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Indonesia Defence Forum

For OPV's project i still hope it's tesco design that win.
The design is really good and it even have VLS on it.
so the latest procurement news is

1. 24 F16 V
2. 8 Apache AH 64 E
3. 8 Utility Naval Helicopter
4. 8 Attack Naval Helicopter
5. 2 Itver Huitveld class variant Frigate
6. 2 Martadinata Class Frigate
7. Batch of C 130 J Super Hercules
8. 2 local made OPV/Corvettes
9. Heavy Lift Helicopter for the Army
10. Heavy Lift Helicopter for the Air Force
11. Utility Helicopter for the Army
12. Utility Helicopter for the Air Force
13. Training Helicopter for the Navy
14. Training Helicopter for the Air Force
15. Next batch of Astros MLRS
16. Next batch of RM 70 Vampire MLRS
17. Grant of Scan Eagle UAV from United States
18. Batch of Elang Hitam domestic UAV
19. 2 Ocean Going Hydrographic surveillance vessels
20. Batch of 2 more KCR 60 (7th and 8th Ship)
21. 54 Amphib Transporter for the Marines Corps
22. 10 Amphibious Recce/armed Vehicles for the Marines Corps
23. ATGM for the Army
24. Next batch of Kaplan Medium Tank
25. Next batch of Komodo Recce/command vehicles
26. Next batch of Anoa APC for mechanized infantry brigades

any more not included in the list?
What about Pandur FSV?
so the latest procurement news is

1. 24 F16 V
2. 8 Apache AH 64 E
3. 8 Utility Naval Helicopter
4. 8 Attack Naval Helicopter
5. 2 Itver Huitveld class variant Frigate
6. 2 Martadinata Class Frigate
7. Batch of C 130 J Super Hercules
8. 2 local made OPV/Corvettes
9. Heavy Lift Helicopter for the Army
10. Heavy Lift Helicopter for the Air Force
11. Utility Helicopter for the Army
12. Utility Helicopter for the Air Force
13. Training Helicopter for the Navy
14. Training Helicopter for the Air Force
15. Next batch of Astros MLRS
16. Next batch of RM 70 Vampire MLRS
17. Grant of Scan Eagle UAV from United States
18. Batch of Elang Hitam domestic UAV
19. 2 Ocean Going Hydrographic surveillance vessels
20. Batch of 2 more KCR 60 (7th and 8th Ship)
21. 54 Amphib Transporter for the Marines Corps
22. 10 Amphibious Recce/armed Vehicles for the Marines Corps
23. ATGM for the Army
24. Next batch of Kaplan Medium Tank
25. Next batch of Komodo Recce/command vehicles
26. Next batch of Anoa APC for mechanized infantry brigades

any more not included in the list?
Kaplan isn't on the next MEF IIRC.
so the latest procurement news is

1. 24 F16 V
2. 8 Apache AH 64 E
3. 8 Utility Naval Helicopter
4. 8 Attack Naval Helicopter
5. 2 Itver Huitveld class variant Frigate
6. 2 Martadinata Class Frigate
7. Batch of C 130 J Super Hercules
8. 2 local made OPV/Corvettes
9. Heavy Lift Helicopter for the Army
10. Heavy Lift Helicopter for the Air Force
11. Utility Helicopter for the Army
12. Utility Helicopter for the Air Force
13. Training Helicopter for the Navy
14. Training Helicopter for the Air Force
15. Next batch of Astros MLRS
16. Next batch of RM 70 Vampire MLRS
17. Grant of Scan Eagle UAV from United States
18. Batch of Elang Hitam domestic UAV
19. 2 Ocean Going Hydrographic surveillance vessels
20. Batch of 2 more KCR 60 (7th and 8th Ship)
21. 54 Amphib Transporter for the Marines Corps
22. 10 Amphibious Recce/armed Vehicles for the Marines Corps
23. ATGM for the Army
24. Next batch of Kaplan Medium Tank
25. Next batch of Komodo Recce/command vehicles
26. Next batch of Anoa APC for mechanized infantry brigades

any more not included in the list?
Well don't hold breathe for this kind of list. We can't even afford to pay DP for C-130J.

Also for Viper, the need is not in the line with the budget.
Expect to get less than 10 units. Even that, it is almost 1 billion dollars. Sooo yeah...forget those in renbangkuat list for now.
Just got two warning from mod for against Chinese clown, accused me for personal attack meanwhile Chinese stooges here can freely attack other member and insult their mother without rein
South Korea had placed order worth of .56 Billion US Dollar for 20 T/A 50 Golden Eagle, means if we Pursue number of light fighter ground attack aircraft to replace Hawk this can be the candidate.
We're getting a couple of MRTT that's for sure and indeed we're on the path as F-35 operator though recent article on indomiliter about F/A-18 Block III Super Hornet seems interesting

Yea, that F/A-18 Block III Super Hornet with CFT is promising. That CFT surely extend the range, tho it might not be close to Sukhoi but it clearly give hornet a chance to challange/gradually replace Sukhoi existance in a future. That if we drop out of KFX deal.

