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Any idea of the contract value..? IIRC the contract was signed quite some time ago... perhaps in 2016...

No idea, but if we use Wiki and only planes ( without spareparts, or maybe simulator, and other) is about 330 million USD.

The contract look like signed in 2018 as we can see on Defense Ministry website, but Defense Review said it become effective just recently ( about 2 months ago)

Delegasi Indonesia dipimpin oleh Dirjen Strahan Kementerian Pertahanan Mayjen TNI Rodon Pedrason. Foto: Kolonel Pnb Firman Dwi Cahyono


Delegasi Indonesia di Rusia. Dari kiri ke kanan: Mayor Inf Rachmatullah, Kolonel Pnb Firman Dwi Cahyono, Brigjen TNI Binsar P Sianipar, Kolonel Laut (P) Askari, Kolonel Alexius, dan Letkol Gatot. Foto: dok. Kolonel Pnb Firman Dwi Cahyono

Hadiri Penutupan Army Games 2021 di Moskow, Dirjen Strahan Kemhan Pastikan TNI Akan Ikut Tahun Depan

By beny adrian on 06/09/2021

MYLESAT.COM – “Indonesia (akan) mengambil bagian dalam Army Games internasional untuk pertama kalinya pada tahun 2022,” ungkap Dirjen Strahan Kementerian Pertahanan Mayjen TNI Rodon Pedrason.

Kepastian itu disampaikan Mayjen Pedrason saat menghadiri upacara penutupan Army Games 2021 yang dilaksanakan di Kubinka “Park Patriot”, Moscow Oblast pada 4 September 2021.
Delegasi Indonesia yang tiba di Moskow berasal dari Kementerian Pertahanan dan Mabes TNI.
Delegasi Kemhan Indonesia yaitu Dirjen Strahan Mayjen TNI Rodon Pedrason, Dirkersin Brigjen TNI Binsar Parluhutan Sianipar dan staf. Sementara delegasi Mabes TNI diikuti oleh Paban V Kerkamtas Sops TNI Kolonel Laut (P) Askari dan Pabandya Paban V Kerkamtas Sops TNI Letkol Gatot.

Selama mengikuti penutupan Army Games 2021, delegasi Kemhan dan Mabes TNI didampingi oleh Athan RI untuk Rusia yaitu Kolonel Pnb Firman Dwi Cahyono.
Sementara Atase Darat dan Atase Laut mengikuti kegiatan korps diplomatik yang diselenggarakan Kemhan Rusia di tempat yang sama.
“Tahun ini kami hadir di sini sebagai pengamat. Tetapi ada kemungkinan yang sangat tinggi bahwa tahun depan kami akan bergabung dengan Army,” tegas Mayjen TNI Rodon Pedrason saat menyaksikan balapan terakhir “Tank Biathlon”.

Menurutnya, di antara kompetisi yang dilaksanakan selama Army Games di Rusia, Indonesia tertarik untuk mengikuti kompetisi tank, menembak senjata ringan dan khususnya penembak jitu atau sniper.
“Saya yakin berkat acara seperti ini, kerja sama kami dengan Rusia akan semakin kuat selama tahun-tahun mendatang,” tambah Pedrason.
Army International Games-2021 diadakan dari 22 Agustus hingga 4 September 2021 di wilayah 11 negara.

Terdiri dari Rusia, Aljazair, Armenia, Belarus, Vietnam, Iran, Qatar, Kazakhstan, China, Serbia, dan Uzbekistan. Kompetisi ini diikuti oleh lebih dari 5.000 personel militer yang terdiri dari 277 tim dari 42 negara.
Memang pada Army Games 2021 ini, Indonesia hanya mengirimkan observer.
Situasi pandemi yang mengancam dunia, membuat Mabes TNI memutuskan hanya mengirimkan observer pada beberapa cabang pertandingan Army Games 2021.
Pengiriman observer diperlukan untuk menjajaki kesempatan jika Indonesia memutuskan untuk mengirim kontingan pada tahun depan.

Tim observer yang dikirim mengamati tiga materi lomba. Terdiri dari Depth di Iran yang diikuti satu perwira Puskopaska; Polar Star diikuti dua perwira Kopassus dan Sniper Frontier di Brest, Belarus yang diikuti satu perwira Korpaskhas.
Kemudian Tactical Shooter di Pusdik Pasukan Linud Rusia, Airborne Troops di Ryazan, Rusia yang diikuti satu perwira Kopassus dan satu perwira peninjau dari Kemhan.
Selain mengirimkan perwira TNI sebagai observer selama Army Games 2021, kegiatan observasi juga diikuti oleh para atase militer dari Kantor Athan RI Moskow.
Para atase mengikuti observer Army Games 2021 di Kubinka Park Patriot khusus bagi korps militer asing di Moskow yang dilaksanakan oleh Kemhan Rusia.


