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Indonesia Defence Forum



Lol, and someone suggest for Indonesian Navy to have more KCR and spread it out in many local small Naval bases, not considering the disaster of problems among logistic units in Indonesian Navy is utterly horrid to begin with. That's why the propose to simplify the Naval bases, and to let the major combatant assets to spread it out among big Naval bases (namely three or four Naval Bases class A) from three Armadas Head quarter is to mitigate such problems. Not considering the effort to build proper logistic warehouses and technical depot for high end equipment's and maintenance of sophisticated system like AShM, Torpedoes, CMS, Fire Control System, Engines, boiler units and so on so far can only being done at Surabaya and Jakarta. Thus to made it simple why not to build big ships ocean going fleets Navy, and to have them based on major Naval Bases like Makassar, Jakarta, Surabaya and (in near future Natuna) and only use forward operation Naval bases for further operation if needed. Not to mention the crew needed so far can only be sourced and raised from major Naval bases like in Jakarta and Surabaya.
Lol, and someone suggest for Indonesian Navy to have more KCR and spread it out in many local small Naval bases, not considering the disaster of problems among logistic units in Indonesian Navy is utterly horrid to begin with. That's why the propose to simplify the Naval bases, and to let the major combatant assets to spread it out among big Naval bases (namely three or four Naval Bases class A) from three Armadas Head quarter is to mitigate such problems. Not considering the effort to build proper logistic warehouses and technical depot for high end equipment's and maintenance of sophisticated system like AShM, Torpedoes, CMS, Fire Control System, Engines, boiler units and so on so far can only being done at Surabaya and Jakarta. Thus to made it simple why not to build big ships ocean going fleets Navy, and to have them based on major Naval Bases like Makassar, Jakarta, Surabaya and (in near future Natuna) and only use forward operation Naval bases for further operation if needed. Not to mention the crew needed so far can only be sourced and raised from major Naval bases like in Jakarta and Surabaya.
KCR should be in satkat Koarmatim only. For patrol in remote areas and remote naval bases, PC40s and Kal 28M is enough for the job.
In the long run we must find a way to revitalize the Navy by strengtheing the Coast guard and let them do the patrols instead of the Navy.
Our Navy should be for one purpose only, Military and HADR operations.
Lol, and someone suggest for Indonesian Navy to have more KCR and spread it out in many local small Naval bases, not considering the disaster of problems among logistic units in Indonesian Navy is utterly horrid to begin with. That's why the propose to simplify the Naval bases, and to let the major combatant assets to spread it out among big Naval bases (namely three or four Naval Bases class A) from three Armadas Head quarter is to mitigate such problems. Not considering the effort to build proper logistic warehouses and technical depot for high end equipment's and maintenance of sophisticated system like AShM, Torpedoes, CMS, Fire Control System, Engines, boiler units and so on so far can only being done at Surabaya and Jakarta. Thus to made it simple why not to build big ships ocean going fleets Navy, and to have them based on major Naval Bases like Makassar, Jakarta, Surabaya and (in near future Natuna) and only use forward operation Naval bases for further operation if needed. Not to mention the crew needed so far can only be sourced and raised from major Naval bases like in Jakarta and Surabaya.
I think the biggest argument in support of Nike's argument that KCR's are inherently obsolete in today's world is due to the fact that's it's really easy to track ship movements through satellites now. It's a big reason why Singapore ditched the Missile Boat idea in the late 2000's as hit and runs tactics have become inherently useless when you can track ships as small as a trawler with a military satellite.
KCR should be in satkat Koarmatim only. For patrol in remote areas and remote naval bases, PC40s and Kal 28M is enough for the job.
In the long run we must find a way to revitalize the Navy by strengtheing the Coast guard and let them do the patrols instead of the Navy.
Our Navy should be for one purpose only, Military and HADR operations.

Actually there is no need for Missiles armed KCR to be deployed on forward operation area (as Indonesia forward area is actually directly facing to major open seas like South China Sea, Arafura Sea, Java Sea , Pacifik ocean and Indian ocean), thus with the inherent Nature of KCR is quite useless to patroling such open seas far away from our shores. Thus some higher Brass realized such problem and proposed simplify ocean going capable patrol vessels like OPV, and our remote Naval bases Will served as fuel depot and crew R&R facility nothing more and they will be departed from major bases.
Indonesia increases defense budget to $10.6 billion despite coronavirus pandemic: https://www.globaldefensecorp.com/2...to-10-6-billion-despite-coronavirus-pandemic/
wow 1 billion leap .

I think the biggest argument in support of Nike's argument that KCR's are inherently obsolete in today's world is due to the fact that's it's really easy to track ship movements through satellites now. It's a big reason why Singapore ditched the Missile Boat idea in the late 2000's as hit and runs tactics have become inherently useless when you can track ships as small as a trawler with a military satellite.
They were meant for element of surprise attack due to its small silhouette , if indonesia wanted the true element of surprise , sub launched anti ship missile is much more fit for the job .
wow 1 billion leap .

They were meant for element of surprise attack due to its small silhouette , if indonesia wanted the true element of surprise , sub launched anti ship missile is much more fit for the job .

There is not much surprise can be offered by our not so fast Missiles boats, they only served as mobile platform for our AShM Arsenal kinda like floating truck Missiles launcher.
Take it or leave it?
Judulnya ngebet banget. Tapi Daniel (dan prabowo) kayanya ogah-ogahan bahasnya..
Dahnil is talking bout geopolitical interest, I wonder what can Russia offer us in terms of geopolitics
Take it or leave it?
Judulnya ngebet banget. Tapi Daniel (dan prabowo) kayanya ogah-ogahan bahasnya..
there's 3 things that Mr. Dahnil pointed out when he was asked about Sukhoi. 1. Geopolitics, 2. Operational Cost, 3. Sparepart availability. its a clear sign that they are reluctant in continuing the SU 35 procurement.
There is not much surprise can be offered by our not so fast Missiles boats, they only served as mobile platform for our AShM Arsenal kinda like floating truck Missiles launcher.
At this point, it's better to just yank the Exocet's off the KCR's and place them in newly built Martadinatas. They are inherently useless in anything beyond a patrol role. If anything we should refit the Martadinatas with ASROC's and place them in the Anti-Sub role and have the incoming Iver's in the OTH AAW role. Future Diponogoros should be placed in the ASuW role.
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