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Indonesia Defence Forum

Could be mica, meteor, hammer too.
Another indication that Rafale win..
We already use MICA. For mateor in Asia there are india, thailand (in future)

Likely this missile is not in another asian countries invetoeries

(His tweet also tricky, didint mention what missile AAM, SAM, AShM or maybe ATGM)


Marksman using HK rifle? (From small magwell like g33, or maybe it is just G3)
Just wonder why army using black vest (one guy using green vest) also are it is must yo have very large name on it?
Maybe the hint is
new family of missile.

For kostrad unit they looks good.

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Dear Pak Prabowo, Buatlah Alustsista Made in RI Sebanyaknya

News - Anisatul Umah, CNBC Indonesia
05 July 2020 13:35



Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Menteri Pertahanan Letnan Jenderal TNI (Purn) Prabowo Subianto mengajukan anggaran sebesar Rp 129,3 triliun di tahun anggaran 2021.

Berdasarkan dokumen Kerangka Ekonomi Makro dan Pokok-Pokok Kebijakan Fiskal Tahun 2021 yang bertajuk Percepatan Pemulihan Ekonomi dan Penguatan Reformasi, seperti dikutip CNBC Indonesia, Minggu (1/7/2020), anggaran ini untuk mencapai target pembangunan di bidang pertahanan.

Dari total anggaran tersebut, anggaran alokasi rupiah murni yang diajukan mencapai Rp 113,1 triliun. Sebagian alokasi ini akan ditujukan untuk penyelesaian proyek/kegiatan yang ditunda/terhambat akibat adanya pandemi Covid-19 di tahun anggaran 2020.

Di dalam dokumen disebutkan beberapa sasaran output strategis Kemenhan pada 2021, salah satunya dukungan pengadaan alat utama sistem senjata TNI (alutsista) sebanyak lima paket.

Lalu, dukungan pengadaan munisi kaliber kecil sebanyak 1 paket, dukungan pengadaan atau penggantian kendaraan tempur sebanyak 12 unit, hingga KRI, KAL, Alpung dan Ranpur/Rantis Matra Laut sebanyak 14 unit.

"Dukungan pengadaan/penggantian pesawat udara dan lainnya sebanyak 4 unit," tulis dokumen tersebut.

Prabowo Ajukan Anggaran Rp 129,3 T di 2021, Sudah Cukup?

Pakar militer dan pertahanan Connie Rahakundini Bakrie mengaku ingin melihat revolusi sistem TNI yang lebih integrasi dulu sebagai Primus Interpares Kemenhan di balik besarnya anggaran itu.

Ia menyebut setelah terintegrasi, prioritas selanjutnya adalah melakukan perawatan dan midlife process pada alutsista yang ada. Setelah itu, Connie mendorong operasionalnya menopang sesuai dengan kemampuan negara, baru setelah itu baru rencana dengan keintegrasian.

"Di sini saya ingin melihat anggaran R&D (penelitian dan pengembangan) harus besar. Saya tidak peduli mau lisensi atau joint production, namun semua alutsista harus memiliki komponen yang dibuat secara lokal," kata Connie kepada CNBC Indonesia, Minggu (5/7/2020).

Connie menegaskan jika platform alutsista (dasar pesawat/kapal/tank) lebih penting untuk prioritas bisa dibuat di dalam negeri. Sementara untuk untuk asesoris atau fitur teknologi bisa sementara beli dan pasang. Teknologi mesin diesel misalnya mutlak harus dikuasai dan produksi, kemudian bisa dipasang di berbagai platform senjata.

"Ini semua dibereskan baru kita bisa mendapatkan belanja pertahanan yang justified dan bisa berkontribusi pada pertahanan dan juga roda ekonomi negara," jelasnya.

CNBC Indonesia sudah berusaha menghubungi Juru Bicara Menteri Pertahanan Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak perihal rencana anggaran Kemenhan di 2021. Namun hingga berita ini ditulis belum ada respons yang diberikan Dahnil.

memiliki komponen yang dibuat secara lokal,"
Maybe this is the key. Just not only assemble a weaponry but also can produce and make component locally. From.this we must have strong basic industry maybe good heavy industry.

They are kostrad? And what kind loreng they used? New loreng and only used by APC crew or also by the infantry?
(Also Adding some loreng cover for the helmet is good imho)
Maybe this is the key. Just not only assemble a weaponry but also can produce and make component locally. From.this we must have strong basic industry maybe good heavy industry.