Letkol Inf Wirahady Harahap dan Lettu Inf Singgih saat menjadi observer Polar Star Army Games 2021 di Brest, Belarus. Foto: Dok. Letkol Inf Wirahady Harahap


Letkol Pas. M Junaidi yang menjadi observer pada Sniper Frontier di Brest, Belarus. Foto: dok. Letkol Pas. M Junaidi

Mayor Inf Zierda Aulia yang menjadi observer dalam kompetisi di Ryazan. Foto: dok. Mayor Inf Zierda Aulia


Atase Darat Kolonel Inf Troy Hutagalung dan Atase Laut Kolonel Laut (S) Ariyan Dilli Louhenapessy, mengikuti observer delegasi korps militer asing. Foto bersama delegasi Korea Utara, Mayjen Kim Yong Jin. Foto: Dok. Kolonel Laut (S) Ariyan Dilli Louhenapessy
Recent Class between Army + Police Paramilitary unit (Brimob) with Papuan rebel

all contracts made by MoD of Indonesia between 2018-2019
T-50 radar, gun installation and KT-1B
BMP-3F and BT-3F tanks
EC-725 & Bell-412
BATCH II-Submarines




25 contracts = 18 weaponry, 7 constructions.
witnessed by Indonesian Minister of Defence and Minister of DAPA, South Korea

it's 2021 today, hope all above contracts run as smooth as both c-130-J super hercules and MMCV ships
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It seems there is quite good amount of money dedicated to fund the maintenance of our Armed Force equipment. There is plan as well to do overhaul into about 8 CN 235 that are grounded due to lack of maintenance budget. I hope this maintenance needs get more prioritized as many of the work also involves Indonesian local industry and it is particularly important to protect and secure our personnel lifes, we dont want want happen with previous Submarine incident happen again in the future


CWB : Center Wing Box, a very important wing part that connect the wing into the main fuselage (body) of the plane.

SOE company which specialize in MRO that is mentioned in AH tweet is GMF Aero Asia

Babcock sells first new frigate design licence to Indonesia

Babcock the aerospace, defence and security company has secured the first export contract for its Arrowhead 140 (AH140) frigate through a design licence agreement with PT PAL Indonesia (Persero), a state-owned enterprise that builds and maintains ships for military and commercial use from its facilities in Surabaya, Indonesia.

The breakthrough deal comes two years since Babcock’s AH140 design was first announced as the preferred bidder for the UK Type 31 frigate programme at DSEI 2019, with the contract confirmed in November of the same year.

The design licence will enable PAL to build two Arrowhead 140 frigates in Indonesia with bespoke design modifications for the Indonesian Navy.

The agreement was signed at the Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) 2021 event in London, on board HMS Argyll, by David Lockwood CEO Babcock and Kaharuddin Djenod, CEO PAL. And was witnessed by the Defence Minister of Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto and UK Defence Secretary, Rt Hon Ben Wallace MP.

Babcock has been working alongside the UK Government to promote the Arrowhead 140 Frigate into the global market with strong interest internationally. The company recently announced that it was one of the bidders down selected by the Polish Government to provide a potential design solution for the Polish Navy’s Miecznik (Swordfish) frigate programme.

The baseline Arrowhead 140 design can be configured to meet a broad range of naval requirements and, with Babcock’s support PAL will now engineer the required modifications to configure the Arrowhead 140 for the Indonesian customer.

David Lockwood, CEO Babcock said:

“Today is a really exciting moment for Babcock and our frigate export programme, as we sign the design licence with PAL for two new frigates for the Indonesian Navy.

“The beauty of our export product is that it is a readily transferable design that can be tailored to the customer’s needs as part of our strong Arrowhead frigate portfolio. What’s more, the design licence and subsequent build programme will be a significant catalyst for prosperity in Indonesia.

“Working with our Indonesian colleagues this contract will see Arrowhead 140 frigates built in Indonesia, by the local workforce, contributing directly to the social and economic value of its sovereign shipbuilding community and country as a whole. We look forward to further opportunities to support PAL as the programme matures.

“It’s a proud day for the Babcock and PAL teams.”

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said:

“I was delighted to attend the contract signing between Babcock and Indonesia on board HMS Argyll today, representing the best of British maritime design and engineering to our international partners.

“Signalling the strength of our defence relationship with Indonesia, both of our Naval Forces will operate this world-leading frigate in the future and will work closely together to protect our mutual interests around the world.” The Arrowhead 140 frigate design, benefits from a proven hull-form that has been tried and tested in real-world operational environments from NATO and coalition task forces to national regional and deployed operations. The baseline Arrowhead 140 design can be configured to meet a broad range of operational requirements and profiles a global frigate may be called upon to undertake and adopt and with a growing number of users it can also support interoperability between naval allies.

Signing Image – David Lockwood, Babcock CEO (L) and Kaharuddin Djenod, CEO PAL (R) sign contract on board HMS Argyll.


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