hanh was arrested in June 2011, high-ranking Vietnamese leaders, competent agencies, and the Vietnamese Embassy in Indonesia has worked with Indonesian authorities many times, asking them to ensure her legitimate rights and interests in accordance with applicable laws and to consider commuting her sentence on humanitarian grounds, the diplomat said.

Hanh was caught carrying methamphetamine in her body and she was sentenced to death in November 2011, according to the Vietnam News Agency.

She asked Indonesian authorities to let her face the firing squad uncuffed and to cremate her body and keep her ashes at the prison where she had been jailed, according to Jakarta Post.

The five other drug convicts included an Indonesian woman and four men from Brazil, Malawi, Nigeria, and the Netherlands, The Guardianreported.
Yeah NATO. No action talk only
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@Viet Vietnamese style? is it the latest single from Psy? :D

Indonesian FPU UNAMID




fpu(Indonesian FPU members for Unamid in Sudan).jpg

(China-Indonesia Special Force Joint Exercise)



Trying out PLA weapon
any good thread are damaged by insults and hatred because these vietnamese trash

Interesting, there'r many Steyr AUG-A3 in UN troopers ... why not Indonesian SS-2 or start produce domestic AUG ?
our armed forces preferred to use conventional rifles than bullpups, And conventional SS-2/SS-1 are proven to be highly accurate and reliable (Indonesia win many shooting championship with SS-2's)

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