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Takut Berkebun, Warga Poso Desak Satgas Tinombala Segera Tumpas MIT


BANSOS : Bupati Poso, Darmin Sigilipu, saat menyerahkan Bansos ke warga terdampak MIT. (FOTO : BIDIYANTO WIHARTO/RADAR SULTENG) POSO-Warga masyarakat Dusun Sipatuo dan Dusun Sipatokong Desa Kilo Kecamatan Poso Pesisir Utara

FAJAR.CO.ID, POSO — Warga masyarakat Dusun Sipatuo dan Dusun Sipatokong Desa Kilo Kecamatan Poso Pesisir Utara (PPU) Kabupaten Poso, meminta pemerintah, TNI dan Polri untuk segera menuntaskan operasi Tinombala yang sudah berjalan cukup lama tetapi sejumlah orang yang masuk dalam daftar pencarian orang (DPO) dugaan kasus terorisme Mujahidin Indonesia Timur (MIT) belum teratasi.

Permintaan disampaikan warga kepada Bupati Darmin Sigilipu saat menyerahkan bantuan sosial (bansos) bagi warga masyarakat PPU terdampak MIT, Selasa (28/4).

“Kami meminta pemerintah dan aparat keamanan segera menuntaskan masalah di atas sana (MIT di pegunungan). Warga disini (Sipatuo dan Sipatokong) sangat takut dan trauma untuk naik (gunung) berkebun,” kata Muhtiali, tokoh masyarakat dusun Sipatuo.

Warga takut ke kebun karena trauma pasca tewasnya secara sadis dua warga di desanya, Daeng Tappo dan Ajeng alias Papa Angga. “Tambah takut dan trauma karena kami dengar-dengar masih ada warga yang ditarget dibunuh karena dianggap sebagai Banpol atau bantuan polisi,” tambahnya.

Diceritakannya, sebelum terjadi kasus pembunuhan terhadap Daeng Toppo di perkebunan gunung Padopi, sebagian besar warga dusun Sipatuo dan Sipatokong sudah banyak yang tinggal mengungsi di kebun untuk menghindari diri dari penyebaran virus corona. Tapi pasca tewasnya daeng Toppo warga berbalik arah kembali ke kampung untuk menyelamatkan diri.

Suara agar aparat segera menuntaskan operasi Tinombala dan menangkap para pelaku kekerasan keluar juga dari warga lain. Seperti dari Husni Tamrin. Tokoh masyarakat ini mengatakan warga sudah jenuh karena gelar operasi sudah berlangsung lama tapi kasus kekerasan terhadap warga yang masih terus terjadi. “Atas nama keluarga kami juga minta agar aparat keamanan segera menemukan kepala almarhum darng Roppo yang sampai sekarang belum ditemukan,” ungkapnya.

Keinginan agar kepala almarhum daeng Roppo ditemukan pun disampaikan langsung istrinya, Nur Ani.

“Saya ingin kepala suami saya dicari dan ditemukan agar bisa dimakamkan secara layak. Saya juga minta polisi dan TNI mencari dan menangkap kelompok orang yang sudah membunuh suami saya,” imbuhnya meneteskan air mata.

Bupati Darmin Sigilipu kepada warga mengatakan akan menindaklanjuti permintaan warga masyarakat Desa Kilo untuk mendapatkan keamanan dan kenyamanan. Upaya yang akan dilakukan adalah meneruskan aspirasi masyarakat terdampak kasus MIT ini ke pemerintah Provinsi (Gubernur), Kapolri, Panglima TNI, dan bahkan ke pemerintah pusat (Presiden).

“Negara harus hadir di Poso untuk memberi keamanan pada warga. Saya sangat prihatin, karena kasus kekerasan masih saja terjadi dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun terakhir. Padahal operasi keamanan Tinombala masih berjalan,” sebut Bupati.

