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I agree, what you listed in there is navy current goal for MEF phase (hopefully it still goin well even on condition like this). SOSUS is absolutely needed after we surpassed our current goal.
I heard wild rumors on navy Procurement, stated they pushed procurement on frigate, destroyer (heard it's platform going to be KDX III or omega), And something bigger (perhaps LPH). IgI can't confirm this rumor yet, you guys may take this rumor with grain of salt. Or perhaps someone here can confirm it? Idk.

I wish our OPV programme actually can be dedicated toward moving ASW platforms, with hull mounted sonar, CAPTAS and bringing on ASW equipped helicopter with hangar, other equipment including triple torp launcher, anti submarine bombs/rocket and other. Diponegoro class as basic is good, but their equipment should be more basic but complete to press the cost issues and including VLS as basic AA defense hopefully CAMM/MICA.
Still curious from past to this time, how if we use so many american made aircraft and some shit hit fan (political turmoil etc) and we get emabargoed again? What we must do? Crash course buy russian again?

As I said many times here, we should have long term plan to be independent in defense sector, including long term plan to produce our own fighter plane with its own engine. Our KFX/IFX program and MALE UCAV is the start. Engine development can be started with cruise missile turbo jet development program that alhamdulillah has already been started some years ago. We need to hire western engineers as well if we are going to be serious in our engine development program.

Hopefully we can make jet engine for cruise missile with enough thrust somewhere in 2024-2026 if current administration keep disbursing enough money for the research. Next steps is to improve the endurance with metallurgy research and make new UCAV with home grown jet engine. Hopefully we can have another fighter jet program starting in 2035-2040 and use our own engine or at least follow SK and India path by license produce western engine for their KFX and Teja program.

In 2035, our nominal GDP is projected to reach 3 trillion dollar, much like Today India and we know India can have huge defense spending and ambitious homegrown defense and space program with that economy despite having 1.4 billion people to feed. That is the time for more ambitious home grown program, but we can be like Today Saudi Arabia at that time if we are not serious in our research program Today.
I agree, what you listed in there is navy current goal for MEF phase (hopefully it still goin well even on condition like this). SOSUS is absolutely needed after we surpassed our current goal.
I heard wild rumors on navy Procurement, stated they pushed procurement on frigate, destroyer (heard it's platform going to be KDX III or omega), And something bigger (perhaps LPH). IgI can't confirm this rumor yet, you guys may take this rumor with grain of salt. Or perhaps someone here can confirm it? Idk.
Well PT PAL did show a LPH design at their booth during RAPIM Kemhan 2020.


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ASW equipped helicopter with hangar
With or without is okay.

Diponegoro class as basic is good, but their equipment should be more basic but complete to press the cost issues and including VLS as basic AA defense hopefully CAMM/MICA
Nice, or TNI could consider a simpler solution like RAM for modest air defence if mistral tetral is deemed insufficient.
Ga juga lach. "Gesekan" dengan bangsa Beruk Jiran sudah dari jaman Majaphit dulu. Ingat Sumpah Palapa itu wilayah mana saja

Ini jdi konflik suku/etnis.
As I said many times here, we should have long term plan to be independent in defense sector, including long term plan to produce our own fighter plane with its own engine. Our KFX/IFX program and MALE UCAV is the start. Engine development can be started with cruise missile turbo jet development program that alhamdulillah has already been started some years ago. We need to hire western engineers as well if we are going to be serious in our engine development program.

Hopefully we can make jet engine for cruise missile with enough thrust somewhere in 2024-2026 if current administration keep disbursing enough money for the research. Next steps is to improve the endurance with metallurgy research and make new UCAV with home grown jet engine. Hopefully we can have another fighter jet program starting in 2035-2040 and use our own engine or at least follow SK and India path by license produce western engine for their KFX and Teja program.

