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Tawarkan Kerja Sama Industri Pertahanan dengan Sistem Ofset, Rusia Beri Indonesia “Lampu Hijau”
17/02/2015 Fauzan Al-Rasyid

Rusia kembali menegaskan tawarannya ke Indonesia untuk memperluas kerja sama di bidang pertahanan. Hal ini dilakukan dalam upaya untuk memperkuat posisi Rusia di pasar industri pertahanan dunia.

Kementerian Pertahanan Indonesia mengatakan, rencana yang ditawarkan berpusat pada rancangan pengembangan pertahanan dengan sistem ofset yang mencakup transfer teknologi (transfer of technology/TOT), produksi komponen dan infrastruktur bersama, dan pembentukan pusat layanan pemeliharaan dan perbaikan di Indonesia.

Saat ini, semakin banyak negara yang hanya mau menandatangani kontrak pembelian senjata dengan sistem transaksi ofset. Ofset adalah sistem pembelian barang yang mewajibkan pabrik penghasil sebagai penjual untuk memberikan lisensi pembuatan sebagian komponennya pada industri di negara pembeli.
Dengan sistem transaksi ofset, negara-negara berkembang, seperti di Asia Tenggara, Amerika Latin, dan Afrika, yang mengimpor senjata dari Rusia tak hanya menerima ‘perangkat’ senjata, tapi juga mendapat hak untuk merakit, merancang, memodifikasi, serta memiliki lisensi untuk mengekspor kembali senjata hasil pengembangan mereka.

Kementerian Pertahanan mengatakan, Duta Besar Rusia untuk Indonesia Mikhail Galuzin telah menyampaikan tawaran ini kepada Menteri Pertahanan Indonesia Ryamizard Ryacudu pada 15 Januari 2015 lalu, demikian yang ditulis situs IHS Jane’s. Tawaran ini sekaligus menindaklanjuti usulan serupa yang diajukan Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin kepada Presiden RI Joko Widodo dalam pertemuan antara kedua pemimpin negara tersebut di KTT APEC di Beijing, Tiongkok, pada November 2014 lalu.

Kremlin telah menyadari tren jual-beli senjata yang tengah berkembang. Dalam pertemuan Komisi Kerja Sama Militer Teknis yang diselenggarakan pada April 2014 lalu, Presiden Putin pun membahas pentingnya mempelajari penggunaan metode keuangan dan pemasaran modern, termasuk penggunaan sistem transaksi ofset.

Dalam 20 tahun terakhir, Indonesia telah membeli beberapa pesawat tempur multifungsi dari Rusia, yakni Su-27 dan Su-30, sepuluh helikopter Mi-35, 14 helikopter Mi-17, 17 kendaraan tempur infanteri BMP-3F, 48 kendaraan lapis baja BTR-80A, dan sembilan ribu senapan Kalashnikov AK-102. Pada Desember 2011, Rusia dan Indonesia telah menandatangani kontrak pengiriman enam pesawat tempur ke Indonesia seharga 500 juta dolar AS. Dapat dikatakan, kompleks industri pertahanan Rusia memiliki tempat yang kuat dalam perbendaharaan senjata Indonesia.

Tawarkan Kerja Sama Industri Pertahanan dengan Sistem Ofset, Rusia Beri Indonesia “Lampu Hijau” | RBTH Indonesia


In short, Russia is offering offset partnership to Indonesia.

Kopaska sniper
Photo Credit: nanafrogman

Photo Credit: mbahku_ninja
kopaska sniper.jpg

Kopassus - Gultor (Anti Terror) Det 81
Photo Credit: Sidarta_Studio



"We wanted our user to get the best. We had to be customer-driven from the word go," says Dr. K. Rajalakshmi, project director of the DRDO's AEW&C project, which, as Livefist reported last week, gets operational this year.

Categorised as a sensitive project given the classified nature of the sensors, electronics and systems on board, Livefist was given rare up-close access to the EMB-145i after it flew a test sortie at Aero India today, and a chance to interview the highly motivated team driving the project to delivery.

The good news is there's a lot of it. Right after Livefist was given an official tour of the aircraft, the team met with an Indonesian military delegation that has already expressed deep interest in acquiring the comparatively cost-effective Indo-Brazilian platform. Fresh interest has also been shown by Israel and Brazil.

To the global market, DRDO and the MoD offer the EMB-145i in three possible categories: (a) A total solution, available as is (with modified tactical systems according to user needs), (b) As a sensor package adaptable on user-identified platforms, and (c) as a modified version of the EMB-145i that involves a co-development/component model.

"The government is very keen to see this platform exported. They have assured us full backing to get customers," says Dr Rajalakshmi.

