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The spirit of Indonesian to be a soldier is quite high, many female hijab from Covid volunter team have participated in the test conducted by Navy. And it is just for bintara rank, Bintara is higher than Tamtama (lowest) rank but lower than Perwira (officer) in Armed Force.

After Navy announce they will accept many volunter who fight Covid pandemi in Wisma Atlete (Specialist Covid Treatment facility in Jakarta), hundreds participate in the test and only around 68 who are accepted.

This is the person who bring the aspiration of the medical volunters first ..........

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Navy and its wife organization held Covid 19 vaccination program in West Java, Wednesday.

Naval News
GE Marine Sea Air Space 2021

Home»News»Indonesian Shipyard Cuts Steel on New OPVs for TNI AL
Indonesian Shipyard Cuts Steel on New OPVs for TNI AL
The 90 meters OPV design by DRU Shipyard for the TNI AL.
Indonesian Shipyard Cuts Steel On New OPVs For TNI AL
Indonesian shipbuilder DRU Shipyards (PT Daya Radar Utama DRU) cut steel for two new Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPV) for the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL). The ceremony took place on 26 August 2021 in Lampung (island of Sumatra).
Martin Manaranche 27 Aug 2021

According to an Indonesian MoD release, these OPVs are meant to strengthen Indonesian naval power and to fullfill a gap in the patrol boats segment.

“The construction of the ’90-meter OPV’ and ‘OPV’ is a form of promoting the national defense industry to increase the capacity and expertise in the construction of warships in the future, as well as encourage the recovery of the national economy.”

Head of the Defense Facilities Agency (Kabaranahan), Kemhan Marsda TNI Yusuf Jauhari.

First steel cutting of 2 new OPVs for the Indonesian Navy. Indonesian MoD picture.

This still needs to be confirmed formally, but according to our information, both OPVs are set to have a length of 90 meters, a width of 13.5 meters and will be powered by four 7,280 KW diesel engines. Both should be able to reach a maximum speed of 28 knots. However one is expected to feature equipment to accommodate a helicopter (helideck and hangar) while the other OPV will lack such facilities.

DRU Shipyard released a design video of the ’90-meter OPV’. Regarding the weapons, she seems to be equipped with a Rheinmetall Millennium Gun 35mm caliber mounted on the hangar, 2×4 anti-ship missile (likely MM40 Exocet) launchers on the amidship and an OTO Melara 76 mm Super Rapid Gun forward.

For VBSS (Visit, Board, Search and Seizure) purposes, there are two RHIB (rigid hull inflatable boat) launch loading ramps located at the stern:

TAGS Indonesian Navy OPV Shipbuilding
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Posted by : Martin Manaranche

New Perpres requires Jokowi's approval for ministerial, state agency regulations


President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo speaks during a meeting on Aug. 7, 2021 to evaluate the results of the four-tier public activity restrictions (PPKM) policy.(Courtesy of Presidential Secretariat Press Bureau/-)

Dio Suhenda (The Jakarta Post)
Jakarta ● Thu, August 26, 2021

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has issued a new regulation requiring his ministers to seek his approval before issuing any new regulations, a move that experts fear could potentially create an administrative bottleneck in the regulatory process.

Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 68/2021, which came into effect on Aug. 6, formally paved the way for Jokowi to have a final say in whether to approve or reject draft regulations formulated by ministries or other central government institutions.

The Perpres, however, stipulates that Jokowi’s approval is only required for draft regulations that are estimated to have a far-reaching impact on the public, involve many institutions and have strategic scope, such as related to the government’s Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN), defense or state finance.

Am I the only or they are being lead in prayer by the American soldier :lol: Tho there is nothing wrong with it and his a muslim individual who can lead but I don't know it felt quite surprising nor expecting it

American soldier Muslim, it is very usual to let host country to lead the prayer in Jumah prayer. Even when Qaddafi comes to Indonesia, he wanted to be Imam in Friday prayer, but we dont let it to happen. Host country should be the Imam.
I want to respond Ananda from other forum. As usual he always down play Indonesian contribution in every project. This is the relation between Indonesia and Turkish MALE Anka.


2008-2018, A Decade of Cooperation Between Indonesia and Turkey in Testing Wind Tunnels for the Development of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
19 Oct 2018
Defense, Transportation & Manufacturing Technology

The collaboration between BBTA3 (Balai Besar Aerodynamics, Aeroelastika and Aeroacoustics) BPPT and Turkish Aerospace has been started since 2008 when the first campaign of wind tunnel testing was carried out at the ILST (Indonesian Low Speed Tunnel) for ANKA, an unmanned aircraft of the MALE class (Medium Altitude Long). Endurance) belongs to Turkish Aerospace.

