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Babcock sells first new frigate design licence to Indonesia

Babcock the aerospace, defence and security company has secured the first export contract for its Arrowhead 140 (AH140) frigate through a design licence agreement with PT PAL Indonesia (Persero), a state-owned enterprise that builds and maintains ships for military and commercial use from its facilities in Surabaya, Indonesia.

The breakthrough deal comes two years since Babcock’s AH140 design was first announced as the preferred bidder for the UK Type 31 frigate programme at DSEI 2019, with the contract confirmed in November of the same year.

The design licence will enable PAL to build two Arrowhead 140 frigates in Indonesia with bespoke design modifications for the Indonesian Navy.

The agreement was signed at the Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) 2021 event in London, on board HMS Argyll, by David Lockwood CEO Babcock and Kaharuddin Djenod, CEO PAL. And was witnessed by the Defence Minister of Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto and UK Defence Secretary, Rt Hon Ben Wallace MP.

Babcock has been working alongside the UK Government to promote the Arrowhead 140 Frigate into the global market with strong interest internationally. The company recently announced that it was one of the bidders down selected by the Polish Government to provide a potential design solution for the Polish Navy’s Miecznik (Swordfish) frigate programme.

The baseline Arrowhead 140 design can be configured to meet a broad range of naval requirements and, with Babcock’s support PAL will now engineer the required modifications to configure the Arrowhead 140 for the Indonesian customer.

David Lockwood, CEO Babcock said:

“Today is a really exciting moment for Babcock and our frigate export programme, as we sign the design licence with PAL for two new frigates for the Indonesian Navy.

“The beauty of our export product is that it is a readily transferable design that can be tailored to the customer’s needs as part of our strong Arrowhead frigate portfolio. What’s more, the design licence and subsequent build programme will be a significant catalyst for prosperity in Indonesia.

“Working with our Indonesian colleagues this contract will see Arrowhead 140 frigates built in Indonesia, by the local workforce, contributing directly to the social and economic value of its sovereign shipbuilding community and country as a whole. We look forward to further opportunities to support PAL as the programme matures.

“It’s a proud day for the Babcock and PAL teams.”

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said:

“I was delighted to attend the contract signing between Babcock and Indonesia on board HMS Argyll today, representing the best of British maritime design and engineering to our international partners.

“Signalling the strength of our defence relationship with Indonesia, both of our Naval Forces will operate this world-leading frigate in the future and will work closely together to protect our mutual interests around the world.” The Arrowhead 140 frigate design, benefits from a proven hull-form that has been tried and tested in real-world operational environments from NATO and coalition task forces to national regional and deployed operations. The baseline Arrowhead 140 design can be configured to meet a broad range of operational requirements and profiles a global frigate may be called upon to undertake and adopt and with a growing number of users it can also support interoperability between naval allies.

Signing Image – David Lockwood, Babcock CEO (L) and Kaharuddin Djenod, CEO PAL (R) sign contract on board HMS Argyll.

Although the license deal is between SOE shipbuilder PT.PAL and Babcock, the actual construction will take place in PT. Batamec Shipyards in Batam... This is a private shipbuilder and not SOE... this is due to the docks and yards at PT. PAL being full at the moment (2 hospital ships & 2 KCR 60 in production)... I think this the first time a warship of this size is built in a non-SOE shipyard.

Strengthening Alutsista, Indonesian Navy Builds Frigates
Friday, September 24, 2021 | 11:36 WIB| Writer
Yudi Rahmat
, Editor Untung S

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Jakarta, InfoPublik - The Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) is strengthening the Main Weapon System Tool (Alutsista) by building a frigate type ship. PT. PAL Indonesia in cooperation with Babcock England.

The collaboration is in terms of the design of the Arrowhead 140 Frigate Ship, while for production activities it will work together with PT. Batamec. The construction of this frigate type ship was marked by the inauguration of the Project Officer and Commander of the Task Force (Dansatgas) for the construction of frigate ships by the Head of the Naval Procurement Service (Kadisadal) First Admiral Maman Rohman at Wisma Elang Laut, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Thursday (23/9/ 2021).