They are kostrad? And what kind loreng they used? New loreng and only used by APC crew or also by the infantry?
(Also Adding some loreng cover for the helmet is good imho)
Their new BDU, mechanized infantry and airborne infantry doesn't use same BDU :v

The helmet used by linud unit doesn't have mounting for NVG :v
Their new BDU, mechanized infantry and airborne infantry doesn't use same BDU :v

The helmet used by linud unit doesn't have mounting for NVG :v

Thats good old PASGT model actually, not the newer MICH model or FAST Helmet
Their new BDU, mechanized infantry and airborne infantry doesn't use same BDU :v

The helmet used by linud unit doesn't have mounting for NVG :v
Wuoh nambah biaya nambah varian :o:
Hope there is new "nkri" camo or i mean new camo for all branches to replace malvinas.

I want see if there are some picture of loreng linud, loreng yonmek, loteng samar, etc pictured in heavy vegetation side by side to see which one more "blended"
all branches
IDK, the marine corps on the other hand they need their own camo that suit them best.

Thats good old PASGT model actually, not the newer MICH model or FAST Helmet
Kalau ga salah pernah liat anggota tni yang ada patch identifikasi gol. darah, A+ POS. Bener gak ya?
Modernisasinya bukan cuman peralatan personel tapi juga seragam sampai patch gol. darah juga ikut ngopi luar negeri.

see which one more "blended"
Depends on the terrain, which island and what season.
Their PDL loreng look pretty bad during joint exercise with US in Java, and the US camo blended better with the environment. (Its during dry season when the vegetation all dry and turn brownish.
I think the border patrol unit in Papua blend nicely with thick vegetation and lots of trees, looking good all year round.
IDK, the marine corps on the other hand they need their own camo that suit them best.

Kalau ga salah pernah liat anggota tni yang ada patch identifikasi gol. darah, A+ POS. Bener gak ya?
Modernisasinya bukan cuman peralatan personel tapi juga seragam sampai patch gol. darah juga ikut ngopi luar negeri.

Depends on the terrain, which island and what season.
Their PDL loreng look pretty bad during joint exercise with US in Java, and the US camo blended better with the environment. (Its during dry season when the vegetation all dry and turn brownish.
I think the border patrol unit in Papua blend nicely with thick vegetation and lots of trees, looking good all year round.
Maybe this is the key. Just not only assemble a weaponry but also can produce and make component locally. From.this we must have strong basic industry maybe good heavy industry.

There is specialization in any industry. PT Dirgantara Indonesia for instant is not just an assembling company, but like Boeing and Airbus they specialize in making airframe components, assembling, integrating, and also designing. Other components like engine, avionics, and also raw materials should be supplied by other industries. PT Inalum for instant has a plan to make aluminium sheet for airplane. Similar thing happen with PT PAL that the steel for their warship is supplied by PT Krakatau Steel Posco. Engine for ship will be supplied by engine manufacturer.

We need to have many companies that can supply many components and you are right, good heavy industry is one of the needed industry to manufacture some component, and also dont forget the need to have electronics company like PT LEN Industry with capability to supply many electronics component for our defense industry, just like ASELSAN in Turkey case. The plan to make PT Bosma Indra a diesel engine maker is also a good start. As I said many times, we have 13 state owned companies in strategic industries that are mostly built by Habibie that can be useful in this effort.

Some members here have pessimistic feeling about our state owned companies, but with good leadership that companies can be really competitive. Our state owned banks for instant can be big and also profitable in the same time and has dominated our banking system since early 2000 after Robby Johan came to reform them. In China, their biggest 100 companies that enter Fortune 500, 80 % of them are state owned.

Talking about R&D, I had a conversation with my cousin who is a researcher in our gov research agency about this thing (The chance to get huge R&D coming from Defense Ministry). He said it will be good to increase the R&D funding, but government need to have long term vision and thinking about R&D first. The R&D activity is not instant so it needs consistency and patience where the result may only be taken after 10 years according to him. We, for example, can see how inconsistent our government is under Jokowi in KFX/IFX project as the example of that bad mind set.

There is Turkey that can become our example


There is specialization in any industry. PT Dirgantara Indonesia for instant is not just an assembling company, but like Boeing and Airbus they specialize in making airframe components, assembling, integrating, and also designing. Other components like engine, avionics, and also raw materials should be supplied by other industries. PT Inalum for instant has a plan to make aluminium sheet for airplane. Similar thing happen with PT PAL that the steel for their warship is supplied by PT Krakatau Steel Posco. Engine for ship will be supplied by engine manufacturer.