During the visit, Ozmen said that Turkish Aerospace highly appreciated the contribution of BPPT through BBTA3 in the development of its Unmanned Air System. Ozmen said that since 2008 BBTA3 and Turkish Aerospace have collaborated on five wind tunnel testing campaigns for unmanned aircraft.

The first wind tunnel testing campaign was conducted on the ANKA model with full configuration and 2D wing model. This testing campaign is aimed at obtaining the aerodynamic characteristics of the first variant. This testing campaign was conducted for eight months from March to November 2008. The large amount of data collected during this test plays a very important role both for the development of software for the autopilot control system, as well as for verifying flight performance prior to its maiden flight.

A second test campaign was conducted at ILST in April-May 2015 for other ANKA variants including the SATCOM variant. Tests on the scaled model in this campaign were carried out to obtain the effects of wing deformation, installation of communication equipment such as: SAR and SATCOM radomes , EO/IR cameras , winglets and air inlets on the aerodynamic characteristics of ANKA.

The third wind tunnel testing campaign at ILST was conducted on the ANKA-NG (Next Generation) wing at full scale in June 2015. Aerodynamic hinge moment data for the 2D wing was obtained for various trailing edge deflections. This data is very important in the development of a deicing system or the anticipation of contamination on the wing surface during the operating cycle.

A fourth wind tunnel testing campaign was conducted for ANK-NG at ILST BBTA3 in a scalable model. In this test, the effect of the new wing geometry on aerodynamic forces and moments was studied as many as 60 valid polar data.

"The four ANKA wind tunnel testing campaigns at ILST have contributed greatly to the development of the ANKA UAV System with superior flight performance and enhanced safety features," said Tamer Ozmen, Turkish Aerospace Vice President for Corporate Marketing and Communications during his visit last October 11. to BBTA3 BPPT.

Ozmen said that currently ANKA is a MALE class UAV that is combat proven for Intelligence, Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Strike Systems for both domestic security and maritime reconnaissance operations. ANKA is now ready for the required military missions with various payload configurations.

Currently Turkish Aerospace is continuing its collaboration with BBTA3 for the fifth time in wind tunnel testing of a new UAV System for High Payload Capacity.

This fifth test campaign is aimed at obtaining the aerodynamic characteristics of their new aircraft model, the YFYK, which is scalable in full configuration. This test campaign started in September 2018 and is planned to acquire 233 polar aerodynamic data including for various control plane deflections and various payloads configurations by the end of October 2018.

Ozmen added that Turkish Aerospace is very grateful for BPPT's contribution through BBTA3 in the successful development of the Turkish Aerospace UAV product line, he hopes this collaboration will continue for the future.

On the occasion, Head of the Center for Aerodynamics, Aeroelastics and Aeroacoustics Technology (BBTA3), Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), Fadilah Hasim acknowledged that the collaboration with Turkish Aerospace in UAV aerodynamic testing was very beneficial.

Fadilah said that in 2008 when BBTA3 BPPT (formerly LAGG) started the ANKA UAV development cooperation with Turkish Aerospace, unmanned aircraft technology was just beginning to develop.

"ANKA's wind tunnel testing campaign provides an opportunity to gain experience studying small UAV aircraft or aircraft with low Reynolds numbers," said Fadilah.

According to Fadilah, the aerodynamic database for the low Reynolds number is still relatively limited compared to the database for the high Reynolds number, which is commonly owned by large aircraft, which has been found in many books and literature.

"But planes with small wings that are very sensitive to even small disturbances, there are still not many databases. We have the opportunity to study it," he added.

Fadilah explained that the aircraft model testing facility at BBTA3 BPPT, namely ILST (Indonesian Low Speed Tunnel) is a wind tunnel with a test section measuring 4 m × 3 m which was built by President BJ Habibie using technology from Germany and the Netherlands.

"Our wind tunnel is very precise with a very low turbulence intensity below 0.1 percent, a very thin boundary layer below 5 percent, and a very uniform flow angle," said Fadilah.

"The ILST wind tunnel is a world-class wind tunnel, and we always do our best to maintain it properly," he continued. (BBTA3 BPPT/Humas/HMP)

We can see Anka in Indonesian wind tunnel

This is from TAI official being published by their state owned publication

With 1.1 billion USD foreign loan approval from Finance Minister for MRCA acquisition (2021-2024), it will be F16 V that is very reasonable to acquire since we have already had 33 F 16 and our priority is to fill former F 5 squadron with new fighters where the base is in Iswahyudi, as we know Iswahyudi base also has F 16 squadrons and already got trained mechanics and infrastructure for F 16.

Regardless of that, this tweet refers to Boeing ( F 15 EX )

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