In a written statement received by InfoPublik.id , Friday (9/24/2021), Kadisadal confirmed the First Admiral of the Indonesian Armed Forces AR. Agus Santoso, who daily serves as Kasal Special Staff as Project Officer and TNI First Admiral Taat Siswo Sunarto, who daily serves as Kasal Special Staff as Commander of the task force (Dansatgas) for frigate construction.
"The assignment of a position is a form of trust and appreciation from the leadership of the Navy to personnel who have the ability and credibility to run the organization, both structural and functional positions," said Kadisadal.
Kadisadal explained that the project officer's task in the construction of this frigate is to coordinate the readiness of shipbuilding from the Human Resources (HR) aspect to increasing the use of domestic components in order to advance and develop the defense industry.

Meanwhile, the Task Force is tasked with overseeing and supervising all stages of ship construction, starting from the design process to integrating the system and various tests with the hope that ship construction can be completed on time and with appropriate quality.
Furthermore, Kadisadal said that the ship to be built would later have anti- surface , anti-submarine and surface-to- air ( surface to air ) warfare capabilities as well as fire support. This is in accordance with Admiral Yudo Margono's Navy Chief of Staff Priority Program (Kasal) to modernize KRI, Pesud and Matpur towards ready-to-operate forces.
(Dispense Photo)

PT. Batamec Shipyard profile video

Website : https://www.batamec.com/
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Based on President direction, 50 % of defense procurement + maintenance of 2022 budget must go to local defense industry. In 2022 the budget for maintenance/repair is also large, I believe the reason local defense industry can get 50 % allocation is due to large majority of maintenance/repair budget goes to local defense companies and the form of payment in majority is in cash (full payment in advance/delivery time).

Around 3 trillion IDR will be for local defense industry out of around 12 trillion IDR total allocation for defense acquisition. I expect 3 trillion IDR for local defense industry in majority will be in a form of cash ( full payment) while there are some domestic loan as well for local defense industry.

So it leaves around 9 trillion IDR for foreign acqusition where this I believe is in the form of down payment (15 percent of total acquisition value based on law/ Companion Pure Rupiah (RMP) ). This is still not enough to absorb all approved 5.8 billion USD total foreign loan as it needs around 12 trillion IDR for RMP. Some acquisition program using foreign loan must be delayed into 2023. According to AH, both Rafale and FREEM frigates acquisition programs are also not among programs that have been approved.

Local defense industry

With this budget there is hope some grounded CN 235 planes due to lack of maintenance budget can fly again. As this year Indonesia Aerospace will likely finish 3 Malaysian CN 235 MPA conversion and deliver 1 CN 235 planes to Indonesian Navy while there possible new contract is for Senegal Armed Force, so CN 235 production facility has much free capacity to do maintenance/repair for several grounded CN 235, if I am not mistaken there are 8 grounded CN 235 planes operated by Indonesian Armed Force.

There is also budget for local defense industry improvement/enhancement and I hope they could disburse money to KF 21/IFX production plan in Indonesia Aerospace. Then money should be invested to buy huge land for Indonesian Aerospace and Pindad in Kertajati airport complex. Previous Jokowi plan is to have three times current Indonesian Aerospace and Pindad production complex in Kertajati.

The plan from Indonesian Aerospace is to dedicate current facility in Bandung, West Java, for military planes/helicopters and second factory in Kertajati ( minimum three times larger current facility) will be for civilians planes (N 219, N 219 Amphibious, N 245 program, possible R 80 program, possible cargo drone program)

Kertajati (West Java)

N 219 production plant in Indonesian Aerospace is also very limited, it only has medium size hangar assembling facility. At least Government should invest more in Indonesian Aerospace and build another assembling facility hangar, current hangar is not adequate to meet current demand as I see this plane has good potential. Then the third assembling hangar for N 219 amphibious should be built as well, so at least Indonesia Aerospace has three assembling facility hangar for N 219 program. One dedicated assembling facility hangar for Black Eagle MALE UCAV program should be prepared as well.

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Home» News»Babcock cuts steel for Royal Navy’s first Type 31 frigate HMS VENTURER

Type 31 Frigate Inspiration-class

Babcock cuts steel for Royal Navy’s first Type 31 frigate HMS VENTURER

Babcock, the aerospace, defence and security company, was joined by UK Secretary of State for Defence and Shipbuilding Tsar, Rt Hon Ben Wallace MP to cut the first steel for the first of the Royal Navy’s five new Type 31 frigates, HMS VENTURER.
Xavier Vavasseur 23 Sep 2021

Babcock press release

Hosted at Babcock’s facility in Rosyth, Scotland, where the Type 31 Inspiration class ships are being built, representatives from across UK and international industry and public service, witnessed the historic ceremony signalling the official start of the build programme alongside employees and representatives from the local community.