In 2035, our nominal GDP is projected to reach 3 trillion dollar, much like Today India and we know India can have huge defense spending and ambitious homegrown defense and space program with that economy despite having 1.4 billion people to feed. That is the time for more ambitious home grown program, but we can be like Today Saudi Arabia at that time if we are not serious in our research program Today.
What western countries that likely will help easiky to make indigenous engine? Are brits or american (like generaln eletric sweden and turk havr license GE engine), likely we can first on turbojet for missile as engine for missile not need to be very2 good (missile fly once and destroyed)
What if ukraine made engine? Turks use it sucesefuy in their drone
Entry Briefing: KSAU Beberkan 9 Prioritas dan Program 100 Hari, Beri Perhatian kepada New Normal
Rabu, 27 Mei 2020 10:28
Penulis : Beny Adrian

Angkasa.news - Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (KSAU) Marsekal TNI Fadjar Prasetyo menggelar Entry Briefing dengan pejabat TNI AU, pimpinan Pangkotama TNI AU, dan Komandan Satuan. Entry Briefing dilaksanakan melalui telekonferensi di Gedung Raden Suryadi Suryadarma Mabesau, Cilangkap, Jakarta Timur, Selasa (26/5).

KSAU menyampaikan bahwa di era Revolusi Industri 4.0 yang sangat dinamis ini kita harus mengedepankan cara kerja yang komunikatif, inklusif, dan kolaboratif yang muaranya adalah dukungan Sumber Daya Manusia TNI AU yang berkualitas.

Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang berkualitas, selain memiliki jiwa nasionalisme, penguasaan teknis, kepribadian yang baik, dan kualitas fisik yang tangguh, juga harus didukung kemampuan literasi.

"Saya melihat setidaknya ada dua jenis literasi yang dapat dijadikan modal berharga bagi prajurit TNI Angkatan Udara dalam menghadapi kemajuan teknologi informasi yang semakin cepat, yaitu literasi baca tulis dan literasi digital," ujar Fadjar.

Selaras dengan hal tersebut, KSAU merumuskan sembilan program prioritas, khususnya terkait strategi pembinaan kemampuan dan pembangunan kekuatan TNI AU yaitu:
  1. The new normal, dimana berbagai tugas tetap dapat berjalan dan dampak pandemi dapat ditekan serendah mungkin. Oleh karena itu segera rumuskan the new normal sebagai mekanisme dan prosedur kinerja yang baru.
  2. Kemudian dalam bidang Perencanaan, dengan mempercepat pemenuhan Minimum Essential Force Tahap III hingga tahun 2024, dengan fokus pada pencapaian air superiority. Melalui kemampuan Network Centric Warfare dan pemenuhan alutsista dengan teknologi yang tetap relevan hingga 30 tahun kedepan.
  3. Berikutnya Organisasi, yaitu dengan menyiapkan penerapan organisasi TNI AU, mengatur Prosedur Mekanisme hubungan Kerja (Prosmekhubja), dan menata organisasi yang selaras dengan kebijakan proportional growth dan right sizing.
  4. Dalam bidang Intelijen, yaitu mewujudkan informasi superiority TNI AU.
  5. Prioritas bidang Operasi, yaitu meningkatkan kualitas operasi TNI AU, baik Operasi Militer perang (OMP) maupun Operasi Militer Selain Perang (OMSP).
  6. Prioritas Bidang Latihan, KSAU akan menitikberatkan pada peningkatan efektivitas dan efisiensi latihan, sebagai upaya komprehensif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan personel dan kemampuan satuan, secara cepat dan tepat sasaran.
  7. Bidang Sumber Daya Manusia, Marsekal Fadjar menyoroti bagaimanapun canggihnya teknologi yang digunakan, namun pada akhirnya unsur manusialah yang menentukan keberhasilan tugas.
  8. Bidang Pemeliharaan, menjamin terpeliharanya operational readiness TNI AU.
  9. Dalam bidang Lambangja, menjadikan safety culture sebagai landasan utama yang sangat esensial. Dengan menempatkan safety sebagai faktor utama dalam setiap pengambilan keputusan misi operasi dan latihan.
Terkait dampak pandemi Covid-19, KSAU menjelaskan agar segera memformulasikan the new normal untuk pelaksanaan berbagai tugas TNI AU. Harapannya dengan the new normal, TNI AU tetap dapat melaksanakan tugasnya dengan baik, aman, dan lancar, meskipun berada di tengah pandemi Covid-19 maupun untuk menghadapi munculnya wabah serupa di masa depan.

