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Indonesia Defence Forum

BRAVO to KAI ...It looks and confirm that South Korea can complete its KFX project with or without participation of Indonesia ..:-)

Correct, Korea has capacity to complete it alone now. Indonesia itself is strong in design. This is one of the reasons why South Korea pick Indonesia as partner. KFX in light design for example relied heavily from Indonesian engineer as no South Korean that has expertise on that design work. But as design work has been completed and now move to manufacturing phase and testing, South Korea can do it alone if Indonesia abandon the project. But despite that, as I have said to you in previous conversation, continue or not, Indonesia still got valuable experience in developing a fighter jet. This experience can be used to develop Indonesian own STEALTH fighter program in the future. Once we got more ambitious leader, we have capability to start our own fighter program.

Indonesia develop fighter jet when Korea delay KFX/IFX program in 2014 to wait for Korea parliament to back up the project.


Renegotiation is still happening and we dont know for sure what is the result of it. But of course South Korea is not stupid, they know Indonesia is projected by IMF to have 1.8 trillion- 2 trillion GDP during 2026-2030 period and our Minimal Essential Force plan has already shown that we have ambitious plan for our Air Force. Indonesia, if it keeps inside the program, has possibility not only to buy 50 IFX as promise but also more than 100 as our GDP in 2034 is projected to be similar like India 2020 GDP (projection before Covid19). And we know how much India spend on defense last year despite it has 1.4 billion to feed.
Correct, Korea has capacity to complete it alone now. Indonesia itself is strong in design. This is one of the reasons why South Korea pick Indonesia as partner. KFX in light design for example relied heavily from Indonesian engineer as no South Korean that has expertise on that design work. But as design work has been completed and now move to manufacturing phase and testing, South Korea can do it alone if Indonesia abandon the project. But despite that, as I have said to you in previous conversation, continue or not, Indonesia still got valuable experience in developing a fighter jet. This experience can be used to develop Indonesian own STEALTH fighter program in the future. Once we got more ambitious leader, we have capability to start our own fighter program.

Indonesia develop fighter jet when Korea delay KFX/IFX program in 2014 to wait for Korea parliament to back up the project.


Renegotiation is still happening and we dont know for sure what is the result of it. But of course South Korea is not stupid, they know Indonesia is projected by IMF to have 1.8 trillion- 2 trillion GDP during 2026-2030 period and our Minimal Essential Force plan has already shown that we have ambitious plan for our Air Force. Indonesia, if it keeps inside the program, has possibility not only to buy 50 IFX as promise but also more than 100 as our GDP in 2034 is projected to be similar like India 2020 GDP (projection before Covid19). And we know how much India spend on defense last year despite it has 1.4 billion to feed.
quite an obstacle ...
quite an obstacle ...

You know, politician when they managing a large state budget one of the most profitable field for them is in defense sector. Even in developed country such tendency is still obvious
The orders fall over at Terma

By Henrik Eilers Tip the editorial about a story
June 4, 2020 9:50 AM

Photo / Terma.

The East Jutland company has just published its accounts for 2019/2020.

Also read: Terma has lost millions in Polish trial

Revenue increased by 6%. to $ 1.917 billion and thus approaching the milestone of DKK 2 billion. At the same time, profit before tax increased by DKK 15 million. DKK 110 million to DKK 110 million. kr.

In addition, Terma welcomed a "very satisfactory order intake" of DKK 2,842 billion. The total order book thus rose by a small billion to DKK 3,222 billion. kr.

- During the financial year, we secured several significant contracts. Among other things, we have signed a 10-year support, maintenance and development contract with the Ministry of Defense's Material and Purchasing Service, and we have had a breakthrough in the Canadian market with radar systems for their coastguard. We have secured several large contracts with the US Air Force on self-protection and advanced pylons, and we expect further inflow of orders by the US Air Force this year. It confirms that the United States remains Terma's most important market, but both Europe and the Far East have also developed positively. We are thus preparing to open an office in Indonesia later this year, says CEO Jes Munk Hansen.