The frigates will be at the heart of the Royal Navy’s surface fleet, deterring aggression and maintaining the security of the UK’s interests as well as providing humanitarian relief when needed. The frigates will work alongside the UK’s Allies to deliver a warship presence across the globe and enable a forward naval presence.

The symbolic first cut of steel for HMS VENTURER was conducted at Babcock’s new advanced manufacturing facility, a cornerstone of the company’s digital transformation at Rosyth, which includes panel lines with robotic welding capability, as well as other semi-automated manufacturing machines.

Babcock Type 31 Pic Peter Devlin

The technology, based on modern shipbuilding practices, enables Babcock to increase automation and create significant efficiencies in the build schedule. The event comes just one week after Babcock announced that it had secured the first export contract for its Arrowhead 140 frigate (the export variant of the UK Type 31 platform) through a design licence agreement with PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) for two frigates. The company has also been shortlisted as one of the bidders to provide a potential design solution for Poland’s Miecznik (Swordfish) frigate programme.

The event also saw Babcock’s new assembly hall named ‘The Venturer Building’ – paying homage to the first new class of frigates to be built in the facility.

This vast structure measuring 147m x 62m x 42m is capable of housing two Type 31 frigates for parallel build and assembly activity. It will enable uninterrupted assembly, supporting increased productivity gains through improved access and digital connectivity.

Babcock Type 31 Pic Peter Devlin

The new infrastructure forms part of a £60 million investment programme on the site, on top of a further £100 million that has been invested over the last decade to ensure Rosyth’s shipbuilding capability and capacity can be optimised with state of the art engineering infrastructure and digital innovation to support further opportunities.

Babcock CEO David Lockwood said:

Defence Secretary and Shipbuilding Tsar Ben Wallace said:


Naval News comments:
Inspiration-class Frigates
Three Inspiration-class Frigates at sea. Artist impression: Royal Navy.

The Type 31 / Arrowhead 140 is based on the proven Iver Huitfeldt-class of frigate of the Royal Danish Navy, designed by OMT, and adapted to Royal Navy requirement by Babcock and BMT. Thales will supply the combat management system of the Type 31. The frigates will be assembled at Babcock’s Rosyth facility, and involve supply chains throughout the UK, in line with the UK’s shipbuilding strategy.

First Sea Lord Admiral Tony Radakin earlier this year announced the names of the Type 31 / Inspiration-class frigates. The new class will replace five general-purpose Type 23 frigates which have served the Royal Navy since the early 1990s. The first steel is due to be cut on the ships this summer and all five are due to be in service by 2028, operating alongside Type 26 or City-class frigates which will be dedicated submarine hunters and will replace the equivalent specialist Type 23s.

Type 31 / Inspiration-class frigate main specifications:
Displacement5,700 tons
Length138.7 m (455 ft 1 in)
Installed power4 × Rolls Royce/MTU 20V 8000 M71 (8.2 MW) diesel engines
4 × Rolls Royce/MTU 16V 2000 M41B (900 kW) generators
PropulsionCODAD configuration, two shafts
Speed28+ knots
Endurance9,000 nautical miles
Complement80 to 100 sailors (accommodation for up to 160)

Type 31 / Inspiration-class frigate weapons systems:
  • TACTICOS combat management system
  • 12x VLS for CAMM / Sea Ceptor surface to air missiles
  • 1x 57mm (Bofors 57Mk3) main gun
  • 2x 40mm (Bofors 40Mk4) secondary guns
  • Hangar and flight deck for a Wildcat or Merlin helicopter
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Foreign defense equipment broker who is likely behind this, KFX/IFX program is indeed very dangerous for their business future. So we can see how they use their hands within Indonesian leadership to jeopardize the program, keep blaming South Korea as not giving enough TOT, possibly paying some media and some defense analyst to do black campaign on the program while the blame should be pointed to ourselves.

