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Indonesia Defence Forum


An Australian Army special forces soldier (right) from the Special Air Service Regiment and an Indonesian Army special forces soldier from Kopassus (Group III) prepare to conduct a full-mission profile training activity using an Australian-made Indonesian Army Bushmaster protected mobility vehicle during Exercise Dawn Komodo 2021 in Serang, West Java, Indonesia
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Jungle training

Bandung, West Java




Bandung, West Java capital

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This channel is quite credible since the writer is former Jane Defense reporter. There is English translation on the video.

News :

1. Airbus offer 6 Eurofighter planes to Indonesia ( they know we only have 1.1 billion USD approved foreign loan from Finance Minister)
2. Indonesia MOD has proposed 1.6 billion USD acquisition program for military satellite to Minister of Planning and Minister of Finance.
3. Airbus offers helicopters to Indonesian Armed Force ( by using its close cooperation with our Aerospace company, PTDI)

Kedutaan Besar Inggris Dukung PAL dalam Proyek Frigate
03 Dec 2021/ Posted By Admin


Dalam rangka memperkuat hubungan diplomasi antara Inggris dan Indonesia, Kedutaan Besar Inggris untuk Indonesia dan Timor Leste menyambangi PT PAL Indonesia (Persero), Duta Besar Inggris Owen Jenkins dan British Prosperity Honorary Consur Ivy Kamadjaja disambut oleh Chief Marketing Official (CMO) PAL Wilgo Zainar di Kantor PAL, Surabaya, 02 Desember 2021.

Didampingi oleh jajaran Kepala Divisi PAL Indonesia Wilgo menyampaikan dalam sambutannya, PAL Indonesia telah lama memiliki kerjasama strategis dengan industri lokal di Inggris, dan kunjungan Kedutaan Besar Inggris merupakan salah satu upaya memperkuat hubungan bisnis Gorvernment to Government (G2G), juga merupakan bentuk implementasi dukungan internasional bagi kemajuan PAL Indonesia.

“Kerjasama kami dengan perusahaan lokal Inggris selama ini berjalan dengan baik, dari peran sebagai global supplay chain, maupun dalam kaitan dengan lisensi, seperti BAE System Bofors dan juga Babcock,” ujar Wilgo.

Sebagai galangan kapal termodern di Indonesia, PAL memiliki manajemen rantai pasok berskala global atau Global Supply Chain. Dukungan Global Supply Chain memungkinkan PAL Indonesia dalam melakukan pemenuhan kebutuhan komponen kapal kombatan dan produk lainnya secara optimal.

Owen Jenkins menyambut dengan baik kerjasama yang telah dilakukan antara PAL Indonesia dengan perusahaan-perusahaan di Inggris. Owen juga memberi dukungan penuh dalam pembangunan kapal Frigate PAL Indonesia yang bekerjasama dengan Babcock International, dan berharap agar hubungan bilateral ini dapat memperkuat hubungan diplomasi antara Inggris dan Indonesia.

“Pemerintah Inggris merasa terhormat dengan adanya kerja sama Babcock International dengan PAL yang merupakan The Most Advance and Leading Naval Shipbuilding Industry,” ungkap Owen.

Owen menambahkan, kerjsama bisnis antara industri lokal di Inggris dan Indonesia dapat menjadi wadah Transfer of Technology (ToT) dan Transfer of Knowledge ToK), terutama bagi PT PAL Indonesia (Persero), Dubes Inggris tersebut juga berharap, kerjasamanya dengan PAL dapat memperkuat hubungan kemaritiman antara Indonesia dengan Inggris

British Embassy Supports PAL in Frigate Project

03 Dec 2021/ Posted By Admin

In order to strengthen diplomatic relations between Britain and Indonesia, the British Embassy to Indonesia and Timor Leste visited PT PAL Indonesia (Persero), British Ambassador Owen Jenkins and British Prosperity Honorary Consur Ivy Kamadjaja were welcomed by PAL Chief Marketing Official (CMO) Wilgo Zainar at PAL Office, Surabaya, 02 December 2021.

Accompanied by the Head of the PAL Indonesia Division, Wilgo said in his remarks, PAL Indonesia has long had strategic partnerships with local industries in the UK, and the visit of the British Embassy is one of the efforts to strengthen business relations with the Government to Government ( G2G), is also a form of implementation of international support for the progress of PAL Indonesia.

"Our cooperation with local British companies has been going well so far, from our role as a global supply chain, as well as in terms of licensing, such as BAE Systems Bofors and Babcock," said Wilgo.

As the most modern shipyard in Indonesia, PAL has a global supply chain management or Global Supply Chain. Global Supply Chain support enables PAL Indonesia to optimally fulfill the needs of combatant ship components and other products.

Owen Jenkins welcomes the cooperation that has been carried out between PAL Indonesia and companies in the UK. Owen also gives full support in the construction of the Indonesian PAL Frigate in collaboration with Babcock International, and hopes that this bilateral relationship can strengthen diplomatic relations between the UK and Indonesia.

"The British government is honored by Babcock International's collaboration with PAL, which is The Most Advance and Leading Naval Shipbuilding Industry," said Owen.

Owen added, business cooperation between local industries in the UK and Indonesia can be a forum for Transfer of Technology (ToT) and Transfer of Knowledge ToK, especially for PT PAL Indonesia (Persero), the British Ambassador also hopes that his collaboration with PAL can strengthen maritime relations between Indonesia and England
Captured in Batam, Riau Islands province

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List 2 ( I dont put LOI contract, only effective ones)


5 Super-Hercules

Local Industry

1 CN 235 MPA for Indonesian Navy


2 OPV from DRU

20.000 SS2 V5 Pindad

2 LPD from PT PAL Indonesia for hospital ships


2 Arrowhead 140 will be built in PT PAL Indonesia facility and PT Batamex shipyard


2 KCR 60 meter built by PT PAL Indonesia


Overhauling Cakra (401) submarine by PT PAL Indonesia


1 Tanker ship for Navy ( will be made by PT Batamex shipyard)

Previously Batamex delivers 1 tanker ships to Navy (November 2020)

MAUNG Pindad ( around 500)


Ammunition (PT Pindad)


PT LEN Industry and foreign company (Thales) will modernize Usman Harun Corvette


There are more than this, this is what I can remember only and this is only big ticket order
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