Oleh karena itu, guna menghadapi tatanan kehidupan baru atau the new normal, KSAU mencanangkan program 100 hari:
  1. Melaksanakan penguatan komunitas intelijen dengan sharing data guna menghadapi dampak perkembangan lingkungan strategis.
  2. Menyiapkan penerapan organisasi TNI Angkatan Udara berdasarkan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 66 tahun 2019.
  3. Membuat petunjuk referensi pelaksanaan kegiatan kedinasan TNI Angkatan Udara, yang disupervisi oleh Dinas Kesehatan dan Dinas Psikologi, khususnya bidang operasi dan latihan.
  4. Menerapkan pelaksanaan kegiatan operasi dan latihan sesuai kondisi new normal.
  5. Mengoptimalkan penggunaan sistem informasi TNI Angkatan Udara (e-office) pada prosedur mekanisme hubungan kerja sehari-hari.
  6. Meningkatkan kualitas SDM guna menghadapi tantangan teknologi 4.0
  7. Menjamin kesiapan alutsista untuk mendukung program pemerintah dan tugas-tugas TNI terutama dalam mengatasi dampak Covid-19.
  8. Meningkatkan ketahanan pangan prajurit TNI Angkatan Udara dengan memanfaatkan potensi yang dimiliki TNI Angkatan Udara dan melibatkan masyarakat sekitar yang terdampak Covid-19.
Marsekal Fadjar Prasetyo yang alumnus AAU 1988 kelahiran Jakarta ini tercatat menjadi Kasau ke-23, menggantikan Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna. Fadjar sebelumnya menjabat Panglima Komando Wilayah Gabungan (Pangkogabwilhan) II.

Mengawali karier di Skadron Udara 11 Lanud Sultan Hasanudin Makassar, tugasnya berlanjut sebagai penerbang Skadron Udara 17 Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma Jakarta.

Beberapa jabatan strategis yang pernah diemban diantaranya Danskadron udara 17, Atase Udara di Malaysia, Dirdiklat Kodiklatau, Danlanud Halim Perdananakusuma, Pangkoopsau II, Pangkoopsau I, dan Pangkogabwilhan II.

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I have a good feeling about him, but time will tell if any of his points are realized.

Obviously, what weapons systems that our AF will operate are not decided by the AF alone

There's also MoD, DPR, Kemenkeu, Bappenas, etc
Well PT PAL did show a LPH design at their booth during RAPIM Kemhan 2020.

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View attachment 635808
For the LPH, I'm pretty sure we're going for PAL made with some assistance from another experienced shipbuilder, folks from KKIP going to discuss this program seriously. I'm more curious on this rumored DD procurement

Should we scrap this program?
For the LPH, I'm pretty sure we're going for PAL made with some assistance from another experienced shipbuilder, folks from KKIP going to discuss this program seriously. I'm more curious on this rumored DD procurement

Should we scrap this program?
Better link to original source:


South Korea’s 18-trillion-won ($14 billion) fighter jet project is facing payment delays amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, while officials involved have assured it does not mean it is being shut down.

Korea Aerospace Industries -- the country’s only aircraft manufacturer -- is currently co-developing next-generation fighters with Indonesia.

Launched in 2016, the KF-X project aims to develop a next-generation fighter jet and mass-produce 180 units by 2026. The project, the biggest in Korean history, needs 8 trillion and 10 trillion won for development and mass production, respectively. Indonesia is responsible for 20 percent of the development costs, or 1.8 trillion won. However, it has been delaying its payments lately, with 500.2 billion won overdue as of April.

“Typically, defense contracts between military and defense companies involve collaterals. However, the KF-X project doesn’t include a collateral as it is a co-development project based on a memorandum of understanding, not a defense contract. Indonesia is supposed to pay its share on a yearly basis,” a military official said.

The MOU was signed in 2010 between Korea’s Defense Acquisition Program Administration and the Indonesian military.

As the project lacks a collateral, there is no leverage to force Indonesia to meet the payment deadline. Under the deal, Indonesia will use 50 fighter jets, and Korea the rest.

“KAI is not in a position to comment on the budget status, but the next-generation fighter jet is being developed as planned and will be introduced by 2021,” a company official said.

Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering is another defense company affected by uncertainties from Indonesia.

Though Indonesia placed a purchase order worth $1 billion to DSME for manufacturing three 1,400-ton submarines in April last year, advance payments haven’t arrived yet.

“The Indonesian navy hasn’t paid advance payments yet, but once the payments are completed, it’s almost 100 percent Indonesia will pay the rest of the $1 billion deal as the country’s state-run Bank Mandiri stands surety,” a DSME official said.
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