This is not rumor as I have been informed by senior Indonesian KFX/IFX design engineer about this matter and I have said this in other forum (DH) as well around March 2021

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Foreign defense equipment broker who is likely behind this, KFX/IFX program is indeed very dangerous for their business future. So we can see how they use their hands within Indonesian leadership to jeopardize the program, keep blaming South Korea as not giving enough TOT, possibly paying some media and some defense analyst to do black campaign on the program while the blame should be pointed to ourselves.

This is not rumor as I have been informed by senior Indonesian KFX/IFX design engineer about this matter and I have said this in other forum (DH) as well around March 2021

Is it really an office / body that we need to set up or is it just an intergovernmental treaty / binding agreement...? Regardless, I suspect there might be some (or a lot of) terms and clauses that might be unacceptable to us if we were to participate in it...

For KFX/IFX, I believe we should start looking at alternatives for items that requires such clearance from the US, if Sokor cannot produce it indigenously... the EU / France is the most obvious alternative, considering the long cooperation we have with them (even more so if we get to purchase the Rafale)... but of course it will mean additional costs... Alternatively we can probably downgrade the specs for the IFX variant to the level that is acceptable to the US (perhaps to Viper bl. 70 standard)... though I'm totally not happy with that last option to be honest...

it has been long noted that 4 core technologies will not be shared by the US even to their treaty ally SoKor...

" The 4 technologies include the AESA radar system designed to detect targets faster and more precisely at longer ranges than existing radar in Korea’s fighter jets, an infrared search and track system, an electronic optics targeting pod and a radio frequency jammer. "

It's almost certain there will be even more items (beyond the 4) on the list for us...
Is it really an office / body that we need to set up or is it just an intergovernmental treaty / binding agreement...? Regardless, I suspect there might be some (or a lot of) terms and clauses that might be unacceptable to us if we were to participate in it...

For KFX/IFX, I believe we should start looking at alternatives for items that requires such clearance from the US, if Sokor cannot produce it indigenously... the EU / France is the most obvious alternative, considering the long cooperation we have with them (even more so if we get to purchase the Rafale)... but of course it will mean additional costs... Alternatively we can probably downgrade the specs for the IFX variant to the level that is acceptable to the US (perhaps to Viper bl. 70 standard)... though I'm totally not happy with that last option to be honest...

it has been long noted that 4 core technologies will not be shared by the US even to their treaty ally SoKor...

" The 4 technologies include the AESA radar system designed to detect targets faster and more precisely at longer ranges than existing radar in Korea’s fighter jets, an infrared search and track system, an electronic optics targeting pod and a radio frequency jammer. "

It's almost certain there will be even more items (beyond the 4) on the list for us...

From what I heard from senior Indonesian KFX/IFX engineers there should be a law being made first about security of the information regarding on this matter, I have posted USA law on this in DH forum in March, I will try to find it later as I have forgotten.

Nope, KF21 for Korea will be the same with IFX for Indonesia, unless we want some of our components being installed in our IFX.

I am talking about TOT (Transfer of Technology), as we know SK get huge TOT from Lockheed Martin from their F 35 program for KF21/IFX program. This TOT cannot be taken by Indonesia from South Korea engineers since there is condition on that regarding the security that we should comply first
From what I heard from senior Indonesian KFX/IFX engineers there should be a law being made first about security of the information regarding on this matter, I have posted USA law on this in DH forum in March, I will try to find it later as I have forgotten.

Nope, KF21 for Korea will be the same with IFX for Indonesia, unless we want some of our components being installed in our IFX.

I am talking about TOT (Transfer of Technology), as we know SK get huge TOT from Lockheed Martin from their F 35 program for KF21/IFX program. This TOT cannot be taken by Indonesia from South Korea engineers since there is condition on that regarding the security that we should comply first

I see.. so this technology security office is only to handle matters related to ToT and not for the purchase or usage of the equipment... I guess it's a relief somewhat.. If for any reason we still can't or won't set up such office, then we can still get it, just not the ToT... If that's the case, I believe we should negotiate with the Koreans to have the ToT for tech that's off limits to us transferred to other items that we are allowed to... or increase the workshare for other parts of the jet to us...