Ada sebanyak 650 paket bansos sembako yang dibagikan Bupati kepada warga di tiga desa terdampak kasus kekerasan oleh orang tak dikenal diduga kelompok MIT. Ketiga desa tersebut yaitu Desa Kilo, Desa Trimulya, dan Desa Maranda Kecamatan PPU. (radarsulteng/fajar)

Tinombala ops have been running since 2016 so I think its normal that local people start questioning when it will be over
This forum turned from a place for neutral discussions to a junkyard. Better just post a topic and let the kids fight lol.
i blame that to china 50 cent army, viet, indian and pak member here, soon or later PDF will lose their quality member
i blame that to china 50 cent army, viet, indian and pak member here, soon or later PDF will lose their quality member

Yeah if you see my topics I started in 2012 2013, the discussions there were cool although the topics were sensitive. Sure once in a month you got idiots trying to incite flame war, but nobody paid attention to it. But now? I guess the website only care about traffic, not so much about content. This forum should just sell themselves to CCP propaganda and get the money directly. Why bother having moderators ?
Not engaging them, that makes the discussion sound intellectual. I am just having a coffee break discussion with them haha
yeah, i should put them on my ignored list along with many viet lol
Covid-19: Indonesia cuts defence budget by USD588 million
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - Jane's Defence Weekly
29 April 2020


Indonesia has cut its 2020 defence budget by nearly IDR9 trillion (USD588 million) in response to Covid-19.

The reduction was included in a recently formalised presidential regulation that requires several ministries to help fund a government economic stimulus package valued at IDR436 trillion.

According to Presidential Regulation No. 54/2020, the Ministry of Defence’s (MoD’s) budget for 2020 will fall from IDR131.2 trillion to IDR122.4 trillion. The IDR8.8 trillion cut is equal to a fall of nearly 7%.

However, the new 2020 defence allocation still represents a strong increase of around 13% compared with the 2019 defence budget of IDR108 trillion

looks like the french already trying to lobby us since ryamizard administration :



seeing how anoa and komodo become widely accepted in our military , why don't we try to grab or scratch more cooperation in development of sophisticated stuff ? say subs , frigate or fighter jets , or it's because we're pretty much already too late to ask for such things ?
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After watching turks tank threat, if turks frustated with their altay, and maybe they take kaplan with 120 mm are this improvement making kaplan better?

We are developing MAV in response to the requirements of the Turkish Naval Forces, which carried out one of the most important amphibious operations in the last 50 years with great success. We are confident that friendly and allied nations with high amphibious operational requirements, particularly island countries like Indonesia, will also look to take advantage of MAV’s superior characteristics; and we look forward to working with them in the future.”
Waiting for further development regarding this.

April almost ends btw. Jet, sub, frigate masih gaje.

"Izmir dağlarinda çiçekler açar" intensifies
Which is why I've put them in my IGNORE list sometime ago. There is nearly 100 names within my ignore list at this moment. Anyway racism toward us (Indonesian) seem to be condone in this forum particularly WHEN its came from China or Singkek buzzer
i agree with you man, after using racial slurr and insulting other peoples faith in this forum they don't get banned, not even 1 day.... it seem PDF kowtowing to pro chinese member here
No need to be racist and using swear or insult words, otherwise you are no different from them.

Just ignore them, don't take the bait. Enough OOT now!
Government turns to domestic industry to modernize defense sector

The government has high hopes that local arms manufacturers can step up their production capacity to facilitate its efforts to modernize Indonesia’s primary weapons defense system amid delayed plans to acquire foreign arms as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Entering the third and final phase of its long-term modernization program this year, the Defense Ministry has moved to leverage the role of domestic players in developing the national defense industry, amid the continued shortfall in overseas defense spending.

“Procurement for our weapons defense system will focus on developing the local industry by way of transfers of technology with principal [manufacturers],” Deputy Defense Minister Wahyu Sakti Trenggono told The Jakarta Post recently.

As part of the ministry’s key programs this year, Wahyu said that state-owned companies in the defense sector would focus on pioneering products as set out in the ministry’s defense roadmap.

In presentations to the House of Representatives' defense commission last year, the ministry unveiled plans for a multi-billion-dollar investment in assets including fighter and transport aircraft, tanks, air defense systems and surface combatants to support the last phase of the Indonesian Military’s (TNI) Minimum Essential Forces (MEF) program.