Btw whats going on with our third Nagapasa class? We seem to have somes hort of problems commisioning this latest sub.
Yea, that F/A-18 Block III Super Hornet with CFT is promising. That CFT surely extend the range, tho it might not be close to Sukhoi but it clearly give hornet a chance to challange/gradually replace Sukhoi existance in a future. That if we drop out of KFX deal.

Btw whats going on with our third Nagapasa class? We seem to have somes hort of problems commisioning this latest sub.
maybe due to covid , aren't the previous problem that found on nagapasa already sorted out on alugoro ?
Just got two warning from mod for against Chinese clown, accused me for personal attack meanwhile Chinese stooges here can freely attack other member and insult their mother without rein
You know lah.. iron brotherhood.. ud beberapa yg gw laporin karena ngehina kita n agama.. ga ada tanggapan dr modnya
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As Prabowo visits Russia again, little headway on Sukhoi

Marchio Irfan Gorbiano
The Jakarta Post


Jakarta / Wed, July 1, 2020 / 09:15 am


t your command: Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto salutes journalists before his first working meeting as minister with members of House of Representatives Commission I, which oversees defense, foreign affairs, information and intelligence, at the House complex in Senayan, Central Jakarta.(JP/Dhoni Setiawan)

Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto’s recent visit to Russia to attend the Victory Day military parade highlighted the depth of cooperation in the defense sector between the two countries despite the absence of progress in Indonesia’s plan to procure Russian Sukhoi jet fighters, defense analysts have said.

Last week, Prabowo jetted off to Moscow to join the celebration of the 75th anniversary of Victory Day, during which he also held talks with Russian Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin.

Prabowo's latest visit to Moscow was the second in less than six months, after a trip on Jan. 28, when he met with Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu.

Defense analysts said Prabowo's latest visit to Moscow is the culmination of a two-year campaign from the Indonesian Defense Ministry to offer a strategic partnership in the defense industry between the two countries, an overture that has been welcomed by the Russian government, which gradually opened itself to such an idea with the 2019 Military Technical Cooperation (MTC) meeting.

Analyst Curie Maharani Savitri of BINUS University said Prabowo's latest visit marked the changing nature of the two countries’ defense partnership, which dated back to 2003.

“Indonesia has been invested in bilateral relations with Russia since the days of president Megawati Soekarnoputri in 2003,” Curie said. “The [relationship is] evolving, from the initial role of Indonesia as a buyer of [Russia’s] primary weapons system; now Russia has opened itself to the prospect of [defense] industry cooperation [with Indonesia].”

Russia’s pivot in the defense partnership with Indonesia was part of a bigger plan to improve its ties with countries in the Southeast Asia region, which have been seen so far only as consumers of its primary weapons system, Curie said.

In a statement released following his January meeting with Prabowo, Defense Minister Shoygu considered Indonesia a key partner in the region.

“We consider Indonesia as one of the most important partners of Russia in the Asia-Pacific region. Cooperation with Indonesia is traditionally based on friendship and mutual trust. We note that there are prerequisites for bringing bilateral ties to the level of a strategic partnership,” Shoygu said in a statement released by the Russian Defense Ministry. In the statement, Shoygu expressed hope that a declaration on the strategic partnership could be signed between the two countries this year.

Despite the warming of the ties, questions remain over progress in the US$1.14 billion deal signed in 2018 for Indonesia’s purchase of 11 Sukhoi Su-35 jet fighters from Russia as part of the former’s defense sector modernization.

A number of factors, including budget refocusing to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic as well as uncertainty over the United States’ reaction to such a purchase, are possible stumbling blocks in finalizing the Sukhoi deal.

The Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA), passed in the US in 2017, stipulates economic punishments for its partners that conduct business with Russia.

“There is not yet any clarity on whether Indonesia will get a [CAATSA] waiver, whether Defense Minister [Prabowo] has lobbied [the US] or will wait until after the upcoming US election,” Curie said.

The idea of a CAATSA waiver has been floated since 2018, when then-US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said such a provision would allow US partners to have a closer partnership with the superpower and help them transition away from their dependency on Russia in terms of military weapons procurement.

Defense analyst Dewi Fortuna Anwar of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), meanwhile, said Prabowo’s recent visit to Moscow highlighted Indonesia’s aim to diversify its sources of weaponry to reduce its dependency on a single manufacturer.

Dewi said Indonesia paid a heavy price when the US imposed an arms embargo on Indonesia in 1999.

“Following the military embargo from the US after the post-referendum violence in East Timor, the government's new commitment was to diversify its [sources] of primary weaponry system procurement,” said Dewi.

Defense Ministry spokesman Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak, meanwhile, said Prabowo had been invited by his Russian counterpart to discuss defense ties between the two countries.

“In the meeting, Defense Minister [Prabowo] and the Russian defense minister touched on issues of defense partnership, particularly military education, joint training and the development of defense industry cooperation,” Dahnil told The Jakarta Post late last week.

During his visit, Prabowo also joined the Victory Day parade commemorating the Soviet Union’s triumph in the Second World War. He also met with Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe while attending the parade, with pictures of the two men uploaded to the Defense Ministry’s Twitter handle @Kemhan_RI on June 24.