I support us setting up a tech security office with the US to enable us to receive ToT from the US, but NOT at any cost... if, for example, one of the conditions from the US is for us to abandon and forbid the use of Huawei 5G tech and equipment in Indonesia, then I think it's unacceptable...
I see.. so this technology security office is only to handle matters related to ToT and not for the purchase or usage of the equipment... I guess it's a relief somewhat.. If for any reason we still can't or won't set up such office, then we can still get it, just not the ToT... If that's the case, I believe we should negotiate with the Koreans to have the ToT for tech that's off limits to us transferred to other items that we are allowed to... or increase the workshare for other parts of the jet to us...

I support us setting up a tech security office with the US to enable us to receive ToT from the US, but NOT at any cost... if, for example, one of the conditions from the US is for us to abandon and forbid the use of Huawei 5G tech and equipment in Indonesia, then I think it's unacceptable...

You speculate too far here, I am not informed such thing is exist. What I sense from my conversatuon is that the blame should be directed toward us, not USA.

As we know some attempt to stop the program has been done since this administration, starting from forgetting to pay and follow with renegotiation, reducing the number of plane being bought, ridiculous demand on renegotiation during Wiranto handling, and black campaign by one Indonesian official.

What is said by AH some time ago, there are Indonesian official who want this program being stopped and there are officials who want to continue.

I hope Jokowi is clever to understand the situation and AlhamduliLLAH as we know currently the tendency is to continue the program in which some of the engineers have been sent back to Korea.
I also need to say that Indonesian KFX/IFX engineers are supporting the project regardless some problem.

Very senior engineer and junior level engineers are supporting the program. They say the program is very important to excell our aerospace industry.

That is the opinions coming from design engineers that understand the development process happening in Korea.
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You speculate too far here, I am not informed such thing is exist. What I sense from my conversatuon is that the blame should be directed toward us, not USA.

As we know some attempt to stop the program has been done since this administration, starting from forgetting to pay and follow with renegotiation, reducing the number of plane being bought, ridiculous demand on renegotiation during Wiranto handling, and black campaign by one Indonesian official.

What is said by AH some time ago, there are Indonesian official who want this program being stopped and there are officials who want to continue.

I hope Jokowi is clever to understand the situation and AlhamduliLLAH as we know currently the tendency is to continue the program in which some of the engineers have been sent back to Korea.

Well.. it's speculation indeed... and you are right that it could've simply been due to our own incompetence or negligence that we haven't setup such a tech security office here... but on the other hand, there could also be valid reasons on why we can't or won't setup such an office or agreement here... yet...

As we all know, the US is very strict in guarding its technology, so we can be sure they also have very strict requirements and conditions regarding tech transfers and ToT... it's highly possible that some of those clauses and conditions are simply not acceptable to us and that's the reason why we still haven't setup such office even though the US has requested it...

That being said, I truly hope we stick with this project and eventually manufacture KFX locally... but if this ToT issue is not resolved, and we don't want to setup a tech security office here either.. then some other compromise or solution needs to be found if we were to continue with this project...
Well.. it's speculation indeed... and you are right that it could've simply been due to our own incompetence or negligence that we haven't setup such a tech security office here... but on the other hand, there could also be valid reasons on why we can't or won't setup such an office or agreement here... yet...

As we all know, the US is very strict in guarding its technology, so we can be sure they also have very strict requirements and conditions regarding tech transfers and ToT... it's highly possible that some of those clauses and conditions are simply not acceptable to us and that's the reason why we still haven't setup such office even though the US has requested it...

That being said, I truly hope we stick with this project and eventually manufacture KFX locally... but if this ToT issue is not resolved, and we don't want to setup a tech security office here either.. then some other compromise or solution needs to be found if we were to continue with this project...

The TOT that we are discussing is TOT from F 35 and possibly F 22 as well, thousands of pages regarding this has been promised to be given to SK as their F 35 deal with South Korea.

While other TOT not regarding to that and legally owned by South Korea that is related to their expertise in producing F 16, T 50 Golden Eagle and their knowledge and experience in designing T 50 Golden Eagle with Lockheed Martin is 70 % shared to Indonesia engineers according to Indonesian senior KFX/IFX engineer who really understand the program.

