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Bell Delivers Two Bell 505 Helicopters to the Indonesian Navy

8 December 2021, 22:45 (CST)


Surabaya, Indonesia (December 8, 2021) – Bell Textron Inc., a Textron Inc. (NYSE:TXT) company, announced the successful sale and delivery of two Bell 505 helicopters to the Indonesian Navy. The newly acquired helicopters will be utilized as basic helicopter trainers.

“The Bell 505, which has surpassed 50,000 flight hours globally, is an excellent aircraft for training pilots to fly today’s modern aircraft with integrated glass flight decks, FADEC controlled engines, and other advanced technologies,” said Jose Jacinto Monge, managing director, Asia Pacific, Bell. “We are honored that the Indonesian Navy has selected the Bell 505 as its basic helicopter trainer, and we look forward to supporting the training of its next generation of rotorcraft pilots.”

This delivery brings the Indonesian Navy’s Bell fleet to five aircraft, which already includes three Bell 412 helicopters. More than 100 Bell helicopters are operating in the military and commercial segments in Indonesia.

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Old video, MLRS is made by state owned PT Dahana ( with the help of private company who make the truck body), the rocket, Rhan 122 B is developed and made by state owned PT Pindad and PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Indonesia Aerospace). Soon the rocket can be used for our Astros MLRS. There is also bigger caliber of Rhan rocket which is Rhan 450


Hei guys, I think Sri Mulyani and Retno Marsudi are discussing about KF21/IFX program in Italia as Retno Marsudi is now a bridge between Indonesia and South Korea related to the program....... :smokin:

This is when they are in Italia to participate in G20 meeting which starts Tomorrow

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little bit greedy with the budget she should release couple of B's to prabowo
little bit greedy with the budget she should release couple of B's to prabowo

She has released about 5.8 billion USD foreign loan approval (2021-2022), later President Jokowi instructed that budget for defense equipment acquisition must be 50:50 for foreign and local sources then it will make DP (Down Payment of 15 pecent of total loan) for foreign defense acquisition gets smaller.

She is now understand the important of R&D as Finance Ministry is now have a program called LPDP around 1.7 billion USD per year to finance scholarship and R&D program. I hope this LPDP budget is increased and reach at least 2 billion USD in 2022. Other research program is funded by BRIN and Defense Minister ( defense related ).

1. Prabowo has agreed to only use 1.1 billion USD available foreign loan (2020-2024) to buy 6 Rafales (minus weapons)
2. France is also agree to decrease the contract amount from around 7 billion USD into 1.1 billion USD
3. Finance Minister is not agree yet

My comment :

Getting Rafale from France is not a diversification move, unless you get SU 35 from Russia. US and European Union is usually acting together in sanctioning nation. Our weak point is Papua rebellion group where majority Papuan are Christian. Same thing can happen when both USA and EU sanction Indonesia due to East Timor related event where East Timor population are majority Christian.


EU Arms Embargo to Indonesia Lifted Despite Worsening Situation in the Archipelago
17 Noviember 2005

U.S. arms restrictions were first levied on Jakarta in 1991 when Indonesian soldiers opened fire on a pro-independence demonstration, leaving more than 270 East Timorese dead. Indonesia later staged a military intervention in 1999 to prevent East Timor’s secession, killing more than 1,500 civilians and razing 70 percent of its infrastructure. In response, the United States and the European Union both imposed arms embargoes. The European Union chose not to renew its ban in 2000. (See ACT, January/February 2000.)

In February 2005, Washington reinstated Indonesia’s eligibility for the International Military Education and Training program in order to upgrade the quality of its officer corps. In May 2005, the United States removed restrictions on nonlethal defense equipment such as communications and transport systems. The latest decision lifts the last remaining barrier, a ban on sale of lethal weaponry and related equipment. Still recovering from the Asian financial crisis, the Indonesian government lacks the funds to purchase new armaments but intends to take advantage of the new rules initially to purchase spare parts for its aging fleet of 10 U.S.-supplied F-16 fighters.

We cannot get SU 35 either due to CATSAA, so the only way we can feel more secure is to develop our own weapon like our KF21/IFX program. Despite we still be importing engine from USA, at least it is already a step forward toward independency, and South Korea has chance to develop engine for KF21/IFX in the future.


Keep prioritizing KF21/IFX program for long term target while for stop gap we can buy F 16 V around 10-12 planes. It will be cheaper as F 16 is single engine and infrastructure and weapons are already bought.
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Sebanyak 6 personil Depohar 30 khususnya Sathar 32 malaksanakan Giat LE Life Extension pesawat Sukhoi TS-3003 dan TS-3007 di Skatek 044 Lanud Hasanudin Makasar

Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dalam rangka mendukung tugas pokok TNI Angkatan Udara diperlukan
tingkat kesiapan operasional pesawat terbang yang tinggi khususnya pesawat
Sukhoi SU-27 dan SU-30. Kesiapan pesawat dapat dicapai jika ditunjang dengan dukungan
logistik dan kegiatan pemeliharaan yang memadai. Salah satu kegiatan
pemeliharaan yang dilaksanakan adalah Life Extension yang merupakan proses
untuk menentukan dan melaksanakan sebuah prosedur tambahan pemeliharaan perawatan agar usia pakai pesawat menjadi lebih panjang dari usia yang sudah

SLEP for our 2 SUKHOI 30-MK2 in makassar-indonesia, with some russian technicians assist

TS-3003 and TS-3007



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