I got this pic from my friend and (likely) stated that TNI will procure AASM Hammer, the problem is we don't have any platform to use hammer. F-16, Sukhoi orcor TA-50 isn't compatible this weaponry. Dassault fighter family was compatible.
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So how we acquire french made munition but didnt have french aircraft?

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As Prabowo visits Russia again, little headway on Sukhoi

Marchio Irfan Gorbiano
The Jakarta Post


Jakarta / Wed, July 1, 2020 / 09:15 am


t your command: Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto salutes journalists before his first working meeting as minister with members of House of Representatives Commission I, which oversees defense, foreign affairs, information and intelligence, at the House complex in Senayan, Central Jakarta.(JP/Dhoni Setiawan)

Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto’s recent visit to Russia to attend the Victory Day military parade highlighted the depth of cooperation in the defense sector between the two countries despite the absence of progress in Indonesia’s plan to procure Russian Sukhoi jet fighters, defense analysts have said.

Last week, Prabowo jetted off to Moscow to join the celebration of the 75th anniversary of Victory Day, during which he also held talks with Russian Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin.

Prabowo's latest visit to Moscow was the second in less than six months, after a trip on Jan. 28, when he met with Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu.

Defense analysts said Prabowo's latest visit to Moscow is the culmination of a two-year campaign from the Indonesian Defense Ministry to offer a strategic partnership in the defense industry between the two countries, an overture that has been welcomed by the Russian government, which gradually opened itself to such an idea with the 2019 Military Technical Cooperation (MTC) meeting.

Analyst Curie Maharani Savitri of BINUS University said Prabowo's latest visit marked the changing nature of the two countries’ defense partnership, which dated back to 2003.

“Indonesia has been invested in bilateral relations with Russia since the days of president Megawati Soekarnoputri in 2003,” Curie said. “The [relationship is] evolving, from the initial role of Indonesia as a buyer of [Russia’s] primary weapons system; now Russia has opened itself to the prospect of [defense] industry cooperation [with Indonesia].”

Russia’s pivot in the defense partnership with Indonesia was part of a bigger plan to improve its ties with countries in the Southeast Asia region, which have been seen so far only as consumers of its primary weapons system, Curie said.

In a statement released following his January meeting with Prabowo, Defense Minister Shoygu considered Indonesia a key partner in the region.

“We consider Indonesia as one of the most important partners of Russia in the Asia-Pacific region. Cooperation with Indonesia is traditionally based on friendship and mutual trust. We note that there are prerequisites for bringing bilateral ties to the level of a strategic partnership,” Shoygu said in a statement released by the Russian Defense Ministry. In the statement, Shoygu expressed hope that a declaration on the strategic partnership could be signed between the two countries this year.

Despite the warming of the ties, questions remain over progress in the US$1.14 billion deal signed in 2018 for Indonesia’s purchase of 11 Sukhoi Su-35 jet fighters from Russia as part of the former’s defense sector modernization.

A number of factors, including budget refocusing to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic as well as uncertainty over the United States’ reaction to such a purchase, are possible stumbling blocks in finalizing the Sukhoi deal.

The Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA), passed in the US in 2017, stipulates economic punishments for its partners that conduct business with Russia.

“There is not yet any clarity on whether Indonesia will get a [CAATSA] waiver, whether Defense Minister [Prabowo] has lobbied [the US] or will wait until after the upcoming US election,” Curie said.

The idea of a CAATSA waiver has been floated since 2018, when then-US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said such a provision would allow US partners to have a closer partnership with the superpower and help them transition away from their dependency on Russia in terms of military weapons procurement.

Defense analyst Dewi Fortuna Anwar of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), meanwhile, said Prabowo’s recent visit to Moscow highlighted Indonesia’s aim to diversify its sources of weaponry to reduce its dependency on a single manufacturer.

Dewi said Indonesia paid a heavy price when the US imposed an arms embargo on Indonesia in 1999.

“Following the military embargo from the US after the post-referendum violence in East Timor, the government's new commitment was to diversify its [sources] of primary weaponry system procurement,” said Dewi.

Defense Ministry spokesman Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak, meanwhile, said Prabowo had been invited by his Russian counterpart to discuss defense ties between the two countries.

“In the meeting, Defense Minister [Prabowo] and the Russian defense minister touched on issues of defense partnership, particularly military education, joint training and the development of defense industry cooperation,” Dahnil told The Jakarta Post late last week.

During his visit, Prabowo also joined the Victory Day parade commemorating the Soviet Union’s triumph in the Second World War. He also met with Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe while attending the parade, with pictures of the two men uploaded to the Defense Ministry’s Twitter handle @Kemhan_RI on June 24.

I got this pic from my friend and (likely) stated that TNI will procure AASM Hammer, the problem is we don't have any platform to use hammer. F-16, Sukhoi family and TA-50 isn't compatible with this weaponry. Dassault fighter family was compatible.
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still favor the F-18 or F-15EX , but if it was the french girl that was choosen , i still welcomed them .
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