While other TOT that is not shared and related to F 35 program have actually been implemented into KF21/IFX. Senior Indonesian engineer said despite the hinder on getting that particular technology, but as engineer he said Indonesian engineer still has some kind of capability to get some of the technology by learning by themselves as they are also KF 21 developer
Bhai can you explain in detail what will Indonesia learn by 20 percent stake in KFX? How much this will lift Indonesian aerospace industry?

1. Experience in designing and developing a Stealth jet fighter. Previously Dirgantara Indonesia only has experience in designing a transport aircraft. 116 Indonesian design engineers now have the experience on designing a Stealth fighter jet. This will also make the engineers have more capability if someday Wingman drone or maybe fighter drone program are being pursue.

If we keep being in the program, it means we will get more knowledge during the testing phase and also during operational inshaAllah as we will get 1 prototype to be made in Indonesia and also other data during the testing stage of 7 prototypes tested in KAI will also be shared to DI. More understanding will be gained to see the comparison between wind tunnel testing and real flight.

2. In production DI also will gain more knowledge on new manufacturing method and will start using robotic system

3. In testing phase, DI will learn a lot as it is the first time they are doing testing for jet fighter, both for ground and flight test, and it is not just a fighter program but Stealth one. About 6 test pilots have been prepared, where one of them coming from DI design engineer ( who have learn to fly jet fighter) while 5 comes from Air Force pilot where they have got Aerospace degree from ITB and all of them have studied in England to be fighter test pilot. In essence, we are building capacity to be able to build Stealth fighter by our own, without a partner like the way DI develop N 250. N2130, and N 219 and together with other national companies and research agency develop MALE UCAV.

4. This project will make Indonesia Aerospace will produce jet fighter and it means in the future this line of business will likely to continue, just like our transport program which keep making newer plane. KF 21/IFX is also keep being developed into 6 generation fighter based on latest news (previously the program is to make the plane until block 3). This make the industry has more products, that is good for their business

5. I would say this program will also push DI to produce more planes within a year and give them more profit that will make their business more profitable. As Indonesia is expected to have Essential Force program after Minimum Essential Force is possibly completed in 2029, thus more planes will likely be bought ( if the program is inshaAllah successful), I would say we could buy around 200 planes, not mentioning if we also develop Wingman drone. It can potentially give Dirgantara Indonesia secured income and sales for quite long time

6. As DI has 1 prototype as experimental plane, so this prototype will make the engineers has some kind of vehicle to do various test that can excel their understanding and expertise in fighter jet design and also system integration. The prototype also possibly become the vehicle to get many knowledge on avionics and other components by using reverse engineering method and this of course will have to include other companies with expertise in electronics, engine, and other

7. It give better brand image on DI and this can effect their business in term of getting more support from leasing companies/banking system on their transport plane business, which mean their customer will get easier and cheaper financing from the leasing/banking industry

8. Base on recent renegotiation, DI will not only participate in fuselage manufacturing of all KF21/IFX and assembling of IFX, but also component in cockpit and engine. DI also has a subsidiary company who specialize in turbine manufacturing and engine MRO. That is the plan from Habibie from the start where in the future this company (PT Nusantara Turbin dan Propulsi) should make jet engine
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@Lego Jangkar

Malaysian like you who hide your identity as Indonesian should make a comment on this...

As you are a Malay Malaysian who hate Chinese ethnic and has been busted by me by making negative comment on native Indonesian, maybe you have opinion on this thing.

With your childish behavior making ha ha in my post and any positive thing about Indonesia, you should be ashame of your behavior as you have already been 28 years old. You have been making this for more than 2 months after I busted you down play native Indonesian in one thread LOL

NB: I have seen you put 2 Malaysian flag after I busted you as Malaysian, but change again to use Indonesia as origin and Malaysia as your place. Your behavior here is talk bad about Chinese and using Indonesian flag has intention to attack Indonesian. Be brave as you are Malay Malaysian, why dont you face those Chinese who like to play down your people in PDF ?
Opinion piece written by Alman Helvas

Translated to English courtesy of Google :

Foreign Debt Expenditure on Defense and Security Technology


Crewmen of French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle stand on deck next of Rafale fighter jets, off the coast of the city of Hyeres, southern France, Thursday, Jan.  23, 2020. France deploys the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier for a three-month mission to support International military operations in the Middle East, French President Emmanuel Macron said.  (Philippe Lopez/Pool Photo via AP)