Wahyu said PT PAL Indonesia would be developing naval vessels, while PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) made propeller aircraft and helicopters and artillery specialist PT Pindad manufactured land combat vehicles.

The ministry is the only government agency to hold on to more than Rp 100 trillion in funds from the 2020 state budget, following the reallocation of state expenditure for the COVID-19 response.

According to Presidential Regulation No. 54/2020, the ministry still has the lion’s share of its budget with Rp 122.44 trillion (US$7.97 billion), despite incurring a cut of almost Rp 10 trillion.

But in spite of the focus on defense spending, the ministry has yet to acquire any foreign military hardware since Prabowo Subianto took the helm last year.

Minister Prabowo, a one-time rival to President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, had set out on an extensive trip overseas not long after assuming his post at the start of Jokowi’s second term, presumably to survey the global market for arms.

Among his destinations were the United Arab Emirates, China, Russia, Turkey, South Korea and France.

But the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has further dampened the prospects of arms acquisitions, with experts saying that the country will require substantial foreign loans to support the rest of its modernization drive.

PT DI, which specializes in aircraft manufacturing, is in the process of developing a missile to complement its 70-millimeter folding fin aerial rocket launcher, which has been fitted onto the Air Force’s F-16 jets, said president director Elfien Goentoro.

The missile is being developed by a consortium led by the company and includes other SOEs such as PT Len Industri, PT Pindad, PT TRESS and explosives maker PT Dahana.

“This program is only in its second year [...] the aim is to design several systems such as flight control systems, warheads and jet engines, among others,” Elfien told the Post.

The firm is also developing a medium-altitude long-endurance unmanned aerial vehicle dubbed the Elang Hitam through another consortium involving the Defense Ministry and the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT).

The combat UAV is expected to enter production in 2024, even though Jokowi requested in February the fast-tracking of the development to 2022, which would raise the investment cost to Rp 1.1 trillion.

But Elfien said it was unlikely to meet the target, considering that many of the existing budget items, including PT DI’s own programs, were reallocated for the COVID-19 response.

Meanwhile, PT Pindad will be modernizing its production line to ramp up its ammunition-manufacturing capacity to 1 billion rounds per year, up from the current 250 million rounds per year, said president director Abraham Mose.

The company was also instructed to modernize its production line for combat vehicles and small arms production.

The Defense Ministry had already agreed to act as an off-taker for PT Pindad’s ammunition and combat vehicle products, Abraham said, which helped the company in seeking loans to upgrade its manufacturing capacity.

“Going forward, we expect vendors to be willing to build a factory in Indonesia to manufacture the [vehicle] engines,” he said.

In nominal terms, Indonesia spent $7.66 billion on military expenditure last year, according to data compiled by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), making it the second-largest military spender in Southeast Asia.

However, the figure only represents 0.7 percent of Indonesia’s gross domestic product (GDP), slightly behind its neighbors Malaysia, Philippines and Timor Leste, all of which have allocated spending equal to 1 percent of their GDPs.

Experts have said that the country is likely to seek to finance its acquisitions through a “guns and butter” approach – trading arms for commodities such as palm oil or coffee – as it has done in previous phases of the modernization program. But the current viral outbreak has weighed heavily on the available options.

The big players cater mostly to local clients but have also sold equipment to other countries. However, they have yet to meet the local demand as their products are not equipped with the most advanced technology.

Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) defense researcher Diandra Mengko underscored the importance of investing in military research and development, urging the Defense Industry Policy Committee (KKIP) to take a leading role in coordinating stakeholders to develop the domestic defense industry.

“The key to its development is technology. The problem with that is it isn’t cheap to conduct research,” she said.

“Such things should be considered by the KKIP when charting an industry strategy.”

Military expert Khairul Fahmi from the Institute of Security and Strategic Studies (ISESS) expressed similar views, as he called on the Defense Ministry to increase spending on research and education to bolster the domestic industry. “The first thing we need is a blueprint to keep upstream and downstream [sectors] in sync,” he said.


Still < 1% gdp. Masih juga ditilep sedikit oleh oknums.

Won't be easy.
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