The Indian Air Force will take delivery of two EMB-145i jets this year, completing its order. The third Embraer airframe, expected to arrive from Brazil this year, will be retained by the Centre for Airborne Systems (CABS) for research on upgrades and as a first unit for export. Indications are that Indonesia could be first in line for the jet.

"The big advantage is cost-effectiveness," says Dr Rajalakshmi. "No comparable system has all of the features that the EMB-145i has, and it's the only aircraft in its class with an in-flight refuelling capability."

LIVEFIST: ACCESS: Up Close With India's EMB-145i AEW&C
"We wanted our user to get the best. We had to be customer-driven from the word go," says Dr. K. Rajalakshmi, project director of the DRDO's AEW&C project, which, as Livefist reported last week, gets operational this year.

Categorised as a sensitive project given the classified nature of the sensors, electronics and systems on board, Livefist was given rare up-close access to the EMB-145i after it flew a test sortie at Aero India today, and a chance to interview the highly motivated team driving the project to delivery.

The good news is there's a lot of it. Right after Livefist was given an official tour of the aircraft, the team met with an Indonesian military delegation that has already expressed deep interest in acquiring the comparatively cost-effective Indo-Brazilian platform. Fresh interest has also been shown by Israel and Brazil.

To the global market, DRDO and the MoD offer the EMB-145i in three possible categories: (a) A total solution, available as is (with modified tactical systems according to user needs), (b) As a sensor package adaptable on user-identified platforms, and (c) as a modified version of the EMB-145i that involves a co-development/component model.

"The government is very keen to see this platform exported. They have assured us full backing to get customers," says Dr Rajalakshmi.

The Indian Air Force will take delivery of two EMB-145i jets this year, completing its order. The third Embraer airframe, expected to arrive from Brazil this year, will be retained by the Centre for Airborne Systems (CABS) for research on upgrades and as a first unit for export. Indications are that Indonesia could be first in line for the jet.

"The big advantage is cost-effectiveness," says Dr Rajalakshmi. "No comparable system has all of the features that the EMB-145i has, and it's the only aircraft in its class with an in-flight refuelling capability."

LIVEFIST: ACCESS: Up Close With India's EMB-145i AEW&C
Any pictures available?? What kind of TOT if we decide to purchase this platform?

ToT, maybe they will sharing with us on how to connect Eastern and Western platform into one interface system when connected to data-link system



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Finding, killing, and eating snake (including Cobra) is one of the survival technique of Indonesian Military personnel in order to be alive at jungle.

most be tough to be a snake in Indonesia, either became a jamu or satai

Indonesian military mobilizes combat equipment for smooth execution of drug convicts

Jumat, 20 Februari 2015 20:53 WIB | 843 Views

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian military (TNI) has mobilized intelligence personnel and combat equipment to anticipate any possible disruption of the planned execution of death row convicts.

"We do not refer to a certain country, but TNI understands well that threats are not impossible," TNI commander General Moeldoko said at the TNI Headquarters in Cilangkap, East Jakarta, on Friday.

Moeldoko noted that to strengthen the TNI support, he along with the commanders of special units will create a detailed plan for security measures and will coordinate with the attorney generals office and the ministry of justice and human rights throughout the process.

This is to anticipate any possible disruption, physical or otherwise, he explained.

"Today, we will hold a meeting to discuss the possible threat issue," he stated.

He explained that intelligence units and combat equipment will be made ready at any time while commanders of special units will also be mobilized.

"I have ordered the commanders of special units today to prepare themselves well," he added.

The general remarked that the TNIs stance on the death penalty for drug convicts is clear and it will not be influenced by anyone or anything with regard to the execution plan. It fully supports President Jokowi (Joko Widodo) in his narcotics eradication efforts.

"We understand the risks (posed by narcotics use) to our future generations. We fully support President Jokowis policies for fighting it, including the execution of narcotics convicts on death row," he emphasized.

Indonesia plans to execute 11 death row convicts, including two narcotic drug convicts from Australia, Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran, as soon as possible.

Australia has already appealed to Indonesia to cancel the executions, with Prime Minister Tony Abbott even invoking Australias aid to 2004 tsunami victims in Aceh.(*)

source : antara


Military given authority to secure vital transportation hubs
Nani Afrida, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | National | Sat, February 21 2015, 7:11 AM

All seaports, airports, railway networks and bus stations in the country will officially be under the protection of the Indonesian Military (TNI) following the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the Transportation Ministry and the TNI on Friday.

Under the agreement, signed by Transportation Minister Ignasius Jonan and TNI chief Gen. Moeldoko at the TNI headquarters in Cilangkap, East Jakarta, the military could deploy personnel and weapons to secure the vital transportation hubs.