Photo: Rafale fighter jet. (Philippe Lopez/Pool Photo via AP)

In the list of weapons purchase plans proposed by the Ministry of Defense (Kemenhan) to the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas to be part of the revised List of Medium-Term Foreign Loan Plans 2020-2024, a geopolitical approach is illustrated. This can be seen from the proposed acquisition of Rafale fighter aircraft made by Dassault Aviation France as many as 36 units and 24 F-15EXs produced by Boeing in the United States (US). The option to procure weapons from the US is not as much as defense equipment from Europe, but the acquisition is still strategic for Indonesia in maintaining a balance in its relationship with the two Trans Atlantic powers.

The US is one of the sources of procurement of Indonesian weapons related to aerospace products, especially transport aircraft and fighter aircraft. In the Minimum Essential Force (MEF) phase II in 2014-2019, Indonesia spent around US$500 million through the direct commercial sales scheme.using Foreign Loans (PLN) from a syndicate of one of the state-owned banks and financial institutions from France. While in the MEF phase III in 2020-2024, the F-15EX is the main target for Jakarta's weapons acquisition from Washington DC, but the funding scheme is not clear because it is still waiting for the green light from the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas and the Ministry of Finance. The Ministry of Defense proposed the need for PLN worth US$3.3 billion for the purchase of the fighter aircraft originally developed by McDonnel Douglas, but on the other hand, the US has not yet granted an export license for the F-15EX to Indonesia.

Indonesia requires the application of Trade, Local Content and Offset (IDKLO) for every import of major weapons systems. The US is counted as a country that is not easy to provide offsetsto other countries in the matter of arms exports, but it is not an impossibility. As an illustration, PT GMF gets offset the purchase of five C-130J by Indonesia in the form of replacement of eight units of the center wing box C-130 aircraft the Air Force, where seven units of the C-130 will get a center wing box former, while a unit of the rest will get new center wing box supplied by Lockheed Martin partner. Procurement of weapons through the foreign military sales mechanism is usually more difficult to obtain offsets , but it is not mission impossible as evidenced by Indonesia's purchase of 12 F-16A/B Block 15 OCUs in 1986.

However, there is an important note that Indonesia needs to pay attention to regarding this, namely technology security. Since several years ago, Washington DC has encouraged Jakarta to form a work unit responsible for Defense Technology Security (DTS) at the Ministry of Defense level. The push is related to Indonesia's desire to get technology transfer from the US for the KFX/IFX program. The DTS issue has indeed been raised by the US to be one of the concerns in defense cooperation with Indonesia.

In every Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) signed by Indonesia for the acquisition of weapons from Uncle Sam, there is a DTS clause that must be approved by Indonesia as a weapon buyer. For example in the procurement of eight units of AH-64E Apache which contains a lot of sensitive technology. With the increasing potential for weapons purchases from Washington DC, the US encourages Indonesia to have a permanent work unit tasked with protecting US technology provided to Indonesia. The US concern is understandable because since the Cold War era, technological espionage has continued to occur, in addition to the fact that Indonesia also buys weapons from countries that are categorized as US competitors.

The DTS issue is not only at the level of the Ministry of Defense, but also at the level of the defense industry such as PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI). DTS coverage is quite broad, including data storage and network security. Limited implementation of DTS has been implemented by PTDI in the KFX/IFX program where there are restrictions on access to facilities in the Technology Center Building related to the program, but this is not sufficient and optimal. The problem of DTS at the defense industry level must be handled by a separate work unit and it is not appropriate if it is made part of the unit responsible for information technology.

Organizational culture also affects the DTS issue, where the majority of government organizations, state-owned and private companies still have weaknesses in this matter. The Indonesian defense industry still has to learn about DTS and this requires encouragement from the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of SOEs, as well as assistance from interested third parties. The DTS issue should be viewed not only from the political and technological aspects, but also its economic impact on the performance of the national defense industry in the medium and long term.

How big is the awareness of DTS in the Ministry of Defense and defense industry SOEs? The author still doubts the high level of awareness of DTS considering that there are still many parameters related to data and network security that have not been met. This requires major changes if DTS is fully implemented, including changes in human behavior. Investments are also needed to improve data and network security, both using state budget funds and state-owned defense industry funds.