More employees in Grenaa
Also for the US F-35 program, Terma has been awarded new contracts for the production of structural parts and electronics. This has meant increased busyness at the Lystrup and Grenaa factories.

- Our dedicated commitment to the F-35 program today represents a significant part of Terma's overall business, and we are gaining high recognition from customers and F-35 program management for our ability to deliver in a timely and high quality, says Jes Munk Hansen , and continues:

- Here in the spring of 2020 we rounded up 500 employees in Grenaa, and as the program reaches full-rate production with up to 190 aircraft per year over the next few years, we will further increase employment at the Grenaa plant.
LEN need domestic competitor

I think .. This is not only about money ..but about your "commitment" + your "future business vision, mentality and priority" under Jokowi administration......
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Sementara untuk elemen radar Terma Hensoldt terdiri dari Hensoldt fixed array TRS-4D, Hensoldt MSSR 2000 I, Terma SC 4603 dan Terma navigation radar. Masih dari sumber yang sama, dikatakan kombinasi radar tersebut sudah cukup untuk memandu rudal hanud yang kemungkinan besar merupakan kombinasi dari Mica dan Aster, yang semuanya dari MBDA. Jumlah sel peluncur vertikal asli frigat ini adalah 8×4 unit ditambah 2×12 unit, total 56 unit sel. Jumlah frigat Iver Huifeldt Class yang akan diakuisisi adalah dua unit menggunakan anggaran MEF ke-3 periode 2014-2019.

How about youre maharaja lela..
according to my malaysian source in IG , they will delay it for very long time until the point of contract termination , pay what boustead worth for , and take the ship out from boustead , and seek other experienced shipyard to completed it or fix the damage done due to construction flaw (possibly by another tender) , he also told me their govt also had an option for seeking arbitration .
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="NEKONEKO, post: 12408363, member: 171020"]. Jumlah sel peluncur vertikal asli frigat ini adalah 8×4 unit ditambah 2×12 unit, total 56 unit sel.
Indomiliter is just referring to the Danish spec. Ours will not be nearly heavily armed:(
I'm still curious as to what VLS they're going to have on the Ivers. From what I got from other formil's, they're most likely going to be armed with MICA and possibly Aster like what the Indomiliter article said, but for the VLS I still have no info, some say Mk.41 (which has growth potential for ASTER) but some also say along the lines of the Sylver A43 or even A50 (which is Aster-30 capable). Anyone got any info?
If it's for the best bang for the buck go for the MK41 + ESSM's. But you know lah gimana disini kalau mau urusan mulus.
If it's for the best bang for the buck go for the MK41 + ESSM's. But you know lah gimana disini kalau mau urusan mulus.

Personally I want ESSM + SM-2, since that choice would also be less corrupt due to FMS. But EU firms have lots of influence and lobbying here.

But personally I don't mind a MICA + Aster combination especially when it has Aster 30. VL MICA for going against sea skimmers that the TRS-4D can detect at shorter range up to radar horizon and the Aster for larger and further targets like fighters.
Personally I want ESSM + SM-2, since that choice would also be less corrupt due to FMS. But EU firms have lots of influence and lobbying here.

But personally I don't mind a MICA + Aster combination especially when it has Aster 30. VL MICA for going against sea skimmers that the TRS-4D can detect at shorter range up to radar horizon and the Aster for larger and further targets like fighters.
An 8 cell MK41 vls onboard a Thai Navy Bhumibol class could carry the same number of ESSM missiles as two 16 cell Bung tomo class Corvette. Just think about it for a second. It's cheaper ,much more common and ESSM's have longer range than MICA or ASTER 15s.
according to my malaysian source in IG , they will delay it for very long time until the point of contract termination , pay what boustead worth for , and take the ship out from boustead , and seek other experienced shipyard to completed it or fix the damage done due to construction flaw (possibly by another tender) , he also told me their govt also had an option for seeking arbitration .
Maybe we can buy that ship just like we buy from brunai
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