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how many percentage of local content on that engine ?

According to agreement it will be built by stages. I dont know the real detail here. You better ask Bosma official to know about that. But the target in the future of course designing and building our own engine from scratch. It is already a good start by cooperating with Dosan. Not only marine engine that is going to be produced but many kind of engine from Dosan. For Toyota Indonesia Manufacturing it look like 100 % local content and the engine block is also made in here. There is the process of making an engine in TIM if you look at my thread link I posted above.



Toyota Indonesia Manufacturing







At least some people raising the issue on National scale article like Kontan


Jakarta need to be proactive looking at what China doing right now to instigate all sorts of possible conflict against almost of their neighbour is sort of aggresive stance from them. I suggest we do take a precaution notes and arming ourselves aggresively, while do with faster acquisition of critical technology like engines for land vehicles, maintenance of warships system and fighter. This is not a bullshit as Australian do part of five defense arrangement and global eye intelligent network, we must do what we can and show some belligerent up north Indonesia is not a pushover and indecisive pussies.
According to agreement it will be built by stages. I dont know the real detail here. You better ask Bosma official to know about that. But the target in the future of course designing and building our own engine from scratch. It is already a good start by cooperating with Dosan. Not only marine engine that is going to be produced but many kind of engine from Dosan. For Toyota Indonesia Manufacturing it look like 100 % local content and the engine block is also made in here. There is the process of making an engine in TIM if you look at my thread link I posted above.



Toyota Indonesia Manufacturing








PT Boma Bisma Indra was assigned to develop diesel engine for bio diesel, inline with the government program to develop and use bio diesel in the future. The current diesel engine isn't fully compatible to accept bio diesel, from the investigation bio diesel performance at Low Temperature, like cooking oil, the freezing point is higher than petro diesel. Filters that are clogged by frozen bio diesel pose a serious threat during cold temperatures. Therefore we hope the bio diesel engine development will be complete in the near future.
PT Boma Bisma Indra was assigned to develop diesel engine for bio diesel, inline with the government program to develop and use bio diesel in the future. The current diesel engine isn't fully compatible to accept bio diesel, from the investigation bio diesel performance at Low Temperature, like cooking oil, the freezing point is higher than petro diesel. Filters that are clogged by frozen bio diesel pose a serious threat during cold temperatures. Therefore we hope the bio diesel engine development will be complete in the near future.

at current situation there is no incentive to do that. Oil price still not recovered, money is not available on state coffer to fund such research efforts and people is not using that much oil anyway since economy activity not recovered yet
Some are produced here for vehicle and small ships

This one use Indonesian made engine (Toyota Indonesia Manufacturing engine). Toyota Indonesia Manufacturing has 3 engine factories here, 2 uses steel and 1 uses aluminium block


PT Boma Bisma Indra produce marine engine under cooperation/license with Dosan Korea.


Check my thread here:

PERSERO? Another BUMN? Geezzzz, keep doing this and there will no room whatsoever for Private sector defense industry to grow. How hard it is to make a policy that will make private sector willing to invest in developing the engine whether it is own or joint development/partnership with other manufacture. Stepping on the same crappy hole over and over again..... :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

Kasau Kunjungi Simulator Sukhoi Hingga Hanggar Hercules

TNI AU. MAKASSAR, DISPENAU. Kunjungan kerja (kunker) Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara Marsekal TNI Fadjar Prasetyo, S.E., M.P.P. di Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin, Makassar, diisi dengan meninjau proyek pembangunan simulator pesawat tempur Sukhoi di Skadron Udara 11, armada pesawat Boeing intai strategis di Skadron Udara 5, dan pembangunan hanggar Hercules di Skadron Udara 33, Rabu (1/7/2020).

Pembangunan fasilitas simulator pesawat Sukhoi di Makassar diharapkan Kasau mampu meningkatkan kemampuan dan profesionalisme para penerbang Skadron Udara 11 karena pelatihan dapat dilakukan di dalam negeri yang sebelumnya selalu dilaksanakan di negara lain.

“Simulator ini buatan Rusia dan total yang akan kita miliki ada 10 unit, terdiri dari 8 unit FTD (Flight Training Device) dan 2 unit FMS (Full Mission Simulator) sehingga saya berharap fasilitas ini dapat lebih meningkatkan kemampuan para penerbang tempur kita,” ujar Kasau.