Offsetis a political aspiration to increase the mastery of high technology as well as obtain economic value in the medium and long term from the procurement of weapons. Citing data from Janes, there is an offset opportunity of US$ 18.1 billion in Indonesia during the period 2021-2030 with the largest opportunity coming from the aerospace sector. To seize this opportunity, apart from being determined by the fiscal capacity to support defense spending and the capacity to absorb technology, the factor of the ability to secure the technology transferred as part of the offset needs to be carefully calculated.

It is possible that the US will allow Indonesia to spend US$ 3.3 billion on the acquisition of 24 F-15EXs, but refuse offsetsbecause they are not sure about Jakarta's ability to deal with DTS. The DTS issue is also relevant to the KFX/IFX program which requires US$ 1.5 billion for co-share payments until 2026. Will Indonesia sacrifice US$ 1.5 billion without being rewarded for access to technology because it is reluctant to meet DTS demands from the US and Korea? South? Funds for both programs are likely to be financed by PLN because it is impossible to rely on pure Rupiah funds.


TNI AD Distribusikan 353 unit Kendaraan Dinas

Oleh : Herry Barus | Selasa, 28 September 2021 - 06:00 WIB

INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta – Markas Besar Angkatan Darat (Mabesad) kembali menggelar dan mendistribusikan sejumlah kendaraan dinas kepada satuan jajaran, Senin (27/9). Kendaraan dinas yang dibagikan adalah hasil Pengadaan TNI AD tahun anggaran 2020-2021 dan dukungan SKK Migas, baik kendaraan roda empat maupun roda dua.
Catatan Dispenad, total keseluruhan kendaraan 353 unit, terdiri dari roda empat sebanyak 118 unit dan roda dua sebanyak 235 unit. Adapun rincian jenis kendaraan tersebut meliputi
Transporter Heavy Scania 8 unit,
Kendaraan Dapur Lapangan 20 unit,
Pajero Sport 6 unit,
Ambulans 5 unit,
Tactical Reinforced Vehicle (TRV) 25 unit,
kendaraan Jammer 4 unit,
ILSV J-Forces Armored 4 unit,
kendaraan P6 ATAV 26 unit,
kendaraan penarik Meriam MAZ 8 unit dan kendaraan Tata Daewoo 12 unit,
Sepeda motor Trail Honda CRF 232 unit dan
Sepeda motor BMW Kawal Depan VIP 3 unit.

Pada kesempatan tersebut, Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat (Kasad) Jenderal TNI Andika Perkasa menyampaikan, bahwa TNI AD terus mengupayakan dan memperbaiki kualitas pengadaan atas kendaraan dinas yang didukung dengan teknologi mutakhir dalam rangka mendukung pelaksanaan tugas-tugas TNI AD ke depan agar semakin lebih baik lagi.

Sementara itu, Ketua Komisi I DPR RI, Meutya Viada Hafid menyambut positif dan mengapresiasi atas terealisasinya pengadaan kendaraan dinas TNI AD yang didukung Alutsista dengan teknologi mutakhir. “Bukan saja didukung teknologi paling mutakhir, sekaligus juga desain mutakhir yang dilakukan dengan hati” . Hal ini menjadi sangat sesuai dengan berbagai temuan di lapangan. Dengan demikian melalui pengadaan kendaraan dinas ini, diharapkan dapat memperbaiki kinerja TNI AD di masa mendatang tegas Meutya.
Selain Ketua Komisi I DPR RI, pada kegiatan tersebut juga hadir antara lain Wakil Ketua Komisi I DPR RI Dr. H. Abdul Kharis Almasyahari, M.Si, dan H. Anton Sukartono Suratto, M.Si, serta anggota Komisi I DPR RI Letjen TNI (Purn) Lodewijk F. Paulus, H. Sukamta, Ph.D, Dede Indra Permana, S.H., dan H. Syaifullah Tamliha, S.Pi.MS. Deputi Bid. Bisnis SKK Migas dan para pejabat utama di lingkungan Mabesad, serta perwakilan penerima kendaraan dinas dari Kotama dan Balakpus.


again massive procurement, 353 new vehicles for the army.
from trucks to motorcycles
we aren't in tight money crisis, dont we? cheers :cheers:
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