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Indonesia Defence Forum

From kompas :
3 confirmed dead
5 are treated in nearest hospital
1 was treated and transfered to penerbad clinic / hospital
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un. Condolences to the fallen and the family they leave behind
The army using mi 17 like there is no tomorrow, no helping at all when the number of unit is low to begin with. They need more workhorse
The army using mi 17 like there is no tomorrow, no helping at all when the number of unit is low to begin with. They need more workhorse
The right solution is more Mi17 then, not replace them with another type like chinook?
(Chinook is expensive, I don't think we could operate many of them)
Is it even possible to get more Mi17 right now?
Because, you know..., caatsa...
RIP..Inna lillahi wa Inna Ilayhi Rojiun
Dead 4
Wounded 4 + 1 with minor injury..
Mostly because wounded by burn and broken bones
Capt (cpn) kadek (md)
Capt (cpn) fredi (md)
Capt (cpn) y hendro (md)
Lettu (cpn) wisnu (md)
Lettu (cpn) vira yudha (luka bakar)
Praka nanang (luka bakar, patah tulang)
Praka rofiq (patah tulang)
Praka suprianto (luka bakar)
Praka andi k (selamat)
Helikopter TNI Jatuh dan Terbakar di Kendal, 4 Tewas dan 5 Selamat

Helikopter TNI Jatuh. ©2020 Istimewa

PERISTIWA | Sabtu, 6 Juni 2020 17:31:44
Reporter : Nur Habibie
Merdeka.com - Helikopter milik TNI jenis MI-17 milik Penerbangan TNI Angkatan Darat (Penerbad) jatuh dan terbakar di area Kawasan Industri Kendal, Desa Wonorejo, Kecamatan Kaliwungu, Kabupaten Kendal, Sabtu (6/6/2020) sekitar pukul 14.25 WIB.

"Pada hari Sabtu tanggal 6 Juni 2020 sekitar pukul 14.25 WIB di area Kawasan Industri Kendal, Desa Wonorejo Kecamatan Kaliwungu Kabupaten Kendal telah terjadi Helikopter jatuh jenis MI 17 milik penerbad TNI-AD Semarang, yang start penerbangan pukul 12.39 wib," ujar Kabid Humas Jateng Kombes Iskandar Fitriana saat dikonfirmasi merdeka.com.

Iskandar mengungkapkan ada 9 penumpang yang berada di helikopter tersebut. Ada empat korban tewas dan lima lainnya menjalani perawatan intensif di rumah sakit.

Berikut daftar korban meninggal dunia:

1. Kapten Cpn Kadek (Meninggal Dunia)
2. Kapten Cpn Fredi (Meninggal Dunia)
3. Kapten Cpn Y Hendro (Meninggal Dunia)
4 Lettu Cpn Wisnu (Meninggal Dunia)

Berikut daftar korban selamat:

1. Lettu Cpn Vira Yudha
2. Praka Nanang
3. Praka Rofiq
4. Praka Supriyanto
5. Praka Andi K
The right solution is more Mi17 then, not replace them with another type like chinook?
(Chinook is expensive, I don't think we could operate many of them)
Is it even possible to get more Mi17 right now?
Because, you know..., caatsa...

Just use them casually until retire time there is no need to adding more, and they need more workhorse like Bell 412 family with relatively friendly operational costs and easy to maintenance. Of course if they want a bigger unit, the likes of super puma family should be a rational choices. And if they want a heavy duty unit, just bought the Chinook
The right solution is more Mi17 then, not replace them with another type like chinook?
(Chinook is expensive, I don't think we could operate many of them)
Is it even possible to get more Mi17 right now?
Because, you know..., caatsa...
There's many products out there bell 412 its cheap and reliable, there's also EC-725, Blackhawk and many more.
Procuring additional MI-17 will bring us more harm than good in long term
What happen with the our vip aw101, was it still in the hangar with police line arround them?
KFX/IFX CGI from Korea Aerospace Industry



General Electric (GE) Aviation delivered the first F414-GE-400K Turbofan Engine to South Korea for the KF-X/IFX Korean/Indonesian Fighter Program.

GE is set to provide a total of 240 F414-GE-400 engines to South Korea, which will be license-produced by Hanwha Techwin. The F414 was selected over the Eurojet EJ200 engine in 2016.
The first KF-X prototype is currently under assembly and will be unveiled in 2021. Its first flight is scheduled for 2022, and the overall development of Block 1 aircraft is sheduled to be completed by 2026.


Look like the first prototype will be finished according to its previous schedule which in the middle of 2021 despite Covid 19 outbreak.

Or even it could possibly be faster than the schedule......InshaAllah.

BRAVO to KAI ...It looks and confirm that South Korea can complete its KFX project with or without participation of Indonesia ..:-)

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