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Indonesia Defence Forum

Bukan itu beda lagi ini konsultan nya yg ngasih clue agar lgs ke jerman tanpa lewat kontraktor lokal
Bener, soalnya Typhoon Austria sendiri itu manufaktur Jerman, ya jadi lebih baik langsung ke Jerman aja
Entah kenapa jerman dalam penjualan alutsista ke indonesia mereka lebih lunak di banding kan ke negara lain terutama bila di sangkut paut kan masalah HAM burger
Bener, soalnya Typhoon Austria sendiri itu manufaktur Jerman, ya jadi lebih baik langsung ke Jerman aja

Seperti case pengadaan LEO ngincer punya belanda akhirnya beli ke jerman dan jerman tidak mengungkit - ungkit tentang HAM dalam penjualan alutsista mereka
And now she is handle economy issues

View attachment 680427

nope, she is playing agent provocateur. Any issue will do just fine, as long she can keep making noise

What is the right word for an attention whore . Justice champion pretender while always try to leverage and flaunting her self like a peacock do ??

Left winger Politician

For R&R like what Singkies provided is actually quite tempting

Not sharing facilities, but providing services like logistic and other stuff

Providing entertainment also quite lucrative business. And we do have plenty of places for that

Where is this word coming from I wonder? Geezzz the govt need better PR in terms of social media/unconventional media to promote the infrastructure development there.:guns:

Its has been around for a while. Unfortunatly our gov't does seem to reluctant for contracting international PR firm to deal with it. From what I can see so far, our gov't response to the narrative has been pretty shallow & lame, not to mention local based and less technically advance.

Trance 1 itu penawaran nya bundle dgn penawaran airbus lainya dgn iming iming upgrade teknologi ke kinian , dan juga masukan dr "konsultan jerman" sangat di jadikan pertimabangan. Karena masukan terdahulu ttg pembelian leo lgs ke jerman saat kita galau setelah permintaan kita di tolak belanda terbukti ces pleng good deal...nah semoga ajah kali ini juga benar walau banyak kalangan meragukan, juga termasuk saya heheheh..

Kita beruntung ga jadi beli Leo A6 ex Landmacht. Kondisi Leo A6 mereka parah sekali, yang operasional sangat sedikit, sedangkan sisanya ga kerawat, bahkan sukur2x masih bisa nembak atau bahkan mesin nya bisa di start. Walaupun refurbished biaya nya akan lebih tinggi per unit nya dibandingkan Leo A4 ex Heer

Entah kenapa jerman dalam penjualan alutsista ke indonesia mereka lebih lunak di banding kan ke negara lain terutama bila di sangkut paut kan masalah HAM burger

Budaya mereka ga malu mengakui kalau sedang butuh duit / potong biaya operasional.
nope, she is playing agent provocateur. Any issue will do just fine, as long she can keep making noise

Left winger Politician

Providing entertainment also quite lucrative business. And we do have plenty of places for that

Its has been around for a while. Unfortunatly our gov't does seem to reluctant for contracting international PR firm to deal with it. From what I can see so far, our gov't response to the narrative has been pretty shallow & lame, not to mention local based and less technically advance.

Kita beruntung ga jadi beli Leo A6 ex Landmacht. Kondisi Leo A6 mereka parah sekali, yang operasional sangat sedikit, sedangkan sisanya ga kerawat, bahkan sukur2x masih bisa nembak atau bahkan mesin nya bisa di start. Walaupun refurbished biaya nya akan lebih tinggi per unit nya dibandingkan Leo A4 ex Heer

Budaya mereka ga malu mengakui kalau sedang butuh duit / potong biaya operasional.
Betul sekali leo A6 nya belanda kurang terawat sayang sekali

Bila boleh berharap , saya berharap LPD kelas mistral dr prancis french kiss is so lethal lol
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Boots beginian cukup beli dipasar apa harus standar militer lol.

Rule of thumbs, everything in the market which got military SPECS tag on it actually the most cheapo and least used by the mili itself.

You only bought what you need and don't be fooled by advertising.

Looking at the video below, seems armored vehicles like MBT still overwhelmingly useful to rolled on against enemy fortification lines. Indonesia Army armor, artillery and air support still very lacking at this point.

There is no more dreaded sight for any infantry line than to see an armoured column coming your way regardless you have an ATGM or not in your trench/dug out . Yeah , sure those ATGM pack a punch and help . But , it only help to an extend . And against a determined enemy ...?? That doesn't count much .
One piece of question, tactical UCAV with small diameter Missiles like MAM L, Brimstone or Hellfire or smart rockets like TAI CIRIT seems very useful at giving close air support for frontline troops. Thus beg a question, it is if we acquire such capability better they are should be under PENERBAD (and in Marine Corps case PENERBAL) instead of the Air Force?
One piece of question, tactical UCAV with small diameter Missiles like MAM L, Brimstone or Hellfire or smart rockets like TAI CIRIT seems very useful at giving close air support for frontline troops. Thus beg a question, it is if we acquire such capability better they are should be under PENERBAD (and in Marine Corps case PENERBAL) instead of the Air Force?

Air force .... Let the paskhas become the forward base operator.
Looking at the video below, seems armored vehicles like MBT still overwhelmingly useful to rolled on against enemy fortification lines. Indonesia Army armor, artillery and air support still very lacking at this point.
There is no more dreaded sight for any infantry line than to see an armoured column coming your way regardless you have an ATGM or not in your trench/dug out . Yeah , sure those ATGM pack a punch and help . But , it only help to an extend . And against a determined enemy ...?? That doesn't count much .
One piece of question, tactical UCAV with small diameter Missiles like MAM L, Brimstone or Hellfire or smart rockets like TAI CIRIT seems very useful at giving close air support for frontline troops. Thus beg a question, it is if we acquire such capability better they are should be under PENERBAD (and in Marine Corps case PENERBAL) instead of the Air Force?
The problem with the Azeris is that their branches do not communicate much on the battlefield. This lapse in operational interoperability and communication is the reason why they are struggling to make gains in the NK region DESPITE having total air-superiority.

The same logic applies to the TNI, the AD can have the biggest tanks and missiles it wants whilst the Air Force can also have PGM's and 5th gens, but it would only mean that they are going to suffer disproportionate losses if they don't integrate and communicate together.

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