“As a matter of fact, the military has secured our vital installations for quite some time; this agreement is the formalization of the military assistance,” Jonan said, adding that the ministry had also signed a similar agreement with the National Police.

Jonan said that the security protection was needed to protect the assets, which, if left unguarded, could cause instability.

“There are many threats toward the activities of vital installations. We are thankful for the support from the military,” he said.

When pressed about what kind of threats could disrupt transportation services, however, Jonan said that the threats were of low intensity.

Under the agreement, military personnel would be deployed especially to vital transportation hubs in border regions, as well as to disaster-prone and remote areas.

Moeldoko said that the MoU was consistent with what had been ordered by President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo.

He said that the agreement was part of the TNI’s contribution to the program for accelerating national development.

“We have concluded several agreements with other ministries as well,” Moeldoko said.

Moeldoko said it would be incumbent on the TNI to respond to military threats to vital installations.

As for non-military threats, Moeldoko said that the relevant ministries would handle them.

“We will back up the effort,” he said.

Earlier, Moeldoko said the military had agreed to deploy 1,000 personnel to help the Transportation Ministry secure key facilities.

The military personnel will help the Transportation Ministry provide security in ports, airports and other important locations under the supervision of the ministry.

Following the deployment of the 1,000 personnel in the first phase, the military would add another 1,000 personnel in the next stage.

Moeldoko said the deployment of the personnel would not compromise the TNI’s overall capability as most of the soldiers involved in the program were ones approaching their retirement.

“The personnel to be dispatched for the program are those who are about to retire. This is also part of our retirement preparation program,” Moeldoko said.

Jonan declined to give details on the budget needed for the operation, saying state-owned enterprises under the transportation ministries would foot the bill.

Currently, the country has 1,246 seaports, 237 airports and 579 railway stations.

The ministry is planning to construct an additional 100 ports, 49 airports and 120 railway stations within the next five years.

Under Jonan’s leadership, the Transportation Ministry inaugurated 20 ports and 10 airports in regions across Indonesia last year.

The ministry plans to keep developing infrastructure for air, sea and land transportation, including railways, to boost economic development in the country.

source : jakartapost
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IndoDefence 2014: PTDI highlights benefits of KFX programme
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok
- IHS Jane's Defence Industry
06 November 2014

State-owned PT Dirgantara Indonesia aims to utilise the capabilities it acquires through its co-development programme with South Korea and the technologies it hopes to obtain through Indonesia's Northrop F-5E replacement programme to provide enhanced fighter aircraft support for the Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU).

Heri Yansyah, vice president of technology at PTDI, told IHS Jane's at Indodefence 2014 that the company's involvement in the Korean Fighter Experimental (KFX) 4.5-generation fighter programme and its expected position as local partner on the programme to replace the TNI-AU's ageing F-5Es will both enable the corporation to expand its capabilities significantly over the coming decade.

IndoDefence 2014: PTDI highlights benefits of KFX programme - IHS Jane's 360

Old news, but still in the right context with the new development to acquire Su 35
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RI may re-evaluate defense
partnership with Brazil:

Nani Afrida, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | World | Sat, February 21 2015, 2:24 PM

World News


Brazilian Air Force A-29B

The House of Representatives' Commission I overseeing political, security and foreign affairs has supported the Foreign Ministry’s decision to recall the Indonesian ambassador-designate to Brazil, Toto Riyanto, in protest at Brasilia's delay in accepting the envoy's credentials.

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff refused to accept Toto’s credentials on Friday in apparent anger at the execution of Brazilian drug convict Marco Archer Cardoso Moreira in a Central Java prison last month.

“The emotive behavior of the Brazil government will aggravate the bilateral relationship between the two countries,” Commission I deputy chairman Tantowi Yahya said on Saturday.

He said that Indonesia and Brazil had cooperated in the defense sector.

“Indonesia and Brazil have been partners and we allocated some funds in the 2009-2014 state budget to purchase Super Tucano aircraft from Brazil to safeguard our coastline,” Tantowi said. Besides the Super Tucano, Indonesia has also ordered multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRS) from Brazil.

Tantowi said that legislators would discuss with the Defense Ministry to evaluate whether Brazil’s government had changed their unfriendly attitude toward Indonesia.

Apart from weapons systems, Indonesia is also an important meat importer and Brazil is trying to export meat to Indonesia.

“I think Brazil is in the position that it needs us more. We have an emergency situation with drugs and we don’t need to be afraid of pressure from Brazil and Australia,” Tantowi said.

Another Brazilian national, Rodrigo Muxfeldt Gularte, is also facing the death penalty for drug trafficking offenses. (+++++)

- See more at: RI may re-evaluate defense partnership with Brazil: House | The Jakarta Post

No more Tucano? :(

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