Pada kunjungannya ke Skadron Udara 5 dan 33, Kasau menyampaikan terima kasih kepada seluruh personel yang telah melaksanakan tugas dengan baik dengan kondisi sarana dan prasarana yang belum sepenuhnya ideal. Hingga saat ini, pembangunan hanggar Skadron Udara 33 masih terus berlangsung dan untuk sementara menempati salah satu bangunan yang terdapat di Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar.

Baca juga: Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma Adakan Do’a Bersama
Kasau berpesan untuk tetap semangat dalam menjalankan tugas di tengah kondisi keterbatasan. “Meskipun saat ini sarana, prasarana, dan personel masih minim, namun jangan menyurutkan tekad dan semangat kalian untuk memberikan yang terbaik bagi bangsa dan negara,” tegas Kasau.

Kedatangan Kasau beserta rombongan disambut Komandan Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin Marsma TNI H. Haris Haryanto, S.I.P., dan pasukan jajar kehormatan. Pangkoopsau II, Kaskoopsau II, Pangkosekhanudnas II, beserta para pejabat Koopsau II dan Kosekhanudnas II turut menyambut kunnjungan kerja Kasau di Makassar.

Turut hadir mendampingi Kasau, Asrena Kasau, Aslog Kasau, Pangkohanudnas, Danpuspomau, Kadisopslatau, Kadiswatpersau, dan Kasubdisfasdukbang Diskonsau.





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PERSERO? Another BUMN? Geezzzz, keep doing this and there will no room whatsoever for Private sector defense industry to grow. How hard it is to make a policy that will make private sector willing to invest in developing the engine whether it is own or joint development/partnership with other manufacture. Stepping on the same crappy hole over and over again..... :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
Nope, just PT "Perseroan Terbatas"
@Indos, brother do you have the time to summerise some of the most interesting indigenous projects currently under development in Indonesia?
@Indos, brother do you have the time to summerise some of the most interesting indigenous projects currently under development in Indonesia?

You can find from this thread


Tag me there if you have any question about Indonesia defense industry, that thread is made to specifically focus on Indonesia strategic industries that include defense industries. For Aerospace is in the Indonesia Aerospace Forum.
Izumi class recently being converted into an Aircraft carrier to accomodate F35B fighter. This Will be first Aircraft carrier of Japan after WW II.

To date actually Japan got several flat top platform, two Izumo class, two Hyuga class and three Osumi class with Izumo class Will served as dedicated aircraft carrier

Indonesia should looking at possibility to acquire such capability and thats Will increase the covering air defense radius area of the fleets. Means more flexible tactics we can adopt in any eventualities. Don't give me bullshit with reason we got many small island to serve as forward operating base, you should know it Will be cost prohibitive to maintain logistic operation to Made them as FOB and should we consider which Islands we need to base our forces from?

From logistic point of view to maintain a fleet of carrier arms such as Izumo class Will be more efficient compared to put an isolated Islands as FOB for Air Force units, such maintain the troops, carry logistic units for maintaining the platform, bringing electricity and fuel consumption not to mention money to fund fleets (either Ferry cargo ship or LST ) to do routine embark to resupply the units all must be calculated.
Izumi class recently being converted into an Aircraft carrier to accomodate F35B fighter. This Will be first Aircraft carrier of Japan after WW II.

To date actually Japan got several flat top platform, two Izumo class, two Hyuga class and three Osumi class with Izumo class Will served as dedicated aircraft carrier

Indonesia should looking at possibility to acquire such capability and thats Will increase the covering air defense radius area of the fleets. Means more flexible tactics we can adopt in any eventualities. Don't give me bullshit with reason we got many small island to serve as forward operating base, you should know it Will be cost prohibitive to maintain logistic operation to Made them as FOB and should we consider which Islands we need to base our forces from?

From logistic point of view to maintain a fleet of carrier arms such as Izumo class Will be more efficient compared to put an isolated Islands as FOB for Air Force units, such maintain the troops, carry logistic units for maintaining the platform, bringing electricity and fuel consumption not to mention money to fund fleets (either Ferry cargo ship or LST ) to do routine embark to resupply the units all must be calculated.
but is it really necessary though ? we've already got a few strategic air bases in very startegic location to cover all of our front lines. Natuna, Saumlaki, Manado, Kupang, Biak and Aceh, having airbases in these cities would provide us the cover we need.

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