We need to have many companies that can supply many components and you are right, good heavy industry is one of the needed industry to manufacture some component, and also dont forget the need to have electronics company like PT LEN Industry with capability to supply many electronics component for our defense industry, just like ASELSAN in Turkey case. The plan to make PT Bosma Indra a diesel engine maker is also a good start. As I said many times, we have 13 state owned companies in strategic industries that are mostly built by Habibie that can be useful in this effort.

Some members here have pessimistic feeling about our state owned companies, but with good leadership that companies can be really competitive. Our state owned banks for instant can be big and also profitable in the same time and has dominated our banking system since early 2000 after Robby Johan came to reform them. In China, their biggest 100 companies that enter Fortune 500, 80 % of them are state owned.

Talking about R&D, I had a conversation with my cousin who is a researcher in our gov research agency about this thing (The chance to get huge R&D coming from Defense Ministry). He said it will be good to increase the R&D funding, but government need to have long term vision and thinking about R&D first. The R&D activity is not instant so it needs consistency and patience where the result may only be taken after 10 years according to him. We, for example, can see how inconsistent our government is under Jokowi in KFX/IFX project as the example of that bad mind set.

There is Turkey that can become our example


its difficult to do the RnD in Indonesia. the government changes every 5 years, (10 years at the most), and then when the new government is establish, they would have their own program, and it will crush the existing program. we are lucky enough the government continue the MEF plan. but take a look at KFX/IFX, Sub 209 class, even su 35 procurement. even in the same regime, they can easily changed. I mean its okay if the reason is they evaluate some program and stop it because the gain is not worth the cost, or they found better option. but imagine if they change some program for political reason.
There is specialization in any industry. PT Dirgantara Indonesia for instant is not just an assembling company, but like Boeing and Airbus they specialize in making airframe components, assembling, integrating, and also designing. Other components like engine, avionics, and also raw materials should be supplied by other industries. PT Inalum for instant has a plan to make aluminium sheet for airplane. Similar thing happen with PT PAL that the steel for their warship is supplied by PT Krakatau Steel Posco. Engine for ship will be supplied by engine manufacturer.

We need to have many companies that can supply many components and you are right, good heavy industry is one of the needed industry to manufacture some component, and also dont forget the need to have electronics company like PT LEN Industry with capability to supply many electronics component for our defense industry, just like ASELSAN in Turkey case. The plan to make PT Bosma Indra a diesel engine maker is also a good start. As I said many times, we have 13 state owned companies in strategic industries that are mostly built by Habibie that can be useful in this effort.

Some members here have pessimistic feeling about our state owned companies, but with good leadership that companies can be really competitive. Our state owned banks for instant can be big and also profitable in the same time and has dominated our banking system since early 2000 after Robby Johan came to reform them. In China, their biggest 100 companies that enter Fortune 500, 80 % of them are state owned.

Talking about R&D, I had a conversation with my cousin who is a researcher in our gov research agency about this thing (The chance to get huge R&D coming from Defense Ministry). He said it will be good to increase the R&D funding, but government need to have long term vision and thinking about R&D first. The R&D activity is not instant so it needs consistency and patience where the result may only be taken after 10 years according to him. We, for example, can see how inconsistent our government is under Jokowi in KFX/IFX project as the example of that bad mind set.

There is Turkey that can become our example


its difficult to do the RnD in Indonesia. the government changes every 5 years, (10 years at the most), and then when the new government is establish, they would have their own program, and it will crush the existing program. we are lucky enough the government continue the MEF plan. but take a look at KFX/IFX, Sub 209 class, even su 35 procurement. even in the same regime, they can easily changed. I mean its okay if the reason is they evaluate some program and stop it because the gain is not worth the cost, or they found better option. but imagine if they change some program for political reason.
What you need is to stop relying on government run companies and rely on private ones. A private company wouldn't get affected as much by a change in administration since they'd be relying on their own funds or on a stipulated contract with government.
What you need is to stop relying on government run companies and rely on private ones. A private company wouldn't get affected as much by a change in administration since they'd be relying on their own funds or on a stipulated contract with government.

better to formulate what the US government do for their military projects and let the private companies to fighting to grab the contract by offering the best of their proposal.

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